fflE Waynesville Mountaineer fcth Along the POLITICAL FRONTS Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 22 WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY.. JUNE 2, 193$ $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Oratorical Winner ...i predictions tail. some Haywood voters will go IK' veil 'th.: re: .-. 1.,., Wa'Ppn r and seven p. m. and . C the hardest fought ' the history of Haywood , have been keeping in J. with Haywood polities '!u.Jv admitted this week, .itip.iii.'ti had had more per entered into it than any iv.embered. politicians refuse to me . i0 manv complications in this ,bt are hard to figure out . part tney m i""J 1 1 . 4'.,,. ..vainnlp. thpre were . -i i i.e Dpmnnrats for leL'lsicieu . P'5 ' . i: n.wl.r.,.- campaign, acc-orum t v,... Ion, chairman of the board ol tions. nother point to be remembered, absentee ballot is back in Hay- id this year, and Mr. oryson re tted that something like 800 of ba UOtS Will Uf uacu, r"6u.fi j I number already called ior. r-iec-s have been won in Haywood by than 3a votes. I lis ' campaign is far more ' com -,tel than the 1936 campaign, h brought out slightly more than t thousand voters. ftere have been changes made in voting places in the county Anee voters will vote in the new school, and Clyde voters will in the school building instead ncher's store. jo challenges- were made, last Sat ire!" any name entered on the jstratioh books, Mr. Bryson re Union Services To Begin Sunday; . At Baptist Church Choirs Of Town Are Cooperat-i ing And Will (live Special .Musical Numbers . . Never No More To Run" Ray Dietz had every reason to wear a broad smile he won the district oratorical contest at Swannanoa recently. e polls for the primary will open eveii a. m. and close at seven p. Heretofore the polls have opened minrise and closed at sunset. The ;e will have the effect of reduc- athe voting time about two and a hours. pywood's Republicans have a ary to be settled Saturday, in races tax collector and commis- ler. J he candidates are working, are hot campaigning like the wrats. In fact, very little is k heard of the races. order that the public might the results of the election as as possible, The Mountaineer Martin Electric Co.. have com- pl plans to give the returns at feint house. Saturday night, be ng about 7:45. large board, with names of the "ates in six-inch letters, has prepared and will be hung in of the court house, and the of each will be Dlaced bv their !s Within a few minutes after he- received here. A new nuUi- P system will be used in an- rm? the vote of each candidate eac.i precinct. fcides giving the county returns, ""ns will be given over the peaker. This Yipw e-ircstov .o m on full volume and heard " mi es. Music and novelty s be given over the loud er wh no returns are availa- ri:k UD stl,nv,..l it. of , mat iiiu ina- fr-ia ;"-.ll;,ncts would be in lot th ' 18 expfcted at 90 per loarH k i W1U be talated on before midnight. . , . MoUntain.. li.i. ' ... . '.. i lah.iia,,- Slan .will Handle Ma tin -,, the votes. whe F ank aT"1''0 the announcing, rgW astern. I, wS' Indies a lot of 'e theP?allenge(1Paul Martin ears TPpn the ho- For of th, , has handled this r.. H veCt"m murns to per e day i)',artln will give news it the returns, and EteheV. 8 ; enWment for .rOaTkTcitv'lsU ... foment Jo on- Kto 11" .x large ';e of th . e entire front fee 3C0Urt house with lirtt Nd ovi' !arSe I'ght will rrd can V board' and the b. Can be eaS)ly read for half ar'".ie:W.-II I hd V.1 01 a record-break. flymen 7 or.five '. "? occasion. Fd in cTT--.' . roniued .ww0r,e thousand a on hack page) . Ray Dietz Wins In Oratorial Contest Ray Dietz, a second year high school student and member of the Smoky Mountains National Park chapter Future Farmers of America, won the Western North Carolina Oratorical contest, which was held on last Saturday at Swannanoa. Young Dietz is entitled to go to Raleig;h, on July the Kith to represent the fifth mountain district in a pub lie speaking contest. He Will com pete against four other boys repre senting the other sections of the state. The winner in the state will represent North Carolina at the Southern Reg ional conference in New Orleans. The winner at New Orleans will go to Kansas City in October to com pete in the National Convention of Future Farmers of America. Dietz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dietz, of Francis Cove. He was assisted in assembling the subject matter for his oration, "Soil Erosion,'' by J. C. Brown, his teacher, and trained by Mrs. J. M. Kellett. Haywood Enters Health Contest The 1938 district 4-H health con test was held in Asheville last Tues day, with the examinations being given by Dr. H. L. Sumner, Buncombe county public health officer. Haywood county was represented in the contest by Betty Jean Best of the Cratbree 4-H club and Roger Rhodarnier of the Canton 4-H club. Those in charge stated that the whole group of boys and girls com peting from Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cherokee, Clay, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Mc Dowell, Madison, Macon, Swain Tran sylvania, Wautauga, and Yancey coun ties, showed up well. Counties represented in the second scoring to determine the winners among the boys were Cherokee, Clay, Buncombd, Haywood, and Transyl vania; among the girls were Bun combe, McDowell Swain, and Wa tauga The first union service will be held heie Sunday evening at eight o'clock, with all three congregations in town, gathering at the First Baptist church. Decision was made to hold the ser vices at the First Baptist church during the month of June. Another church will be named for July and still a third church for August. The choirs of the town are holding legular practices every Wednesday night, and will give special musical numbers at each of the union services, every Sunday evening. The speaker for Sunday's service was not announcedalthough he will be a local pastor. It was decided that when a local pastor will fill the pulpit that no name would bo an nounced. When a visitor will preach, there will be an announcement made as to the person. The congregations of the town recently voted to hold the union ser vices during the summer months. Hospitality Committee To Meet On Tuesday The first formal meeting of the Haywood County Hospitality Com mittee, will be held Tuesday evening at Lake I.ogan lodge, according to Chairman Chas. K. Kay, Jr. Meetings have been held of the Waynesville and Canton groups sep arately, and this time all M7 members from the county are expected to gather and organize for making Haywood "the friendliest and most popular county in the South." Mr. Ray announced that while "informality will be the keynote of the evening," Eddie Pickard, execu tive secretary of the Governor's Hospitality Committee, and John Baskerville, of the state advertising conimitte, together with Robert F. Phillips, of Asheville, would be pres ent. "We expect forty people to attend," Mr. Ray said. "There is lots of work for this committee to do, and Tues day night. we plan to 'discuss the pur pose of the hospitality committee, and want all .'57 members to get acquaint ed. Those in charge of the arrange ments are: M. H. Bowles, Mrs. G. W. Bohnsdahl, Morris Brooks, W. J, Damtoft. J. Dale 'Stents;- and Mrs. M. D. Watkins. . Mrs. Hoey Hits At Wine, Liquor At Club Meeting Tvlls ."(.() Cluh Women That Posi tion Of Mothers Determines That Of Children This large 45-gallon still was captured by officers before it was placed into duty, but not so with the small 5-gallon copper unit shown beside the large one. The two stills, and four men were brought in after a raid on Eagle's Nest Mountain. Amyng those muking- the raid were Deputy Sheriff John Kerley and Federal Officer, Roy Recce. The four men were bound over to federal court, their names were not made public, as it is believed they are connected with other operations. The large still was said to have been a re placement of one that eventually hail worn out from continual use. I'lioto bi H mnt r Jn fin. Howell Urges Americanism Be Taught Memorial Day was observed on Sunday afternoon at the Legion home by the local post of the Amer ican T,egion with' the Commander J. C. Brown, presiding. The principal address of the pro gram was given by Col. J. Harden Howell, who stressed the importance of teaching the children and adults love of the constitution and the mean ing of Americanism. He denounced in no uncertain terms, communism, fascism and nazism. He appealed to the living to ever be mindful of the men who had laid down their lives on the battlefieds. Other features of the program in cluded a reading, "In Flanders Field," by Virginia Kellett, two vo cal numbers, "My Buddy" and "A Long Trail a Winding," by Miss Ida Jean Brown, in the latter she was joined by the audience. Owing to the inclement weather the ceremony of decorating the graves of all the soldiers buried in Green Hill cemetery, which is a usual part of the observation of Memorial Day, was not held. The flags were given out to the members of the family and friends present, who placed them at a later date. Baptist Women To Meet Thurs day At Clyde The annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary. Uunion of the Haywood Baptist Association will be held Thursday, June 9th, at the Clyde Baptist church. The theme for the meeting will be "The Trumpet Sounds We Answer." The program will start at 10 o'clock and close at 3:15 in the afternoon. Lunch will be served by the ladies of the Clyde Baptist church. All pastors and representatives from each society are urged to attend. Repre sentatives from churches which have no missionary society will also be cordially welcomed. The program follows. Devotional, Mrs. A. M. Maxwell; welcome, Mrs. E. M. Greene, re sponse Mrs. R. H. Worley; The Years Hymn; discussion of plans for pro motion of the jubilee, superintendents report, Mrs, Sam Knight; steward ship report, Mrs. W. T. Crawford; Missionary study report, Mrs. Sam Jones; personal service report, Mrs. R. T. Messer; treasurer's report, Mrs, T. L, Blalock; literature report, Mrs. J. M. Haynes; discussion of the reports. Heck Memorial Our Jubilee Gift, Mrs. J. R. Morgan. Address, Miss Helen McCullough, a returned missionary from China. Afternoon; Our Jubilee Hvmn and devotional; open , conference; re-1 port of young people's leader, pa rade oi progress by G. A.'s and golden anniversary meditation. Indians Turn Down Dunlap's Parkway Plan The I'hieokee Indian Council, voted down a proposal made this week by Frank Dunlap, chairman of the state highway commission, which would have routed the Blue Ridge Parway from Soco Gap, via Duchess Bald into Ha vensford. The proposed route would have traversed the northwestern sec tion of the Reservation. Mr. Dunlap presented the plan Tuesday, and the vote was taken Wednesday after several hours of debating. The highway' chairman stop ped for a brief stay here enroute to Asheville, and discussed high way matters with Chas. E. Ray, Jr., L. N. Davis and Frank W. Miller. New Jewelery Store Opens In Waynesville A new jewelery and gift store has been opened in Waynesville, occupy ing the shop owned by W. T. Shelton, next door to Western Union offices, knovvn as the Davis-Smith Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Smith, of Canton, are owners, with Hugh Shel ton connected with the management. Robert Swicegood, an expert jew eler and watch repairer, has been em ployed by the local store. Mr. Swice good has been with one of the leading jewelery firms of Dotham, Ala., for the past four years. Mrs. Smith, who before her mar riage was Miss Isabelle Davis, is the daughter of Mrs. Lula Davis and the late Jere Davis. Mr. Davis main tained a jewelery store in Waynes ville for a period of thirty years. The Smiths also own and operate a jewelery and gift shop in Canton, which is managed by Mr. Smith. The store in Canton having been es tablished by Mr. and Mrs. Jere Davis. 100 Vocational Teachers Meeting At L. Junaluska With practically every county in jibe state represented by . npproxi i niately 400 teachers, the annual live- ! ilnv ...inC.r..,,..., ,)' V,,,ll, '.., Una teachers vocational agriculture is being held this week at Lake Juna luska. Owing to the cool weather, how ever,) several programs have been carried out at the high school audi torium, Roy H. Thomas, state supervisor of vocational agriculture, is in charge of the program, assisted by Tal H. Stafford of Asheville, district su pervisor. Among the state officials who are attending the meeting are: Clyde A. Hrwin, state superintendent of public instruction, T. E, Browne, state di rector of vocational education W. Kerr Seot state Commissioner of agriculture, and the live district su pervisors of vocational agriculture. Also appearing on the program are two officials of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, .). A. Linke, national agent for vocational education, Wash ington, D. C, and I). M. Clements, Southern regional agent for agricul ture education. The meeting opened on .Monday af- ternoort, following registration. J. The First District of the North Carolina Federation of Home Demon stration clubs met here in Friday in an all day meeting for their annual conference, at the First Methodist church. Mrs. Hurley C. Reno, ot Canton, president, presided, with Mrs. W. H. Nesbitt, of Swain county, act ing as secretary. The district includes the following counties: Cherokee, Haywood, Gra ham, Macon, Jackson, and Swain. Nearly 500 women attended, with Ht from Haywood county. Newly elected officers to serve th" district for the coining year were: President, Mrs. Carl Slagle, of Macon county; first vice president, Mrs. Lewis Cannon, Jackson county; sec ond vice president, Mrs. H. E. Enloe, Swain county; third vice president, Mrs. J. H. Green, of Graham county; secretary, Mrs. Julia Wells, Chero keen county. The principal speaker on the pro gram was Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey, wife the Governor of North Carolina, who spoke on "Home." With her good practical ideas of home making and motherly advice Mrs. Hoey won con stant applause from the audience. She said: "The home is our greatest institution and our home-makers are our -greatest benefactors. Whatever the women of a .community are the same community in which they live. The Ingest purpose of every good womuh is to have a happy; home." Mrs. Hoey. rather called down the modern idea of leaving the lessons to the teachers and pointed out that it was I he duty of the mother to find out just what her children are study ing. She also emphasized the im portance of making the home a pleas ant and agreeable place to come to, in other words a happy home. In closing her address Mrs. Hoey spoke with feeling on the subject of wine and beer drinking, and the ef fects the freedom of the present day social customs are having in break ing down the morals of the young people. She reminded the women that the position the mother in thi home takes on such questions usually establishes the position taken by her daughters and sons. The program opened with tin? sing ing of "America the Beautiful," fol lowed by th,' repeating of the "Collect of Club Women of America," by the audience. Mrs. C. C. Newell, in be hall of the clubs of Haywood -oumy, welcomed the visitors, Mrs. 10. W. Strunk, of Cherokee county, respond ed. Special songs and musical num bers were rendered by the Beavcr- iai-n. eiui), and the Clyde Dale Stentz extended a welcome, to ' onst ration -h.h v v" """' "'"- Thomas responded, t Miss Anna C. Row e, district -ounty addressed the group a iron t. m-cu,,i...i .i.., . Peacemaker Slightly Injured During Scrap Lucius Bramlett was slightly in jured Saturday afternoon when he tried to separate two men fighting at the court house. He received a slight knife cut on the side of the head, When one of the men tried to break away. The in iurinir of Mr. I Armnrv. M-iih mi.cin f,.;. v..i C. ,i. which Roy II. D. M. Clements on Southern Agriculture Conditions. On Tuesday morning Clyde A. Erwin addressed the teachers on the financial condition of American farm ers, comparing present flay incomes and standards to those of 24 years ago. T. E. Browne, in his annual ad- j i j. it. . i . ... iiiens in ine reacners .set up certain standards for tPachers pf vocational agriculture, and pointed out their rcsponsiDiiities to the community in which they teach On Tuesday night the recreational program was given in the high school auditorum, with 30 Cherokee Indians giving ceremonial dances and ex hi.-. bit ions of archery. On Wednesday', morning the busi ness was continued, with a motor cade to Clingman's Dome in the af ternoon as guests of the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce, and a rcera tional program in the evening. This morning the program will be held, with the afternoon given over to recreational activities, with a choice of trips, game of golf or a visit to the Bi It more Mansion. Tonight the Waynesville Chamber of Com merce will give a dance in the new Bramlett was accidental The two men were fined $25 each in Mayors court Monday. Their names were Price and Haney, who were reported to have had a grudge against each other for several years. MISS ABBIE FA YE HENRY GRAD UATES FROM N. C. C. U. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plott, of Enka, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Carolina, on Saturday, May the 21st, at the Mission Hospital, in Asheville. Mrs. Plott is the former Miss Edna Jones, of Jones Farm. Miss Abbie Faye Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Henry, will receive the degree of bachelor of arts at commencement exercises at Wo- man's College of the University of North Carolina, on Monday morning, June the 6th. Miss Henry is a mem ber of the Cornelian Society, the Botany club, the Chemistry club, the Education club, and the Square Dance club. Miss Henry is one of the 291 members of the senior class. Buccaneers of Asheville. The Soco Gap dance team will stage a floor show. ... ' On Friday a business session will close the annual five day conference, which has been a well balanced pro gram of serious considerations of work and a variety of recreational activities. " K . nie meeting, including Mrs. T W. Lloyd, state president of the Fed erat.on of the Home Demonstration clubs, and Miss Ruth Current, state hmo demonstration agent, arid Mrs Clyde R. Hoey. At noo a bullet luncheon was served in the .lining room of the church. In the after noon Miss Current addressed the meeting, telling the women what a power they are in North Carolina, pointmg out the fact that they now numbered 6(1,000 strong. She com- ....:..., io mem lour words snouid no applied to enthusiasm, vision, loyalty. The meeting next year will be held in Bryson City. Following adjournment a tea, with several civic groups of the county as hostesses, was given complimenting Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey. that each member, optimism and PROMINENT SUMMER VISITOR PASSES AWAY BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wells, on May 22, a daughter, Julia Anne. GOING TO SEATTLE W. R. Francis, assistant district attorney, leaves the first of next week for Seattle, Wash. He is going to see about some legal matters for the government, and will be gone about ten days. Friends here have received notice of the death of Mrs. J. E. Carlcton, of Statesvlille, which odtfurred at her home in that city on Monday after hoon. f'uneral services were held on Wednesday. - Dr. and Mrs. Carleton and their family were well known in w. . ville, having come here for the sum mer for the past twentyhree years, rhey stopped at th. Jessie Rogers for eleven years and were guests of Mrs. E. B. Camp for twelve years. Last summer was the first season they had not been here since their first visit. Mrs. Carleton is survived by her husband and three children, all of Statesville. I SINGING CONVENTION A singing convention will be he at Allen's Creek on Sunday af terno- Degmning at 1:30 o'clock. All ers, quartets and choirs of the are invited to attend. - ' 1 1 t I If-