' ,: - : 1 i ? 11 ' . ' ' ; iv- i I' '- :' Fhe Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park nru YEAR NO. 44 LurV.MJl IV " WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY. NOYEMHER 10, 1938 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY T 1 peps, ffffi. in pfiTisw n n m n rfin a i - r i formal Opening Ot Pet's Jew Milk Plant Will Be Staged All Next Week ,i . Will He r.t; ft'K, r un Program Arranged Observed Week's of Pet Dair here for all nc.t i 1 JjK'iate plans nave uini uj.upia- f.rthi' formal opeiwng 01 -n ,.i ; modern ,nuw I 1 duets tompany .. . , house will be observe-:! uany ..8 a.m. M S p. in., from Monday Saturday, . with free lee ill who matte cue mspec- i, according to r red 11. ' earout, . , ,, , V first three days oi ine ween, ool children will be brought to the , , . 1 K.. A I Lit ill special cuariereu uusses. jut, ircut said that he expected o,000 ton to go through the plant dur the three-day period. n Thursday morning, a special mi t t. ,'M 01 1 no :uouuiaiueei- win ue dished, giving in news stories and :ms, a complete history of dairy- h in Haywood County up to the sent time. Some 15 persona are rutin? speeial articles for this :mi. I'hotograpns trora several tions of the county together with ;jy of Pa's new plant will be used the edition. Jb Thursday aiternoon, at 2:30, in high school auditorium, a free ktric-dairy products 'cooking ool will be staged, with Mrs. Joe .w conducting the school. She b formerly : home leconomist for It leading power companies in th A and has worked in a similar N with Mr. Yearout hefoi-P nnil enthused over being able to ice her to come here for the school. k ichool will be sponsored by Pet k Products Company and Martin isrtric Co. , cooking school , will also be W on Friday., but. thivtv minute. -ker-2:00 at the hie-h Rrhnnl. fUl door priaes will hp nwiv). teach session nf th ,,!.-. I school. 'PMing today, voting will begin to "Milk Keauty Queen." There we contestants, each sponsored local -organization, and every atioii b that the campaigning will t a par with primarv noliti.u.1 ft Ballot ...in u.. r "' ue caps irom any m Products and must be de fa m the special boxes in the ''' ''ai k Theatre D. Ill No Plans Made For Observance Of Armistice Tomorrow will be the first obser vance of Armistice Day as a national holiday. There is no special pro gram planned in the town. The stores will be open as usual, while the First National Hank and the local post office will close in observ ance of the occasion. In the evening the members or the American Legion and their families will assemlo at the Legion home and will celebrate the day with an oyster supper with an informal program following. 487-Pound Bear Killed Near Here Directors For C Of C. Named President And Other Will Be Named A I Early Dale Ofiicers An l tL. xLlf$'$il$t., feiiiiTiMfflSfcf jtasf Light Vote Cast In Haywood; Democrats Gain Over 1 936 Margin In Appreciation adult visitinir ;'t next week will h ior d in o votes which the box of the between mi n.ivl IT. ,;,.... JO II. 1' ;n.h r pia: "fun gooc depesi; "estants. . 6e Candidate ,(,; .u :" iJl he . 6 yueen in an Sn31l0non the stage 'of "ik Theatre n.,(- e.ji... 6. .7 o'clock u l lluy nignt . "HOCK. llm- .,iv,,.. :n e !'i i , i""ovi mi re- w . anl the ,(3ueen'' Th, . Vs l,i,ss to the thea- .tstrm,,!, , v euing second "U'IU 1 1 ll ... ttr,;i!hBndher spon- . Vallot h,,v,... i.... , Itn An rli.i.r ve been placed " : ; saated The voting for directors of the Chamber of Commerce closed on Tues day afternoon at six o'clock and the ballots were counted that night. Sixteen members were to be selected, and the results of the election are eight members of the old board and eight new ones, for the 19;i'J board. The change in the method of voting was gratifying to those in charge as the vote east was around three times as great as when taken at the annual meeting. The newly elected board will as sume office on January the 1st and they will elect from their group the president of the Chamber of Com merce, the date of the election being left to their discretion. The following will represent in dustry on the new board: Ben Colkitt, L. M. Killian, Harry Lee Liner, and It. L. Prevost. The merchants will be represented by W. A. Bradley . E. .1. Hyatt, and Charles E. Hay, Jr. The agricultural interests will have . J. Allen and George Brown, Jr. James I?. Boyd, M. H. Bowles, L. X. Davis, Dr. S. P. Gay, and T. Troy Wyche will represent the business and professional group. The hotels and boarding houses will be represented bv Paul Hyatt and Mrs. James M. Long. This party of lnin, .-, .- brii-ht -d..wn tin uf Eagle Nest mountain last week, and are ning started. The famous i'lott Iwar hound and it was shot by Joe I'air.s, nf Ivy Hill when the hunters arrived, and Ralph Camnbe!! oi' Ivy Wilson, of Va.vner.vil!e; and the kill, (ic .lie-,- J. (nt a tree on lla .el ! n k in the nose ami aniuher re K. L. 1'ri vo: t, u ho ee! ji.-d lS7-pound bear on the noith side hown here just before the skin traded the bear for ,'ill ninnites, The dog had the bear at bay The hunters lueluded Mr. 1'airis, James Plot), Hill; George H, I'lott. Vaughn I'latt, and Taylor Kigirrald l'.nloe and Mr. StuvaM, of Svlva. Alter ,ent ilio, l hi li km tl- hr hear made is!. On In ar. as the animal that cha.M'd him up the nuiil itie.tt ion In in a (ear on tne e:t renie left ol the picture is Phut,, 1)11 o.HIV Ihi 1IS. To the Democrats of llavnood County:- '1 desire to. express my sincere and grateful appreciation to the Democrats of Haywood County for their loyal support and co operation during the campaign just closed. The line spirit of loyalty that prevailed during the campaign was an inspiration and the work ami' counsel that I re ceived .from the loyal Democrats helped in a very material way to conduct a Successful campaign and to give fill Democratic nom inees a nice majority. "Your Democratic comradeship was enjoyed and the days we worked together were pleasant ones, and will be remembered so long as 1 shall live." IV K. 'BROWN, 'hail man Democratic Executive t 'ominittee. I'nolfifial Kelurns From 19 of 22 1'iecinds (Jives Demo crats 2,.(); 'Majority I'uoilicial 'JU' precincts in night gave t In one lead oyer dates. The total of returns Iron It' of the Haywood County lasi Democrat a three to all Republican candi- the Way i Dirt To Move Today On The Sewer Project Hunts Underway In Pisgah Woods The Bear and Deer hunt in the Pisgah National Forest got v.r.dor way the first of the week with the first block of 150 hunters taking to ihe woods in search of venison or a leg black bear. The first dav's hag came J. R. Morgan, attorney for the town of Waynesville, and William Medford. attorney for Hazelwood, spent last Friday in Atlanta, where they had gone on officii business for the two towns, relative to the ap proval of the contract recently let to Blythe Brother Company, of Char lotte, for the construction of tlv Wayncsville-IIazelwood outfall sewi r line. Before leaving the PWA officii. '.s in the Atlanta office assured them that all matters were in proper form and the project would be approved. Since that time the town author ities have been, notified of the ap proval of the Atlanta oflice, and a notice has been sent to the contrac tors setting the official date for work to begin today. A number of local people are to ie .employed on the project, which is to take '.W0 working day: ' :r co'.nii'e tion. Davis Leads Ticket In Rockingham County ?i More Second Crop Apples On Display Second crop- apples continued to roll in this week, with D, 1 .layne.s, of Dellwood, bringing in proof from six varieties of trees. Mr. Jayncs has been grow ing apples for hf past 4(1 years and for the past 13 ye.'.rs has been RuIoMvmn 'or ft well known variety. He claims that the second crops arc due to wet summer and extremely diy fall. All the varieties produced good ciops the first time, he reported The trees from which he brought '.n si.i'.iph-s of his second crop were: li on i:-d June. Yellow Flat, Early Variety. Sweet Hough, Winter Ba nal a. and Mammoth Black Twig. Several Places In Civil Service Open According to local post office offi cials ihe following opportunities for uoverimient employment under civil service examination are open: I'nder communications operator (Mir navigation) with a salary of Harry Davis, native county, now a resident led the ticket as .one i county commissioners el I ingham county this vi brother of County I Frank Davis, who als., I this week to Ha vw ood, of Hayw 1 of Leaksville, of the live e'en in Roek i k. Ho is a ( 'i iii mi ..-i' un -vi.s oh cte i "i ii year, and assistant conimu- a ..i -in eperator (air navigation) with :. salary of $l,fi2(). '; T!'" ( Maniinations close on 'Decern.- i!i '1. A pplications mast he with the manager, fifth I'. S. Servne District, New Post Hioldiring, Atlanta, rtn or before lat''. For further intoriiiat ion li t ne local post ullii (-.. hi r .n til Civil M'c-' ih;t a. nil .' '& IaU. yuuv fit u. ,i fiiatr.,,, 11 mealre,. and a box V'011 COntetant. ""'Us d their sponsors S:, :-.7 slr,,lso''el by Central iiQa', ' ' A. J'- "red by Hazelwooo. Mac Tl,. :,. - libra.-,- '" Pn8oi-cd by high Qzh' .;' '. -'W.,:,-'. " :,n5'sp"o'-ed by fka p."; ''"naorcd by Lake I ' ctiviti,. ""I cnmax th K li- '""Cs With ., , . . wont n,..j ' series ot "f'J in k-1; . . I First Hand . . 'vo...ir, assey" Dam Vo Gotten By ' '0, ABE tU'eeit ' -. : ' -1' .' wp in J"day he records his noting. . The second -block, went into the re serve yesterday. A total of 1.40U hunters are expected to piirticipate in the hunt, with 150 to enter the reserve every three days. Unless a special permit is granted to stay in the wilderness overnight the hunters check in at sunrise and out at sunset. With special permis sion the hunter can stay the thiee days in the wilderness. It is expected that this year more deer will be killed than in any other hunt that has been staged m ihe National Forest. This year the does not excluded from tne num. 1aece o-l JUe People . District RL E. Church Meeting Today I'irst I'nion Meetinif Of -Northern And Southern Methodists In Waynosville District The pastors, lay leaders and dis trict Stewards of the churches of the Waynesville district of the Methodist Episcopal church are meeting in an nual session today nt the First Meth odist church. Rev. W. L. Hutchins, newly appointed presiding elder of the ilistriet, will preside. The gathering today is of special sigi ilicanco ns it iniiiks the first meeting of the Northern Methodist churches ami the churches of South ern Methodism in the area covered by the Wayin sville dii trict, function-iii'-i as line groii p. Sill.(' Metllixlisl iiliiiih between the two giiiiins is a siireil the bishops and presiding' ehleis who have over sight (if the two divisions of the church within t lie hounds of the Way ire:ille district have agreed thai all Methodi:,! cliiii-ches within this area shall he imdci the supervision of both hi: hops an; .shall lie -iipernilended by Ihe presiding eldev ,,f th'..'Vaynes ville dist-rie! of .e K. ('1,'uivi,, Soul h. The Noi'tiieill eoiigi cgalions repre sel t si yen charges with twenty-two ' hMche.-:, and the M K. Chinch, Sou h has twenty live pastors and eighty four churches, making a. total "of t.hiit.v-two pastors and one hundred and six churches m the district. i Plans for (ho commo; year ,- ili-'.cuased. and the general business of thi . district will be ti ansaeted. .Ap proximately oi..- hundred, including ministers ami lay: . teadi rs will attend the 'I'm ting. At noon the. v.- enen df the chuivh V.lil : crve hllu-heoil hell of the church H' precincts ran iliout ti.filH) with the Democratic can lidates polling 5,000 and their op- I polients 1,50(1. In the unofficial retu,r,s, Coorg" A. Brown, Jr., I lemoer ;t ic candidate for commi'-sioiiei . led the (a kel by about 50 votes over his i mining mate. Pickens, Republican candidate fio sheritf, led his party by a slight mar gin of over 100. The steady rain of Tuesday cut t he vote down cunsiderablt . election officials said. In 1 :. Haywood casi !l,.'!.'if votes, and this year there will be less than 7,000, aceord-ia. to pres ent indications. Haywood went Democratic ill l'.l.'W by about 'l.SOO. This .Mar, even though tile vote is cousidi i::r.Ie small er, it looks as if the )eice, .: age for the Democrats will be far ahead of t bat two years ago. With Big ('reek, Fast . Fork and Ha.clwood still out, ihe unc'Ki ial tab ulation, shows the ..following totals for the candidates on the county tick et that bad opposition: Figures were not available from all precincts for the candidates for hospital beard: Democrat Republican State Senate C. A. Cogburii, 4t)5!l J. H, Pou.cll, if,82 Clerk Superior Onirf, W. G. Byers, 50.'!2 A. K. P. k, 17!) Sheriff U. V. Welch, .17H7 J. K. Pick, ns, 1K12 Register of Deeds C. ('. Francis, .r()!M Mrs. Mann, 157,1 Tax Collector W. II. McCrackon 5():i() J. II. I-Yrd 101'f Ciiunly Coiiimissioni rs G'eo. A. Brown, ,lr. 5100 Waller G. Sinatia is, llilll R. T. Boyd, ,10(10 Robert Hav iCins 15li:t Frank Davis, 50!l l Van ('. W. lis 155;; Coroner J. R. esduoreland, :!2iiS Herman f il'ispital TruslccK ( 'l.vde R. Hoey, Jr., .'; I F. T l-.dwin Fincher, .'iL'l I J. A, -ley, 8",y I i lien, OL' 1 f..eng, -112-1 The on Id in tne bampie Do o have the proper appreeia- J day Hon of the significance of Armistice the i Day? and J. (' Brown Past Commander I ft't h we should especially rcineniber disabled veterans, their widows orphans, and work to prevent r calamities caused frd'n war." are Pastor Returns From Vacation The Rev. H. P. Walker, pastor of the Waynesville Presbyterian churcn, returncci on Monday night from a month's vacation. The first part of his visit was spent with his brother, R. M. Walker at Blountstovvn, Fla. From Blountstown he went to Mc Clellanville, S. C. where he spent the remainder of the month. Miss Thomasine Stringfield, who is attending the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, has re turned to Greensboro, after spending several days here with her parents. Waynesville Post American Legion "!f we might judge by outward ap-pe.-'.raiH'cs, November the 11th - has never meant a ereat deal to the aver age citizen. I believe it means less to day than i:i the past. That within itself is not so shocking, but too many of the traditions upon which our country was founded have be come negative in the minds of many people. A proper reverence for Armistice Day does not i.eed neces sarily to carry with it a glorification nf war." i Mrs. J. F. AM Regent Dorcas j Bell Love chapter, D. A. R. "No. as i individuals we do, but as people we 1 are inclined to forget in our enthu-I siastic patriotic celebrations the un-, fortunate circumstances which brought about the occasion, particu larly the great universal suffering and too i the intrigues, deception and all for- gclfulness of the Christian spirit, which led up to the consumation of this argument." Mr. W. L. McCracken Past pres j ident Haywood chapter ef the Daugh ters of the Confederacy- No, I do not think we have the proper appre ciation of the day. In the first place the World War was not fought on our soil, and we cannot have the ; same realization of its meaning that I the European countries do. I feel j that we fail when we do not make of A. Bradley World War Vet-i the occasion a day of great thanks- Only the veterans and those giving for peace, and realize what it means to us as individuals and as a nation." . Col, J. It. Howell Postmaster and World War Veteran "No, Armistice Day represents not only the sacrifice of the soldiers, but the people in the United effort of the nation to effect a lasting peace for the world. We are getting too far away from the seriousness of its meaning." W erar. who suffered the loss of close rela tives seem to remember. This is a Postmasters Of District Will Meet In H-vilie The postmasters association of the Hth district, ef which Postmaster J. Hal do. i Howell, is chairman, will me i ill Hernlc rsorville at the Henderson 'm'Ho Inn, for a dimier --meeting mi Sat in day night. Mayor A. V. Edwards, of Hender sonville, will deliver the address or welcome, and Mrs. Marion Current, Postmistress of Leicester, will offer the response. Wythe Peyton, postmaster, of Ashevdle, will make the principal talk. He will speak on the National Convention of Postmasters. LOSES DRIVER'S LICENSE Vincent .Marion Glance, of Canton, has had his driver s license during the past week while intoxicated. cense IrevoKed i, for (driving iti Miss Sarah Welch, student dt West ern Carolina Teachers Colleg4, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Welch. tiou return oj ee t,e a closer campaign in I'.UO, than ha- ir the last two elections. . Democrats; are still in t! . Republicans - n.'ide heavy -,, probably H seats iii the Si . ill the House. In California the Dni victorious, while in Perm' avalanche of Republican v the Democrats from efliei ident Roosevelt's native ,!. York, which holds lw I any presidential- clectiue. Democratic, and ( invert ' will again continue m nfhn . 'I he Remibhonns e.urii over tne lenioeratie pa' over Progressives, and ? boiit.es w ho were -i mining The North Carolina Dee true to form and a Ian. was pilling up last night . returns were being tabul; cinets over,- the state '!n week i sidential iieen seen While- the lead, the .ins, with and 70 a ts were "vania an fev SWept ..t Pre e of New .'light in I inained l.elimin not oniy but. aiso riner-l.il - , V -. -.office. ..:! ts rati "aj r:ty the tit ..! ' in pn - II. M. HALL, Official Ct. 'truer S. Nov. Max. Mm. 7:3 . :.. m.i'rci , i ' 70'- : ': 1 ... 09 . . - TS s 5 04 40 ' 2.. :: ; " 1:'. -is .',7 o.us - : i 7 74 . 5(i ,V- 8 ' tiu . v 57. ' . . ; ' t;i 21 ' ;: tuii , " ' M' an maximum ... . .(iS.4 j Mean minimum ., : . 42.! 4 Mean for week .. .55.2 High for week .....72.0 Low for week . .. 21.0 l ; ; Above November normal ..... 9.5 , Precipitation for week . ..! 2 42 1, ' Precipitation since Nov. . .......2.42 , f, Above November normal .1.74 e Precipitation for year .... . .....35.72 , "i'l Deficiency for year 4.42 1 !"! !" I. "i ! . i. 1 I 1 . '. ' .-

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