Che Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TrBTyEAR NO. 34 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY CT T i TOTE I . get For Annual Convention Today .:n Ha VAecied After Seers : ' . tnnual Banquet m xmo...v Temple At 7:30 .' all set for v., imp- uemocrais oi of the annual bsntwn L-iocd at i ... ..kt for a Damiuci ... , .1. nf tho lit' II lIlMli' th Masonic Temple anil general Dave Cabe, county will start at 7: Went, k mwtmg. n,l matter ot DU.illies 10 ue ien up lni'iunf me inr. ...... . L for township clubs; election otf Lrs for ht' ounty club and ap ..,,. ,.f He eirates to tne utte i i. ...Ml ..w. Vun 8. 9 ami 10th. at Durham. Piwdent Cabe named the tollow v . t . mmmittoes to serve tor toe un- j convention her ; Runouet: M. E. Swearingen, cnair L Mis. Jack Mes.ser, W. G. Byers Titket Committee: trom H.. t.nle fcirman: Loweiy Lagie, mv. vsuv- Hvatt, Mark Ferguson. Perrj ipburn. Decorations: J. H. Allen, Jr., Cham kg; John Michal, Mrs. C. A. Coe- Mrs, Johnnie Ferguson, m Word. Speaker Committee: Dave H. Har- chaiiniarl; C. h. Brown, W. H. Kracken. ; licity Committee: C. C. Med- d, chairman; Way Mease, Varnar lynes, Hyatt Messer, J. Q. Allison, rs, J, V. Harris, Mrs. Oral Yates, h Jack West. Entertainment Committee: R. Hugh hrk, chairman; Kermit Furcell, L, Hall, Jack West. i Cu t -,Vv IMv 5? K is! Mining Lands Are Leased In Fines Creek Township iitt Parade Will Be Feature Here For Labor Day Ml Parade Will Be Part Of Big Parade With Many Cars And Groups Entered One of the bipgest attractions be- planned for the Labor Day cele ion here, September the 5th, is Mutt Parade. This is not a dog w as some have imagined. All the boys and girls and grown P are urged to enter this contest, raw will be awarded on the basis 1 tie most original entry. . F"e dollars in cash has been set the first prize in this amusing "toe of the grand parade, three om for the second and two dollars the third., A entries must be registered at Uamberof Commerce office. The .iH be headed by the Spruce High school band, and will in- 2 the Boy Scout troops, Girl . American Legion, National W roops, decorated cars and. ,to be entered by the merchants " tommunity. fers Looking For Two Highway Robbers, Got $350 J oflhTHaywood county Cn!!anine'lt and the police ""Waynesville, have been un p ? locate the two men who ewirt It Ch'istopher and Frank t lutT,und .J?50-00 on Monday , CoveT" C Ock in the Fran SWart. -were' re K home from Waynesville and nL Tei ff the main high- eyRst,PPed the car to change I so twolh eot ?ut and as they iat.W fen,Walked UP to them hold n J? La gun ordered them a,rirt p,their hands. . Sd?5Si:'ay" he Wd between :art Jv V" his Pocetbook and er. she had ?76 in bills and "ht tfi!10?qcrs Were notiffied they ; iodho"ds from the state folW J Haze,wod, and the thVS!fi two dirions, but riher ! i ae not been fund defi tpand wart could not .""JJMwcripUonf the men. Edwards, teacher of CbT'u8 om the Waynesville lm v chool amved this 1 de-.nV Scotia where she ads. extended visit with (Picture Number One) Joseph Allison and hie) father, Jar- vis H. Allison, in Joseph's field of hurley tobacco. This field of burley tobacco was cultivated and cared for by Joseph, and the size of the tobacco will show that he is a good burley tobacco grower. This unit test demon stration farm is located in Waynes ville township. (Picture Number Two) Here is T. W. Cathey, of Pigeon township, a unit test farmer, and L. T. Weeks, assistant extension to bacco specialist, of State College, Raleigh, inspecting a demonstration of tobacco in ridge cultivation. This particular plot had an addi tion of sulphate of potash put on The tobacco is the Kentucky No. 5 variety, The nine-tenths of an acre was planted on the 26 and 27th of May, and will be harvested about the first of September, Vetch and wheat were turned un der in the spring and 400 pounds of 3-8-8 fertilizer was used. Twelve pounds of sulphate of potash was added to half the field for experimen tal purposes. (Picture Number Three) Guy Chambers, of Iron Duff town ship, operator of a unit test farm, Is shown here in his demonstration patch of tobacco, with L. T, Weeks, tobacco specialist, of State College, as they go over the demonstration on which sulphate of potash was added to improve the quality of the tobacco. Thirty-eight pounds were put on half an acre, which is planted in Ken tucky No. 5, root rot resistant. Mr. Chambers used 800 pounds of 4-12-u fertilizer to one and six-tenths of an acre, and also 100 pounds of nitrate of soda at the time the fertilizer was put on. Half of the tobacco is already harvested. The crop was set out May 20th. Henry Shary, of Asheville. Gets Lease From Walker Family On 103 Acres A rive-ytai mining lease, lor l.'M acres in Fines Creek township, was signed here Saturday, and recorded. The lease was given by the Walker family, to Henry Snarpe, and associ ates of Asheville. The signing of the lease came af ter months of lugoeiating between the two parties, and a number of surveys of the property. The tract on which Mr. Sharpe took a lease, is a part of the original S. L. Redmond estate, which is composed of '.()() acres in all. The remainder of the property is being Worked by u firm, headed by LeRoy Hall, of Can ton, Arthur Patton, and I'. L. Hat wood, of Asheville. The l.'l.'l-aere tract, is known as the W. C. Hill property, and was left to the children of Spencer Walker. Most of the children live in Crabtree (Continued on Hack I'age) j Lease Mining Lands 1 WPA Offering To Make Outright Grant Of $100,000 Waynesville Voters Go To ToILi September 16 And Ha.elwood On The 20th A. C. Walker, right, is handing Henry Sharpe, Asheville, a lease for five years on 10,'i acres of. a mineral reservation in Fines Creek Township. The deal was closed here last Satur day. I'huto by Hoinir Dnvin. David McCarson, Wife And 3 Children On 324-Mile Hike (Picture Number Four) C. N. Howell is well pleased with his tobacco crop, which was grown two miles from Waynesvilkv on the Howell Mill road. Many of the stalks are five feet high,, since topped, and many leaves three feet long and 18 inches wide. The crop was planted on the 15th of May, and was planted on ridges. Four hundred pounds of 3-8-5 fer tilizer was used to the acre. Early in the spring grass sod was turned under. Seen with Mr. Howell is his daughter. Trustees Of Lake To Meet Tuesday; Will Be In Charge The Direction Of Lake Junalus ka And Activities Will Be Handled Hy 15 Trustees Dairy Farmer Loses Job In New Jersey, And Is Coming "Back Home" Highway Men Put Approval On East Waynesville Road Commissioner McKee And Dis trict Engineer Forward Ap proved Plans To Raleigh The hio-hwnv rhmmit.tee of the Chamber of Commerce, headed by L. Davis, has been advised by High- wav Commissioner. E. L. McKee. that the project calling for the widening Hie-hwav No. 19 from the city lim its in East Waynesville to the Rat- rT Cove road has been approved by him and the district engineer and for warded to Raleigh. : The plans will have to go to Wash ington for formal approval there be fore the project can be started. The project is one of many that is being sought in this district, since Mr. McKee let it be known that there was approximately 0200,000 to be spent improving highways in the tenth district. Another $200,000 will also be spent, but it is already "ear marked" for certain projects. All of the unappropriated $200,000 will be spent improving roads, and not on new construction, it was pointed out. POLICE RECOVER STOLEN TRUCK Policemen Downs and Bryson ar rested Harry Love, of Franklin, after receiving reports via radio that a '35 Ford truck had been stolen in Ashe ville. The Waynesville police picked up Love within a short time after the broadcast. He w-as turned over to Asheville officers. Eleven were tried here this week in mayor's court, the majority being charged with- being drunk. The trustees of the-Methodist .As sembly will meet at the Lake on Au gust 30, at which time the direction of the property will be turned over to the 15 trustees appointed by the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South to supervise this institution, now recognized as one of the official institutions of the church. The present holding commit tee is composed of Dr. W. P. Few, Durham, Dr. W. A. Lambeth, Winston Salem, and Bishop Paul B. Kern, Nashville, Tenn. The incoming direc torate is composed of E. A. Cole, Char lotte; J. K. Ivey, Charlotte; C. C. Norton, Spartanburg; T. B. Stack house, Columbia; Bishop W. W. Peele, Richmond; Bishop Kern, H. A. Dun ham, Asheville; W. S. F. Tatum, Hat tiesburg, Miss.. Dr. L. W. Wells, Richmond; Dr. Few and Dr. Lambeth. Ex officio members are the; general secretaries of the board of missions, Christian education, lay activities, and the bishop in charge of the Western North Carolina Conference. VISITORS GIVE ROTARY PROGRAM Visitors had charge of Friday's program at the Rotary Club, with Al Hamilton, of Jackson, Miss., in charge. Principal speakers included Robert Coleman, Corpi Christi, Texas, Guy E. Snavely, New York, and Chas. Rouse hanberg, Atlanta. A solo was given by Walter Her bert, Atlanta, accompanied by Mrs. Paul Harris, of Jackson, Miss. Twenty visitors were present. Voice PeofUe Do you approve of President Roose velt taking a hand in state primaries? William Medford, attorney "I pos itively do not approve of the Presi dent taking a hand in state primaries. It smacks of dictatorship." Joe Tate Cattle dealer "I like the way President Roosevelt stands up and fights for his ideas and prin ciples. There is nothing wishy-washy about him." Hugh J. Sloan Insurance agent 'Nope.". L. N. Davis Insurance and Real Estate "I feel that he has lowered the dignity of his honored position in entering the primaries." E. J, Robeson, retired school super intendent "I dp not approve of Pres ident Roosevelt meddling with state primaries.'' E. C. Moody Merchant "I think it's alright, if we don't have a Con gress that is with the President, noth ing can be accomplished. S. H. Bushnell, Secretary Home Building and Loan "I think it all depends on the circumstances," David McCarson, his wife and three children are hiking 324 miles from Baltimore Iback here, according ta news accounts received here yester day, accompanied by pictures of the fivu taken while passing through Roanoke, Va. "Its slow, but it gets you there just the same," Mr. McCarson said as he pushed his two youngest children, in a baby carriage .while his wife and oldest daughter drudged along n the hot pavement. Except for a distance of 40 miles, the family had walked all the way from Baltimore to Roanoke, Shortly after they left Washington, they we ie picked up by a preacher Working on a dairy farm near Woodstovvn, N.'J, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Carson were cut off when a negro family offered to do the farm chores for less money. Having left the New Jersey, town in the family car en route to Mr. McCarson's home at Waynes ville. But it seems that hard luck was to follow in the footsteps of the people. So it was in Baltimore, Md., that they were involved in an auto accident which resulted in the revok ing of Mr. McCarson's driver's per mit and, says , the man, "we had to leave the car in Baltimore and set out on foot." Traveling at a rate of about 20 miles a day they have been on the road since August 6, and will cover an estimated 324 miles. "Once we get to Waynesville," says Mr. McCarson, "we expect to; settle down on our farm and never leave again." His parents are dead, but several brothers and sister live here. Badly in need of a shave when in Roanoke, the man, Verifies the dtmd gery of pushing a baby carriage, with two little tots, along a sun-baked high way. The family belongings, which appear to be few, are carried in it bag loaded beneath the baby carriage. Questioned about their method f eating and sleeping the couple ex plained, "We bed down, at dark, at any convenient place. Sometimes it is a barn or an abandoned roadway structure and again it is under the stars. Food is given to us by kind hearted people along the way." One characteristic about this family that the writer cannot help but men tion is their faces. Ridden by hard luck and courage-breaking conse quences for the last two weeks, they ask sympathy of no one they hold their heads high and clearly show they are proud of the fact that they can look defeat in the face smile and continue their fight against life's heartbreaking incidents. , . There are still plenty of kind-hearted people, too, because in the little girl's hand is 50 cents that some one gave her. '" The family includes Mr. McCarson, his wife, Sarah; daughter, Marie; son, David, Jr., and little daughter, Martha Ann. The proposition to remove sewerage from Richland ('reek has at last come to a head, ami voters in WaynesvilU' and Hazelwood are to vote next month on the question of whether the towns shall sell $122,500 in bonds in order to accept a grant of $100,227 from PWA for the construction of a sewer line from Hazelwood to a point below Lake Junaluska. Waynesville voters will go to the polls on Friday, September lOth, while Hazelwood will go a few days later Tuesday, September 20. The decision was reached here last week at a joint meeting of the boards of .-aldermen of the two towns, to call an election. The new law, and the acceptance of PWA stipulate that the people of the municipalities shall vote on the issuance of all general obligation bonds, under which the project comes. PWA offers to make a direct grant to the two towns amounting to $100, 227, and the remainding $122,500 will be loaned at four per cent interest over a period of 30 years. Waynes ville's 'share.' of the bonds is set at $8(,((00, and Hazelwood is to assume $3,500, The ratio was worked out. in tax, valuation. The two boards hav gone into the matter from every angle, and have held numerous meetings, and it was decided to accept the PWA offer, and call the elections. The proposition set out by PWA is that the contract must be let for the project on or before November 4th. Engineers have made plans for a gravity line, from Hazelwood, to Co man's Bluff, where an Imhoff Tank will be installed. The tentative route of the. sewer line, follows Richland Creek, .'on the right hand side, and crosses the head of the Lake and follows the right hand bank, going in back of Junaluska Supply Company, and on down the creek to Coman's Bluff. It was pointed out that there is no final escape in the matter, inasmuch as the supreme court has upheld the Lake in a former lawsuit, against the towns emptying sewerage in Rich land ('reek. "While there is a gift of over $100,000 available for work that will have to be done eventually, we can not see why it isn't to our interest, by almost $200,000, to go ahead. The. difference in interest rates, and the interest on the additional $100,000 gift would run our extra cost to over anotjier $100,000 if we turn down the PWA plan," one official pointed out. "Under this plan we will save at least fifty per cent." If the question is voted down, it was explained, the Lake can enter a lawsuit, and under the present opinion of the state supreme court, get an injunction against the two towns and compell therrt to take their sewerage from the creek, regardless of cost. The construction of the line, would call for several hundred common la borers, and it was pointed out that this many men getting work in the winter would - relieve the relief situation here this year. Most of the cost of the project would be com mon labor. WA VNESVILLE S WATER SYSTEM NEEDS TO BE ENLARGED Waynesville voters will have an other question to vote on the issu ance of $63,415 in bonds with which to enlarge the present water system (Continued on Back Page) lite. WecMte Report H. M; HALL, Of ficiat Observer Aug. 18 19. 20 21 22 ' ':'.-'' 23 - 24 -' 'v.:-;- '; Mean maximun Mean minimum Mean for week High for week Max Min Prec 87 60 77 61 80 52 81 55 83 5i S3 53 87 69 i .. 2.5 .55.1 68.8 ...........87.0 ........51.0 Below August normal ........... Precipitation for week Precipitation since August 1 Below August normal Precipitation for year ....... ..... Deficiency for year 1.3 ... -.00.0 .....1.34: ......1.91 ....30.15 ....2.31