'HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Along the POLITICAL FRONTS fto if runrun . , i;.,.i,n? feat me o- - ,-f the qUfSUon w . ..-..em- season" for politi- on. on tupT7TnThat, the period ony iVr a" canaioii- .. ,mratic voters in the June pri , decide every nomination ' . ....... cmtnr register of r i k.,,.rv4 nf eH oration. k coroner uiiu wo.- . F' , ., n.li.lutfs have oddo- L c! int'x- !." liontr, to tor cier oi wuu, tax collector. lor Mien". - , ,...r,t,itivp two for coun- ilor refine - - tn'tVor. two lor nospiuu nusw.-r. neivi- Democratic constables are trig ni' urinations from seven town- :a.s thf heavy list of Democrat- Litiidatts, there will bo threo Re i . , ii. ... .... fican run-ons ui. coim-vim, wur liomi and trustee of county nos- u. Rmub hcan race li ail .-v " """c -" for Hoaverdam will be fought finish by seven candidate?. lie complete, and oniciaj usi oi filiates, as provided by the board It :.: ...... .it- fnllnu-'c- miens, .v..". . -mix i::ts tiled fur Primary June ( OMMISSIOXEK K. It. Hickman. A. Howell. Cini-jre A. Brown, Jr. ,1. A. uiwe. W H Williams Clarence ('. Metlford. R. T. (Bob) Boyd T. R. Moore. Grovor ('. Rogers. Frank M. Davis. cor sty vohoxer R. Westmoreland. liOM:i OF EDVCATIOS il. V. Carle. IE UK S I EEElOli CO L'h'T Minnie Ferguson. W. c. i:yiis. i:i:ii:i.se tatiye 'IK. Sei.tvlle. t'lierin (?. rainier. 'STATE S i:ATE ' h. .-! A . ('..i'liiirrl m;ii i::i: deeds . AA I'OU.ECTOR AXli St''Eh'WSaK J. Lai! 1 rfiisnn. 11. MrCrackcn. SHE El EE ' K V. Welch. L; S'tnnrfield. "".vn- si-hveyok H..P. I,,';tt,.,. Hupland Gibson. msi'lTAL TRUSTEE Kliwin FinrW " 'ivde Hoey, Jr. ll'STICE OF THE PEACE f-d Buchahnn (;""-1- Moffiu. (OX ST ABLE . KnunetriUe Township 'rge Buchanan. - S. Rhvmer. J- C. Kerhy. 'arK Thompson. J- B'ankenship. -H- Scott. : C. Glance. p::r-w"'i Smathers. Bab -Anderson,' lf"nk Township ' button. : . K.E J;r'7 Thip fcliC3n "didates filed for 1938 i ir . SHERIFF (CnUnu ob page 3) u!ishl(LJj- The County Seat of Haywood CountyAt The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 17 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1938 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Haywood Dairymen And Their New Stock Hazelwood-WaynesviJle Boards Complete Negotiations For New $4,500 Fire Truck; Is Ordered These are the Registered Guernsey aniniais which were bought by Haywood ( ounty dairymen at the (luernHty Cattle Promotion Sale which was held last Thursday, at the Osborne Farm near t'unton. From left to n'trht are: Jarvis H. Allison, Waynesville, with the heifer calf he bought which was eon signed to the .sale by Twin Hrook Farm of Moeksvillo; Olen Miller, employed on ('. N'. Allen's farm, holding calf purchased by Mr. Allen of Hazel wood which was consigned by the Osborne Farm; ('. N. Allen, with heifer he. purchased which came from Twin Hrook Farm, Mtx-ksville ; ('. VV. Kdwards, Jr., with the bull calf which he bought. This animal was consigned to the sale by .Klondike Farm of F.lkin; and W. A. Bradley, Hazelwinul, with the heifer calf which he bought, which came from Kliada Homo Farm, Asheville. 5 Registered Guernsey Calves Bought By Haywood Dairymen Average Of 8151 Paid lt,r 11 XurSCS TllUtlkful Calves At Annual Promo tion Sale Last Week Dairymen from four unties paid $2,010 for thirteen registered Guern-I sey calves at the annual promotion I sale held at the Osborne Farm last Thursday. Five of the calves were bought by Haywood dairy men, five went to Hen derson county, one to Cherokee and two to Iiowan count. Haywood dairy-i men bought four heifers' and , olio bull. Three of the calves sold for $2mj each, to lop the sale, alxt one cail'i for $100. This was the smallest price j paid for any animal. 1 hv average for the thirteen calves w as . 1 "-l.t;2. . County Agent K. K. fsnii'hv, icU. pointed out 'that the sale and h banquet on the prececding nii,'lit w. re successful from t-vt ry atigle. He ex passed his appreciation i' .: the co operation of the Chamber of Com merce and the Waynesville Rotary Club for sponsoring -the meeting-'on last Wednesday night. Approximately 3tM) persons attended the sale. The following counties were represented: Haywood,. Puncombe, Cherokee, Polk, Yancey, Rowan, Mc Dowell, Macon, Jackson, Henderson, Yadkin, and Davie. Some of the prominent persons at tending the sale were: Dr. J. P. La Masters, head of dairy department, Clemson College, South Carolina; Mr. J. A. Arey and Mr. F. R. Farnham, extension dairy specialists from State College, Raleigh; Mr. H. C. Rates, auctioneer and field representative for the American Guernsey Cattle Club. Animals sold were consigned by: The Osborne Farm, Canton, Quail Roost Farm, Rougemcnt; 'Klondike Farm, Elkin; F. E. Lykes, Arden; M. F. Shore Cycle; the Eliada Home Farm, Asheville; and Mr. Ralph Shields, Murphy. 14 Babies Don't All Cry At Once 78 Diplomas To Be Awarded Here; Sermon On Sunday Rev. Albert New To Deliver Hac calaureate Sermon Sunday NiRht At 8:15 COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS I I Tib m qiiMir i .a.U:i1toVi b mm Civic leatleis of Haywood need have no fear of the result of the 1!M0 census, as long as the nurs ery at the Haywood County Hos pital stays as full as it was yes terday 'afternoon-only fourteen babies. Nurses at the hos'ritnl wore thankful that all fourteen had not started trying out thti.r voices at one t ime. When eight, babies Were regis tered in tbe nursery, a photo, uraphcr was sen; 'for to make a picture, and although he. hurried over, three more arrived before he got t here. Xo, ir, there is lio l-etd to. uorry about a decreasing popula tion, as long as that pace coii-titiLies. Mrs. Doyle Alley Named President Of State P. T. A. Waynesville Woman Going To Salt Lake City For Na tional Convention Mrs. Doyle D. Alley, prominent in Parent Teacher Association work in the state, was elected president of the North Carolina Parent Teacher Congress last week at the annual state meeting which was held in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Alley started her work for the organization in the local schools, having served for sometime as the president of the P. T. A. of the East Waynesville school. She was also at one time head of the Haywood Council. She served as recording secretary Continued on Back Paeo 1 Many Truck Loads Trash Being Hauled On a check up late yesterday af ternoon it was found that the town truck had been making nine trips a day in -co-operation with the clean up campaign, which is underway this week in observance of the National Week which is set aside each spring. Last year the truck made 21 trips daily during the week, with the small truck, which carried only one-fourth as much as the new large truck. At half the cost, more than three-fourths as much rubbish has. been 'carried off to date this year as compared to that of last year during the same period. In all sections of the town, it was reported, people are making an effort to get their premises cleaned up, and taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the town -to haul off the debris. The baccalaureate sermon ol the commencement exercises of the Way nesville .Township '.-High School will be delivered on Sunday evening at 8:15, May the 1st, in the high school auditorium by the Rev. Albert New, rector of Grace Episcopal church. j The services will be opened bv the processional of the choirs of the ' churches of the town. Invocation will be given by Dr. I!. T. Walker, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Follow- , 'ii.g the fending 'of the scripture an anthem "Jesus Lover of My Soul," v. ill be rendered b .Miss Grace (. rock er, pianist. I Clyde A. Irwin, stale superintend- ent of public instruction, will deliv or the literary address at. the grad uating exercises im Friday night, lie will 'be introduced by Jack iMesscr. county superintendent of education. M. II. (tow left, district principal, will award the diplomas to the 7H gradu ates, The class will be presented by C. K. Weatherby, principal .of the high school. The D. A. R. Good Citizen ship awards will be made by the re gent of the local chapter, Mrs. J. F. Abel. J. C. Itrown, commander ol the Haywood unit of the American Le gion, will make the awards given bv the Legion. Mildred Phillips will give the ',ilu Calory, and Grace Lealherwood will deliver the valedictory. The Class Day program will take place at 1 1 o'clock on Wednesday morning, May the 4th, with the fol lowing on the program: "Alma Mater" written by Miss Margaret Stringfield, tor the class of 190!), and sung by the the graduating class; violin solo, by Miss Stringfield; vocal solo "Ava Maria." by Jane Stentz; class ."history, by Susie Arrington; song Ihere is a long, long trail a wind ing into the land of our dreams," by the class. Vera Hosaflook will give the class prophecy; Ben Colkitt will render ' Coiilinuetl on Hack I'age REV- ALl'.ERT NEW, rector of the Grace Fjuscopal ( hurch, will de liver the Raccalaureate sermon to ihe graduating class of the W ie nr. sville High School, Sunday evening at iiie high school auditorium at o clock. I 3 m f O a5M Cooking School In Motion Pictures Will Be Shown At Park Theatre Soon The Mountaineer has scored again! This newspaper has just been suc cessful in securing the new Motion Picture Cooking School, "Star in My Kitchen," which will be presented at the Park Theatre on Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, May 5, 6 and 7th. Mark the days on your calendar be cause every woman and man in the community is hereby extended a cor dial invitation to see, absolutely free, this fascinating picture which weaves helpful, intelligent lessons on cooking and home-making into a humorous and romantic' plot. The Motion Picture Cooking School is a brand new idea. First conceived last year, it has met with acclaim from women throughout the country, who like the happy combination of sparkling entertainment and close-up cooking instruction. Seats in the back row are as good as those in the front row the motion picture permits everyone to hear and see every trick in frosting a cake, making a pie, or cooking bananas. "Star in My Kitchen" was produced in Holloywood, and the audience will recognize many of the rising young actors and actresses who take part in it. Women young and old will appre ciate the humanness of the romantic story, in which Some problems are " (Continued on page 7) HON. x nVDK EKVv IN, superin tendent of public instruction. o) Nertn (arolma, vi.ll nddn-s the graduates on the. evening-of Mav Mti. at which time 7H will receive diplomas. Miss Thompson Is Named Superinten dent Of Hospital New Hospital Head Conies From Anderson; Will Arrive In A Month To Take Charge The board of trustees of the Hay wood County Hospital through their chairman, Rufus Siler, announced this week that the position of super intendent of the hospital, from which Miss Ruth Hampton resigned several weeks ago, had been filled. The board has chosen Miss Ellie J. Thompson, native of Anderson Coun ty, S. C, who comes to the local insti tution, highly receommended, and with the background of experience, and training which should qualify her for the superintendency. Miss Thompson is a graduate of the General Hospital of Nashville, Tcnn. Following her graduation, she did post graduate work at the Van derbilt University Ilospital. After her training at the last named, she re turned to the General Hospital in Nashville, and has been for the past seven years, superintendent of ob stetrics and pediatrics, of that insti tution. Since Miss Hampton's resignation came into effect the first of April, at which she left the hospital, after serving as superintendent for a period totaling eight years, Mrs. Bonnie Brendle Rayle has been act ing superintendent. Mrs. Rayle will continue in this capacity for a month more, until Miss Thompson arrives Hazelwood IJuys .Truck, And Signs 12-Year Contract With Waynesville Hoard The lla:'.elwood board of aldermen placed an order lor a $1,600 Anieri-can-LcFrance tire truck Tuesday night, after signing a 12-year con tract with the town ot Waynesville to answer all tire calls in Huxclwood. The truck will bo delivered in about !0 tlays, and will be placed in the Waynesville lire station, and is to become the properly of Waynesville, in exchange lor the services rendered by the local fire department. The Waynesville fire district will be enlarged to include Hazelwood under the new plan, and two fwH-t.iim? truck drivers will lie employed. In the, agreement, Hav.elwood is to pay the firemen for each fire just as Waynesville now pays $1 ftjr day calls and $2 for night calls. There are lt firemen on the volunteer list here. avnesville ollieials said yesterday that they had every reason to believe that the addition of a second truck here would reduce the insurance rates bv perhaps as much as ten per cent. Ihe truck which the Waynesville tire department has been using for a 1 1 il I ) 1 1 h I- ot vears, cost $12,500. Nee.-ot uit ions have been going on between the two hoards lor several months. Ihe truck which was bought was here several weeks aco on demonstra tion. It has an inclosed steel can for prelection ol the driver, and has ovcrv modern lacilitv lor lighting lire. New Stock Plan Offered By Build ing & Loan Asso. Ihe directors ol Haywood Home Ituil'img iv Loan Association' Monday decided to oiler a la w series of stock which will mature in about three and oiu -half vears. I lie utoek hercto loie i:-mioiI has maimed in 'six an 1 one hall vears. Ihis new mm lev is olleied of.pccial- l. r .(hose who de'iie an investment. I he nui'i, (d the association is loaned bv l"ie board, el flirei t(Ms on food ' ri al (-stale only alter careful oca" inn, I b rough and reuny oilier wiiif . failii).'.,'. lo'-Hudderr. have ,it. Ii. I he.a u hen haul. .'me 1 it nl nisi it II' lo eai i led on and the !",. !! able to receive tl. ir mi iiey wi'll it .-. i'n mines in I all. j .. Now (be as-ot tat ion is aecui . ntuiut -! inir a rood reserve lund and the m : v t mollis ,! safe. 'I his new series I off i iv a food opportunity' tor invest ors to make their savings earn six I pi r cent, - where t heir- J unds will be sale, liiulding and loan stock is, non taxable except as to inivjmp Lay. S. H. Itiirhnell. secretary-treasurer, has already received seveml inquiries about the new series of stack. TWO LOSK LICENSE Two Haywood county motorists lost their drivers license during the Week, both on charges of driving while drunk. The department of Revenue reported licence retoked from Charles William Penland, Canton, and Lest.-.-Jenkins, Waynesville. 7te WecMte Repot t H. M. HALL, Official Observer April Max. Min. Free. 21 C7 55 0.41 22 iK 54 o.(n; 2'i 5(1 3.1 0.10 24 09 36 25 73 40 20 ?! 40 27 81 : " 4t Mean maximum . . . 70.0 Mean minimum ... . ..... ..... ...4;j.4 Mean for week ... 5(5.7 High for week i Low for week . rw . v ..jiit iii'iiiiui tt:iiJiicxai.uic u... Precipitation for week--; .0.(10 Precipitation for month .......,...2.8S Deficiency since April 1st Precipitation for year . 14.54 Deficiency for year 1.18 Same Period Last Year Mean maximum : ,," V)?, Mean minimum .,...44 Mean for week '" .67.1 High for week ...83 Low for week .... ...... . ..1... 25 Precipitation for week ... .1.SS to take over her new duties. : ' i ''': ,-:'':'.