Page 12 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 Ray Names County Hospitality Group Along Political Fronts 18 Navy Bombers Before Takeoff for Honolulu Com in a rd from I'agv Ono j ( onlinued from I'agf On- shouM visit the state, and in our r Stanley Reed, as associate Justice of 1 ease, Haywood county. J the Supreme Court on Tuesday of this 1 Mr. Kay says that giving the tour- j w'fftk. ist his half of the road is one of the ! things that we must do, but that we j A sun.ey completed this week shows ean't stop tnere. His idea is that that thfcre are now 23 states that have our hospitality must be loaded with j gUle Mes xts. All of them 1 practicality. "There must be friend-geued this pan as an out of depre3! linens, he says. "Then our mer- Lion difficulties. chants, our garages, our professional j 1 men, our hotels, and all other service f " groups, must give solid value along j A- ,arr' -Moore, has been inaugu-! with adequate service. ' Our dining rat to serve his third term as gov- ! rooms, cafes, and rest rooms must ! ei"1""-"" of New Jersey. provide sanitation and attractiveness. ' Beds must be made comfortable. Meals politicians of the Old Guard in the must be served w-th the "Southern j state were saddened during the week i flavor.' Our communities must be I by the passing of Mrs. Mary Mer- j made attractive through adequate ,' nmr.n (ivm u.Wnw ,.f v.,. I--! trees and shrubbery, among other Senator Lee Slater Overman, who things. Our police officers must be ) kept the int rests of North Carolina able U, dispense information and j ever before the United States Senate courtly along with the law. Koad for a Derloj of oa U h. Vwn said that with the exception of Na thaniel Macon, who was in Congress r-r. -..4 F Km. must be kept passable. The Governor is quoted again u saying: "Kvery citiien must now as sume a new responsibility to see that the goods advertised shall be deliv ered honest value to every one who visits North Carolina." Mr. Kay states further that his com mittee will be glad at all time to receive suggestions, and that from time to time, the committee will call on many citizens and organizations for assistance. He points out further that funds are not provided and that the committees activities are wholly of voluntary nature. Following is the initial committee: Chairman, Chas. E. Ray, Jr., Way nesville. Mayors Canton Paul Murray. Clyde John Shook. Waynes vilJeJ. H. Way, Jr. Hazelwood Whitner Prevoet. Chamber of Commerce I Canton Mrs. Leta Harkin Smath-' er, Secretary. j Waynesville J. Dale Sttntz, Sec-1 retary. j Clubs and Organizations ' L., N. Davis (Insurance and Real Katate) KoUt.-y Club. Mrs. M. D. H'atkins, Prr-hident thei Woman's Club. C. N. Allen (Merchant), The Boos ters Club, Hazelwood, j Mrs. F. K Branson, The Woman's Club, Canton. Mrs. G. W. Bohnsdohl, President; Business and Professional Woman's! Club, Canton. M. II. Bowies, Vice President, The Waynesville . Chamber of Commerce. (Also Superintendent of the Waynes-' ville District High School.) ' Jack Messor, County Superintend- frit of fviucation, Waynesville. Miss Margaret Coble, New College Community, Canton. (Branch of Col-) umbia University.) j T. Troy Wyehe, (Representing Ma-! sonic groups,; Waynesville. , J.A. . lowp, Chairman Haywood i County Board of Commissioners, Waynesville. Kev. I). E. (a mark, (.Minister,) ! Civitan Club of Canton. ' Jas. Williamson, (Canton Kntfr-1 prise,) Canton Vs Men's Club ; ( - Curtis Kuss, (President, The N 1 C. I'ress Association,) editor The Waynesville Mountaineer. M. K. Brooks, President The Cfui- ton Chamber of Commerce, Canton. Mrs. J.: M. Lonjr, Manager The' Waynesville ..Country Club, Waviies-i' villi-, K. L. Withers, (Insurance and Real Estate,) Waynesville. . W. J. Damtoft, The Champion Pa per and Fibre Co., Canton. uiyue Kay, Jr., (Florist.) W ville. Harry Hall, ( Book an. I Stationery Store,) Waynesville. Paul K. Hyatt, The Piedmont Hotel, o" years, Mrs. Overman really repre sented North Carolina longer in Wash ington than any other person. She was there .34 years. As daughter of Senator Augustus Merrimon, she made her bow to society in Washington. During the years she spent there she knew intimately 11 presidents, be ginning with Rutherford Hayes. She was one of the most popular women in official and social circles and is said to have been the only woman to ever win a laugh from President Coolidge z la StwjTaRfcr SUBSCRIPTIONS : 1 '-a. t aynes- W. W. N. C. Cafe, e:'Jtc Waynesville. C. A. George, Waynesville. .. Leo Reiper, Manager Morrison State Fish Hatchery. .Waynesville. (When its season opens up, a rep reentative is to be appointed from Lake Junalu.ska.) r-xecutive Committee, (To administratives business) L. N. Davis, Waynesville. M. H, Bowles, Waynesville. T. Troy Wyche, Waynesville. Whitner Prevost, Hazelwood Kev, D. E. Camack, Canton. Mrs. Leta Harkins Smathers ton. Mrs. M. D. Watkins, Waynesville. J. Dale Stentz, Waynesville. W. Curtis Kuss, Waynesville. Chas. E. Ray, Jr., Waynesville. Can- CKOSS U. S. IS 11 HOURS LANGLEY FIELD, Va. In a six teen ton, four-motored bombing plane, went. col. Kobert Olds flew from March Field, California to Langley Field, Va., a distance of about 2,317 miles, in eleven hours and one minute, bettering his record on his East-West trip a lew days before by two hours ana twenty-six minutes. GG6 LrOUID-TStET Sulvi.Nok Drop SALVE for COLDS price 10c & 25c The following subscriptions have been received during the past two weeks: J. H. Trantham, Chicago. H. C. Lindsley, City. Mrs. H. B. Atkins, City. Mis. W. R. Medlord, Route 2. M. E. Snyder, Route 1. G. C. Townsend, City. R. C. Francis, Route I. C. B. Russell, Route 1. Mrs. K. J. Hyatt, Route 2. ' Br;an Medford, Route 2. Newton Gaddy, Route 1. H. C. Caldwell, Hazelwood. Rufe Hyatt, Route 1. Jar vi.s H. Allison, Route 1. G' rover C. Davis, City. Mrs. Carl Edwards, Route 1. Claude Howell, City. Mrs. C. K. Byrd, High Point, Miss Myra Phillips, Washington, D. C. W. M. Oxner, Route 1. Fred C. Vuughn, City. R. L. Russell,' Clyde, Route 1 Dr. C. N. Sisk, Citv. Tom Rainer, Route 2. Edgar Kuykendall, Route 'I. r.. J. Robiris(;n, City. Mary S. Ector, Ashevill,;. R. L. Davis, Cove Cove Creek. Mrs. E. S. Clark, Hazelwood. t ;.u ... i l' .i , -jis. T. H. Worsham, Route 2. Mrs. Chas. E. Hazier,. Atlanta. J. V . Bramlett, Arlington, Va. Mrs. H. (J. West, City. I'l. S. P. Gay, City. M. D. Watkins, City. Mis. A. T. Ward, City. Mis. Wayne Battle, Biyson City. John D. Holler, Edgefield, S. C. -Mrs. Roy Campbell, City. Mrs. Fred. Henson, lihorliss, N C Allan T. Black, City. Jas. Palmer, Jr., Urev:irf!; Dr. N. F. I.aiuastiT, City, C. W. Russell, Clyde, Route 1. I..E. Curtis, Clyde. Stennett, Route . W. W. Jowe, Canton; Frank Byers, Canton. Mrs. Mattie Leatherwood, Clyde.. J. T. Bailey, Canton. Amos Medford, Clyde, Route 1. Sam M. Robinson, Canton. I H. N. Sentelle, Clyde. - Albeit Abel, City. Jack Messer, City. Chalie's Place, City. F. H. Camp, K011U 1. Rev. L. F. Clark, Canton. Lee N'oland, Route 2. J. N. Brooks, Hazelwood. F. I). Bradshaw, Route 2 J. N. Clark, Ellinnore, Mo. R. H. Ross, Route 2. W. C. Morrow, Cove Creek. Grady Henry, Maggie. W. C. Hill, Canton. John Snyder, Route 1. ' J. A. Fisher, Route 1. -Miss Eliza Koland, Black tain. J. W. Cole. City. Willard Francis. City. Mrs. S. Cory, City. Mrs. Ralph Ensley, City. W. M. Suttles, Clyde. W'. T. Kirkpa trick, Route 2. C. C. Caldwell, Route 2. J. E. Ferguson. Route 2. D. C. Campbell, Maggie. Mrs. R. H.Plott, Route 2. Mrs. Leslie Moody, Route 2. Hobart Hoglen, Cove Creek. V. C. Nobeck, City. L. O. Ferguson, Clyde, Route 1. Rev. W. K. Ferguson, Clyde, Route 1. C. T. Noland, Clyde, Route 1. Mrs. J. S. Davis, Root 2. Jess Haney, Clyde, Route 1. S. E. Connatser. Clvde. Mrs. Annie McCracken, Clyde, Route The greatest mass flight Over water ever under taken was the hop made from San Diego, Cal., to Honolulu in which IS navy patrol bombers crossed 2.570 miles of ocean in 20 hours, carrying 127 men. The 14-ton, two-motored flying battleships are shown grouped at San Diego, before taking off. j Deaths WILLIAM RATH BONE o'clock on last Thursday tne Metnouisi cnurcn at . William Fithbone, 57, of Emma, wt died on Tuesdav afternoon in -., . . . r -mis sion Hospital in Asheville. The R. John 'inger, of Maerie. of;. ... . ouriai was in uie iienry cemetery Jir. ivainoone is survived tjv V v.iaow, tne lormer iliss tl.z;.bc- L' : ... .. 1 11 - T.i.m:.i, ajiu ine loiiowing tniidrtn Mrs. Sam Miller, Manuel and (;,-.- .... . . u'Kt Kathbone, all of Maggie, Miss ( ;cre -miss .tiae, anJ miss Hattie Kathbuiif Emma; and two children. Mrs Althna Summers and Theodore liath bone, of Greer, S. C, by a former mar. riage, nis nrst wite having been u Alice Moody, of Maggie, iyo5. who JUSTICE AND THE DOLLAR MARK It appears from the statements of numerous persons in Harnett county including the solicitor of the district, that when Judge Henry A. Grady said that he was yielding to a popular de mand in placing Mrs. Sina Pope God win, convicted of manslaughter uid given a prison sentence, on probation, the call to do so was not nearly so voluminous as he : might have first thought. Comment from the attor is apparently becoming very cheap" and the further pessimistic declaration "justice seems to be futile'' does not have all of its bitterness washed away in the assertion from the other side that clemency was a "happy conclu sion." The public is bound to be left with the opinion that there are some people in Harnett county who differ ratically with the judge's decision, the authority for which seems to be vested .in. an act of a recent leeisla- I ture and challenged by no one. neys ior tne prosecution, on the in- But we were amind to skin the re- cident first, "human life and murder I action nf thp ommtrvsiHo tr, tfcia called act of mercy as being something which is a bit fickle anyway and which ought not to bo a great determ ining factor in the administration of justice, to get down to a more funda mental issue which was raised by Judge Grady himself. The court took in something over $700 in costs from Mrs. Godwin and the freedom which is given is going to obviate the ne cessity of boarding her in state's pris on for the two-three years involved in the sentence. This saving to the j taxpayers was of sufficient moment boro Daily News. in making up Judge Grady's mind for him to mention it in reasons a. for the alteration of judgment. If the same line of reason:; ."..II..-. 1 .J L . .1 imiuweu, 110 uuuuv mere are man) other persons within the custody u the state of North Carolina who waulc be glad to pay accumulated costs and their own keep. By the same lokcr.. without meaning to compare parti alities, we'd say it would have1 cheaper for the state to let Bill Paj 't and Wash Turner do their runniiij around at their own expense. Judge Grady may nave heen justi tied in removing this prison sentence, but we don't like to see Lady Justict shift the bandage from her eyes for a view of the dollar mark or even purported popular demand. Greens- SMITH'S PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE COUNTY Cigars ALL 5c CIGARS 6 For ALL 10c CIGARS 3 or 25c 25c ii Cigarettes ie. Leading Brands 20 12c Carton Of 200 $1.12 Smoking Tobacco 10c Country Gent. Granger, U. Leader loc rialg & Half Prince Albert . . . . lUC 8c l ib. Geo. Washington 1 lb. Union Leader 1 lb. Granger . .... 1 lb. Prince Albert . . . m 69c Pipes SPECIAL SALE 29c 50c Pipes Thursday, Friday Saturday ALL 5c Chewing Giim And Candy hum s 3r ioc ijpyosu Radiant BRAND Coffee lOOc Pure Worth 30c lb, Special For . . 19c Carters 25c Liver Pills 15c Modess .'-Dozen 53( Anacin 25c Size 15c Peruna gl. 25 Size 79c Ex-Lax 25c Size 16c Jergens 25c Lotion 15 c Red Cross Towels 15c Roll 150 Towels Moun- 1. Mrs. R. R. Ferguson. Clvde. Routp 1 Mrs. Ellis Smart, Clyde, Route 1. Jack J. McCracken, C!yde, Route 1. Mrs. J. W. Teague, Route 2. R. Q. McCracken, City. 2 Rolls Towels And 1 Holder . 3 Rolls Towels . . 39c 25c PRESCRIPTIONS At SMITH'S you get just what your Doctor orders and all that he orders compounded by a registered Druggist The saving to you is evident by the reasonable price you pay at SMITH'S We fill any Doctor's prescription BABY FOODS .-" ror.i Pablum ,34c TALL CAN 1'KT OK Carnation Milk 7c Dextri-Maltose . . 57c BABY FOODS Clapps 3 for 22c 2.V MILK Eagle Brand ... ...18c 8:5, TOILET GOODS LARGEJAR Ponds Creams 47c Jtl.OO 1IAIU TOXIC Lucky Tiger . . .! FACK l'OWDDl Woodburys K.1? SIZE Glovers Mange 55c KINDS HOXEY AND Almond Cream . . . 39c ..59c ..33c . 69c! Viking TOILET TISSUE Made by A. P. W. 3 For For lie 20c FAMILY NEEDS Fitch Shampoo 44c 50o TOOTII PASTE Iodent, No. 1 & No. 2 . . 28c TiKmi PASTE Pepsodent or Squibb . . 19c SHAVIXG CUEAM Ingrams .29c SOAP OR POWDER Octagon 6 for 12c -.V SIZE H03IE REMIDIES 81.50 VEG. TO.MP. Lydia E. Pinkhams . . . 89c FI LL PI.VT Wampoles Ext. C.L.O. 79c 35e GROVES K.ATIVE Bromo-Quinine . . FI LL QUART SQUIBB Milk Magnesia . . . $1.20 DR. CALDWELL 21c ... .59c .... ...79c CANDY SPECIALS 1WXD BOX Chocolate Cherries . .. 21c WVXD BOX CHOCOLATE Peppermint Patties . . 19c POUND JAR ASSORTED Hard Candies 29c POUND PKG. FRESH Marshmallows .15c HALF IH)UXD OLD KASHIOXED .Miles Squibb Kotex Groves I B-C Cotton Alka-Seltzer 100 Aspirin 3-Dozen 50c Chill Tonic 25c Size Mb Hospital 24 c 39c 57c 29c 13c 23 c FULL PINT RUBBING Alcohol For 25c 11 TRADE at SMITH'S and SAVE i You Are Always Welcome At Smith's 25c GLYCERIN AND Rose Water For 25c

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