fHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park :koTrth year no. 31 ifty WAYNESVILLE, N. (, THIRS!AY, Al'fil'ST 4, 19.58 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COVXT1 own Boards Discuss PWA Approval of Sewer Project Has The Patience Of Job Budget Of Almost Half Million, Shoots County Tax Rate to $1.64 L Decision nas Bv Officials Whether io Ac cept Or Reject Offer boards of Waynesville Hajthuw! met in a joint session .hi ro discuss the approval of ; r . 7 7 no f,i, line riom Hazeiwood i To Preside WA 1" Eat ifl'lii-atii'll lor me money c ijvi- years ago, anu uuiiiiug was j'fiom thi- matter until last Fri a telegram from Washing-ton in .(J u.un officials of the approval. f-,t. twn oniviat nave uccu wu- rtj bv numerous citizens, asiving ; deposition would be made ot pi, kit. and whether the loan 1j bu aici iiuil. No decision has ,' rvaihiil by the officials, sail the terms of the applica- pVA would make a direct granl 15 pi i- iiiit, ami loan oo per cent thaty years at lour per cent m--t. ;t ti'wn oiiiciais nave oeen con- 2XW into the sewer line project, plans made when the loan was L-ht called for an increase in wa- ratcs to pay off the indebtedness. lft five years, the board is. com-. d of some new memb'tt's, and no icatiun has been made public as what will be worked out. he survey was made at the time application was filed with PWA id for a sewer line that would be re enough for "all future growth :he community. ' Members of. the state board of ,1th have been in the community :e the '.application was approved, ting a study of the situation. !jr had no. public statement to make, have consulted with officials of I towns.1- is also known that TVA officials it been in the section, making ten v surveys on the matter. he question of taking the sewer- out of Richland Creek has been ussed at frequent intervals ever K the lake was built, some 25 ago. The matter has been in pt, and discussed before numer- board and commissions. light at this time, Waynesville is terapkiting the improvement of a w system, and Hazeiwood has had urvey made for water system sep- ana apart from Waynesville's. is understood that the two a borads will meet again tonight h the trustees of Lake Junaluska. Proximately 75 cottaye owners We Junaluska met iri a sneHul Ming last Monday afternoon, and aw at "length, the proposal of t.ns of lliize wnnrl pie.. building a sewer line to m River." "definite action was taken bv the pending official action by the ot Waynesv e. anrl Ha. pod.. The cottage owners decided, u mat the trustees of thP meet with the two boards after boards had had time to go into matter,. . N in session, those present dis FUt length the increase valua- Piaccd on some property in the by the, county. Perty Will Be Sold For 1937 Taxes collectors in the county : are 'a. enf'(l in getting the names a" delinquent tMvo., 4.u W- m preparation for the an "dvertisino. v,;.,i. ...mi v . ,. ' Pt'oPertv uMl v," .1.. -Ix- . j :. L ' Snd 8oW the court hmber : ' nrst Monday in fertiStd. "eett-ena wui De v i U T! (I IT-1 ,m.nm.m,rUmm lit' ill. ii . ..ilni 4 J!3 Afraid Of Weather The 'patience of Biblical Job, was used by Ceoie Miller in whittling out JJ.l.i.'i pieces of wood for the library table shown above, with Mr. Miller standing behind. Kiglm-en months woiv iviim'ivd to whittle and glue the pieces ul 1(1(1 (ulleretit woods together. -'info by Homer Hart. Mrs. Doyle 1). Alley, president of the North Carolina Congress of Par ents and Teachers, who will preside over the group meetings of the or ganization to be held at the Institute at Chapel Hill next week. (Story on back page) County Commissioners Buy Property On Main Street Many Prizes Being 60 Men Working Offered At Quilt On New Hazeiwood Show, Set For 11th School Building Woman's Club Sponsoring Show; New Huilclintf Will Cost About Will lie Held In Main Street Building Next Thursday The comittee in charge has announced that Thursday, August the 11th, has been set for the annual quilt show, which has been sponsored for the past several years by the Some sixty men are employed on the construction of the new Hazel wood school building, which is being built within 55 feet of the present buildinir. Woman s Club. Ihe show will be ! Jack Messer, superintendent of the held in the building recently vacated county board of education, said ves by Raiffs Department store next i terdav that it would be sometime next $65,000. Will Be Ready Next Year For 1 t' " Vr h " ""iii- i Increase Of .'.'5 Cent Made In Tax Kate For County Fox Coming Fiscal Yeac The eoiinly eiininilssu-.i'.r; cj,ni adopted a budget calling tm $ANs. 77!l.ti! fur the fiscal year, vhich. iu--eissitates a tax rate ol $1.14. pui ix. hundred dollars valuation I'hj.i an liien ase of ,il eents ovei Ust -vwi . K (!iirrniriit Tuk f.;if v door to Stovall's Five and Ten Cent store. Each year the show attracts visi- The board of commissioners bought outright, fifteen feet of Mam street property, and took an option on an additional twenty-five feet. The prop erty adjoins the LeFaine Hotel.. Ten tative plans are to widen the street tha( runs to the 'back of the court house, and to convert the lot into a park spiiee for cars used by those' having business in the court house. The lot faees forty feet on Main street. The deal was made by T, H. Medford, owner of the property. The 'commissioners paid $l,K00.for the fifteen feet, and the option calls for $1,800 for the additional twenty five feet. It is understood that work on wid ening the street., or a parking lot, will not get underway soon. The. general .intention of the board, it was said, seemed to be (hat the option would be exercised with an appropriation in next year's budget. Uopiesentat ive John Cube much pre fers to stay in the mountains ihan o go to the special session of the legis lature ill Kaleigh. If he had assnntnee of comfort, he'il feel much better right now. Special Session In August Gives Cahe "Weather Troubles" The budget ot almost hii it. iu' lion, was shot skvwanl bv an mtr.wi in bond payments becoming t)ui , in j the adilition ot capital out hi) in i the eountv anil school IiiikK. ami tit slicing of one million dollar ikt valuation, bringing the new vsluavicc of Haywood down lo twents-tli; millions. The budget as adopted hv tlu- It m ! here .Monday, sets out the tolSi. itj; reiHureineiils: Funil (ieneral l'eior liuildiug Debt .Service Penally OKI Age Asst. Aid to Dept. ( hi Welfare Department K,4mm Capital Outlay Ki,i:i20 SCHOOLS Current expenses Capital outlay Debt Service' Canton I barter Dist. 17,0(10.00 County Hospital 01,000.00 Totals !MKH,77!U;!I lf44,tM.VOO 1 t.7MI.(Hl ll!,tir0.(K 12li,240.(Kf 10,1)0(1.0(1 IMH().(K ren r,!lli().tKI :n,m;7.i't 1 l,170.(KI KVI.IMi..OO Ah H4.rv ifj. .o:s l. .ir" c Travel Hdilor Of Chicaner Is Coming Here Next Week i year before the building would be ready for occupancy. The building is being constructed for the most part tors not only from Waynesville, but j with WPA labor, and will cost about Irom the surrounding area, w ho are i $65,000. iiiieiesieu in iiome eiari-s anu iu i he new school will have ten class "If 11' ) 'lJ revival of quilting and weaving. ; rooms, an auditorium and a large llllllarS liUllQing The committee who will have charge . basement. A heating plant for the: j f' V ' ' of the arrangements this year in-I building will be in the basement. IlOme T airVlCW eludes, Mrs. S. P. Gay, chairman, Mrs.) porter McClure is in charge of . i : . John M. Queen, Mrs. James" W.' KiU.: construction The building is of the one-story type, and is being built back from "the Street to give plenty of space for play on. the grounds. lian, Mrs. J. P. Dicus, and Mrs. Paul Walker. While the committee urges the entry of quilts and coverlets which have been on display before, no prizu will' ' be given for any article which has previously won a prize. The following prize list will show the desired entries and the awards: Trouble Local Home Guards In Camp -ftiUr .... . ., '-ompanv . ,tnree omcers tT :..f.' , ' tne liJOth ln ir, ,lere ,by train Sunday ripnifnt ' I'c annual summer at DeSoto National For- Inrol .... Uf thc a t" i e since the ar '0l,'Pay was that thev steady rainR cin tcampP" Snie 3'000 men are H ir.d,.re'',tn arrow has been Miin .... np Pa,k entrance sicn Ka BaM dlrectinS traffic to r- fho : . "ie masonic ;ne Stance is 27 miles. Embroidered spread .... Knitted Spread: First prize Second prize Woven Spread: Old spread New spread Tufted spread Crocheted Spread: First , prize Second prize New Patch Work Quilt: First prize ................... Second prize New Applique Quilt: First prize ....... ... Second prize Old Quilt: First prize Second prize ...1.......... Silk quilt Afghan .. .. Pillow Cases : Old .. . New .. ''.-. Wool Hooked Rugs: First prize .-i - Second prize Silk rug .............. Knitted Suit: First prize Second prize Needle Point Luncheon Cloth: Second prize First prize 75 ; .50 : .50 .50 50 ... $1.00 .50; ...'...$1.00 ...... .50 ... .$1.00 -.' . .50 75 .50 .'.'..'...". .75 ...... .75 5!) .50 .....,$1.00 .50 .75 $1.00 .50 : .75 l ',.' . .50 .... $1.00 Coronation Of Queen Of Junaluska Will Be i Brilliant Affair Sat, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. F. Mfllar and two sons, Hob and Hill, of Chicago, have i. ' rived to spend' sometime here. Mr;. 'and:. Mrs.. Millar formerly' lived here- fin' a period. .. They have bought property on the. Fail-view road, and are erecting a : home oil the location adjoining the W. F. Swift farm, which will be a permanent residence. Mr MMl.-i With the selection iof her court by ; Chicago, is retiring from active prac- i Miss Frances Crum, of Durham, tlC( f hls profession an.l is moving ! Queen-elect of Junaluska, the stage : h'!'; w'th his family to reside in the is being set for the coronation, which lufui''- j promises to be a. brilliant and color- J ' " ' ful affair. Coronation ceremonies! WIM OFFICIAL HF.RE will take place at 8 p. m. Saturday, j W. E. Preese, WPA administrator of ! on the platform of .'the Methodist the fifth district, was in Waynesville ! Assembly. 'yesterday m business. j Annual Farm Tour Will Be Held Friday, 12th ! Haywood Representative Would ! Ratjier Wait Until Fall For I Special Session liepi eseiital ive John Cube is not as much disturbed over the Pending bills that will be presented when the spe cial session of the North Carolina legislature meets next Monday, as he is lialeigh heat. "I guess I'll vote lor the hills they are culling us 'down there to vote on. The folks that have gone into il Seem to think its the thing to do. I look for it to lie like t he special, 'session ill the fall to Vote gram." When local hi session, Winifred Cafes, travel editor of The Chicago Daily News, will ta- Shi guest of the Waynesville Chwrv.H?.- of Commerce and the llaywo.Kl O k- j ernoifs hospitalitjy committed is ; August 10 ami 1 1th. I The Chicago editor hus l'-u it: ; commuiiiealion with ('has. K. Kay, Jf ., chairman of the hospitality mnrA- jttee, and has accepfel nn mutiny. .' to spend two days in this area. of I'.i.'it! when we wenl down on the social security ' pi'o- VISIT MASONIC SHRINE A group of 22 teachers and students from W'estern Carolina Teachers Col lege passed through town on Wed nesday en route to the Masonic shrine at Black : Gap Camp. This shrine is attracting visitors daily. HOME COMING DATE SET The Church of God, Hazeiwood, will observe a home coming day on Sun day, August the 7th, There will be an all day service, with special music. The public is invited to attend. More Belle Meade Property Will Be Sold At Auction Owners of Belle Meade confirmed the sale of 45 lots,, which were sold at auction last Thursday by Penny Brothers The sale was halted be cause of a downpour of rain. The sale will be resumed Friday morning of this week at ten thirty. The lqts on Fairview Drive, which overlooks fairway number sixteen and seventeen will be offered for sale tomorrow at auction, with Penny Brothers doing the selling. These lots have a high elevation. The total of last Thursday's sate amounted to approxximately $2,000. buyers at the sale last week got real The owners pointed out that the It is hoped by 'sponsors of the Hay Wood County Farm and Home Tour that it will have the largest attend ance this year than in anv year pre vious and according to reports it will i u .',- The Farm and Home Tour is under the supervision of the Extension Ser vice in Haywood county. Assisting the Extension Service in sponsoring the Farm and Home Tour this year are the Haywood. County Mutual Soil Conservation and Land Use Associa tion, Home Demonstration clubs of Haywood county, representative of the Farm Security Administration in Haywood county Rotary Club of Waynesville, Ciyitan Club of Canton, Waynesville and Canton Chambers of Commerce, Vocational Agricultural teachers, in the county, Haywood Mu tual Canning Association, The Way nesville Mountaineer and Canton En terprise. "In an effort to build a more mu tual understanding between the rural people and the town people it is hoped buyers at the sale last week got real fcartgains The (property sold last' that many of Our business and pro- , . ... . i . . . ,i . . : . r : i -, t i i i . i week was in the vicinity of the swin ming pool fessional men will be able to attend (Continued on back page) asked about tile possibility of s coming il) in this special the former llaywnod .sheriff shook his head, and said: ."There ain't a chance of getting lliioiigh. A local bill brought up in a special session is killed before it is read through." Mr. Cabfi was elected it) November, 1 !:;" and this will be his third (rip to the ..legislature; A 'special .session in the fall of. llt.'lO, and the regular .ses sion in January of 10.'!7 and this special session, which will decide; whether or not the state will put up funds to assure getting some PWA 'project.' The PWA sets out that 45 per cent of a project be paid by the sponsor anil lifty-tive by PWA. The work under consideration would be buildings and improvements to state institutions. Tentative plans call for about $11, (100,000 in improvements-. -Of this, the state would put up about five million and PWA about six million. The state treasury can now stand the is suance of bonds up to six millions, it has been pointed out. Mr. ... Cabe is of the opinion that the special session will adjourn by noon Saturday, after convening at noon Monday. "When I left Raleigh and the leg islature after the regular session in the winter of l!l.'i7, I never expected to see the boys again, but it looks like the federal government makes most all of us change our minds, and way of doing things." As nepresentative Cabe recalled incidents of the session, he talked of the closing hours when his liquor bill was passed after a strenuous fight. When asked how he would like to go through with a similar 'experience, he said: "Man, its too hot for things like that now." And once again, Haywood's rep-; resentative showed signs of concern, as he thought of spending a week of August in Raleigh. Court House (Jetlinjr Thorough Scrubbing The Haywood court house is gettinj.' an annual summer cleaning, wytrc something like twentv women enngxi? under a PA project. The. walls ot the building, nil Khc trill), and floors are being scrubbed. The method of cleaning is in up jieaiaiiee equal to a fresh coat paint. I'ublicati'on Carries SI jl eh About .1. II. Way Mayor J. II. Way was one ol v few citv officials featured in the u fciist isnie of the CXl)it.h (Tartdioa Municipal News. The publication carried his pietui and a brief story of his life. ON ISt'YING TRIP Mrs. Rov Campbell will return' Sun day, after spending a week in .. York buying ready-to-wear for Ma. tie's -Dejiartmetit Store. . COMMCMTV SiNC.INK There yvill be anold-fashioned min munity sing at the Allen's tutt. liaptist church on Sunday, August 7. beginning at one-thirty, hveryonc . cordially invited. 7te llecMtel Report H. M. HALL, Official Observer OIL OFFICIAL HERE R. A. Morrison, of the sales depart ment Of The Texas Company, Norfolk, spent several days here' as the guest of C. V. Eell, local Texas distributor. July Max Mm Pr :. 28 X5 52 29 hi 57 1.7"; ''.0 Ki - 2 2 i 31 80 IV.i August 1 81 i7 0..i; 2 81 r,r, c 3 8:5 (: o. Mean maximum Mean minimum . . SI.'. Mean for week ;... 7i- High for week ... 87. Low for week SC. Above July normal Above normal for August J.'. Precipitation for week Precipitation for July .. CSs-, Above normal for week 2,5. Precipitation since Aug. 1st 0.4T At normal for August tKAi Precipitation for year Below normal for year

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