Waynesville Mountaineer THE o v R E And THERE . M,.r;j 11.4V GWYX ,i.r.bc i." -' i1-- :e : ' ', Wrt KS ,U over ... but the a . . . and no doubt ... for the court ha. literally shaken r.biings ... in the . and the eandi- vous wrecks . . . to vou . . in the the county tick m ,-iit T.r tO I -. ,.11 i :!i I'M ' .hi. P.niocratic candidates, will m .-,.! th Published In The County Seat oHaywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Jmokv Mountains National Park FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR NO, 23 WAYNESVILLE, X. C, THl RSDAYE 9. 1938 $ L30 IN A I) VAN CE IN COUNTY President Has Nominated In Last Saturday's Primarv-!n . . m i n i stone And Brick sheriff " , ussioner iemocrais mane mange in In Masonic Marker. I V r----"'-: n : f A OAA UA Luiiiini55iuner5, v,d)) YOie :i probability, be your tuxt two and in some Fil:-' wis id iarmt r . who John 323 Stones Have Been Received From All Parts Of Globe For Marker At Klack Camp " Gap ,i to introduce solicitor . . lawyer and very good at ran away with his they say m mils as wen as a scaieu .inJiJa:e ... at any rate Jonn looks ticnntidously relieved. . . .ppil! tnt. Mr. Jones fXt present the genial Glenn ;.!, of Cinbtree, ... one of Hay ,4 county's best fanners . . . who represent the county in ine state iintiirf . . botn wnn creau to istlf and Haywood . . . we need r.i fear of erratic measures Jrom hn as lie is a sane practical Liwss man . . . who keeps his feet :ht ground. . . . 1 now tome to Robert V. Welch, Ihfliff . . . said to be the only one the state of North Carolina never carries a gun or wears o but has found that (either is necessary to be a suc- sful olive!' ... a loyal friend , and dangerous foe . . steady .w. . . not a! rani ot the l) (self. . but just Jet Baby Linda ac'i'ld ... . or have the tummy it . . . mill it is said that his inii!C six I'cct four inches of Hif.n and coinage melt' awav ? inter snow tinder -spring; ishille. ... ! pt may I introduce . . . Smiling per McCrackcn . . who stavs Mother, two vears to county taxes ... and I believe ri' hannv tn rl.. sm vcr., K'eatly missed in the rural lets now that the ramu;n i lor it is reported that he has .more stove wnml unH ,.-,. ,,i ater in the last month 'ther eaiiiliclnto Of the more than 325 stones sent by Masons of the six continents of the globe to iro into the Masonic Marker to be unveiled at Black Camp uap on jury um, two arriving with in the past few days are of particu lar interest since they were contribut ed by the President. The following letter was received by T. Troy Wyche, Past Grand Master of the N. C. Grand Councill and irenem! ermie. man of the July assembly program: My dear Mr. Chairman: Pursuant to your request of Mav seventeenth 1 take pleasure in send ing you, by express, one stone and one brick for the Masonic Marker to be erected at Black Camp Gap of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The stone has been taken from the grounds surrounding my home at Hyde Park and the brick was sal vaged from the old brickwork of the wnite House during recent alter tions. Other engagements 'preclude' my ' (Continued on back page) Erkraft Moving To New Plant In Hazelwood New Plant Will Give Firm More Than Twice As Much Floor Space kliow me tcrni-n.nt Pill t ho may never look the same t he'll be riirht th Ik's office for another 4 von,. ft it paid Bill to kiss all th'a H in Haywood . . . un.l toll, ' to their Manias . . . it truthfully sai.l of Hill tw '"t HU accommodating and cour- of c, t of Hs ion has over k Of .thy hi'ld the Superior Die let t r 0.,UM!V introduce out of tin he-ten immissioiiers. ;hree point f A i the him wn, Jr.,. wnom we successful 1,.,J .l . I., r i ivu ui inn U 'deration ". :.u r firm L ,..,.' ' ; experience ."uj Ull IT-,- .. 'II . - CBinnnu. . H Davu ". v, . .. : r l ' ' "'.orother "as thp n-ift t ..u . had :,:., th,s on-, ... r: lfiodi", i. " - snouia mhin ; ls m his f,Ve 'im an ,i,i. i Problems ,r T l"e f wuntv, (lf the farmers Workmen began yesterday moyniit some thirty tons of machinery from the Main street plant of Erkraft In dustries to the new location in Ha zelwood. R. V. Erk, manager, and owner, said he expected it would bo ten days begore all machinery, and equipment would be operating in the new plant, which was fnnnet-lu th,. rock apple house at Hazelwood. ' The building has been completely , lenovated, and new floors, roof and ceiling put in. The entire interior of the building has been designed to give straight line production. All of the interior has been nainted wilh i aluminum paint, and large liohts j placed at frequent intervals. A num I ber of w indows were installed, whu h I will afford ample sunlight. I Three offices will be used, one loi display, one for bookkeeping and a private office for Mr. Erk. A large stock room with a loading platform separate the offices from th.' main production room. Separate rooms will be used for storage of 1 cartons, and a large machine room has been completely equipped. A locker room, equipped with fifty ! individual lockers has been installed,! and a shower bath occupies the far J end of the locker room. I The glue room is a snnaratc Jiiimi from the remainder of the plant opecial concrete foundations h;ivo been placed for the laicer nieces of (machinery. ihe attic is being used for storing lumber and supplies. The new building will give the firm more than twice the space it now occupies on Main street. Mr, Erk came here over five years ago and purchased the plant which makes creative wood novelties. fin i ' "HOI I llj .tj CLERK OF COl RT CEOKC.K A. IIKOWN. J. I ' 1 11 ' ' 'Tf commissioner i , rv- t 1 "" " i I V i -'I' - I K f" W. G-. HYEKS LSHiiWb4MA LIS. Lwi FRANK M Clyde Stock Yards lo Begin Selling On Next Thursday aril At Civile To Pej-in Fourth Year. Prospects Good For Uij; Season 'Ihe Haywood Mutual Stock Yards, at Clyde, will open for the l'.'.'iS sea son at two o'clock liext Thursday, it was announced here yesterday.' l ne sales will be conducted every i lliursdiiy at the same hour, regard less of weather, with Medford Leuth ei wood, as auctioneer. All kinds of live stock will be of fered for sale, and nil indications are l,hat this year will' mark a banner year for the stock yards, which were erected four years ago. This was the first stock yard to be built in Western North Carolina, it was pointed out, and one official said: 'We are desirous ilmt th llnvww.,1 stock roiNcrs patronize the home yard,. .ihicn is managed and operated . by Haywood, men." C. I!. Atkinson is secretary of the organization, and tire ollices will ho cated in nvnesville. ! All Other Offictp Holders Are I Nominated In County's Quietest Election Eviry present Haywood office holder with the exception of the boiiiil of commissioners, was nominal id last Saturday, when over ll,,'00 voters cast the largest vote on re cord in this county, and on the quiet est election day ever remembered. George A. Brown, Jr., Krank Davis and K. T, (Bob) Boyd were high men in the commissioners race. Mr. Boyd is now serving on the board. The Republicans held H nrimsni of , J . v the same time, but failed ni vulli the occasion, and only 1 Hi votes were cast. George Brown, Jr. Led the ticket in the commissioners race polling 6,315 votes. Davis' followed with 4,110, and Boyd received .'5,(1(51. The official vote, as canvassed yes terday afternoon showed the following: Clerk of Court TAX COLLECTOR DAVIS I COMMISSIONER L;. - '.. - ' W. H. Met RACK KN llT- Boyd . k... , I Boyd "vner Known bc,a,d ';'-'" over from . .i good vote eviipr.ll,. .u- . risn co"hdence in his "'"fls and stock MlvJtl O Ntf i n .i.... , . : 'fanci I'.' ra."didat( !?Potint tr that lend,, . 2. ,oe hnes I" n't'h his v'eq in v Lesion for Rpricl ?Pfmf.,. n since he but be it said at times as he . tho fellow rto "raciietic and . VO n 'ii . sa u ftf aie a" Clad of rrQ iice"s s f,. 01 deeds' In ni... tern,. . 'f Cf'sbui C -. ia. . vanton W Z ha'He Fran- I '0nt les " V'Ct0ry l'nation appreciative 1 the 1,.: , ' '." Chestpr 1 his Cl .,at,ve game . . b. J"1 training . ".lm,.j "r on k- . BOOSTERS TO ENTERTAIN ROTARIANS AT 7 TONIGHT The Hazelwood Rooster Club will be hosts to the Waynesville Rotary Club tonight at seven o'clock at the Presbyterian Hut. Willi am Chambers is president of the Hazelwood club. It. T. BOYD GRANGE TO MEET The Pigeon Valley Grange will meet .Monday night at eight o'clock. All members are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Davis, announce the birth of a son, Marcus Earl Davis, Jr., at the Waynesville SanitoriuiUj on It i. .. 1 . . .uue 1 1 1 e jsl Official Democratic Primary Re turns For Haywood County State Publicity ivian Mnas rienty Of Material! iere "1 got enough material today to Write several long leature stories for out-of state papers,' was the remark of John C. Baskerville, form, r Ral eigh newspaper man, and now coil nected with the advertising 'depart ment of the department of Conser vation and .Development- ' By all means, the entrance to the park should bo bv the way of Black ( amp Gap. I have been through the park, but never have I seen anvlhintr to equal the view lioin lleintooga and that section, he said. "We are getting fioin 250 to 4!' (. letters a day as a result if our direct I advertising campaign, and indica tion are inal we will get inuic letters ill the season. "The folder that Haywood'- got out as a follow lipMo t lie ,s1a'te .eampaigll is a distinct'" credit to (lie county. It is one of the In "t thai te have seeii, and it should prove to be profit able." Mr. Hask.'iville sa'id that Mr. Sharpe, of ., the. oflici,., vvoriM spend Several days in this .area' soon, taking special views lor .. punJicitv work ml national advertising . features Reeves Is Given Degree At Duke W. Thomas Reeves, former teacher in the Waynesville hibh school, re ceived his master of arts degree from Duke University at Durham during the past week-end. Mr. Keeves now resides in Canton, where he is engaged in the traffic office of the Champion Paper and Fibre Company. Mr. Reeves's thesis was entitled: "A History of Havwood I . ! County." We -received his- A. ' II. gree from Citadel in l!i2!. By ers Ferguson Majority Welch St I ing Ma ior (i. I.I MeCrai k. n Ferguson Ma.jnrit v I.c.lbottor Gibson Majoi il y .Serirr Th ( ol'ectnr Sur rvor Palmer Sen telle Majority Queen Jones Majority Weaver Whit mire Majority Representative Solicitor 4.0,r)l 1,157 . 5,i!S5 4,0.rl ft, 4d' .!..ii;i'.i 1,770 5,1.12 2,1!7 2,(i;lo 7,4!)'. 1,410 ;,08t) ii.(i(!..! 2,717 'I b V.j(, not Holds nia.'i I'd id for In lowing hv the. led I.V HaeeecK Grady ihi ;lilit the Rankin lann-s ( enuresis 5,820 :i.4:ts 2,.'1S2 ie Senatorial race but Senator Roy. one over Congress -Mr. itiborne led to one in the race Coniniissioner. ('publican' races, the w.-re given nd yesterday: ( ollertof for 1 1 nlal.le. live to (J'b'ilation 'left i'.'ll lie I'or 'lax F( rt!iis:in ''old fof-out. 51 Smnther's Wells Hawkins Henry .. Ferguson Commissioners .(!! 2' OFFJdl E VOTE WYNESVlI.I.i: .TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE' Clerk of Tax Court Sheriff ( tuMy .. ( dnnnissioni rs .()r PRECINCTS -::,..'. " i: '' . ' . '- -.-''. " ' - - - -! -S3 ' " ' V' ' ?''. " ' ''"J ' - ' ;T U i Beaverdam 1 298 193 220 250. . 231 30 210 122. 10 224 (ill 2! ""p?r232 iflO 228 " Beaverdam 2 214 79 190 I 107 109 42 M IT,., 21 157 l.'lft 17 102 8.3 218 72 Beaverdam 3 : 288 206 256 226 191 fi 158 rC 50 275 152 61 223 165 311 l(!0 Beaverdam 4 271 173 225 207 161 70 159 .. .?2 38 248 136 40 169 165 2)2 180 Beaverdam 5 ................ 188 117 152 149 145 30 87 vi2- K 213 61 38 85 104 393 98 Beaverdam 6 269 142 220 190 153 51 124 "5 ..,26 , 260 J138 62 196 98 248 139 Big Creek 52 49 55 47 39 15 65 52 3 1 49 1 29 51 30 66 Crabtree . 233 190 275 141 f9 113 254 IS f3 65 184 6 148 191 288 133 Clyde ...;v.....;......... 417 127 340 199 57 147 195 86 27 235 256 37 392 131 406 129 Cecil ,.....;;., .. ,. HO 28 86 53 110 II S9 S 2 61 49 12 25 28 100 21 Cataloochee 7 27 6 29 5 4 35 2 7 1 14 35 11- 23 Fines Creek 215 293 292 213 116 58 465 '! :74 19 54 135 371 226 279 Iron Duff ....;. 81 51 71 60 32 52 112 15 33 8 47 8 115 54 75 Ivy Hill ..... 276 290 344 231 93 211 356 300 53 34 212 15 78 244 156 415 Hazelwood 193 108 216 102 61 68 233 82 39 80 55 18 49 222 231 5' Jonathan Creek 123 203 235 86 35 40 260 109 67 26 224 9 40 153 136 191 Lake Junaluska ............ 115 156 131 131 39 137 222 60 39 74 65 20 Jl 125 145 128 East Fork 146 25 90 . 77 144 4 116, 12 32 3 30 1 62 81 19 Pigeon 294 179 208 269 344 87 235 54 19 66 42 154 69 138 309 148 White Oak .. 45 50 64 35 2 6 78 92 2.8 5 47 59 34 North Waynesville ...... 634 814 607 822 365 426 998 430 128 209 481 68 323 789 845 570 South Waynesville 839 595 1000 427 224 696 819 369 71 , 343 626 72 292 663 880 479 Surveyor Congress House of Ren. Si Hazelwood j Lakit Junalu ; N. Wnynesvilh S. Wavnosville I i Total ka re.'; V -Z' S 142 68 !H 148 . 55 57 .')!! 528 365 575 483 21 1264 1KJ4 732 Solicitor OFFICIAL VOTE HEAVEKDAM TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE RACE I TOTAL .................... 5308 4095 5283 4051 2745 2364 5315 21S5 682 2633 146 210 252 287 184 238 53 280 357 111 21 244 91 113 171 132 146 40 349 59 830 818 222 46 131 88 69 110 44 72 86 11 12 110 22 389 57 100 88 31 98 9 416 286 342 137 358 310 178 296 92 148 325 . 26 24 326 62 386 238 162 182 86 278 40 887 937 127 159 127 131 119 109 9 274 217 109 9 177 69 185 06 159 88 48 188 24 529 515 392 229 360 341 225 328 300 364 391 94 35 390 59 500 220 302 218 96 326 73 1248 1202 I o.) 101 82 62 65 1 54 113 19 98 71 42 57 11 50 8 133 18 151 166 224 391 308 267 162 234 97 269 379 99 26 409 95 496 203 243 142 117 291 80 1236 1095 2-15 104 181 175 137 165 5 149 172 32 8 103 35 65 99 82 130 13 180 17 302 318 3061 694 2534 4110 5409 3639 5132 2497 5820' 3438 7499 1410 6663 2717 Beaverdam Beaverdam Beaverdam Beaverdam Beaverdam Beaverdam Total 1 239i 2 140 3 317 4 235 5 134 15 161 1226 in 43 124 114 83 101 220 685 . 13 15 13 42 4 93 14 49 87 61 28 89 33: Big Crowd Attends First Union Service The Baptist church nc miMrrrf tn capacity on last Sunday night, when the first union service of the summer' months was inaugurated. The ser vices Will be held in th Rnnticl- church through the month of June. Dr. R. P. Walker filled the pulpit, taking as his theme, "The Great In vitation." J. Dale Stentz. lead thp assembly sineine-. whil Evandnr Preston directed the choir. J

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