THURSDAY ii-,.. Page 2 L in THE WATNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Main Street Phone 137 Waynesville, North Carolina The Countv Seat Of Haywood County W. CURTIS RUSS Editor MRS. HILDA WAY GWVN Associate Editor W. Curtis Russ and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Haywood County $1.50 Six Months, In Haywood County 75c One Year, Outside Haywood County 2.00 All Subscriptions Payable in Advance Ktm-e.1 at the post ..Mil e :it, X. C as Se.:un.l (hiss Mail Mailer, as pnni.le.l umler the Act of . Is;. Nitveinlier -20. ltlll. oliitiiai-v notires. resuliitiuiut of tHiwt. cariln ol thanks, ami all imtiies of entertainments for ru(lt, will be charged for at the rate of one cent per word. -X'Nortifcarohmi v. WftSJ ASSOCIATION v e THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1938 BIBLE THOUGHT S'oic unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present, yon faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be gjory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. i4ineii.-r-Jude 24:25. ONE ARMED BANDITS In some sections of this state, slot machines are being operated out in the open twenty-four hours a day. The machines, of course, are making plenty of money for their owners. We were talking to a former slot machine operator recently, and he admitted the machines were set to split fifty fifty the first week or two in order to get up confidence of players. When the coins began rolling in the machines were reset, and "kept" ninety per cent of every dollar put in them. We know of one man who played the ma chines steady for three hours, losing and gain ing all along, and in the end, he was $25 in the whole. He thought he was going to beat the one armed bandit, but the machine knew better, and played (hira for a sucker. ' To make light of his loss, he turned and said he was charging the money up to recreation. But if he had had another quarter he would have fed it to the greedy, unbeatable machine. SHORTAGE OF HOUSES To say that the supply of modern' desirable houses in this community has come to a point where it is serious, is not just idle comment. It is a fact, and we make this statement only after careful investigation. This community is actually losing families year 'round citizens at that because of the lack of desirable housing. There are plenty of vacant lots, that would make suitable building sites, and numerous fi nancial institutions are begging to loan money on new houses, yet there does not seem to be any desire, or action on the part of any one here to start a building pragram, which would make a fair return on the money invested, and would do more to stimulate business and bring more people to the community than any other one thing. Building is active in Clyde and Canton. Many modern bungalows are being erected, and none are vacant. Real estate agents will tell you that the demand for better class homes is far above the supply, and in most instances they do not (have a single house to offer prospective renters. There are a number of people who lay claim that they are "land poor" having more property than they can afford to pay taxes on. That being the case, it seems to us that it would be wise to deed to home-builders a lot and take a second mortgage on it, and let the builder finan ce the house through some of the several chan nels available. It looks like a piece of bad business, to make such a to-do over getting tourists here for a few weeks in the summer, when the present hous ing facilities are not sufficient to house those who would live here twelve months in the year, and not hesitate to pay up to $30 or more a month for a desirable place. The modern trend was clearly demonstrated here this week, when a local h'u,sewife while selecting a lawn mower proved to be niLc-iested in all the essentials and working parts of the ma chine, except one the strength required to push it that minor detai'. was left to friend husba'id who had to foot the bill as well as pro vide tre brawn. The color scheme of the rnower worked in nicely with her kitchen curtains. So all was well. The Hughes round-the-world flight is said to (have cost $300,000, or about $200 for each mile of the distance covered. Sounds too much like a federal project. INTRODUCING PUNK At breakfast the head of the house tasted his portion of cantaloupe and remarked, "Not much punk." A son looked up, pained that his father should so use slang, and slang not easily understood, at that. So the head proceeded to explain. He said that when he was a small boy, back in the mountains of extreme western North Car&lina, matches were scarce and hard to come by; so substitutes were used whenever possible. At Christmas time the few "squibs" bought as a part of the celebration were set cn fire by punk, which is a certain form of decayed wood, dry, smooth and crumbly. It burns very slowly, a small piece of it keeping a tiny smoldering flame for a good while, making it ideal for use with fireworks. However, it is hard to tell the good punk from that which has not wholly decayed and which will not hold the fire well. If there's too much wood, it is "not mucin punk," and un satisfactory. I wonder if small boys and tomboys hunt punk in the woods these days! Mrs. Theo B. Davis, Zebulon Record. WATCH THIS LAW Newspapers throughout the country rec ently carried the story from a neighboring state of a young man who invited his mother for an auto ride and suffered an accident in which she was injured. Her attorney promptly sued the son for damages and it developed that tine in surance company, in which the son had a policy covering personal injuries to others, had to settle. Of course, it was a frameup, but it was legitimate in the eyes of that state. Under this law, that so many motorists know nothing about, it doesn't make any difference whom you invite into your car or to whom you extend the hospitality of a ride, you are running the risk of a damage suit in case they may be injured. The lowliest hobo has a claim if he happens to be your guest rider, as has any hitch-hiker you pick up. Right now as motorists are going on vacations in states whose laws are unknown to them, is the time to get posted. Ask yourself, before you start out, if it pays to take a chance. Reidsville Review. Several weeks ago, we believe it was there were five or six baby boys at the hospital and not a single girl. This week's hospital column carries the names of five girls, and not a single boy. Maybe this means something, but we can't prove what. Men are always poking fun at women's hats and dresses, but we are yet to hear one remark that he thought the fairer sex slhould go back to the grotesque swimming suits of the pur ported gay nineties. This old world is made up of a lot of "copy cats." Let one man or group venture into some thing, and before long the events do not make news. Take Hughes' flight around the world, and Corrigan's solo jump to Ireland, and right now there are several making preparations for similar flights. And all this brings to mind this question, wihat has happened to the ama teur radio programs? Cars from Ohio still rank third in the travel counts through the park, Of course Tennessee and North Carolina come first and second. The people of Ohio have a well-balanced state, steady incomes, and they love to travel. It seems that more should be done to acquaint them w ith this section than has been done in the past. Scientists say prehistoric man was never stoop-shouldered or round-shouldered. Why should he have been, he never had any taxes to Pay. ':- Vitamines are all right, according to health authorities, but a good breakfast of ham and eggs helps us get over the rough places in the day's work. TWO MINUTE SERMON BY THOMAS HASTWELL HAVE FAITH AND GO AHEAD There is a line in one of Shakespeare's plays which reads: "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the pood we oft might win by fearing to attempt." I never read the story of the report of the twelve spies sent by Moses to view the land of Canaan but that I think of this line. Two spies brought back a favorable re port but ten spies, influenced by cowardice, brought back an unfavorable report. They saw nothing but formidable giants in the land. Because of their fear the children of Israel forgot God's promises, and were doomed to spend forty years more in the wilderness. How like many today. Instead of living triumphant and victorous lives of accomplishment they cheat them selves by their fear and lack of faith, and condemn themselves to lives of mediocrity. God promised the children of Israel great things if they would but have faith and trust him and take him at his word. He makes the same promise to every one today, and all any of us has to do to receive the full reward of a happy, triumphant, victorious life, is to have faitb in ourselves and faith in h primis f God, nd t -o ahead. THE OLD HOME TOWN ----- By STANLEY i -t- tuMM-r wrM M5ASTBOUS Random SIDE GLANCES By YV, Curtis Russ Not until this week did I fully realize the importance that weather played in determining one's mental attitude. As we waded around gathering and looking after matters of routine, we met scores of people "down in the dumps" because of the contin uous rain. Some were actually des pondent, and very few cheerful. Does that mean that we do not have enough vision to look beyond the clouds and falling raindrops to see the ever-Di'esent sun? Does it mean that we are so easily dissatisfied? Evidently, we are "hard-to-please." a nation of And the next day when the sun came out from its week's hiding, we took it as a matter of fact, and went about our duties unappreciative of it all. And while on the subject of weath er and its influence, one is some times startled at the new styles of rain capes, coats and what have you. Of course the celophane coats have been with Us' for sometime, yet on some people they still look like a curiosity. As for hats, it seems that a nifty bandana is the thing, whether it keeps ones hair dry or not. After all, much like bathing suite, much of the apparel worn on rainy days by the fair sex is not for keeping one dry as much as to attract attention. A good old turned down felt hat on a man looks like genuine rainy weather, and more especially if he has his pipe turned up side down. The greatest pests of a rainy day, however, are those folks who care lessly carry umbrellas, and never give a thought to the people they meet. Too many times have we had to dodge the sharp points of an umbrella rib. One of the most dreaded features of walking up town during a rain; or immediately afterwards, is the possi bility of an awning full of water pouring down your back. But after all, it takes a certain amount of dreary, rainy days to bring out the fact that we smile even against adverse circumstances. And while basking In the sun, 1 learned for the first time that the earth curves about eight inches to the mile. - And also, that seventy-two per cent of the earth's surface is covered with salt water and last week, the larger part of the rest of the globe was well sprinkled with rain water. And if there is any argument, an elevation of land more than 2,000 feet high is a mountain, less than that elevation is classed a hill. And in the event you'Ve never eaten any, icebergs are always fresh water ice, inspite of the fact that they are found in the ocean. REFINERY BLAZE DOES DAMAGE Fire in a new $15,000,000 refinery of Sinclair Oil Company at Wells ville, N. Y., took three lives, injured 75 and did damage to over million dollars early this week. Those killed were watching the first of the blaze from across the river when a tank exploded and was thrown across the stream. Your Horoscope July 31 With your ability you can fit into most any condition that arises and whatever you undertake you get out of it all there is in it. You like to dress well and are generally good natured. August 1, 2 You are full of curi osity and, like the cat on the fence, you like to know what Is going on al though you do not generally pry into other peoples business. You are fond of money and will work hard to get it, but spend it freely. You want everything nice but are willing to work for it. August 3, 4 Being secretive you conceal your thoughts and intensions, so that no word or expression will reveal them. You are courageous and under some circumstances are baffled but not defeated. August 5, 6, 7 You have marked religious inclinations and a strong love of justice. You are fond of dress THIS WEEK in HISTORY Aue-usr 1 R,,K... , -r . man, born, 1842. i sus started. 17SJ0 August 2 World i .,u,. League of Nations, l:i'' copy of Declaration signed by 54 delegat 'f Ir.dn I'M August 3 Spain ;utHp. , can conditions of pi.aC(; idge sworn in as, p,,s;rit United States, 192::. ! ' : August 4 Germany a.(1 f Britain at war, 19 1 4. St ery mail first introduced in .k ' ed States, 1889. u Aue'list 5 John cn:-... " - ""in , mi,., J am r 1 .... ' 'M of first Atlantic telegraph tr which failed to operate after i weeks of service, completed, lSjj" August 6 Military revolt favor of Santa Ona broke out it V iruz, wexico, 1845. Alfred U lennyson, oorn, lsuy. Autruat 7 Rill;.. D..i. J,- . uuiKe, It'rJ foorn, isou. -vanaua peace fa dedicated, 1927. and finery and take care of you u your children personal appear uuvo c. h i Kmc, lBlDUii iioiuic, iia.q nign aims ana Sip: tions and are strong in jour t, demnation of wrong. GETS $833.33 ALIMONY Mrs. Martha Barkley Ryu Morganton, was granted a ape tion and $833.3;) monthly pemitr alimony from Pat Ryan, wealthy :! to part of the Wall Street fortan Thomas Fortune Ryan. The sejr tion was granted Monday in I .V York court. Miss Rarklev and Hi were married in Hickory after a to day courtship. Their marriage aw nation-wide interest. J hey separated the day after the w Watch for the Little Orange Car it is the one that calls for your cleaning and makes prompt delivery of satisfac tory work, always. Call ONE ONE THREE CENTRAL CLEANERS MAIN STREET Phone 113 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER CALL 11.1 Ask Yourself These Three Questions 1. Have I enough insurance? 2. Are my policies the best type I could select to cover my risks? 3. Can I depend on prompt adjustment if I hnre to put in a claim? May we analyze your present policies and give you correct answers on these important questions? There u no charge or obligationand you will appreciate the fairness and honesty of our answers. L. N. DAVIS & CO. Insurance- Real Estate Rentals Bonds PHONE 77 MAIN STREET AlOOtolSHOT Even those were the odds against Corrigan coi ing his remarkable flight, he had a RIGHT to mpW' take the chance because he was risking only his OW N But no individual or institution is licensed to ga"1 with the lives of OTHERS. Here at Alexander's we play safe at ALL times. A S K YOU R DOCTOR ALEXANDER'S DRUGSTORE . nltf Opp- r-1 Phones 53 and 54 TWO REGISTERED PHARMACISTS FOR oUB PROTECTION