nnAY, JANUARY 27, 1938 -NSACTIONS IN I Poo Kstaie ivv (sBecorded to Monday Noon (AS 0f this Week) .. Aam Township M.c.etux.tA.W.Bot- loins, n " J . ,ones to A. K. Hassio unu - 'Sen Ku-cU. et ux. to A. J. An- rtrson- , K.v,uiman. uvs Kezzian i . Crabtree Township w H NoUnd. Tr., to Anna Hipps Anna and J- K. H.pps to R. V. . r' 1 1 UAivofa frt K runic Gertrude ana i. Bedford. ' . East for11 -"' J K. W5d t0 U- S- ' T j.- Osborne to U. S. A. Kines Creek Township Anna and J. K. HiPPS to W. H. No- land Tr- , T Kerguson 10 Ul William Hill to U. S. A. K B. Ledford to U. S. A. Waynesville Township W T Lee, et ux, to Title Guaranty insurance Co. V R Francis, ir., 10 . v. ujrc.o. Cecil Hyatt, Com , to Dave D. Hyatt. W. G. Byers, et ux, to Charles E. Grace. N. W. Garrett, et ux, 10 milium in. Her, ct ux. National Bondholders Corp., to R. G. Coffey, et ux. A. L. Lee. et ux, to W . 1. Lse, J. I'. Scates, et ux to A. H. Jordan, ft ux. . . Paul B. Kern, Tr., et al, to waiter Scott Askew, et ux. White Oak Township G. C Clark, et ux, to Oddie Fish, et ux. MARRIAGES Ralph Sisk to Sarah Rathbone, both of Waynesville. : Glenn Raper, of Candler, to Ruth Lee, of Canton. "December here normal month" Headline. Are you doing anything to stop that cold? LKfJAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust made I and executed the 1st day of July, 1927, by E. L. Withers to the undersigned Trustee for W. E. Shuford, John A. Campbell and Eugene Garland, which said Deed of Trust is recorded in Book of Mortgages 18, at page 201, m the ottice of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, N, C, to which reference is hereby made; and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative.the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 28th day of Febru ary, 1938, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in the City of Waynesville, County of Haywood, and State of North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and be ing in Waynesville Township, County of Haywood and State of North Caro line, and bounded and more particu larly described as follows: One-fourth undivided interest. BEGINNING: At a stake at the edge of the sidewalk, corner of Hay wood and Chorch Streets, and runs with the edge of Havwood St.. North 20 deg. East 106 feet to a stake stand ing on the inside of the space re served and owned by the City for a sidewalk; thence a parallel line with the line Of Mrs. Ann KhcmMr Kit). 70 deg. East 136 feet to a stake; thence South 20 dear. West 105 feet to a stake in the edge of Church street; thence with 70 deg. West 136 feet to the BEGIN NING. The parties of the first part further bargain, sell and convey unto the parties of the second part five feet not included in this deed on the rth side of said property, which nve feet is to be used jointly by the Parties of the first part, their heirs ana assigns, and the parties of the second part, hereto, accept and take we to five feet conveyed in this deed " the North side of the lot herein TV;fed for the purpose of making an alley or 8treet to used jointly J tne Parties hereto, their heirs and assigns, thereby making said alley or street ten feet i width .Jhe parties of the first part furth er bargain sell and convey to the hi Part'es of the second Part. thr j rs and assigns a right-of-way or TT over the ton" f the parties e tv ! first part- adjoining the prop erty herein conveyed for the purpose Png and connecting with the . line, with all right of ingress krrf e$S from- to and over the ancis of the parties of the first part, BnL Purpose of laying and con cng with said 8ewer line. he same property described wif! , ,from Thomas Furness and nder s h Furness to. O. T. Alex CrarkL J1, Jones and J- R- Mc record e",.dated Sept 25, 1924, and SSI m Bk No- 68' Pe No. 149, referl. hich 8aid deed and record and cZVl hfreby made for a ul1 TM Plete des:ription. rh.s the 27th day of January, 1938. MAYO GARLAND. No kqa , Trustee. 894-Jan. 27-Keb. 3-10-17. , Hospital News Mr. C. V. Brown, of Canton, med ical case, remains about the same. Mr. Claude Buchanan, medical case, is unchanged. Mr. Walter Crawford, medical case, is some better. Mrs. Sam Cunningham, operative case, is resting more comfortably. Miss Katherine Fortener, of Hazel wood, operative case, is better. Mrs. R. O. Gaddis, of Hazelwood, operative case, is improving. Mr. R. M. Loatherwood, medical case, remains unchanged. Mrs. E. R. Ledford, of Fines Creek, medical case, is about the same. Mr. Lock Morgan, of Canton, oper ative case, is some better. Miss Ethel McKinney, operative case, is improving. Mr. T. L. Rogers, medical case, re mains about the same. Miss Sallie Sutton, of Mt. Sterling, medical case, is better. Mrs. L. L. Sanford, of Crabtree, medical case, is improving. Mr. H. E. Smith, of Lake Juna luska, operative case, is resting more comfortably. Miss Lois Sanford, of Canton, oper ative case, is better. Mr. Byron Trull, of Canton, oper ative case, is improving. Master Joe Jack Wells, medical case, is better. Mrs. Ralph Woods, medical case, remains about the same. Miss Mary White, medical case, is better. Miss Marguerite Coble, of Canton, medical case, is unchanged. Little Lois Russell, of Canton, med ical case, is in a critical condition. Master De Roy Wells, of Canton, medical case, is about the same. Mrs. E. W. Taylor, of Canton, oper ative case, is better. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Claude Haynes, of Gyde, announce the birth of a daugh ter on January the 16th. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Carper, of Lake legal Advertising ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Harriett Bryson, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynes vile, Route 2, North Carolina, on or before the 23rd day of December, 1398, or this notice will be pleased in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 18th day of December, 1937. H R. BRYSON, Administrator of the Estate of Har riett Bryson, deceased. No. 64 Dec 23-3Wan. 6-13-20-27. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S AND COMMISSIONER'S RE-SALE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. BEFORE THE CLERK. William T. Hannah, Administra tor of the estate of William J. Hannah, deceased ' Vs.' . William T. Hannah. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court made in the above entitled Special Proceeding on ac count of a raised : : bid on the lands hereinafter described at a prior sale of the same, the undersigned Adminis trator and Commissioner will, on the 7th day of February, 1938, at eleven o'clock A. M. offer for sale at the Courthouse door in Waynesville, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash that tract of land in Waynesville Town ship, Haywood County, and more par ticularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest cor ner of the James M. Gwyn lot (now owned by Miss Caroline M. Cooper, an the East side of Haywood Street, and runs with said Cooper's lot South 71 deg. East 12 poles and 13 links to W. H. Faucett and A. L. Herren's corner; thence with A. L. Herren's line South 21 deg. West 9 poles and 21 links to Herren's corner (old National Hotel) ; thence with G. W. Maslin and W. E. Landis line North 70 deg. West 12 poles and 13 links to Haywood Street (near Methodist Church) ; thence N. 22 deg. East 9 poles and 19 links to the BEGINNING, along the East Bide of Haywood Street. This the 19th day of January, 1938. WILLIAM T. HANNAH, Administrator of the Estate of Wil liam J. Hannah, deceased, and Com missioner. No. 692 Jan. 20-27-Feb. 3. THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THE OLD HOME TOWN AW MAW THIS IS RICH - - (C3 tfVWVi ) SHE JUST RETURNED ERmiE ) f ''''' i ( HCKS RING -AND NOW SHE i Z 4 I FINOS OUT SHE SENT HIM Z J V TMB POOP RING THAT GUV 1 L'ijJ FFfOM HOOTS TOWN I jf . v gave HER- an ( i : ' Jl she's left WITH ) ,; j-T .- DIME SToreE (j -ci ' I' bj. Just In Fun Aha! Bill "You know this is the short est book I've ever read." John "That so?" Bill "Yes, it contains only one word." John "What's the book called?" Bill "Who's Who in Italy." Mulling It Over "You've been out with worse-looking fellows than I have, haven't you?" She did not reply. "I said, you've been out with worse looking fellows than I am haven't you?" "I heard you the first time. I was trying to think." Helping Out "Whatcha doing today?" said Mrs. A. to Mrs. B., during the course of a social telephone call. "I'm washing the baby clothes." said Mrs. B. And right there the op erator cut in and said, "I'm ring Proof of Fraud "Here's a story about a collar but ton found in a cow's stomach," called the husband to his wife, as she was makine tho beds. "It must be a fake," she replied. "Who ever heard of a cow crawling under a bedroom dresser? Seek-And-Ye-Shall-Find System "Can you type?" "Well, I use the Columbus system. "What's that?" "I discover a key then land on it." The Only Difference Paderewski once praised a young society man who was distinguished as a polo player for his clever playing The young man said it was different indeed from Paderewski 's perform ance! "Oh," answered Paderewski "the diiference between us is perfectly clear. You are a dear soul who plays polo, while 1 am a poor Pole who plays nolo." Not A Bank A trolly passenger, apprehensive lest she pass her destination, poked Junaluska, announce the birth of a son, John Howard Carper, Jr., on January the 25th. DISCHARGED Mr. A. P. Thrabh. Mrs. W. P.Boyd. Mrs. Everett Ball. Mrs. A. P. Thrash. Mrs. W. A. Blazier. Miss Grace Bonham. Mrs, J. J. ConarcL Miss Catherine Coward. Mr. Noah Grooms. Master Charles Howell. Mr. B. J. Liner. Mrs. W. A. Medford. Miss Elizabeth Noland. Mr. John York. Miss Ruby Bowles. , NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, February 21, 1938, at eleven o'clock A. M. at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville, in Haywood County, North Car olina, 1 will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing lands and premises, to-wit: BEGINNING on a hickory, W. P. Leatherwood corner, and runs S. 3 deg. 30' W. 102 feet to a stake; thence S. 86 deg. E. 124 feet to the center of a branch; thence up said branch as it meanders, 102 feet to W. P. Leath erwood line; thence with said line, N. 86 deg. W. 207 feet to the BE GINNING, containing one-half acre, more or less. Sale made pursuant to power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Nellie Kirkpatrick, dated September 22, 1924, and record ed in Book 14, at page 393, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This 21st day of January, 1938. J. BAT SMATHERS. "Trustee. By J. R. Morgan. No. 693 Jan. 27-Keb. 3-10-17. By STANLEY ' the conductor with her umbrella. "Is that the First National Bank?" she asked. "No, mum," answered the conduc tor. "That is my stomach!" Over Their Heads A distinguished orator was address ing a convention of women's clubs. "It does me proud," he began, "to stand on this platform which is like a beach .before an oceun of loveli ness, and cast my glances over a seu of smiling faces, 1 er-er-er " "Careful," cautioned the chairman, "the first thing you know you'll be floundering among the Marcel waves." LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Z. C. Davis, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of Baid deceased to exhibit them to the under signed, on or before the 12th day of January, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 11th day of January, 1938 LOR A J. DAVIS, Admnistratrix of Z. C. Davis, De ceased. No. '689 Jan. 13-20-27-Feb. 3-10-17 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES r TATE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tnin Howl of trust executed by H. F, Gillis and wife, Minnie Gillis, to the undersigned trustee, which said deed of trust is dated the first day of No vember, 1935, and recorded in Book 34, page 670, of the Haywood County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in we conaiuon therein secured, the undersigned trus tee will, on Tuesday, February 15, 1938, at or about twelve o'clock noon, at the court house door at Waynes ville, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: All that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Canton, Haywood County, North Carolina, bounded on the North by street; on the West by the lands of Frank Davis; on the South by the lands of Charles Smathers heirs r and on the East by the lands of S. L. Allen, and more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning at a stake in the line of Charles Smathers heirs land, and runs North 6 degrees 40 minutes West 128.4 feet to a stake in center of street; thence down the center of said street South 79 degrees 40 minutes West 170 feet to a stake in a line known as the old Moore line, now Frank Davis line; thence with said line South about 3 degrees West 75 feet to a stake, corner of said Smath ers heirs line; thence with their line South 83 degress East 187 feet to the beginning. Being the same lands shown in a map attached to the abstract of H. F. Gillis lands prepared by S. M. Rob inson, attorney, and now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, ..North Carolina, and being the same land described in a deed from S. L. Allen and wife to II. F. Gillis and wife, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in Book 78, page 235, to which said map and deed reference is here by made. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10 of the amount of bid as his evidence of good faith. This the fifteenth day of Jaunary, 1938. . H. E, STACY, ; Trustee. No. 691 Jan 20-27-Feb. 3-10. . Pay Up! An enterprising firm advertised: "All those indebted to our store are requested to call and settle." "All those indebted to our store and not knowing it are requested to call and find out. 'Those knowing themselves indebt ed and not wishing to call are re quested to stay in one place long enough for us to catch them." IJ0UAL ADVERTISING TRUSTEES SALE OF REAL ES TATE (By Substituted Trustee.) Pursuant to the power and author ity contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 10th day of January, 1934, executed by J. Dale Stentz and wife, Mary Stuart Stentz, to Alan S. O'Neal, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the ottice of the Register of -Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, in Book No. 33, page 296, securing a certain note payable to Home Owners' Loan Corporation, de fault having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the payment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of certain covenants set out in said deed of trust and demand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee, having been substituted as Trustee, for Alan S. O'Neal, said substitution being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, in page , will of fer for sale at public -auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Haywood County, Waynesville, North Carolina at 12 o'clock noon on the 7th duy of Feb., 1938 the following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the tewn of Lake Juna luska, Waynesville Township, Hay wood County, State of North Caro lint, and more particularly described and defined as follows: Adjoined on the Northeast by J. O. Taylor and Fredrick Carter; on the Northwest by Avenue "G," on the Southwest by J. B. Ivy and 'on the Southeast by Lake Shore Drive, and BEGINNING on a stake in the northerly margin of Lake Shore Drive, said stake being 40' from comer of 7th Street and also corner units 14 and 15 of Block Sixteen and runs with line of said units 14 and 15 No. 38 deg. 45' W. 148 feet to a concrete post corner of units 14, 15, 65 and 66; thence with line of units 65 and 66, N. 48 deg. 50' W. 141 feet to a stake in margin of Avenue "G;" thence with margin of said Avenue "G" as it curves in a southwesterly direction 80 feet to a stake, corner of units 61 and 62; thence with line of units 61 and 62 S. 44 deg. 30' E. 1.37 feet to a stake, corner of units 61, 62, 10 and 11; thence with line of units 10 and 11 S. 44 deg. 15' E. 141 feet to a stake in the margin of the Lake Shore Drive which stake is at the corner of units 10 and 11, also 200 feet from 8th Street; thence with the margin of the said Lake Shore Drive as it curves northeasterly 80 feet to the begin ning. Being units 11, 12, 13, 14, 62, 63, 64 and 65 in Block 16 of the Southern Assembly Grounds, the oftl cial map of which , is on file in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina in Book "A." And being the same lands as described in a deed from Wm- H, Stockham and wife, Kate F. Stock ham to J, D. Stentz in Book of Deeds 56 at page 589 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood Coun ty.. This property is sold subject to 1937 taxes. The purchaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 5 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith. This, the 4th day of January, 1938. T. C. ABERNETHY, Substituted Trustee. M. G. STAMEY, Attorney. No. 686 Jan. 6-13-20-27-Feb. 3. NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, January 31, 1938, at 11 o'clock A. M. at the Courthouse door in the Town of Waynesville, Hay wood County, North Carolina, I will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and premises, lying and being in Waynesville Township, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the Northwest side of Crook Street and Southwest corner of Unit No. 33 and runs N. 5 deg. 16' E. 135 feet to a stake; thence S. 88 deg. 60 W. 91 feet to a stake, the Northeast Corner of Unit 31; thence S. 44 deg. W. 22.5 feet to a stake, Northeast corner of Unit 30 and Southeast corner of Unit 3; thence S. 29 deg. E. 106 feet to a stake in Northern margin of Crook Street; thence with said mar gin of said street, S. 71 deg. 30 E. 60 feet to the BEGINNING, being Units Nos. 31 and 32 of Jerry Liner's East Waynesville tract, as subdivided June 15, 1926 by J. W. Seaver, a plat of which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Ruf us Gordon, dated June 11, 1927 and recorded in Book 19 at page 264, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, to which record reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions there of.' .,.' ': :' V This December 30, 1937. GEO. H. WARD, Trustee.' ' No. 685 Jan. 6-13r20-2T.' Page 11 LEGAL ADVERTISING TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ES TATE Purusant to the power and author ity contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 30th day of Septem ber, 1935, executed by George Mc Elroy and wife Margaret McElroy, to T, C. Abernethy, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, in Book of Deeds of Trust Number 28, page 349, securing a certain note payable to HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORA TION, default having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the payment of said note as pro vided therein and in the performance of curtain covenants set out in said deed of trust, and demand of foreclos ure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Haywood County, Waynesville, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on the 7th day of feb., 1938, the following described real estate, to-wit: all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate. lying and being in Waynesville Town ship, County of Haywood, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined as follows: BEGINNING on an iron stake in the Easterly margin of the county road which stake is also in the southerly margin of Avenue "L" of the South ern Assembly Grounds, and runs with southerly margin of said Avenue "L", South 35 deg. East 212 feet to an iron stake in said margin of said Av enue, which stake is also at the north erly margin of a concrete walk; thence with the said margin of said walk West 145 feet to an iron stake in the easterly margin of the said county road; thence with the easterly mar gin of the county road North 14 deg. 15 mm. East 155 feet to the BEGIN NING, and being the same land aa conveyed to George McElroy and wife, Margaret McElroy, by the Junaluska Construction Company by deed dated 11 October, 1920, filed for registration 28 October, 1920, and recorded in Book 58 at page 123, Haywood County Reg istry, and being also the same lands as shown on the plat of the survey made by J. Weld Seaver, Registered Engineer, September 12th, 1935, copy of which plat is now on file with Home Owners' Loan Corporation. This property will be sold subject to 1937 taxes. The purchaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 5 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith. This, the 4th day of January, 1938. T. C. ABERNETHY, Trustee. M. G. STAMEY, Attorney. No. 687 Jan. 13-20-27-Feb. 8. NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN SUPERIOR COURT. BEFORE THE CLERK. W. T. Crawford, Administrator of Rachael Underwood, deceased, D. F. Underwood, Maggie Bram lett and husband, William Bram lett, Annie Robinson and hus band, II. C. Robinson, Spaldon Underwood and wife, Alice Under wood, Petitioners, V. EUeannitza Kanos, William Kanos, Oiga Kanos, Margaret Kanos and Marie Kanos, minor heirs at law of Lucy Kanos, deceased. UNDER and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Haywood County made in the Special Proceed ings Docket entitled as above, the same being on the Special Proceed ings Docket of said Court, the under signed Commissioner, will on the 7th day of Februar, 1938 at 10:00 o'clock A .M. at the courthouse door in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tracts of land, all of which lie in Waynesville Township, Hay wood County, North Carolina and be ing more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stake on the westerly margin of Park Drive in the northeast fence of lot where H. C. Robinson and wife reside and runs with said fence south 68 deg. 80 west 124 feet to a stake; thence south 48 deg. 30' west 48 feet to a stake; thence south 1 deg, 40' west 121 feet to a white oak (marked); thence north 71 deg. 30 east 185 feet to a stake in margin of Park Drive; thence with the westerly margin of Park Drive 158 feet to the Beginning containing M acre more of less and being of record in deed book 77, at page 81, records of deeds of Hawyood County, North Carolina. SECOND TRACT: Being lot num ber 1 of Block seven m Brook wood Addition as per map and survey of John Shoolbred in Map Book B at page 1, records of deed of Haywood County and also being same tract of land described in a deed recorded in Book 74 at page 263 records of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina. THIRD TRACT: Being lot num ber 5 of Block 7, Brookwood Addi tion as per map and survey of John Shoolbred, recorded in Map Book B at page 1 records of maps of Hay wood County and being same land described in a deed to Rachael Un derwood, Recorded m Book 70 at page 637, records of deeds of Haywood County. This Rh day of January, 1938. W. T. CRAWFORD, Commissioner. No. 688 Jan. 6-18-20-47 .

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