fHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains Xutional Park Jfv-FOl-RTH YEAR - WAYNESVILLE, X. C THURSDAY, AUGUST 11. 1938 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN CWXTV 1 UooWPA School LmVcts Approved '"J . . A For inis iouniy Iunches Will Be Provided Needv And Undernour ished School Children Rev. C. S. Kirkpatrick To Preach At Crabtree- j Iron Duff Home Coming! On Farm Program u-fd :o F1' :. $i,ou,i wnicn win are school lunches to needy or under- !un in the schools of 1 I ,,J flinty. It. was icaiueu h Cc-ng!'i!iman Zebulon Weav- -, .. r will operate through- L-Wh! comity, and is being irtd by the county uoaiu w r.ion. . . . idciticn to the lunch project, an- .ifccitiun for ?2,o has Deen 1VM1 fur cleaning and renovating public school Dunuings Lout Haywood county. The king w'' W1M ut UUI1C' -ulu the official order irom nasn riinninir wall, woodwork, lure ami small equipment, and u:..hinir and repairing turn 's such as curtains, draperies l,k.,ut..rv. This work has ujIv been performed only once one building, or part thereot, this or any other WPA project. ; work is not a normal activity board of -education, and no reg fmployed personnel will be :fd. Vkman Purchases JIassie Hardware jl. Parkman has purchases issie Hardware t'ompany here. Pitrkmun for the past seven , has Lu ll connected with Dixie . and for two and a half years, Ln manager of the W'aynesville I coming here from West Ashe- ksie Hardware was bought in 1937, bv J. E. Massie and , Ottis Massie, who was named er. Mr. Massie and son bought Lk from the late W. T. Denton. Parknian said that no changes I be made in personnel, and that Mete line of hardware and f g pun's would be carried. I- Massio had no statement to as to his plans for the imme- Ifuture. I The Crabtree-Iron Duff humccem I ing set for Sunday, August 121 has created much interest throughout the section, and those in charge are pre paring for one of the largest gather ings ever to meet in that section of the county. The meeting will be held at the new Crabtree school. All church sej vices for the day in the two townships will be suspended, and held at the school. Sunday school classes will be taught in the school, and Pink Messer will teach the adult class. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. C. S. Kirkpatrick, of drtens boro, a native of that section of the county. A picnic dinner will be serwd at the noon hour, A general, and co'dial invitation is extended to all to attend. nty Baptists To Meet 24-25th i-ani-i- in date ot the annual J of the Haywood Baptist As rn was announced here this I by the Tht announced here this inodei ator. tho Rev. uniui-ivMHxi. i ne associa S nw with the Spring Hill i w. AngiiM 21 and 25th, in-"f- thvi ' dates previously an- t.. asfoeiatinnal sermon will be i by the Rev.". P. C. Hicks. details of the program will be r(l next week. rent Problems Be Discussed By Local Merchants ajor matters will be present- merchants, of this commu- I Chamber nf . Prob.ems "will "deal with things ruui uay celebration to leg- -wieis which are now being . ueiore t h, firm K.:rt, i "irtiMnt an ei - 1 fet Won. ... . , ....... f . v. ineicnant to attend, w)t out these problems. 'MEMHkrq at RALEIGH MEETING r? those fiom ti, i.-- (a ;-. ,. ' ' aL me iNortn 'W' -Raleigh, : last . . i'l ri Tn.i t'. 1 i "cuitraam ciud, Reno, lir.- tt. . tnr F r i ' um mpps, Cle, an.l Mrs. Paul he f; 5' Heni'-V Francis was ti n A"en s Creek L tl West was sent I Ulace Was , 5quan,t. member of the " 'onr. c !"8 in -Aiheville this paciel pr. ' un cout work W rr."uune Council, of Whirh JW1W i .'. a nnrt Soco Gap Teams Win Two Honors At Folk Festival Junior And Adult Teams Take Prizes At 11th Annual Festi val In Asheville The Soco Cap dance team, under the direction I its leader, Sam Queen, and the Soco Cap junior team under their manager, Kichard Queen, won over both their groups at the eleventh annual Mountain Dance and Music Festival!, which was held hist week at McCormick Field. Asheville. The senior team won the square dance championship of the' Southern Appalachians award ot the older dance teams, while the minor team won the same distinction among their groups. The county teams have often also often participated m the ... ational Folk Festivals, having taken part on the program of the festival this year in "W ashington, D. C. The members of the Soco dap team are: Manager and caller, Sam Queen, Gertrude 1'lott. Iowa Lee Ferguson, Robert Howell, Kvle Campbell,. Mrs. Kyle Campbell,. ilbuni ( ampbell, Martha .Moody, Taylor Ferguson. Carmen l'lott. Dock IVvd, Hilda Moodv, Kankin Ferguson, Ivlith l'lott, 1 FY. Snyder, Josephine Ferguson. 'Composing the junior Soco dai dance team are: Manager and caller, Richard Queen, Marv F.lixabeth Moore, Herbert l'lott, Catherine Moodv, Joe Campbell, Beulah ( aid well, Hill Plott, Helen l'lott, John Reeves,-' Betty Ferguson', Joe Calhoun, Juanita Massev, Frederick Nichols. Susie Tate, Helen Rogers and deoige Dalton. A ' if I I ii inn iiiiihIm i m hii iiiimiiiI IP Work To Start Soon 0ns Sewer Line To River Cataloochee Re union Will Be Held On Sunday Plans Made For Large Crowd On Farm-Home Tour Services Held In New Presbyterian Church At H-wood New Building, Not Completed, Will He I'sed Hv Congre gation Regularly Engineers Coming To WorR Out Final 1H-tails. Hoards Notify WPA Of AeeepCatna- t County Agents Office Intimate That 500 to tiOO Will Make Farm Trip On Friday Mi mix i s of the staff of the county agdit olhce estimated that 50(1 to Ci to would make the annual farm and home tour tomorrow, start ing t nun ! lure at nine o'clock,' , I Indications yesterday ' we're that a j large iiuniiiei of business ineir of the j county would make the tour aloiig. with the farmer's and their wives. ; The .program has been so a rranu'od I as to in ovule stops at . farms W'hciv di tinti).-! rat i.'iis of some of the inost interestitig alai timely ''jirojects are Jiulei Way. I he tour will start on Pigeon street, and go to the farm of 1. Weaver tathev, in Pigeon P.iver. Here corn and beans will be seen. From there the group-will sw ing over to the farm of Clover J. Ala 1, for a study of .showing '.of the use of triple plms- Kegular services were held in the new Presbyterian church at Hazel wood for the first time on last Sun day. There was good attendance at both the morning and evening services. The building is not completed but services will bv held there hereafter and work will continue on the building as funds will permit. The auditorium windows were installed last week. The twelve side windows are of colored and stHin ed glass and each bears a beautiful scripture emblem. The three chan ced windows are of stained glass and each bears a medallion figure of Jesus. The three medallions of Jesus 111 dethsemane, the good shepherd and Jesus knocking at the door. I he auditorium seats two hundred people and the educational building which is oj by (!) toot and two stories high will accommodate a Sunday school of JfiO. 1 he uostiurs floor is a fellowship nail and has a Kitchen where suppi will he served and social gatherings will bo heiil. In niMitioil it will serve as a voting peoples depa i Uncut . Work on the building began nearly , t hoi su l' evs Engineers of the Harwraxf rrlr-- empiinv. ot Snartanburir. n OfitJ Mayor J. H. Way yesterday thui they would arrive in town at om:if u feslp the two town boards work ii1 Vwal 'details of building a $T22,TKH? mrr line from Hazelwood to l'ifniri' dJerer. The boards of aldermen of Vuy liesville and Ha.elwood, togrthur- w'tii representatives of Lake Jiraivfusk, met in joint session here Ux wrW and decided to go ahead witli tft ffrr lne, under the PWA terms. Official notice was fnvtn PWA Hint the towns would accept th- innney offered. The government nfmrrny jk making a direct grant of slight 3.v more than $100,000 and a loan over per iod of thirty years of 122,000: The two boards went on reconf, Mti decided that the interest nnti piincipa of the $122,000 loan would ( .isr by an additional lew on wnte.r rd.J, and not put any tax tor tin- p?wjvf on property. It is estimated that the ratt" fliT water will, be increased between kiv nnd ten. cents per thousand xUons. I here was some intimation that thf amount might be less sinci' molt water is being sold now tli.if" til Vir I time the l ati' was, tirst ticurecf said that work .Mavor be starle moment . W ,lie: lilt Hilled N'ixt Sunday will mark the Mil ar. nual meeting of the Cataloochee Re union Association, at Palmer's Chapel. A large crowd is expected to attend according to Jarvis 1.. Palmer, presi dent of the association. The program will not be filled with long drawn out calves. Abel farm, the hi Dull' tovynshi) pbate, and fat . Leaving t'u will go : to li Canton and Lake Jnnaluska farm of Ciiy Chambers, for n st ration of lime, .The tour Will leave the Chambers' I farm in time to reach the Hew Crab- two years ago and has intervals dining the intervening time. 1 he next step will be the installation of t he heating system. Chicago Travel Editor Likes WNC Miss Winifred dates, travel editor of the hicago Daily News,, spent two (lavs here tins week, taking in places of interest, and gathering material tin vi In en m a i .V fhr the r line. tour via to the lemon- for her Kb Wi Main Street Property .Will lie Sold At Auction The vacant business property on the comer of Main and Millers streets will be sold at auction here Friday at 10:30 according to C. S. Lee, of Ovio da, F"la., owner. The sale will be handled by Penny Brothers. The property is known as the Rog ers property, and faces eighty-five feet on Main street, and is just across the street from the Citizens Hank building. speeches;, it was said, but would be of interest,, and most .entertaining throughout. Other otliceis of the ..association are: Jarvis.-Caldwell, vice president, F'lora Palmer, secretary, and Horace W oodv. treasurer. Mr. Woody lives in Park Hills, Ky. The advisory' board is composed of: "L'ncle" KteVe Woody, chairman. "Aunt' Mag ( aldwell, Maria Palmer, dlenn Bennett, Hill . Palmer, Floyd Woody, Mrs. Harlev Jirvson, Mr:-. ( love Sisk, Mark Hannah, Tommie Caldwell, John Palmer, Palmer Welch. F Kludge Caldwill, Mis V R Divi-, F.ugene Sut ton. i tree school in time for lunch which the 'will be served by the P. T. A. fri Immediately after lunch, the only formal program of the day will be held: in the auditioium, at which time J. F Criswell, farm management specialist of Ktate College, will be he inaker. He Will" be followed by R. V (Iraehe.r, forest specialist, also of State College. Miss Anna C. Howe, district agent of home demon stration work in this district, will mak" the tour and will have a part on the. program at the school. After the program in the audito riuma mare and colt shuw will be department in. the newspapei ,s shown t he interest ing points by ( has. I. Hay, Jr., as chairman ol : the governor's hospitality conimittej and .1. Dale Ktchlz, for the. Chamber: of Commerce. She was impressed with t be sect ion, ' and showed a friendly . disposil ion. ho eiitiie . area. .'This was her first j here. Her department in the ni-wspaper sponsors a club of 2:!,MI(I luenlliers, Slii' reported that T.'l pi I 'cent of the (dub .membership lake:- a .dun at least once a yea i . (iuilt Show WilF He Staged Today The annual iuilt: and barnfir-fTi Tf. show, which is sponsored hv tftv tl- inians ( lub will he held today in the budding on Mam , Street foi it.vr r nr. cuiied b Haiti's Departitiem' JS""rn-, next i; to the Stovall F'ivc u."J Terr. and will, he open to the pnfifii t"mn. II in the- li i 1 1' i if i til, til '.I o'olorfi ill ,j the .'vr-ning. ! With the revival of int resr i' l iriff ilewoik anil home cralts of tnv fl few years-' the sliow has inci eas:,-,f m atltiidance annually ir.ee ex hibit ion---. 1 The conmnid I I auei nreiits of Mi s I" ,i M. tjiarii.- Ml Mi .1. I'. Idea- h ' I . in eliarg-rr ' the show today :-haiiiuaii. Mrs-'. James . k' n I "1 1 Pi i JoIlK 7r,r , V;,1 . (( ontinued on hack page) Travel In Park Shows Increase Of Ten PerCent i Legion To loslalL New Officers Kith Voice &fj Ite People i District Schools To Open Aug. 29 ,'M. H. Bowles, superintendent of the W'aynesville township schools, an nounced yesterday that the schools would open on Monday, August 2!"th. j The date of registrations and tne assignment of teachers will be made next week, Mr. Bowles said. The teachers for the district have all been elected, but the elementary assignments have not been made. I KIUTOirs -NOTF: Todav marks the beginning of nice of the People. Each week a timely question w ill he the County, and their answers will be published without week's question will deal with the sales tax. i new feature- asked citizens ol comment. Next I. Local Men Buy Twenty Lots In Belle Meade A block of twenty lots on Fairview. Drive in Belle Meade were sold to C. N. Allen, W. A. Bradley and L. N - ( Davis at the auction sale last FTida,: which was conducted by Penny Broth ers.' The new owners said that the piop erty was bought as an investment. The week before some forty lots , T?..lln Toorln nnrl inHica-I S'ICI ill Dt-in; . tions are that several buildings will be starUd soon. The remaining unsold lots are be ing offered at private sale. MISS RAY IN NEW ORK Miss Frances Ray, ready-to-wear buyer for C. E. Ray's Sons, is now on the New York maiket making fall purihases. Visitors to (jreat; Smoky Mountains National Park during July, numbered 1 w.7 1 1 and I hey came in .hl.-illa ve hicles. fJ lus is an increase ol 5 per cent, over July, P.M7. Visitors came from 17 stales, the I- iMsir-iet oi woj'uiiiuia, .i lasKii-, eanai one, Bahamas, three provinces ol i anaua, Aincria, eniierm anil int nor. iiid ( .u ha and Mexico, .with al per cent, of thi' visitors being from other than the states of 1 ennessee and I North (.arolina. 'I he Smokeinonl, N. (.., entrance registered (ill tier cent. f the visitors from (ither than the states of Tennessee and North Caro lina,, and this entrance continues to show greater gains over previous periods than the other stations, dat lmburg travel, 'decreased, over last July, but it is anticipated that it also will show a gam during August , as the highway at that. entrance was paved the latter part of July. 1 ravel year to date decreased 10 per cent over last .travel year through Mriliiiril. Atlorm ti. II in- Tod- I'd? North ( arolma should be i cpealed m , ,riir,7p".Repeal as far as "primary I Createst travel for any one dav in toto. I realize that such i epeal would, :(!,ctl-onj, ar,, c.()ncf.,n(,(, and modifvlfhe history of the park was on Sunday, in rare cases, depi lve some vn 'tkaiK, makp sn-jet,,,. as fa). as general July .'1, when 15,.'I17 -persons in -:,!M)7 pwple and people compelled to ' j joctions are concerned." I vehicles visited the park. i ,:-.v --.:': "." :'"".-: Will III I local pi nn jKxr t x' Xtv lore ti xt I in 'niuv elect ill othcir-s mr- ta)) II hnt tin j" think -the 1I3!) x'fMii Ahxrutrr Jmllnf J.au f thf .V. Li'tiylnl ii rr nln i th Cn rnhnn iiii iId villi tin A- T- II nrd. II tnnrxrille .Attorney "Abolish it. It is abused and violated more than anv other law, with the possible exception of the prohibition law." 7" Cicrn. II niiiiesrille Attorney "I think the absentee ballot law of Letter KuiV'in commander ol th American Legioii nrght when newly installed. ( It hi. i s eleeti d, and In la will be: ('. ( . Walker, si com! lei -, mander. Roy Phillips; -third vice 'mm-r.;J deorge kunze, adjutant. .1. (i. 'Massie, service officer. A. deorge, sergeant -at arms. ( . Brown., chaplain. Howell, historian. Davis, athletic ofhci i -. Bradley, Americanism iifTicr W R. I man II. K. A. f;. OFern.l, membership. M. (1. Stowri, II mnrn rillr attorney -"' keep it and purify it - if possible." A. ('. II alkrr, rnttjrninn. farmer. ( rnl- tree Ton nxh.ii ."Knock it higher than I a kite. We don't need It." .. I II illieim absent from the state of the exercise. of the franchise. "Cut I think that the political n I flomni-ili-rutinn ..frlVlll'- I "'.' "I'"V" ' ','; T Jof alxdishing absentee ballot, both in lne out of its abuse so far outweighs! . . . . ..' the good derived 'from it that its re f . '. A th niKon, II ( inesville, "Am justice of heartilv in pence, favor peal is unquestionably for intei-cst of all concerned." the best O li. Sheltnrt, W aynexville jxiKful em vayee "The law should be repealed, tf ;o tbo bir-p-est fraud in existence. The law has served its purpose, and j o""for- primary and general election, J he reason for which the primary law was enacted has long since served its pur pose. It was originally planned to serve the soldiers of the W orld War." Moody Reunion Set For The 21st i .. .... hnuld be retired, as there is no fur- 0UV completely. ther use for it." Johnnie Ferguson, dejiuly tar c.ol- "I think it should be 'knocked i-ri M. Book Store-it." Hall, ovner TT ayneaville "W ithout q-.iestion, repeal .V. Theo. McCracken, W'aynesville Merchant "I think the repeal of the absentee ballot law should have first consideration." The Moodv family reunion will be held on Sunday, August the 21st, at the home of Mrs. R. IL Plott, in the Ivey Hill township. Arthur Francis is president of the group, and the following compose the program committee: Mrs. Wayne Battle, of Bryson City, Miss Gladys Moody, of Sunburst, and Mrs. F'ran cis Moody Alexander, of Durham. All the members of the Moody fam ily, descendants of Reuben Moody, are urged to attend the reunion. DRIY LS DItl'NK, LICKNSP: TAIiF.X Xolley Bug drivers license drunk, according way department. of Canton, Io( hi because of drivjnf to the stab' hiph- 1Ue UMJecMtel Refiati H. M. HALL, Official Observer Aug. Max. Mm. PYr:-. 4 84" f,2 Trsc- 5 H.'l " (: l n r, 85 k(i2 7 84 ('..' d : H 81 C.2 ' ; 8i m 10 8:t iz it.'i Mean maximum ... . .. Mean minimum fiZA Mean for the week . High for week e?i.f Low for week if Above July normal 2. Precipitation for week 0.72 Precipitation since Aug. 1 - . 1.12 Below August normal i-Jt Precipitation for year Deficiency for year l '"'i

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