TTTT T" -re rrr THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Along the POLITICAL FRONTS Published In TheouySeatofHaywood CountyAi t The EasternEntrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park rlr fx -FOURTH YEAR NO. 16 a:w quite evident this week K . o,t, is heme sriven to fc -S voters" of the county This Lem became more noticeable as Kl date for filing for the June L v will Saturday of th.s In what was an unexpected move 1 ", tVio announcement of th nTs'tiit'cile, that he was a can iZ, for the House of Representa .' ,;ct C.lenn C. Palmer. IIS Z: had it that Mr. Palmer uold not have any To Asbury Howell goes the title if promising iu ut Lcner of the primary, when he made fcrmal announcement that he would wk a place on lne oouiu uiuiu- jCMrs. Mr. Howell, a candidate two tars ago, said he did not work for ia nomination, but got over 2,000 ntes This time, he declares, he's v"' . ,r- : ...:n u ut to win. tlIS wrajjBigu whi isc U nn his record oi me pasi wnen E.wrved for six years on the board. TV campaign in Haywood will get Indfrway after the last candidate has ilwl on Saturday. Kignt now, every- t 1 I . lit In Knaf ll TA toe is noKiiiiK iujr " w, kg against hope, that opposition, if jny, will be as light as possible. No l0ve will dare De maae ior iear oi stirring up something before Satur-jay, Manv a candidate will breathe a tah of relief when the election board floses their (books Saturday. Last etk the board of elections met and fleeted Gudger Rryson, Canton, chair- I . tt- .r VT l 1 a lun, and w. n. ioiana, secretary. crgc McClure is the third members. After listening at a anti-new deal lldress by their candidate for Con Jrena Von no (iudger, the Haywood publicans named their ticket last hursday night, with the exception of Toner and register of deeds. Both It these will be filled by the execu Ive committee before Saturday, it as said. senator Reynolds: gathered unto mself, u number of workers in Pied font lai'olma this week and went w plans. This past week a number f large placards were placed over the punty. showing a large picture of the knator. Senator Reynolds spoke but little of p opponent.. Representative Frank Hancock, but di scribed the eon- ftion of his own sunnorr. throno-h t)in ate. Efforts to lead him into a dis own of Hancock's campaign met pgs and smiles and more talk about 'Wills prospects. "The people of North Carolint de ,rf: no was his comment. 1 am confident of thiit'- T tr,n pi of North Carolina. I know ic Wav th,.v 4l,;i. -j-.t i- : ..' . -y umm, uu x nave every son to believe tW ,, ,;n :.. in ,), .""; ,' kc fe the nomination by a large major- B On .limn A " J . He said that he ha'a --- fction of the ?tatc in recent weeks, WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1938 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Rotary President v V- iW(aMfc Hazelwood Boy Scout Troop M. II. BOWLES On July first, M. H. Bowles will take office as president of the Waynesville Rotary Club. He was elected last week by the newly named board of directors. He will succeed William Medford. Public Health Nurses Gather Here For Meet The 0. P. ticket is as follows: State Senate, I. H. Powell. Representative, L. S. Stamey. Clerk of Court, Avery Peeks. Sheriff, J. K. Pickens. Tax Collector, J. H. Ford. Commissioneis: Grady Henry, Rob- K. Hawkins, Van C. Wells. Surveyor, Nathan Rogers. The public health section of District Number One, of the State Nurses As sociation held a meeting here on Wed nesday afternoon with the nurses of health department, of which Haywood county is a part, as hostesses. Miss Lillian Bayley, supervisor of public health nurses of the city of Asheville, president, presided. Nurses from the western counties were m attendance. During the business session plans were made for the next meeting, which will be held a tthe Black Mountain Sanatorium in July, with representa tives from the seventeen western counties. Dr. Dudley W. Smith spoke on "The Crippled Children Situation in Hay wood," outlining what had been ac complished to the present time, and the future plans. He also spoke on the importance of the teaching oi correct posture to school children. Dr. Gladys Osborne gave her im pressions of general health conditions in Europe and the public health prob lems there. She also compared con ditions in European countries with those in this country. A social hour followed adjournment. The meeting was held with Miss Theo dosia Flud, supervisor of nurses, of the hostess group. The nurses lrom the Haywood County Hospital . wtr special guests of the afternoon. -? -1 4SII HI l-U IInIOSR W'f I -if fmmff1 V '- cp-J -k tiff ,ir 4' ?; t V m This is part of the Troop of Hazelwood Boy Scouts, shown standing by their new Scout hall, which was recently completed, with most of the work being done by the boys. The building is forty by sixty feet, and is on a lot near the Unagusta Manufacturing Plant. William Provost is scoutmaster, and is assisted by two men both named Joe Davis.. Scoutmaster Prevost is shown in the center of the front row, on his left is Otis Bolin and Jack Crawford, on the right. -Standing, (front row), left to right: Eugene English, Charles Hartsell, Louis Scruggs, Kenneth Compton, Barron Crawford, Bill Crawford, Burke Still well and Charles Gaddis. Back row: Buddy Parris, J. D. Hyatt, Raymond Henry, Chester Davis, Wallace Robinson, Stanley Henry, Kenneth Moore, and Glenn Collins. Funds for the building were contributed by citizens of the community, mid about '$300 was raised. The troop is sponsored by the Booster Club. Photo by Homer Davis. Hay wood Pictured By Experts As Ideal Couny For Dairying 300 Baptist To Gather Here For Two-Day Meeting Three hundred B. T. U. members and associatiohal oflicials from thir teen western counties are expected to attend the western regional conven tion of the N. C. Baptist convention, which will hold u one and a half day meeting here, beginning on Friday afternoon at o'elock, at the First Baptist church. Nathan Brooks, state B. T. U. sec retary, will be in charge of the pro gram, which will be of wide spread interest to the workers of these groups in the Baptist church. The delegates attending will be en tertained in the homes of the members of the congregation of the First Bap tist church. Miss Evelyn Underwood is leader of the local group. Valedictorian if ' ih A s i 175 Attended Dairymen-Farmers Meeting At Masonic Temple Last Nijfht Salutatorian an. 1. (I RACK .DEAN LEA THEUWOOI) With an average of iis.7, Miss i Leathci wood will, deliver the valedic tory address at the commencement I exercises here mi ! riday night, May (ith. She is the daughter of Mr i Mrs. R. V. Leatherwood. 'I ATTENDING THE N. C. ( ONGRKSS OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS The following from attending the twentieth annual meet ing ot the JNorth Carolina uongres:? of Parents : and Teachers, which is being held in W'ihston-Salem this week: Mrs. Doyle Alley, who has been named by the nominating committee for the office of state president, and who has been serving the district as president; MrSi Paul Walker and Mrs. George Kunze, who are reprcT senting the Central Elementary school, and Mrs. James Tutwiler, who is a delegate from the East Waynes- Dairy Pointers "Always think of green, when you think of feed for a dairy cow." Di La Masters. U1CO 1 VVC I DBirUT TCi CPPAk' 1 THIS AFTERNOON AT MEETING Pleased with v, j- ...i..- J fa attended his meetings and with r spontaneous flemt.t: F Which he hnH ran;A tiJ tWk ' htat'esville and Taboro and ville organization, V Je said,ri am spending most "y time in Via k m.? quire; t , SM"1, ine omce y III i en th0UBh 1 should feel CS,01i,t0 enered, it a,, at People of the I' eiitnistoj wnicn mey the baknT ;rcmenus issues are Rhad,ri;S; and r- Walker.and Miss Robena Miller rck Ua ' Vlrg'nian. Mr. F aroVCiZed hiS n0t haV" , waioirnian soonton, f&m Tor v"noWs' "had Wesley ' ifOrS Of hid cc.:.- TT71 i "hat !'es' t0 have him -con-rJl.y- There were bothe nB ;lcJJnald had come Ca,T,.?eopIe and conditions in Posor rr ably betier than ' Western North supply all of the products." Arey. Carolina should state with dairy "This section has excellent pastures, with fast growing grass, which is the best for cows." Dr. La Masters. "We are now handling 12,000 pounds of milk daily and this summer expect to go up to 18,000." rW. R. Woodall. "Haywood dairymen were paid over over $225,000 for products last year." Earl Ferguson. "North Carolina herds are clear of T. B. and making progress in con- At the regular April meeting of the Woman's Club this afternoon, Miss Anne Alhricht. dean of women at Western Carolina Teachers College, I tr'0 of Bang's." Arey will address the members on "Social Education." Mrs. Dan Watkins, pres ident, will preside. Hostesses of the afternoon will be Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. H. W. Baucom, Mrs. Evander Preston, Mrs. Dan Watkins, Mrs, LeRoy Davis, Mrs. "The average Carolina farmer is a poor feeder." Arey. Dairying experts lrom three states stressed the possibility of developing this immediate section into one of the leading areas in the southeast before 1.75 enteresled farmers-dairymen at; the Masonic Temple last night- Ihe natural tempermont of the peo ple of this section is especially suited lor raising good dairy cattle, was the opinion of 11. C. Bates, held reprcsn tative of the American Guernsey Cattle Club, the principal speaker ot the evening. Mr. Bates pointed out. tli at the. people of this area love and appreciate good cattle, and the fac that they li.'ive always brooded stock of some kind makes it only natural tlut successful. Haywood county is destined to be come one ol lite leading dairy sections I of the bouth. U has an ideal market, I climate, soil, and water lor success-. MILDRED ( RAW FORI) I '1 1 1 1 I IPS mm dairying, ;vir. nates said. Progress is being made m Ten- and 'lessee, Alabama, Kentucky, Missis- sippi and Louisiana in getting pure bred cattle started, in those states and if stinted now, Haywood breed ers will be in a position to sell Guern sey Mock to those states, the speaker said. lne program started in Haywood I V. R. Woodall, manager of the 1'et some years ago is just beginning to plant here, presented It- O .Jenkins, show results, and according to the ! district manager of the Pot Company, specialists here last night, the woikiwho briefly told of plans for using is moving along in a steady and prol- more niilk in the local plant .table mannu. , hu Ld,)( (J. , h(, AsMKI.Ul(111 "You have here in Haywood coun-! furnished the beans and spinach for tj, one of the best breeders of Guern-j the meal, which was prepared by the sey cattle as will be found in the en-j members of the Eastern Star. Ic lire bouth the owners of Osborne frarm H. Arthur and Misses Louise and Florence Osborne. Stock from their herds are now found m every state in the Southeast," Mr. Bates added. The speaker pointed out that the Osborne herd was started in 1921 with four head of Guernseys and last year on the Virginia state sale, one of their cows sold for $925. "We are proud of the record Guern sey cattle is making in North Caro lina. Last year more than twice as in Jane Troy Wyche Makes Record In Musical Contest Jane Troy Wyche, pianist, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Troy Wyche, and pupil of Miss Grace Crocker, was one of the sixteen con testants who won the coveted "supe rior rating," out of the 400 compet ing in Charlotte last week. Betty Latham, young (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Latham, who formerly lived here, was also one of the sixteen. Jane whose talent as a musician has been recognized locally for sev eral years was given a very excellent rating by the judges, who slated that she showed exceptional ability, and predicted lhat she would go lar in the musical world. Jane recently made her first pro lessioual appearance, when she was on the radio program on WWNC with Hobble Moan, also local pianist, who is gaming inneh recognition in radio circles in the state. Miss-Phillip's -was within oiie-t.eiit h of a point of making the record -of" , Miss Leal herwood. I he Salutatory address will be given by her oil the j closing night oi. 'the Waynesville high school. i ( nation. R. R., county agent, introduced the speakers. "We need better feeding, more breeding and plenty of weeding." Arey. son in -n. , . man ?mnJlf,ngton- He has i Zt&n Dnusual dee ,cntinuP7 y omce handles tlned on Page Eight) ATTENDED AMERICAN LEGION DISTRICT MEETING IN FOR EST CITY The following members of the Way nesville unit of the American Legion Auxiliary attended the 18th district meeting, which wa3 held in Forest City on Wednesday: Mrs. J. Harden Howell, who presided as district com mittee woman, Mrs. Hurst Burgin, president of local unit, Mrs. W. F. Swift, Mrs, George Plott, Mrs. Charles Burgin and Miss Ida Jean Brown. Mrs. Ed Isenhour, of Charlotte, was the recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Q. McCracken. "Roughage cheapest feed we have and cows are a roughage animal." Any. ATTEND MEETING IN MONTREAT Those making up a party motoring to Montreal for the Asheville Pres bytenal from the Hazelwood Pres byterian church last week were: Mrs. L. C. Davis, Mrs. J. E. Shields, Mrs. Ralph Summerrow, Mrs. O. C. Lan drum, Mrs. W. B. Winchester, Mrs. G. C. Summerrow and Mrs, John Fer guson, the latter spending two days.. . Miss Alice Stringfield was the guest of friends in Winston-Saleni over the week-end. ; 1 many Guernseys were registered the state as the next leading breed." "This immediate section is as well, if not better fitted for production of purebred Guernsey cattle than any place in the Southeast," the speaker said. Mr. Bates has been a frequent vis itor to this county, and during an in terview, stressed how pleased he was to find the progress that was being made m the dairying field of the county. The meeting last night was spon sored by the Qiamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club, with C. N. Allen general chairman and toastmaster. The address of welcome was made by Chas. E. Bay, Jr., and words of greeting were extended from the fol lowing: Ralph Prevost, president of the Chamber of Commerce, William Chambers, president of the Hazelwood Boosters Club, M. T. Brooks, presi dent of the Canton Chambers of Com merce, and J. E. Ferguson, president of the Haywood Milk Producers Asso- cream was donated by Pet Dairy Pro ducts Company, who also provided tickets for all the ladies. Visiting dairymen' and oflicials were recognized during the course of the evening. Those attending, included: R. R. Smith wick, county agent, W. A. Copening, assistant county agent; C. N. Allen, Hazelwood; O. F. Mc- Crary, district extension agent, Fred fc. fcdoan, district agent; Rev. L. B. Compton, manager Eliada Orphanage. J. A. Arey, dairy specialist, N. C. State College; F. R. Farnham, dairy specialist, N. C. State College; Charley Rackley, manager Southern Dairies, Asheville; Mrs. II. C. Bates, Atlanta; Mrs. Charles Rackley, Asheville. Henry Francis, Waynesville; R. O. Jenkins, district manager, Pet Dairy Products Association; W. R. Woodall, manager of local Pet Creamery; Earl Ferguson, President Haywood Coun ty Milk Producers' Association, Dr. La Masters, head dairying de partment Clemson College; H. C. Bates, field representative American Guernsey Cattle Club- Fines Creek N. C, James, Mr. and Mis. Chas. B. McCrary, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Noland. White Oak Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holder, and Brody Z. Green. Ivy Hill Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Cald well, Leonard Dunavant, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Moody, J. A. Singleton, C. A. Campbell, and Miss Fannie P. Camp hell. Pigeon Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Peek (Continued on Page Eight) Senior Play Set For April 22nd The senior class of the Waynesville Township High School, under the di rection o! Miss Hester Anne Withers, will present "Children of the Northern Lights," on Friday, Aprd the 22nd, in the 'auditorium of Hie school at S o clock. .'Children ol the Northern Lights" is a romantic eomedv i'.lii'hl I "nllv il.f- .... lereiil. lrom the usual run of high I school presentations. While the sturv is typically .modern, the author has ideltly lent an element oi charm- to the work by introducing -authentic features of Swedish and Gypsy folk lore. I he hire of the Northern Lights, the glimpse of Gypsy life and their ceremonials and the spontaneity of the folk-characters are shown against the background of a quaml village in ( eiilral .Sweden. The arrival of Alex Olson and his mother, Hilda, froni America and trie band of Gypsies from Russia create excitement in the vil lage. , I he members ol the s-evior class taking part are: Jane Stents, Ethel Brown, Susie Arrington, Vera Hos'a flook, Alma Jackson, Helen Kings, Emclyn Haynes, Mildred Phillips, Stacey Wilburn, Carrie Buchanan,. Grace Dean Leatherwood, Frances. Turner. Carlell Lancaster. Charles Moodvl Jack Rathbone, Hen Colkitt, Joe John son, Carl Francis, Bobbie Plott, Wil lard Francis and Howard Collins. lUe lOetMie, Report 11. M. HALL, Official Observer ' April Max. Mm. Prec 14 75 40 15 75 42 lfi 76 45 17 ', 75 47 .' 18 70 56 021 1J 5 49 0.08 20 70 50 Mean maximum .. 7'5 Mean minimum . 47 Mean for week .. ... . 60 High for week .. 7G Low for week ...... ... . . 40 Above April normal temperature 6.5 Precipitation for week ... ..... . 0 2') Precipitation for month 2.28 Excess since April 1st .........0.174 Precipitation for year ........13.9 1 Deficiency for year 1.35 Same Period Last Tear Mean maximum :....;..,..:..72 Mean minimum . 43.G Mean for week v............. ,.,...57.8 High for week ....................86 Low for week ..............,...........30 Precipitation for week ............1.38

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