I-' : i' -if v I I 't fHE Waynesville Mountaineer . i Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park NO. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1938 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY TS-Hopkins Accepts tan Baptist iiuicn P,4orlAssume Duties li- ... ., IVnm UnJu!ylotn. Wincnesici, ". , Hopkins, of Winchester, r i.uloit committee of n ,.h.-,.h here yester- ifc '. ,., th. call ex- ,hat he nail i , . . tw "c , .... ,.v,m,pVi on last him c.v u.c- ,1.. H.111K S about Juiy u"' stated that he voted unanimously for the fonner Mr. Ike' Id be here his duties. ., .k-h t-xieniled a congretration fUboro Pa""'- l . ,i.,t two veais. r , u. , in Winchester and Fkl :. ...-.! as nastor in sville. ne .-v..-- r7 trctate, and a grauuaie ui Forest College. He attended Baptist Theological oemuiaij i;vitle. He- is Vi has a wife and one cniiu. preached at the morning ana ;e fi'i -vices neie ioui w,.c. ami was .termed by members of coBgi'eiratK'ir as oemg .-- miavher, and a Uaimeu pasiui. chuicn nas oetui wmiu or mce uie ii'mkiwuuh - ' - .... ..Ap .. V. Bauctmi. winch Decame euec- Maivh first. Engineers Begin Survey On Water Plant Enlargement Engineers began work Monday morning for the town of Waynesville. to determine the best method to be used to increase the water supply for the system. Town officials were not given any assurance as to the date the survey would be completed. The work will include plans for building a new fil tering plant at the intake on the moun tain, it was learned. Effcrts will be made to work out plans witivt'y the tight-inch main from the mountain to the present fil tering plant can be made to furnisa ample water to the town without the laying of an additional line. Town officials are hopeful of get ting a W'PA project through, which would give a 45 per cent grant and a 55 per cent loan for the work. The engineering firm of Har-wood-BeBee, of Spartanburg, have been employed to do the preliminary surveying, anil to make a detailed report. On Vacation Here W.Ray Named As Director Ui Bank ffilf.ml - Kar was sworn in as lectin- of the First National Bank week, having been elected to fill ancy on the board. .. V !. Ray was named on a eorrimit- Ito look after loans and discounts. It board - of directors of the bank U-composed of J. R. Boyd, D. Ires Noland, . J. H. Way, L. N. lis,-J. t; Noland and J. W. Ray. ', s" F 1 SENATOR WILLIAM S.N! ATH EMS ' PATE ATTENDING MEDICAL ASSEMBLY Lr the third consecutive year, Dr. fck Pate, Canton physician, has chosen to represent North Car at the annual- meeting of the ressec Valley Tost Graduate As- in Kiioxville. . ted physicians from every part he country lecture : on every lih of medicine. anil Mrs. Pate and two sons y'esti'rday. Thev will return l-y night. , ARE DANCE BEING GIVEN FOR LIBRARY Man Slashed When He Presents Bill Officers are seeking Baxter Conard, formerly of the White Oak section who is charged with the cutting of Wade Davis, du, of the Mauney Cove, here Monday afternoon near the depot. Davis' arm was slashed, and his side cut, Ofiicers have not question ed Davis because of his condition, But it was learned from bystanders, ac cording to officers, that Davis had earlier in the dav, presented Conard with a small bill of about a dollar. It is said further, that Davis was pulled from a car, unaware of Con- ard's whereabouts. Davis was rushed to the hospital, and was reported yesterday as rest ing well, and his condition satisfac tory. Conard had returned here recently from New Jersey. members of the Waynesville pry board are sponsoring a square to be given on Thursdav nifi-ht h Gordon Hotel as a benefit for "aynesville Public Library, the to be used in buying new L ... . pwnjr win becm at 8:30. . Music l furnished by the Soco Gap Sam Queen, well known leader authority, on the native folk M' call the figures.. ' W square dance, is enjoyed "Y? 1 e ''c'sideiits and the visi- a Iaiee CiOWd is nn)ir.mlvl fnr kffair. -T ' 0 HOLD PICNIC SUPPER "f the Pigeon Valley w snl then- families ,as Ruests, "Picr.,c "supper at Bethel Mon Mtt'inoon at six o'clock. All meed to attend. "Last Round-Up Of Books Loaned By Bookmobile Miss Helen Medford, librarian of the Waynesville Public Library, re quests that people on the routes made by the traveling bookmobile, return all books on the date, place and tune as sceheduled below. As the books must be returned to the North Caro lina Library Commission from which they have been borrowed for a given length of tune. The truck will make its last trip next week. Monday Allen's Creek school house 9:00. Saunook school house 10:00. Ratcliff Cove Baptist church 11:00. Lake Junaluska, Jerry Liner's store 12:00. j Clyde post office 1:00. Tuesday Moody's store on Dellwood road 9:00. Dellwood post office 1 1 :00. Maggie school house 11:00. Peachtree church above Maggie 1:00. Rock Hill school house 2:00. Cove Creek post office 3:00. Wednesday Iron Duff Methodist church 9:00. I Riverside church 10:00. Crabtree school house 11:00. Rock Spring school house l:.i(). Senator Smathers Of New Jersey Fishing Trip Here Senator and Mrs. William Smath- and their daughter. Miss Billy Smathers, and two sons. .!. I'. and Bon, ni'i'ived last Wednesday to spend three weeks hero as the irueMs ot the former's parents, Dr. jiim Mrs. 1!. Y . Smathers. While in this section Senator Sniathers,' junior senator front New Jersey, who is taking :. rest alter his strenuous, duties in the recent session of ( ongress, is spending the maior part ot his tune fishintr. He and his family spent several days during the past week at Hazel Creek, in Jackson county, bringing back with them a splendid catch. After their visit here the senator and his family will go to Washing ton for a st'iv after which tfiev will go to their home nr Atlantic . Citv. 45 Boys Enrolled At Camp Dellwood Fifty Uovs And Staff Of 20 Will Hold -Eight-Week Camp Be ginning July 1st Forty-five bovs and fifteen coun selors of the Western North Caro lina district of the Methodict Church, South, are occupying Camp Dell wood until Saturday of this week. Last week a similar number of girls of the district were in camp. Beginning Julv first, the camp will, be operated hv J. A. CarMe, of Waynesville, for eight weeks as a private camp. Bovs from everv sec tion of the nation have signed for the eight-week camp. A staff of twenty will be maintained during the eight weeks. This week, the bovs in camp are taking courses in nature study, hand icraft, recreation, religious educa tion, and civic and community service. Jobs For 96 Found By Employment Office Last month, 7S private placements were made nut of the Waynesville office of the state employment service. Eighteen placements were made on public jobs, and 14 ? new registrations were received. In the state, 7,192 placements -were made. During the same period 2S, 377 nersoiis were recorded as nnrili- fa WeatUeJi Rept 11 II T, , ... . . I u.titnol Observer Max 80 U 77 .7i- maximum ttininiunv for t-eek week fweek , June Min 53 55 58 59 :: 62 ' 59 56 Prec 0.03 0.27 0.48 040 0.41 0.02 .........80. ........57.4 .... 68.7 ..........84. - ,.........53. James Chapel school house 2:30. Forks of Hyder Mountain, Big Branch cants for work road 4:00. i Thursday MERCHANTS HIT AT N. C. James store 9:00. I STATE SALES TAX Charlie Rathbone's store 11:00. Liavis store place upper fines Crock Th orth Carolina Merchants 1 :30. Friday Cecil school house 9:0C. Rickman store 1-1 "C. Henson Covf 1:30. Dicks Cree?. Baptist church 3:00. Cruso school house 4:00. Association, meeting in Blowing Rock the first of the week, went on record ! opposing the state sales tax, brand ling it as "unfair to the poorer cit- izens." Chas. E. Ray, Jr., a director of the association, attended the two-day session. VIETTI TAKES OVER DIXIE STORE MARKET mrs. doyle alley is attend,- J IN (I INSTITUTE John J. Vietti, or Hickory, has j jf,.s- Doyle Alley, state president taken over the market in the Dixie 0f the North Carolina Parent Teach Store here. Mr. and Mrs. Vietti and ers Association, left yesterday for ' f temperature .8 - yi week ... j ",;r:::: - -"" nnrinl . . . . "' n as 20.85 t6y for - - 'w :.....,...... 2.67 eek week eek ......85.4 .......57.0 71.2 90. ltat'on fn,: - - ------ 53. "k not; son,' Robert, have moved here and are making this thier home. Mr. Vietti has had years of expe rience in handling meats and oper ating markets. Tuesday Was Longest Dav In The Year Talkative folks had plenty of time Tuesday in which to say their say, as it was the Ionp-est day in the year. There was some thing like fourteen hours and forty minutes between sunrise and1 sunset. Greensboro, where she will attend the Parent Teachers Institute, which is being sponsored by the Woman's College, of the University of North Carolina. Among the speakers of the program will be Mrs. J. K. Petten gill, president of National Congress of Parents and Teachers. Miss Harte Oliver Resigns As Public Health Nurse Here Miss Clara McCall, Of Marion, Assumed Duties Monday Morning With Department Miss Harte Oliver, who for the greater part of the past four years, i has served as the public health nurse of Haywood county, has rc-i signed, and will leave Friday for Fort Collins, Colo., where she will spend a couple of months resting. Miss Oliver has done a splendid piece-of work in this county and she has made many friends during her residence here. Before coming to Haywood county Miss Oliver had had a wide experience in public health work, having hrld positions in both North anil South Carolina, and the state of Maine. Following her sojourn in Colorado, i Miss Oliver will return to her na tive county of Forsyth, where she will be connected with the health tlo-i partment of that countv. Miss Oliver will he succeeded l Miss ( lina Met all, ot Marion, who arrived on Monday to t;iko up tin work in the county, Miss MeCall is a graduate of the school of nursing of Mission Hospi tal, Asheville. She has just tinishvd ;i course in public health nursing at the college ol W illiam and Marv, in luchmonit. Mie has also t.'iKcn a course at the public health-.Center' of the I Diversity ol North Carolina. Miss Met all was at one nine connect ed with the city health dopai tniont ot Asheville. Petitions Asking For Liquor Store Election Crowing .Consistent reports here ve.slrhlnv, showed that .something like 1 ,41)0 names had been signed on the peti tions asking that the hoard of elec tions call an election on the estab lishment of liquor stores in Havwooil county. The exact number of names were not available, as several petition's were in other parts of the county yesterday. It was learned that out; petition was sent to Canton earlier in the week, and one had been on Pigeon for a day or so. It was reported that 150 signers were received ill Ilazclwood 111 a short tune. 1 he petitions must contain, 1,708 names of qualified voters before the; board can call an election on the question. MINISTERS OPPOSE CALLING ELECTION The 'Haywood Ministerial Associa tion, in a special meeting at Canton Monday of this week, perfected plans, lor a campaign against the proposal to establish liquor stores in the county. Since petitions are getting circulated to get names of qualified voters ask ing that the board of elections call an election on the matter, the minis terial association began anew their plans for opposing the county getting the stores. . One member of the association re ported that the organization had plans formulated for carrying out a shard fight, should the election be called. More than half of the ministers attended the meeting Monday. 60-Gallon Still, 120 Gallons Beer Captured In Raid A 60-gallon still was captured on Jonathan's Creek, Saturday afternoon, by deputy Bob Ray. In the raid, 120 gallons of beer were destroyed, but no arrests were made. Deputy Ray reported that a fire had been built under the still, and pre parations were being made for a "run." The still was found about a half mile from the highway in the Howard Wyatt cove section. Gen Wright, local taxi driver, accolnpamed Depu ty Ray on the raid. Gov. Hoey To Formally Open '38 Lake Program Lake Speaker 1 -"" v.V. -f r- 4f Wi Annual Hay wood County Day Will He Held Sunday. Plans Completed For Big Season COYKKNOK CLYDE K. HOKY Changes Made In Payment Of Shares To Building-Loan New Plan Puts Payments On A .Monthly Basis Instead Ol Weekly Payments As Heretofore As a matter ol convenience lor l lit shareholders the directors ol the llavwood Home Building ami Loan Association, recently amended ihe by laws, and have inaugurated a syslein, effective Julv first, which will put all shares on a monthly basis instead of tin; weekly plan. Heretofore, shares were tweiilv five cents for each Saturday. One share some months amounting to four dollars a month, and for five months in the year there would be five Sat urdays nnl the amount would be in creased to $1.25. . The new plan, according to S. II. Ruslincll, secretarv-t reasureti, will make it easier on the shareholders, and nl those who are paving on loans. 'Ihe amount will be (be same every month. A new series opens on Julv first, and three classes ol stock will be available: Class "A," the liS-relit-a-shai'c, or one ilolhu a month, ma turing in years. Class " l(, trio laJ Vss cents a share, or liflv cents a month, and maturing in U vcjirs. ( lass "( ," is tiltv cents a share, or two dollars a mouth, and matures in three and a hall years, hitch share, when matured, is worth one hundred dollars. Campers May Stay In Park 14 Days Official notice was issued this week, that a change in park regulations, would permit camping within the park for fourteen days in any one or all of the p;n k camp grounds. Heretofore, only ..one dav camping periods were permitted. Ihe change in the regulations was made possi ble by the fact that .'funds for com pleting the park are in hand. Hoard Hearin"; Complaints From County Taxpayers FRANK FERGUSON, JR., 1MPROV- :''v ING Frank Ferguson, Jr., who under went an operation last week at the University of Pensylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, is reported to be mak ing progress toward recovery. The board of county commissioners, sitting as an equalization board, were i hearing complaints from taxpayers i on Tuesday and Wednesday of this i week. The board will co-ntiue until ' June 2!)th. I Members of the board; reported that but few complaints were coming in. ; The board is not making any adjusl- I ments at present, but merely hearing the taxpayers, and will make an m- I vestijjation on all complaints before .j granting reduction..'. I A regular third Monday session I was held this week, with routine ; matters being disposed of The program at the Methodist As sembly will get into full swing Sun day, June 2ti, when the CJovernor, Clyde K. Hoey, delivers at eleven o'clock the Haywood County Day ad dress. Haywood County Day at Lake Ju naluska has become a tradition. Once each year the assembly management extends a cordial invitation to all citizens of Haywood county to assem ble in the auditorium to hear an ad dress delivered by sonic outstanding North Carolinian. Last year the Honorable Josephus Daniels, ambas sador from the United States to Mexico, spoke to ;m audience that filled the large auditorium,' Gov ernor Hoev spoke at the Methodist Assembly last year during the first week in Julv. His visit to Haywood county next Sunday is expected to attract a large number ol people. On llavwood Comity Dav Junaluska's neignibors arc given free admission neighbors are given tree admission other assembly privileges. Miss hatherme Kay, property man ager, and her coterie ol assistants hae set the assembly buildings and grounds in order. h l. Kiedell, di rector ot recreation, has put the golt course ami club house in condition tor the pleasure and coinlort ol those who. -enjoy' such privileges. Profes sor Waltei assiir, director ot mu sic, and Mrs. assai have arrived anil arc making plans lor the musical phase ol the summers program. I'rolessor J. M. Ormoml, program manager, and Mrs. Oimond have bce.i at the assembly tor a wet k. Pro lessor Oriiioiul is teaching in the Junaluska Summer School and per forming last minute duties for the formal opening of the nine weeks daily schedule til activities, Sunday Rev. K. H. Neu.se, minister of the West Asheville Methodist church, delivered the sermon at eleven o'clock. A phase in the fourth chap ter ot Philippians : "Ihink on these things," was used as a text. Mr. Nease said in part: "We live in a world with too little real thinking. No one can attain the highest ends in hie who tloes not think consistent ly.' In a noisy world like ours we should git alone with God m whose presence we can do .our best think ing. It is only through right, think ing that we can inaKe reality our own." : 'Ihe Methodist Assembly, establish ed in l!l l, is celebrating its twenty- filth anniversary this summer. 'I ho general conference of the Methodist hpiscopal Church,- South, at its re cent session in Birmingham, accept ed the assembly and elected a board of trustees who arc to manage tht; prop erty and program. Bishop Paul B. Kern, Dr. W. A. Lambeth, and Dr. AV. P. hew, who have constituted the holding board of trustees since the liquidation of a large indebtedness m the summer of I'.f.j'i, will be succeeded hv the new board of trustees in Sep tember of this year. Some of the nvapir features of this; year' program are the Junalusk.i Summer School, of which Dr. Paul N. Garber is "director;, the Western .North Carolina Conference School for Christian workers; the Council of Christ inn Social Order; the Leader ship School; the Missionaiy .Confer ence; the Pastors' Conference; the I oung Peoples Lcudershin Confer lence; Lav Activities Conference, and Preaching Week. ( In addition to these Camp Chcmuia j will be tipen one month for girls, a two-weeks Bible lecture series will I be offered, special musical and dra matic programs will be presented, leisure-time activities "Mill be con tinued throughout the season for children, yonug people, and adults. Mr. and Mrs. James Micheals, of Durham, who have been the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. their home. Johnnie Cuddeback left on Satur day for a visit to Philadelphia and to West Pittston, Penn. In the latter place he will visit his parents. Miss Rosa Mills, of Charlotte, one of the state supervisors of the govern ment nursery schools, spent several days i ntown during the week in con ference with the local teachers in the nursery schools. David Stentz had as his guest dur ing the week, Bill Fowler, of Char lotte, a classmate at Brevard College. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan and young daughter, Linda Stringfield, of Sylva, were guests of relatives in town over the week-end. Iiillic Kerley Loses Tips Of Three Fingers Billie Kerley, eleven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kerlev,, suffered an accident while riding in a home-made gasoline motor midget car on Tuesday. Young Kerlev threw his right . hand down to the side of the car and it caught under the drive chains, and he lost the tips of three fingers. Two were cut through the nail and one was cut off at the joint just below the nail. Mr. and Mrs. James Summers had as their guests at their cabin at Lake Santeetlah, over the week-end, Miss Jewel Hipps and Mr. Jack Summers, of Bryson City. ! 1 i I St . I x f i I - 1 I i