HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER P 31- f he Along the POLITICAL FRONTS Published In The County Sect of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park FIFTY-FOURTH YE Ail NO. 21 WAYXESN 1FFE. X. C. THURSDAY. .MAY 26.193S $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY i lu'.mt-i were auueu .:i tKmks during the jays, and they will u." on June iViuth. 1 k mrair registra- i, and the Kepub- ;.."iki, according: to chairman oi the i t u'it latum, u nase in the pri h the statemcir. ii.avv vote was apparent that there c K a able more money ...; campaign than was indi . Some have gone on I ,,,-vdici that around $10,000 m Haywood. B ;:..s present calculation ,,b. .iwuaile down to $5,000 Officials Greet First Airmail Plane To Land Here 1 ;-U'i being discussed ;. ak were the clerk of ;,r oinimissionetrs contest. i..i;:::ab!,' prediction was. be md as denied by friends Hiiva' il.tii,' ab.-.ti:' ! teun -nil h lit:,,. J liMiii.i v. .if is legal again ,,.ri, ana that will tend to l.ual vote. For two years ;:, , s were used lor county candidates. .NOW, 11 a .ib-ciii l'loin the county on ii.iv, or ph sieally unable to :m I'.Jii-, an absentee ballot ,is:. -Two ten ins have to be t fer .absentee voting either :i;ti!e t'roiii the chairman of i of. elections, or from the -iTfr W f?Jr MfM Hazelvood At "Outs" With Waynesville Over Increased Water Rates Patrons Charged More For-Water; No Notice Given iy ( Increase In Kaits l!een In E fleet Two Months; Fatrons ! Outside l'a ini? W -More jIIaehood Officials liked When I Kate Is Stepped Up 7.V , itluml Iliic' Notice I t:e pa--t ville s watt r scratclinig their tn id whv their sihiden pimp. Sc :lig jnpt s ; other vants to bo more cut out watering I 1 lie seel i t I j I he w at or I ect ive April : 1 roiii tin' at ! l alroiis ins ! avi iiu'c ot J.r i oal i ons liviuu lie Iiiimi- 1 1 . i ' wo hioii'Jis, W'aynes pairons have been heads, in an clioit to wati r bills took a iiio looked lor lenk ; warned their ser caret'ul, while others th.eir lawns. ; out. rates were raised ef tirst without notice r depai luu'iit. de will have to pay an per cent increase ; while OOtsi.le of the corpor e been neiiali.eil bv a 1 !:ese ot'ieials, retributing various -groups -ol 1 to laud m Havwood, and place aboard airmail accum i:ght: .lavor .Ahiriay, Canton; Mavor 1'ivvost, Haz W anesvilie. Hack row: Postmaster Hill, Canton; . '1 he plane took on Jo, I pieces ol mail here. I. wore on ! i', 'in over tl -biM Hi Wei Min i av iai:d t (lie II -t rout o iin oiin U' W i i il t ust niaster lloweil I'livtu hil ..ri'inail 1'ilane low, 'oM lo M:tvr Wax-. uvnosvilic, "(II l" been ( tuts tor -ju-iiji mi the registrations, el tn;;, several persons here-ve-siig a Republican ticket, o:.-;t;i eil as lieiiKicrats. The i-t ill ti.e changing- over was done lnavviilhin ami in East Fork. Nu iiu-.s elianeeil over to the Ke an' kt, it a-s said. - H'lhtieal speech of the ia:gii win Ik. delivered here bat- : aiHii.oon at three o'clock by . ., Uhitmnv, congressional candi , lo'iii Ib iiili'isoiiville. For Sen ' fthitsnnv startid his cam))aign ikn.i: t..iur last week, and reports hiiii: I lay wood are that he had ir-'i'i) ci-o'wds, and. has presented c ti-iiig camiiaign "thunder." Y- t:iv will be something like iKni ! Ii.ihhi votes in Haywood tin- I'i'iimessiniial race, a strong t will be made here, and those tu .Mr. Whhmiiv predict he will ' 'l"ttii'' in his Saturday ad- ign la R.-yiini.b : X.'V Mlilli'i Rllitc die state had a har gt'iieral good time in k. About the biggest s loped at the meeting, 1'K sentiment for Sena- According to a Char wnter, the '-gathering tiie earmarks oi a rally e s I.ob Reynolds than i'-iiiii it on party pnnci- ItlH Not only ilid officials and interested .townspeople turn out io greet the plane, but scores of youngsters were right there to p-; hist hand information of "how airmail is handled." Photo hi) nuik Mm tni Vocational Con ference To Bring 500 To The Lake Annual ' Summer Confertnce Oi Vocational Teachers rIo Get Underway Monday Aldermen To Hold Conference With Engineer Tonight Ml ere Ih, took day. is 1'ilot Me J 1. 1 piece., from here durra .signing up bn nl an inar! which hi bv plane la- t 1 burs no hi h run I; Mitrlni. if Ni'Ws continued: 11 1 11 '! of couisc, went .ill the motions. They heard K-n-u., they adopted a phitform, fc"!"l and applauded the elder ' i ,ul th v ttollcd the glo '.1 the Democratic adminis hen they applauded H-i'd tial pounded the floor "b'tt WalKlIlir ranee hnarincr Stick to Hob Reynolds.' walked around their bbons riv,il.,in,in. i , """Willie .:. 111 ."''V 1,U htn Reynolds "."ii- hall in-cli .;u tj.... . oi; nis entry i ::' ' -ti ,r I , tht m lsle was ' ' 1 ' a u-c(.ndo of cheeis - frill IH' n-liiF i 'T mdid.te F.ank . "s's her-! i.i . wii, uui n was i and he lot the Run- 0 have it. He sat P'.'tforni, watching the J'ls KUnnni'tnra h" cmis and fen falisfsnt; ve h 1 K-grenrt: 'I they Is bui'i. was sig- .V'P. yippce-e-e!' supporters j 1o W. , . VJCKar -'n the '?fratir.ri j.. - e L.m came ,n the fact 1 "'is made no effort .-.uie a.;ni. c car- wore no as Han- w-'ve of Reynolds en- ")e. of h! x. .x . iivui" 'oeiius suarieu . kj' V11 Wlth Hancock o- Th l wei'e el'ked off fv.lt;y Was the Hancock l ' -Mbly quite wise, at c'acken. Canton. " of the state execu- f tta ill u Mwyn, a mem- mittee- ri""rSional execu y judicial committoo- -m i i.fS Q w . iui s. The annual conference ot th C:arolma teachers of vocational ag riculture, headed bv Hoy H. lhomas, of Raleigh, will meet at Lake Juna luska next week, beginning on Mon day and closing on I-liday after noon. Tal II. Stafford, of Asheville, is district supervisor. The teachers and their families w ill arrive at the Lake on Monday. On that afternoon Charles h. Ray, Jr., chairman of the Governor s county hospitality committee, will welcome the visitors. On Tuesday morning a business session will be held, while the afternoon-will be spent in taking miscel laneous trips of special interest, in this section to agriculturists. The trip will be sponsored by the aynesville j Chamber of Commerce. On Tuesday night entertainment will be furnished bv a group of Cher okee Indians, who will present a pro gram of Tribunal dances in the audi torium at Lake Junaluska. Ou Wednesday morning a businesi session will be held, while the after noon will be given over to a motor cade to Chngman's Dome, directed by the Waynesville Chamber of Com merce. That night the teachers and their friends will rniov movies at the Lake auditorium. The. business -of. the group will be j continued on Thursday morning. In The Waynesville men meet tonight t North engineer, plans foi filtering plant and inch pipe line from the filtering plant. 1 he board has board of alder i discuss with an building a new running an eight the watershed to had the matter before them a number of times and will probably proceed immediately with the erection of a filtering plant. .Mayor . I. H. Way said yesterday that an application had been made for a loan with which to do the work. No statements were about the plans pending a with the engineer. More Than 100 To Attend District Club Meeting Here Home Demonstration ( In lis OI Fust District 'Io Gather Here All Day Friday ne r cent increase, he rales have been to cubic feet, o!" .1.000 ealloiis kinged to M.noi) e-all el's are i'i"(iii!'i'il to 000 .jalloiis, nislea. lor !.''"U e-alloiis. I he change I'l oni c-'aMor feet w as ilmie in order In work ill t ho tow ir otlico. i and' one -half ' -cubic feel Ion, it was eplaiued. No statement was rjvon whv the public was not the increase. '1 he c plana! ion for i In rates was niveii a.-, "it is- en to-. deliver the wild r than changi nal ih f 1. 1 fl'olil niini- $1.10 has .his: for $1. pay $I.o0 l of i save 'lllel.. ClllliC honk are to t lie vral- i mil as to liotilie.l of lllel t iiseil i t ing niore We ai'e re necessary . , lis giveii lows : l'i ci ivinu'. and an ipen.-nse i, l ho i ii-vv- ralo scln dub 0.U I at the town hall, was ( Inside low n nitcs) i minium -io0 i-uliii- fee! $1.00. Next 000 cubic fel l, L'O,: per 100 cubic . feel. Next OOO cilliie I'eet feel. All over .'1(100 cubic Cilliie lie!. (Outside rates) 100 cubic feet.. nine feet "0, IK W oe ii a 'VMi wau to h teill, alld with Waynesvi SY ela i ion.-. ite pa i i iin ;it (heir act ion o siv'ietly liiei to 1 1 ; i i- lw-ood per cent. Ila.u dwood's ahh i in are much disturbed ovei and the patrons in lla ireeiy expri ssu sever br: a to i recinds w Inch rati s unh !' I we easei by n s Waynes niont lis ago wholesale seven! v-livo and mayor the milder, elwood are eniselves' tilat won't stand for the unjustified ii ! ll: f. Iii-ing plans on-: i iiiit il Th. Willi been ,il i i i in they increase. Tin- matter came to lit lit when ( he lla.elwood board 'noticed their bill for water from Waynesville had sud denly increased, t'ln.n investigation. ihal the i.ale had been per' cent wit bout t heir d: The llaelwooil board -.in b I he ihll'er, rice wit ti ll on to tin ir palroiis, ielinite act inn is taken. I niti ae.nn last nieht I'oiisiiliiiir. eiieio ; it who him n I he c i oiind. Plans an- to ii.iss ineel nie; for l-;i ,dav nigh! ib. In , I .V p. i 1 00 cubi fi ef, I lc per 100 Minimum Next litld feet. . Next 20(10 cubic feet. All over ::o(ii) i cubic feet, I" $1 .oil. ' 100 ( Pie ru r 10'i ruble libic feet, JOc pel' 100 ill the scllnii ! he pi ople fil'i si riled In hoard of aid. wishes. . '"If 1 Uei i lis Thai cha.ri-re oiii' pal nil 1 1 ' ! 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiii-iiiimn I We tolel.ili' ', . in M.i'oi; hiteiii i day.- "The pei free lo ex pi i ss woii'l Slallel l( I I lie lou u of I la operate' a -systi pi li e w e have. b'i a '-,000 gallon' ,,i I. at 7 :.lo. , u hu h l ime of I lazi h ood aw 1 1 liave : Ih' in llio lai (s, and the I'l'illell w ill abl.le by fhei w e w i I I have .to about $2. 1.0' per i o.i'KiO gallons, ,f il le's new iirlee." l'i: Vos; sa.il ye.sl.er I'll here liae been I niiiseh s l i.al i hey: oe'i a .pi ice,-- W hen '.elwood ran own and in for I he same old en paying- .$I.2.Y for iiiii," X -if,- I: si leeted and I here js available, and Tepi U I'A. l- A am I he lla;-.. iinliniiied I lie ill. given out conference V. BLE NAMED VICK-PKESIDKNT-Or KAIL SUKC.EONS The AssociatHUi ot surgeons of i,he Southern Railway . System elected Dr. J F Abel- of Waynesville, as first vice president, at their annual con vention, which is meeting in New Orleans this week. The Hl-lil con vention will be luld in Washington, I). C. Dr (J. I. .Jones. Washington, chief surgeon of the railroad, conducted an open forum on the handling of 'lies pass injury eases, ' which he said comprise niore Than 50 per . cent of railroad accidents. .More than (our hundred women have notified .Miss Mary Margaret Smith, county home demonstration agent, of ; their plans to attend the annual nicet i ing ol the I" li st District of the North j Carolina federation of home demon . sf.ratioii clubs,: , which w ill be held here in the ! list .Methodist church Ion I-ridav, .May the 27lh. I his num- her includes 1 club menibers lroin the groups ol Haywood county. Mrs. Clyde K. Hoey, of Raleigh, will? of the (.lovernor, will make the I wood irineipal address of tlie day. Other j .Thomas (ireen, 9, Dies Of Injuries Received In Fall Son OI Mrs. Lawrence 'Green Fell. Frof :0-Foot Cliff Fast Wednesday Afternoon W ill Siari nunuay the afternoon the teachers will have: . cu,wl,.l their choice of trips, a game of golf,NeV Traill Schedule or a visit to the Uiltmore Mansion. That night the Waynesville Chamber - of Commerce will be hosts at a danpe at Armory honoring the visitors. The Buccaneers, of Asheville, will fui n-1 ish the music, and the Soco Gap : dancers will present a floor show. On Friday morning a business ses sion will close the weeks activities. Approximately five hundred teach ers will attend the conference. PAUL MARTIN ILL Paul Martin has been confined to his bed for the past two days. He was reported better yesterday and is expected to be out this week-end. Iinn.ng Sin lav, the passtngei' train going cast will leave here at 12-40 ; instead of 1:23. The Change in schedule, necessitates , . irir, tVio mails at the a cnange m -i.ii"'fe post cast will All mail going have to be in tne post j 11-55, it was announced by Post master J. H. Howell. The mail will leave the office at 12:20. The rvsw schedule puts the heaviest mails of the day on the post office force within an hour's time. I speakers who w ill take part on the ! -prog-ram. will be: .Miss Ruth Current, I i state . -home" demonstration agent,' I Miss Anna C. Rowe, district agent, ! .'hi S. Sloan, district farm'.. agent, audi Mis f W I lod, piisidi nt of thi iNorth I arolma lederation (if Ivoitie demonstration clubs. i j .Mrs. Ilarley Reno, of Canton, rl is- I trict chairman, will preside. Iho l meeting will open at I0:d0 and ad-1 i journ for luncheon at 12:40 which will be served in the. dining.' room of the church, buffet style. The afternoon session will start at 2:00 o clock an 1 the meeting is scheduled to adjourn at 3 :-)0 o'clock. Welcomes will be extended the women by Mrs. C. C. Newell, of this county, J. A. Lowe, -chairman of the Haywood countv commissioners,'. and F. S. Sloan, district farm agent. Mrs. K. W . Strunk, of Cherokee county clubs, will respond. Serving on the registration com mittee from the clubs of Havwood will be Mrs. Paul Robinson, Mrs. Paul Hyatt, Mrs. Grady Rogers, Mrs. Lvn wood Grahl, Mrs. XV. T. Raincr, Mrs. Carl Medford, and Mrs. Herbert Plott. Those responsible for the decora tions of the church and receiving rooms, will be Mrs. Henry Francis, Mrs. Mary Russell, Mrs. Jerry Fran cis, Mrs. L. C. Ferguson, Mrs. D. R. (Continued on back page) - Last lites- were held on Saturday afternoon at . three o'clock at the First, Baptist. , .church, ' for Thomas Hoone Green, age ,!l years, wh it, 4:10 I'lidav morninir in the II County. Bauconij nid r philit liilie, Kill I i.i.i- nl.legei t Tuler any explained by ) lain i, -already plenty, of w'aler eiilii ives I Com IM' ( '. 'have Ii. ,: Iwiiod boaid and ot .'issistaiici' and suf- 10 install the plant, a plant. . can be in 'lild provide-- H.'iO.iiO') I hours, it. was said.. 11 15,00(1.' a sewerage he installed at the same, take llazelwood sewerage bland Creek, aiid absolve from' being a party of the i.l hit ion of the creek." one of the plans, it was the llazelwood mayor. I!li;. lires .-"jOjOOIf that' w. ev el' .v aildil ion t he. water depart meiit' co if self in five years, w ith paying (he in i rliiimni , i property. Tentative lion plant, aynesville present ml mi a rate diti ii Id the .of mal plans ci and not ray for )atrons i HJi tax on .. . t filtera- i lor a i watershed as las, il, was cMilamei!. . lhe Waynesville bo;in ol alderme'i explain (hat . they have been losing money on the water sold Hazelwood. I i in- rate for years has be.cir $200 for Hospital. The Rev. :,lrst .""'''nn gallons and 10 cents of Asheville, former I T"1 thousand for every thousand pastor of the church, officiated. Bur ial wa.s in (Jreen Hill cemetery. Pallbcarort-H w;en; the .following young boys: .Byron Marsh, Wilson Medford, Joe late, Jr., Jess Crouser, Jr., Henry I-ov, and Joe Massic. Tommy met his. death from results ot a fifty fool fall from the edge of Wild Cat Cliff, which overlooks lhe Waynesville Country Club golf course He had gone with his two older brothers on -an- overnight camping tup on U((hiisii night 1 hi bioth ei s had selected a camp site and were waiting for some other bovs to join them, when Tommy strolled about investigating, and fell, from the clifl. The brothers rushed to the cliff, and Tom was taken lo a house nearby and . a. physician summoned. When the doctor arrived he took him to the Haywood County Hospital wnere he lived until .Friday morning. Tommy -was the son of Mrs. Olive Boone Green, and the late Lawrence Greeny grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Green and of the late Mr and Mrs. Jesse Daniel Boone. Mr Boone was for many years owner and editur of The Waynesville Mountan-eer..-' . , Surviving are his mother; five sisters, Olive Jane, Ruth, Merrill, Mary Joe, and Palsy, and three brothers, Mack, Emmette, and John ny, and his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green. over $.'150 and that -amount', minimum for 15 cents per second million thousand thei is now using illons: I he new rate is a the first million thousand for the and 10 cents tor each afier. llazelwood is lightly in excess of a a mini inuiu million .month. Mayor 1'revosl said that in (he past eight years, llazelwood had paid $.2.1,275.07 l Waynesville for water Jhe Waynesville board argues that the demand, here in the summer taieV (he capacity ot the pipe line, and that they will be forced to spend eonsider abh to tike can of tin di mind, and that if Waynesville was not, supplying- , llazelwood that there would not h any m cess, t of lnstll,,, fl ain pipe .line.. ; The Waynesville water shed is now- producing about .'six million gallons of water, a day. The consumption here reaches a million gallons a day for a few days in the,, summer, especially during a dry . sea son. ' . W'ayncsyille is :al,so.: supply iiig Lake Junaluska. The llazelwood board explained that the new rate was put into ef fect three months ago without their being notified. No notice whatever Was given to any llazelwood official, and it was only after checking over the higher water bill, and "asking for an explanation that the news was (Continued on back page) i.