Page 6 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MAY , -:- News Events Of Special Interest To Women -: MISS lDITH LONG GRADLTKS IRO.M GRKKNSHORO COLL KG K j .Mis.- Kdith Long, daughter of Mrs. 1 K. 1 ' Long, of L;;k.' Jiilialtlska. was : Engaged ( ',, i. n ill" wid.-h u . the y,i i . . i i i 1 It'll IM I ! I iii .! in.:.. ' ii:g. IV., an .'il in'!1' (H;:i1.s nt' 1 1 it- G;eei t w i ck. :.. finished la r work m i li t u i in-il t i t he college j I'laiiri.i'i iiH'.' t pi ogram, ' U.'lLSllllI interest tlm ! i . 1 1 ! 1 1 ; viitn ainiivorsalV ol - nl' tin- coll.-ge by the (V'l V!I observed, V!t:l 'v l i ii;j1 al! t in- colleges ' i- in t la- i.a: ii.n alti-mi- j ' ' t Sty WOMAN'S CLI H ENJOYS ANN I'-: AL MKLTING j The last meeting of the Woman's1 ( k.ij lVr tno year I'.i:s7-:rt was held I on Thiir.-driy afternoon in tin- as sembly rooms of tin- L'.g'ioii iiunii-. i hi tin. al).-.i-!!fi- oi' ;he ;,i i-.-iai -hi , .'.l..-. I'M! au:.i;, uv :,i.-t , iv pri .-aiei.l .1.... C...kut, j.i.-.-id.-d. To Address District Club Meeting 'Jr., was announced this week. The .VI- till- LJMVfi li'lllf I'f oi .Mi s. l.ailii hiirin-. a I I'nnr.i-i' M ii'li -it , ainl the niotht-i- ot t he IV ni ,m Lang-borne sifters, of ir-I giliia. Aiu'.iaii forty members of" her lainily w .e-ent, -suitn- ol the graiuldaagVi.-is coming f nun Kntf la?ul. Wall iln i -xci'iitinn of Lailv A -tor al! h: ; i-hildivn wci'c pivst'lit. Mi.-,-. l.niiL, 'a as joiiK-.l on Friilav I iv In r ,!. i'ii,-r, her Muter. Miss .v ai an I, hi.;, ami Jm- Johnson. I In' 1 ... ., , ... ,. ., . , , i ,, , Miss I'o.salyn Wells Kav, whose 'n- j i.i i' ' '.' i : tn.r,i -.l in town on Mondav. : , , . , ,. ,.. ii;liiii ill vy ll IIIUI II 1111.1111 MIIIllllS, Ml SIC ( 1.I H .MKKTING I'OST- L NKXT WKKK Tin- ,r iim-; ii.sf of tin Way -ii' lili- A i : i '.. ( 'lib v. liich wa-. to have i j -tit In ji hi I'sa' afternoon. - May tli - n. tin- lii-rii tinsl oiii-,l until Saiiiiii. v June the llh. AIi. I 'a til llyat' v.-ill l- li,,te, i,, n... elilli, a- !l l;e ilmoht Hotel. M If. AMI MliS. 11 I.I AM HYATT in iil N I.N Al MA I-'AKM Mr. ai'.J Al, Will-iam ). Hyatt will haw- el. in of tireeti X'alley Kai iu ihi.- -t-.i.-iih. Aii. ilatt retnrneil lo U ayiu ,-viil, i h.- lii si ,,f ; he year from San .MeiM-.-i. Calif., where he has In en 1 1 '-;-,'-'-'!V' !! Ma- ia-t. sevi-ral years. ,H i::!:i;i annoi nckmknt Mr, aiiil Mi-s. Lester I'oteat an liounee the birth of a ilanhter, Hen rietta, at their home on the I''airvicw 1 ead, on .Alay 15t h. a. Miss Lois I'lott, a stuilent of JMan ton's College, spent the week-end with her imreiits, Mr. and Mi Vaughn Plott.. . Miss Kuna Plott, a teacher at Kandleman, spent the week-end with her brother, Vaughn. Plott. She loft Sunday fur Horse Shoe, where .she will spend .sometime with her .sister, I-OJ--I I:, w o ana li .- and an. Tl el ah ,Ua r.-i w ,,-re ill,. - (a --(I in , ,- anau.ii ri pwi t ul an .-hain.irii featured ihe e olaei rs who will serve the c-oiiiini-.- year are a:. sident. Air.-. Han U'al- t vtm vi'VT ui.'i.'i.- marriage win ne an important .social event of Jul v. Encasement Of Widespread Interest Announced .Mrs. Charles Kdwin Uav has an nounced the eiiauenu lit and ap proaching marriage of her daughter, .diss Uosalyn Wells Kay, to Arthur William Collins, .If-., ol Canton and Chattanooga. The wfdilin- will be .solenmizeii in .Inly, with the plans aniiouaceil a t a lal tor date. Miss Hay is a raduaU' of Waynes ville I'owil.-iiip llili School and afso j attended llnia- I niversity, where sue J was a itii inber of the .Kappa lclta Vairoriiy. Siliee liuisliiiiK school she ! has been a popular number of the .vounu-'i- social group of the town. I .Air. Collins is the .son of Mrs. Col lins and the late Arthur William 1 Collins, of Chattanooga. He is re j siding ;. I present in Canton, where he is connected with the management of the Imperial 1 lottd. ICE' CREAM '.SUITER AT FRANCIS COVE CHAPEL Saturday, May 28th Proceeds to be used for Church Public Conlialltf in t itetl. WOMAN'S CLl H TO HOLD KKNK I1T liKIDGK I'AIM'Y AT GOUUON The ways and means committee of the Woman's Club has announced a benefit bridge party, to be held to morrow evening at the Gordon Hotel. Since there have been so few social affairs for the past few weeks, a huge crowd is anticipated. ic Mr. Dock Turnin. who has snent the past year with his daughter, Mrs. Flora Webb, at her home in San Diego. Calif., arrived during the week. Ua follow.:: !:ins, first vice president. Mrs. Feb:; Siovai!, second vice president, Airs.. John Al. Queen, third vice president, A;rs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, correbuond llig sicretary to be tilled later. 'i la- following ciiaiimen were ap ,oii.ieil lo .ei ve: .iiK ricai: Home, ..Ps. John Al. Queen, ait, .diss ,o-Di-na .M.ih-i . giinleii, .ill.,. C. F. Ivin; i.aniel;, titucaiion, .Mrs. James Sum mers, ieg-jslative. Mrs. S. I'. Gay, liter ature, Mrs. Felix Stovall, music, Mia. Kvander Preston, public wellare, Mm. I-rank Ferguson, ways and means, Mis. C. (' White, iiultlieifv. Mrs. T I, Gwytt, ami (iirl Scouts, .Airs. I-'elix Stovall. .Airs. Jerry Colkitt, repurte.l the amount raised .from the rummage sale neld by the club. She also announced a benefit bridge pally for the near future. Al i s v!X,i s; , " Z ! if -in Cir. for 1 hi ir t roo). K. C. WagenlVId stated that had been reali.ed fluriiig the dri e, and t hanked the cluo support of the Waynisville bat L i I . . .;. ' ; " n T--- -f a,r r iiiMimiiMiu -:5s3 We Have the S. Styles You Want! li W Wtt- : ::-A ' x. ro -,.y i : :.I .-. C. F. Kirkjiat: iek leuorleu the garden coimiiittee had been asked to be responsible for ri moving tiie honeysuckle vines around the rhododendron bushes along the drive way to Grecti Hill cemetery. An invitation was read from Miss .Mary Al. Smith, county home demon stration agent, asking the members to a tea given on ' Friday . afternoon, at the Methodist church, honoring Mrs. Clyde II Hoey, Wife of Govern or Hooy. Mrs. Kvander Preston had charge of the program. She gave an inter esting sketch of the life of Kthel bert Xovm, the American composer and presented a program of Ins coin positions as follows: Miss Gracu Crocker played ''Goodnight, Mrs. Tom Spurlock sang "The Rosary," and a trio composed of Mrs. J. Dale Stentz, Miss Ida Jean ISrown and Ms. Tom Spurlock, sang "Mighty Lige a Rose." The flowers and refreshments ear ned nut the Girl Scout colors. Hos tesses of the afternoon were: Mrs. Woodson Joans Mi-i '', ... Airs. Dwicht lientv Airs ivr f: si.,,- ey, Mrs. W. T. Crawford, and Mrs. Tom Spurlock. i r if Li Al. ffi!4 IW y J ll ':'! '''' ' f ' .viis. a lyue K. tioey, wile of tlovernoi- Hoev whn will ..rt,t..c '."", . - ' . jj fiui tuui.i-ii3 till; HlIIKII tlH' I,llst District, Home Demonstration Clubs at their meeting here to "'""mV . Cut Courtesy lialciyh Xeus and Observer. AN- WKI)DL(; OF INTKRKST NOKNCKD A wedding announcement of inter est was received here this week by friends and relatives, from Randall, Washington. The announcement was: All-, and Mrs. Alfred W iiini'i- Silni- announce the marriage of their daugh ter Doris Diola to Mr. Henry IJcltz Friday, May (i, HCkS at Randall, Washington. iii Mrs. Robert Dedmondt, of Colilm lumbus, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ruekner. Mr. ami Mis. Hiram McCraeken had as their guests last Sundav. Miss Ruby Teague, Miss Katherine' Hyatt, -Mr. Robert Hyatt, Mr. R. C. Hyatt, Mr. Eugene McCraeken-, all of Bry Vson City, Mr. Jack Hatchet, of Mur ; phy. Miss Collie Garner, of Ashe- vine, and Mrs. Eleanor Garner I Waynesville. Miss Marguerite Murphy, student at lb evard College, spent the Week end in town with her parents, Dr. ami Mrs. J. C. Murphy. ifi .Mis. S. P. Gay ami young son, Paiker, have returned from a visit to relatives m Rome, Ga. ... Miss Sarah Melch. stiiil.Mil nl W,.ui. em Carolina Teachers College, sporU ll-o. ii-,.. .1.- l :.. .... .... ...... "i.ii-uiii in lown wun her par- cuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Welch. .Mrs. Homier Ray and small son, Tommy, who have been visiting the Rev. and Mrs. Tom Mangum in Sel nia, Ala., returned on Monday night. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Houtwell had as their guests over the week-end, Mr. and Mis. L. B. Cooper and Mr. and Airs. L. E. Fisher, of Chattanooga. JOK MORMINO IMPROVING Friends will bo glad to learn that Joe Mornu'no, who has been confined to his bed for sometime, is improving. , Mr. and Mrs. (,,:, i. , j their guest over u'. ' I Mary Holing, ,,f i ' ' 1 Mr. S-.m Mi:,.. . : Salem, was ti. , town over the ,v, , iner, who is ,, farm agent ,,i ! ' formerly held 1 1 , Ha.vwooil c'ou.n: . Mr. and M , - , t the latter'. , Rogers, and ! ui Monday f n. i j where thi y w ii! a' ! mum exert'i.-es - , i lege, from which ! Rogers, step.-,,!-. graduate. ; Miss Mai tka i.r : V ' nrrived the tir-; . ; ! Greensboro wia-i . past several inom . the Greensboro (. ,., I Mi-o. M. I). Wat;.,;.. Monday from (ii nU:. t, , has been the gu,--( ,, I N- Barber, Ji., at i-.. i parents, .Mi. an-! A: ' Mrs. 0. R. M,;,-;- . fortnight w iiii ;, . t, tlarles J in b (ill, , , While away slu- w: M, sister, Mrs. Nora T . in Woodston, X. .1. Miss Ilaseltine Su .-'-, ,, : gone to Raleigh, w in i , ,. Miss pniilv Silei- in i, i.. and attend the eon-inn iu , n;, i, cises at the College. .Mrs. T. Troy Wye),.- umI , oi i o, i.iai l iiii .iiae atiu .i.iii, left on Rnliiivhiv f. . , former's narents in i:,.i,kv;n.. -. friends in Winston-Sali-ni ai;, (I: horo. Thi.r mi i,.i,.i,.,i ment at Greensboro CI!,. .,. v the last named place. ' ,: Miss Nan Hardin, wlm i mki Kiiuinuu r.Mi,.L.i ,i. l ... , . c spent several davs diiiini: tlu week with her mother -j thiV mer home at Lake JiuinliKk.-i time and i New Ford Photo i of Mrs. Rufus Silei- and young daugh ter. BetSV. Infl (in Tnm.J,, T.,1 I - .... . Mi-nun j illl IVill- jeigh, where they will attend com , mencement at Peace Institute. The ; former's daughter, Miss Emily Siler, w ho has been an outstanding student iat the college, is a member of the ' graduating class. Miss Theodosia Flud week-end with relatives vide, S. C. spent the in Green- White Shoes $1.49 to $6.00 C. E. RAY'S SONS I Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bridges and small son, Charles, spent the week end in Oreenville. S. C: as the mi'M. of friends and relatives. --.-. Tatsy (;wyn, yountr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gw-yn, left I Tuesday for Chapel Hill, where she will spend this week as the guest of .Ml', and Mrs. Oscar Coffin. .,'..--- Miss Lois Hanold, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Guy Withers, at her home in Washington, D. C., has returned home. While in the capital .Miss Harrold was ex tensively entertained. Among the delightful affairs honoring her was a large luncheon given by hsr hos tess. '' A k irn yyX y H AF3 yi. . ' "V &y'-yi c f? -Ay Henry Ford This new and excellent camera study of Henry Ford, taken in New York after the motor mag nate's White House luncheon with the president, preceded a brief address before the American Newspaper Publishers' associa tion at which he stated: "We are all on a spot and stick to your guns and I will help you with the assistance of my son all I can " V .v fir.- it y y ,4Jy ' Muuj, Uuehf, tlunfl to. lluua you G. E. RAY'S SONS

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