SDAY, AUGUST 4, 1938 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 HERE and THERE By Hilda Way Gwyu rc.: i - , he that struck me very . i 1- "Truth inns me . . . . I U . . . v .iicn at ine uuiujiu ui . Now I often try to think ; association means. Kemp a just what this1 V, m To j ASSISTANT COUNTY Go To Church Sunday agent named for WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTERIAN HAYWOOD COUNTY CHURCH Miss Albright Back From Peace Conference , , w '"."I'u. i can its buried under a i a lu" "st oi the local benefits. ...voaganda" . . . just stop r f'."' "lal'n a,r and . Khts r.-'f.' that r the meaning ... of the it seems that eveiy- inaugurated in modern cluttered up with propa- ihat one has to be a very "A. .uniti.t often to perceive '": ' nrinciple Wci; uel to sum mi cav., ..raw u. scenery just impressive' enough to allow a feeling of intimacv with hills and superb cloud effects j come next. A few more advantages' are. inso.riny ehin..Vi..o . i .u ... nne profession:) u-.u-l-.i- ,i ... fruits, and hospitality of residents. We northerners have a distinct de light in the beautiful hlmi.t rut the the method as v i-.iT-A r run lihk ui a uubc l 1.1 . J , t hamhozzle th ,,rBUtu. ln"urt'n tnat re among to ln ti.ed to bambozzle the . our mlxed po.)uIations at , u-ith . . that we are all more : im.ivstii10- k Wl1 .u: .u... '""testing to be in an unmixed ;ts i e ,u, ,B society that holds to manv principles bJ ;e ""J Tse 'ves n-;upon which our count ' JL T,, A "iifgro in the woodpile" ;"'.,,rv times regardless of 'n "Amding the cause ... if we '. ,wb enough . . . we'll find that Dr. Robert Peter Walker, Minister. "Thirsty Souls invited to the Living Water," will be the message lor ti.e 11 o'clock hour Sunday morning. Bible school at i':4d. Morning worship at 11. Christian Endeavor at 7. I nil, n t.ej-vice at .Methodist church at 8. Mui-wnk prayer a:u! praise Wo:-; nesdav at fc. I Kl'lSl Ol'AL CHl'KCH. BALSAM how Kev. Albert New, Bcctor. On Sunday, August 7th, the lcctoi will conduct services at 4 p. m. The Kev. A. W. Farnum. recto' i.f St. Mary's, Asheville, will preach. Everybody cordially invited. nut velvet.' Herbert Hoover . . on his way tl, a fishing trip recently ... to the Canadian West . , . trying to escape reporters . . . who were Pitting him for political discus sions the two privacy fishing" spoke ot wnat ne called remaining avenues to . "They are prayer and . . and I guess he is 'about right . . . time was when 1 was very young and heard talk fchcut how everybody knew your h.wines in a small town ... I .believe that the city offered one escape . . . but if one has a circle i,f friends and acquaintances . . . trie's affairs and privacy will be discussed and interrupted any where . . . the city dweller .'. th his circle meets the same I'd friendliness w situation . . . but after all rather get many dirty digs s!,mc with the that makes life worth living than ;,ve a lonesome sort of existence ... "far from the maddening croud" . . . for you can't please tvervbody . . . remember the f.ible f the man and his donkey .... but between us it is annoy ing -how our friends so often for cot to tell us something nice . . , but aio .so generous with refer ence to our mistakes ... if you iio.n"t know what I mean . . . get a jfb reporting for a newspaper . ..and you'll understand per- Prospeet of the hottest political news of the past week was the an nouncement by .Mrs. Piilbo. nine (lavs Hvoieed from Senator Bilbo, of Miss siipi , . . to whom she has been K.nied :! years . . . Mrs. Bilbo con tmplates running against her hus jainl in the Senatorial race . . . She says "Long before mv divoifp .s thinking of running against mv band. 1 .don't know yet what my platform might be" . . . In his 103-1 canvpaiL'ti it is said that Senator Kilbo -"' s' unin speeches and covered J1.'.""" 111! e-J . . . hilt f'Vnn n c-.: In hard to catch up with . u r:i .v-:i-s standing would know , v.,:::, ialil. -pots of a man . enough 1 him ... if she tried hard ,,;ii.'!i .... Senator, you better make ' v..:-h the hlav. . . .. . !,h: "o. ir.g was generously I hv (ortrnd.. Trmn. '''; m-wspaper woman, and ''- feature writer for trie A"k-n-':,,n I'o-st .... who is !"!! nir the summer here at the ' " Hot-el . . most of her time '"'it a,e many places like Way :.!e where the summer population jrmcMod by--a lot of strangers. X'T.!-K SKKMXt; SCMMONS BY t lU.ICATION Nl'KTH c x Pin iv . HAUVU01) COl'XTY I" TItr, Cl' ! ft I . -, Vs. Eila Wi.i.i...,,. i . .... Hu. . neeo, inomasene r""1 llj'mmer. Kenneth E. wimmvr, ai.i.. r... . . n H."ll(.nr' The Hi f...i..... . -i Enm' v 118 1 nomasene Howell ;:.; Kenneth E, Brimmer, i! 1 tnt aml -Grdon II. Dent will i'CVe V aCtl" ontltl-1" ; 'a- boot comilK'nceH in up'-nnv ',.. : Nonh , "".vwood County, IS.r.C- '"J"' tp (lecla'e the said t - "limits - oi an express .'; Me benefit of James firfiruirt of that ... Koad ,? being on Dell wood V,.,-t ,.' ".'lWlld County, state tsi rh, i - " s particularly -"'bed m a lo,.,l Ai- ' ''Us.tee. to Tfc. - . ;'. e5.. i .i " '"""aseiie 11. WO01- r 11 ne l ith dav of Kovnmhn,- in necora ot JJeetls Page r,8( office of the Ktg -''S Haywood County, and "londants will fm-th,.r tat- U f L v tK are retiuired to ap- Vthe office of the Clerk of the n ths .. .. OI "aywood County C- :'VU!,e it Waynesville. of sl y da" after the 1 "Tnur 1 '"""i iiu answei :rt),.., to coniPlaint in said action Jor the I T,?m aPPy t the court Plaint .remanded in said com- Ait. "rL,? Alh WILLIAMSON, tf Hv V tbe SuPior Court Thia'th. . i uuntv. C. -NV TTfLil day of August, 1938. '"-Aug. 4-1M8-25. Reei if s'--r of ; said :r::r. .l N 1st answer "Grace Church in the Mountains" EPISCOPAL Rev. Albert New, Rector. Sunday, August 7th. 10 A. M. Church school and Con firmation instruction for those to be confirmed on 21st inst. 11 A. M, Holy Communion and ser mon. Everybody cordially invited. It is a trood thinp- to h,.vu i.i,.,.,...... : ! the personnel about us for thoughts are broadened by such contacts. Never, excepting in Sweden, have I j seen streets as blue with overalls as 1 in Waynesville. I wonder if we are grateful enough to the inventor of overalls. Who was he? Such a generally-used and useful garments cannot be matched. Many strangers come to Waynes ville to regain their health. They may ; be lonely, suffering, and full of care. , But those that are well, might make ! their visit worth while by returning ! The pastor, Julian S. Hopkins, will some benefits for those received. We preach Sunday morning at eleven canhelp the churches, hospital, and o'clock. Special music will be ren welfare agencies, according to our dered bv the choir under the direc means. As we go, we could leave be- tion of Mr. Evander Prcfton. hmd books that we have or clothing A special training school, sponsored to be distributed to the poor. But by the B. T. U.. will begin at the First the best thing that we could leave Baptist church Monday evening, Au is a friendly impression. We can ' gust 8, at 7:;i0 and will continue each scarcely urge harmony among na- evening through Friday. .Courses tions until we sustain that oualitv will ho nffV.rwt r.o- ..hilt ,.... ai nome. ,. ..,i ..u 1,1,.. ti,., i i.. . .. John L. Reitzel, formerly as sistant county agent in Cleve land county, has accepted the po sition of asisian, county :i,r,n' ..: i.aywiK i; county, j Mr. Reitul is expected to be- i work in Haywood ci unty in j ". ..e l...;l llltUIl. Haywood li. T. U. To j -tieoi At :orlh Canton The annual meeting of the B. T. V". of Haywooe! Baptist Association will be' held Sunday, August 7, at the' -With Canton Baptist chinch. i The meeting will begin at 1(1 o'clock M.d will last until ;! p. m. Free lunch will be served at the church. I A state B. T. U. worker will give jthe morning address at the 11 o'clock service. A splendid program has jbe-eti planned. All B. Y. P. V. mem bers in the county are aske'd to be present. James Chapman, county B. T. I". president, will be in charge of the meeting. Miss Anne Albright, of Waynes ville, dean of women of Western Car olint Teachers College, has recently returned from the summer on international law whii sponsored by the University of Mich igan by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace. Miss Albright was one of 117 invited delegates. For live weeks she and others have studied various tihus.w Albright said. "They, however, set r.o formulas for attaining world peace and they admitted confusion as to the present situation and the pros pects for the future." q , Mrs. W. W. Norman, of Griffin. Ga- session 1 n expected this week to visit her h was daughter, Mrs. Richard N. Barber. Jr. and heard h-Cj- of international law tures by authorities. "The general feeling of the con fciiiice. ilispiie the connVting theo ries held by lecturers was that, in time we wiM have world peace," Miss Want Ads Want Ads are one cent a word for each insertion. No rt ia eaten for less than 25c. F1BST BAH 1ST CHURCH teache'is are sparing no efforts in their plans to make' this week prof itable and enjoyable to all. In adeli tion to the study classes a short period of recreation will be conducted each evening. All are cordially in vited to attend. FIRST MKTHIDIST CHURCH The regular . services will be held on Sunday morning. Church school at mornini worship at 11:00. The pastor will pleach on the subject: "Sitting on the Causes of God." The union seivce Sunday evening w:;I b- held at the Methodist church o'clock. It was with great sadness and a feeling or intense shock that the Lake Junaluska community learned of the death of Earl Wyatt, July 5th. I Earl, a member of the graduating' class of WHS, of W. T. H. S., was a! boy of a lovable disposition, and' re'spected by everyone he knew. He was born Oct. S, W20. and attended i school at Junaluska Elementary school and Waynesville High. At the time of his death, he was a member of the Boy Scouts of America, and held the office of scribe eif Troop of Lake Junaluska. He was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wyatt, of Lake Junaluska, a great grandson of Kev. Win. Pruett, of Waynesville, He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wvatt ami two sif ters, Stella Mae anil Bellma, and a ! hos of relatives and friends who' i ' ' is untimely passing. I WANTED Man over twenty-one years of age to spend one night alone in leical graveyard and re late his experience to the Great Dusso on stage of Pisgah Theatre Saturday, August l.'lth at 11 o'clock p. m. Apply in person or phone manager of Pisgah Theatre. July 28-Sopt. 4. KEYS MADE or safes opened, locks repaired, at Waynesville Hardware, this week only. LOST--Two valuable cocktail forks, either on Church street or Central avenue. Liberal reward if returned to The Mountaineer. FOR RENT- By month or year 4 room bungalow, 429 Iovt Lane. Screened porch, bath, attractive grounds, pasture and garden. Rent reasonable to reliable party. Call Mrs. Paul McElroy. .1 ,., . wine c JT b'witarTOGmS svf , . - - BAWm Fr Happy Days 7. In Colorful l MfM f'J. Creations'. . . for Every Occasion: 1 r !iA III Style 2941 I t ( . .. ' .w- .A 4. , 1 WKt' H yJPC" u W l i For JI.iipy Pays . . . Miopping. at liunii-, mImmiI, or offiic, in llirsc llaiiy Hoinr i)lrii , i gyi JjM J'fiiil ' ffl ' Tr rf7f,' ijyl f Navy i pi ' " ari' Pav' '-ov''')' Iirmll nidi lasln wan.liii-, prinrrM Hylci, ixut i j $!i 5 fllii -iJCtfei 14 fo 20 fj 1 tailored frocks each one perfrrily faslnonrd and smartly Iriimued. Notice collars, ' I 11 j - " Mff 1) fj l jM 1 i!Ts'X. ( I ( f clue iIi (A , i.kirl, and deliplitful alyle dctailii. 1 lie paltcrna re fiiJtinply new ' J V y ' fMj' I ' P J St I 2945 J 1 I ' 'are "ora'fc' n'al ilendTing irint, hanky drinn, paisleys, regiinenied and j . v-'v ' j Black 1 '. V f'r'nt, I ' ''"'''r," lr,rf'' ""J they're richly, beautifully colored. Come early; you'll want 1. I i I Wm -.,1 I ' to Luy Uiern by three and fours. I "l ; f 'V 'N'oVm ' ' Guaranteed Colorfast ... Sizes 12 to 52 ' Pm style 294. Ki LV' v ? wAPifJ Lw W. .Y" 'i"iKL UrVd 'TO.AftW.WIf Vi4JTr Eff lS!iTln C7. M?r if I of I -OW,fTo.XltV4(',V TgM----. - s 1 'tlTUW "'V i..lTI J"wiv : IT,rW iTiji 1 . I I V" 38 to 52 i Style 2950iKil, MtA A ' IV A . U - m atij your order I H MVri-r phone.your order " . . , i it i n f 1 " ' " L i ' rhone or mil your Tiler if youi 1 - ' ' - VAI tuft make your nkction in 111 . . " - HHBHHBBIIHHIUHIHIKHHIHHIHHIIHHHBB OT person. PIcmc ' pve iwwid fTZtPu - . Jr-l . I M Wwk c!iocc of rtyle nJ color. 1 tH1 Massie s Dept. Store f ' m 'j . Uddre" 1 1 1 , . ' " ' li',': If! 1 i' ' j - r I ; i j- i ' . e ! ' r " '! . I1. .' " f ' r