r .' t ' PET DAIRY PRODUCTS COMPANY SECTION if ' 1 1 I i fh AYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER HE Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park TorKTHYEAR NO. 46 W AYNESVILLE, X. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 193S $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY 4 W TO i Cooking fct Session To Begin At 2:30 At High School Here Electric - Dairy Products School To 15c Conducted liv Expert j rn-iul-l.reaking crowd is es- -M to at tt-mi tne iree electric- jjr pnnliu ts cooKing scnooi wnicn ,-it urnlenv.-iy at tne nign scnooi . i .. i. O . jjilonum nils iuLfiiiuuu ui t.oup iji Mrs. Jcc Craver, of Salisbury, JaEcommiist in charge. Ihe school lg spmi'ivil by lVt Dairy Pro- jtts Cum puny and iiartin caecinc jupany. frt H. leannit, manager ol tlu it plant here, announced yesterday at sixty individual attendance prizes be awarded' by his firm, and ill Martin of .Martin Electric Coni- a; said that his firm would add the prize .list, several valuable c:rical appliances for each of the n days of the school. Irs, f raver was formerly home somist lor two 01 tne largest pow- tompanves m tne aoutn, ana nas 'liurtcil nunierous such schools. .(i. Yearout said : "We are most fol iate in being able to get Mrs. iver ripht at this time. I have arkid with her on former occasions, al she is always in demand for mm engagements. "Those who at- 4 the school will find their time d spent." No electric ranges will be used MK the demonstrations, which will ?fdite the school. Ike school on Friday will get un- Way at two o.'clock (2:30 today.) lie sponsors of the school announ- 4 last flight that coupons good for totes for the "Milk Beauty Queen" nld be given to each adult attending cooking school. tie list of prizes to be given, will tad in the advertisement of the tog school in this section. Ms are made of metal alloy, gen- composed of 80 Darts Conner i20 IMltc tin YXjd there were instances in A a single bee sting resulted in "death. of the person stung. i school Opens Today At 2:30 Homft EiWimttist ! KWnfna- A ' QKnrn T iml-mit Pni- derma w I 11VVUI A. llltl - LIUUllUUl M. VTE VAllllO I w MRS. JOE CRAVER , 5"""x , ' 13 I M 1skV fl iUh- I is w,i,s Visitors To Pet Plant Have Treat In Store For Them Those visiting the new Pet plant will see the highest achievement in the preparation and 'manufacture of milk, ice cream, cheese and other dairy products. Visitors will also be able to follow the product from the sanitary receiving room for milk to the pasteurizing room, to which it is pumped through sanitary stainless steel pipe. They will sec the latest spray type stainless pasteurizers, which are equipped with space heater thermom eters, indicating and recording ther mometers. Next they will see the cabinet type cooler and the sanitary bottle filler which places the milk in sterilized bottles, the tops of which are not touched by human hands. The local Pet Dairy Products Com pany is a subsidiary of the Pet Milk Compary, ol St. Louis, the oldest in I the condense milk field. It manufact- The sign on the dour in this picture tells the storv of what is' fount in this room, with II. I. Poole at work at his desk making a close and carelul check on all milk before it leaves the Pot Plant. The bacteriological lab oratory is as modern as science can provide. It can be truthfully said that Mr. Poole's job is "guardian of health." Those visiting the plant have had the details of the laboratory explained to them this week. I'liotn by SlivriiU'ti. Candidates For "Queen" ' " r-1' -T ""ywryn ' y---JJ'.T '.l ' " i iiui -mm y ,,., i i i nw jStwyWW "" " ' f I T r v" '"ZTZTZ I Iff IIS , " --Wv,Vxt Iff " " "I. I v - 41 i INI . ! ft JJ ; jl aMMm'"'"4illti tun in,. T Pet Official Appreciative Of The Cooperation Given By Local People A lot of folks who do a great deal of eiyic good, .-really' -don't liki' the town, but they can't get enough money to get oilt. R. O. the Jenkins, division.-manager of, bottle milk plant of Pet j Dairy Company. It is verv gratifying to have a plant established in a community where the civic organizations and citizens have manifested their Inter est in having one of our plants lo cated in their cltv Never have wo vstalilished a plant where we have had a more cordial and friendly wel-j conic than in avnesville. I It is our policy . to supnort every1 cominunitv activity in me commu-1 nities in which our plants are located,' and it is our desire to add to -the' prosperity and growtn of fins sec tion. ' : I c believe this is trmv a natural ! dairying section and feci -that dairy-' ing is now in its 'infancy, anil that i the receipts of -milk -at" our plant rep resent a very small volume companv to what the production in this area will bo m a few years. Pv 'having our plant located here it means the dairy farmers : m this section have a national market lor t heir products. YV e are at present shipping cream, sweet milk, and ice cream mix into four states from the U avnesville plant; and it is our inten tion, when the volume of raw milk is sufficiently large. to manufacture condensed milk at.- this plant. It is also verv gratifying to us to know the business concerns that buy dairy products in YVavnesville and ilavvMood county are buying their products from our local plant, and it further shows the business men of this section are interested in then own community bv spending tneir money with a local concern. 1. at S:()0 award:'!! 4! d!'1"'''" ('f thcse fivo youns ladies arc busy as bees gathering in votes, ures ice cream mix, ice cream, pas teurized milk, plain buttermilk, cream buttermilk, coffee cream, whipping cream, cottage cheese, chocolate milk, oranpeade and distributors of famous "'Siimi- tlinn. ; i tii i .u ,-it Pnrb- Thuatrtv for inoiu. candidate for "Milk Beauty Queen." There is no indication of - "One Is in iUn 1 j ... i . .i i . ...i. J.,;t., nt nifrlit n'lAnrV 4- vuu, ana uniu me iasi voue is,ui' iu.nu.-u --(,- - p l. -j Knttor H.i , - L" Gd sooted bv the Hazeled P. T A ; Lula X ae m The floors a . oy ine niph school i orarv: jane oieni, 'h""- W ,, -"'fntary P. T. A.; Maud Catherine Jones, sponsored by the East :.i?";c P-T. A.; and Edith Long, sponsored by the Lake Junaluska id pPnsor cf the winner will get $25 in cash, and the queen a 3 to the Pal. and the candidate getting the second highest number JW m a 10-day pass and her sponsor $10 in cash. Caps from Pet cth(p aif votes, with special vote coupons being passed out to all adults le inV and at the cooking school. W hen the aoove pnoiogiapu 5, tr: Tl 01 Pet plant by Sherrill's Studio, the candidates naajusi wu m a Pet PrnJ,,nj running true to form, eacn canaiaaie a Hi (To- i - wcni, uem. visit Pet -modern every respect. The floors and walls of the new unit arc of tile construc tion. The plant complies with the highest standards set by the United States Public Health Service. Now and then we meet someone who doesn't seem to realize that a flea has as much right to live off of a person as persons have to livo off of each other. 4. 5. -:- Program -:- Thursday, 'November 17 OookinK School 2:;i() I'. M.,Hif.rh School atKlilonuiii. condtictt'd by Mrs. Joe- ('nivi:r. Liens' Club G :.'$) P. M., rmisic by I VI Qiuirtrt.1i' and 5 minute talk about Pet Dairy. Mot'tmjr of producers 7:00 V. M. at Crablnc School, Sound pictures and talk by Mr. H. L. Hunt. I"ri(Iay, November IS Uotai y Club will visit plant m a pi (sup at 1 :)() 1'. M. Cookino; School 2:00 I'. M. Ilijrh School auditorium, conducted by Mrs. Joe ('raver. Meeting of producers 7:00 I M. at Dellwood School. Sound pictures and talk by Mr. II. h. Hunt. hk IJeautv Queen ("ontest oliicially closes T. M. Coronation cf Milk Hcatity Queen and .-prizes- ed at 0.00 T M at Talk Theatic Saturday, November H) Paiade at 2 00 I'. M. (1) Waynesviile Police. (2) Sheriff and Deputies. (:) Mayor and city olbcials ol Waynesvilk . (I) Mayor and city officials -of Ilazelwood. (i) Haywood County Oflicials. (G) County Agent, Assistant Agent and Home Dem onstration Agent. . (7) Haywood County Health Department. (8) Manager and Agricultural Committee of Cham ber of Commerce. (9) Rotary Club, president and officers. (10) Lions' Club, president and officers. (II) Cow "Foster Mother of the World." (12) Officials of Pet Dairy Products Company. (13) Eleven Pet trucks. (14) Laboratory Control. (15) All haulers, can and signs. . At 2:45 P. M. Milking contest, Mayor of Waynesville vs. Mayor of Hazelwood. Milk drinking contest, President of Rotary Club vs. President of Lions' Club. Ice Cream eating contest, members of Waynesville Bar. Can rolling contest, Pet employees, Grade "A" Depart ment vs. Mix Department. Pet Officials Are Pleased With Public Response Plant Will Kemain Open Daily From 8 A, M. To 8 P. M. Through Saturday linn it' detailed the IV- (Yowds that exceeded all expec tations have thronged through the new and modern milk plant of Pet Dairy Products Company here for the lirst three days of the wet U, and ac cording to Kred II. Yeareut. the next three dav;- will sec evi n larger at tendance. The doors of t h- plant were thrown open tor inspection of the plant on Mondav morning, and remain open 1 1 om eight in the moniii'g until the same hour in the evening. I'Yec ice cream is given each person inspecting the plant. Saturday ni-hi will complete a Week of the ir.o'-t i lain. rate forma! opening staged hy any le many years. . On this same page, is schedule of i he program uiaiiuler of the week. The high spots being the two-day cooking school and he crowning of the "Milk Iieauty Queen ' at the Park Theatre Friday night at nine o'clock. Several ollieials of the Pet Dairy Products Company were here during the lust of the week enjoying the "scnd-ofl ' being- given the plant by .itizens ol the community. A glance at the reeord of the local creameiv reveals that in a short period, the business has grown to knell a point that even oflicials are amazed at what has been accom plished. It was in June, 1!KM, that the ar,0(M plant of Western Carolina C reamery, owned by J. M. Smith, anil managed by W. R. Woodall opened its doors. The plant at that time catered to ice cream and butter, with C. I), Ketner in charge of that de partment. Hefore many months had passed, the' plant was enlarged to take care of increasing business. Ah the ice cream and butter business grew, the company took, over the handling of law inilk from tirade "A" dairies here and installed mod ern pasteurization equipment, and put on the local market, pasteurized milk for the. first time. '1 he plant, under the ownership of Mr. Smith, grew beyond his fondest hopes, and in January ol 111.17, rep resentatives of Pit Dairy Product Company negotiated a deal for the purchase of the plant. In the meantime, the rruntv" agent -oflico a.al Chamber ot Commerce started a campaign for better ilan v prod; t. d (llst'.IH lelll ;f herds. it h-.n a era I I hi me among nir.'ele etl sto k. anil enjoys tl of thi h t k. I i1 Uie sta'e. When' IV. j.m i. eve IiU.ua rv, t In can largllig I II- ..elllO'e sv: we-'ls. the- 0H llit!ir of winch is in III t 111' el i i 'i j I ' .-':-. I es e. ! I"! ml t' i I , . (ion has for 1'ei I tne ge'i rs Wert I lavwoii' n r ell' i ( I IM W llo'.V rated tire South. f til II! lit. i:i r en-thi.-'I'P.iai pl.iii; iH'St d r leased. a;v! uetr. is far ta IP) ' O i'i I 'M 1 !i,ivn daily, allhougn this plrirt .".re now (( o.'itintii'd on hack- :i I d th i.ur.if ri the b-i.-.g ; urned DM.i'uct.s froiTi h'l.i.r snipped re t.irs- section ) Local Pet Rkna If 4 1 ,V1 At, & YRED H. YEAROUT s Plant Vote In The "Milk Beauty Queen", Contest i 1