fhe Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park .FOl KTH YEAR NO. 17 WAYNESVILLE, N, C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1938 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Jer Cases Dis ced Of During 2 Days Of Court L Dxket Of 350 Cases, Majority ui " Minor Offenses Tlwemhpr tplTll of Li court convened here .Hon- ;,,, While the docket KiB approximately 350 cases, Gjf them are minor misdemean- L ,nd oneirics, L..,.;m!itIv 25 cases were dis- IL during the first two days of ikPi. none of which were oUt- r. fwt officials described tUs'nhe run of the mine," most lira consisting oi vioiauoiis prohibition laws, assaults, u Uu driving. The records were twrnpletely compiled when The Jattineer went to jiea jfCDn.-uajr Cbon, but full accounts of the Swill, be given next week. Uertca as jury for the first week L tkp fnllovvintr: Frank Under- frf, of Waynesville; Gene W. Young, i,r-rkmi Arthur White, of Ivy HWpH W. Crawford, of Iron Duff; b lesser, of Fines Creek; Herman I hrton, of Pigeon; Troy atamey, fjeaverdam; W. B, Winchester, of ijtesville; George Ryder, of Bea- ta. to W. Crawford, of Waynesville; )L Frazieiv of Cecil; Mark Reno, Beaverdam; I. If, Pless, of East H; Raymond McCracken, of Fines sk; Vinson Morrow, of Jonathan U; Bi E. Colkitt, of Waynes- 14; Rowley T. Pless, of East Fork; '4 Stokes, of Beaverdam; H. C. pa, of Beaverdam; E. S. Ash- it, of Beaverdam; T. H. Haynes, Oyde; Joe Carver, of Jonathan ik; and Norman K. Davis, of Ivy 13. Saving the second week will be: Z. HcElroy, of White Oak; Frank Jdristopher, of Waynesville, Frank k of Waynesville; J. T. Thomp- kof Beaverdam; Charlie L. Davis, Waynesville;. William T. Caldwell, 1 Waynesville; Clarence Frady, of m Dewey Stovall. of Waynes- Andy . Gradv Noland, of Iron i ' lector C. Robinson, of Waynesville: I Pi Cabe, of Beaverdam; Ben -era, of Fines Creek; Harrison Hen- pi, of Pigeon; George R. Ferguson, ton Duff; Amos Angel, of Clyde: pa Williams, of Waynesville; Frank wogan, of East Fork. B CROSS ROLL CALL GETS UNDERWAY HERE to L. V rfivi vo-pciflnnf the AYavncsville r-lmnfoi., nf th M Cross" the' -Rev. .ImM 'fi. Him. Mr, Roll Call Drive chairman r tne members, of the committee Bade a splendid record. "Me all the Slh,rvlu Vio P1 renorts. thn .,;. u - v ii.... moil iiaa ii w 1 KHI 01 'ouu wnicn r wen set fnv iv, w..iiifl for. - v l: Davis seems all the reports are turned in the r membership, will reach . the k of even' '.1..11.... ,.u,.u: and eVl'll tVlrwri tnnn h'ttnts, only fifty cents is sent to T4 wautiuarteis, while the r-?-r is kept for local work. School Project Granted To Haywood PA 1:v;..,.f ...... "i':. ' ;1ej , ' 1 "s just ueen up- 1)47 .-',' n,1"wod county for wmch will be used for im nt of buildings and utilities L,,,;"' ,?.ccP''dinB to Congressman mi cavvr 'Visit To rta Claus . . That is what a little girl, Jnd a little boy will do in the iew feature starting in this 'JpPaper today. Read it oda.v, and every week until nstmas. Ynn'i'i Cr,i aa JJ whaf. these two little ps na at Santa's work, S-'P at the North Pole. xrm CTTT7 1R1ST . ... .IIhm '"lu- tad. fun , , fenedchtnoCT-."- I tin bor or pi- r-p.Ti"" , 1 jniJ 1 HI. -Nick' I-"" I 15GE J 10 )U NORTH POLE 7 :33 AM NOV i THE MOUNTAINEER WAYNESVILLE N C ilaNS TO BE IN FF ME AT MY IGLOO IN HU)M y 0N My K.LOO v or TELL OSCAR BlUGOb TO CM WANT S1 fLr. TO DO STOP AM LEAN IM. . N STOP WILL WIRL. ' mtll? PAPER OAK TIME l-w I) vi TEN THIRTY TRAIN FROM NEW wuiv ... SANTA CLAUS Elaborate Plans Beinir Made For Observe Thanksgiving Holiday Season Community Ready To W. H.Belk Purchases Main Street Property; Will Open Store Soon Judge Alley Tells Grand Jury About N. C. Liquor Laws Presiding Judge Also Hits At Violations Of Hunting Laws Within County Business Will Re buspenaea, Union Services At Baptist Church At Eight Thi- union service which 'ill h-' held at the Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock Thursday mornmpr win usner in Thanksgiving- Day in Waynesville The Rev. J. S. Hopkins, pastor of the R.mUst church, will deliever the ser mon and the choir of the Presbyterian church will provide the music ioi the service. This curly Thanksgiving service, li'Viicti. waa Vipo-im some vein's auo in Waynesville, has become a traditional feature of the day. A number of n tit to ioin their families out of town, and yet desire to attend a religious service, have been given n.. nminrtiinitv since the service un changed from 11 o'clock to the cail.v hour of 8 to go to church, me puuuc is cordially invited to attend. The congregations oi tne nfipiiM, MotVindisf . Kmsconahans, and v- byterians will join together, tach year the service is neiu m onu n tKn:i r-hnrrlips. with the other pastoi assisting the minister preaching the sermon. The ottering or tne murimiK will be devided among the orphan ages of the four churches. . The post office, the First National Bank, the stores of the town, and the offices in the court -house will be closed for the day. In order that the people n. i .iivt ample time to finish their I hai.Kv giving shopping, the stores will i Jnain-'ppon until seven v . Wednesday evening. , In the aftcinoon at 2 30 th. .mmu Wwon- Wavnesville and r.i v,i,rVi snhiml football teams will be played at the Canton hign school stadium, which attracts crowd, throughout the county a well .if from the two towns. Baptists To Hold Sunday School Meet- -ing AtSpring Hill tl T.,,,;..f Aecnrinl.ionul Sunday School meeting will be held at he Spring Hill B-Pti-t chuich in the Henson Cove action neai Canto.) Sunday afternoon at 2 30 o clock The Rev. F. H. Leatherwood, of Waynesville, wil be the principal speaker, and short talks will b? made by other pa-toii and by Sund.iv school workers. .,, . , Plans for training courses ', j ...in. o hnmt that each uiscusseu wii.ii ...-r- church in the county will sponsor one of the courses. All pasrois perintendent,, and otheis interested in the work, are urged to be present. K. 0. Carswell, associational super intendent, will be in charge. Miss Lois Harrold and Miss Louise Edwards will spend the holidays m Darlington, S. C. 1 Streets And Stores To Be Decor- AsheVllIe lObaCCO j ated By December First, M.l Trv Anon 7h Merchants' Decide Lawson Jordan, supervisor of the Ashevilliv Tobacco Market, 'announced last night that the Asheville market would open Wednesday, December 7th. The Asheville warehouses, howv ever, would be open by December first, or prob;ibly before, to l'iu ceive tobacco, according to Mr. Jordan. More details Will be given next week. Bonds Amounting To $25,000 Voted For Municipal BIdg. The election held last riiursdiiy for a ...S2.r),0u0 liond issue to erect; a mu nicipal building on the Turbyfill prop ertv which was bought during the past veal', wa tailed lv a giol majority. The vote was lirrht, but there were 304 cast for and 1 ll against the issuance of the bonds-. The action taken on Thursday is pending alloca tion of PWA fundi. .Mrs. harlcs K.' Quintan and Miss j'etsy Lane Quintan have closed "Prospect Hill for the winter season, and are spend the next several months with M-s .Alice- Quintan on Pigeon street. Merchants of this community are all elated over the fuel-that Santa Clans decided to come here December third, and make his headquarters at an igloo in front of the court house until Christmas" eve night. In preparation for this unexpected, but ' Welcome visit of five weeks from old Santa, the merchants and town will begin decorating the day after Thanksgiving,- in order to have everything in apple-pie Order -by Saturday, December -third the- big day.- when San'a will arrive with plenty ot candv and things tor all liovs and ;'irl:. The' merchants n et last Ihuisday night, and completed their plans lor entertaining Panta (.laus from De cember third until (hu:lmas Kve. Karliei in the dav, Santa Uaus f till The Mount ill)' v.' :t telegr im, tel 'iig of his p!;U). 'I ne message is lepio duced on tnw -pair. .Sar.L-i 'ias Ixon in touch wiMi l!ii; new. ; paper lor :,everal w :;, u:s.l o hi r dc,.i.L o) I :s vi.-il -lere we e presci n d to ifle merchants ov '.V. Curtu Russ, editor of The Mountaineer last 'J hursday. Oscar liriggs stavUd to work on the igloo last Frid'iy, and ;aid yes terday: "We will have it tomploled, ami exactly like Santa wants it by the time he-gets here. It is going to be a good looking igloo, and 1 m sure obi .Santa is going to be pleased." Hugh Massie, chairman of the mer chants division of the Chamber of ( onlimied on hack page) Judge F. E. Alley, at the request of the grand jury, explained the liquor laws of North Carolina, and those pertaining to Huyiiod county, at length, on Monliy morning,, follow ing the opening of the N ivembi i term of criminal court now in pcm ion. With all the fore, '"utness or his elo quence, the judge, in no uncertain tones and language set forth the facts in the case, citing incident after incident , of the flagrant abuse of the liquor laws in Haywood comity. He explained that only in the case where a man had bought liquor, and then it must not be over one gallon, from county in the state, where it is being sold lawfully, or had bought it from another state, where it had been lawfully sold, in a sealed package,-unbroken, was it lawful for him to have it. Then .he further explained that even ill this a man could bo in dicted and would have to prove where' and from whom the liquor had been purchased. He told of the daily abuse of ill.' liquor laws in this community " and county, of how illegal' intoxicants are being sold pralirnble everywhere at any time, even on the .streets of the towns. He also told of the large amount of transportation of liquors that are being brought into this coun ty from other sections. At the request of several iiilerontcd citizens Judge- Alley, also spoke of the Violations that are being made on the slate hunting laws in Hay wood county. He ..Htated that too many deer and bear are being killed ami the laws regarding hunting .are being constantly disregarded hy a large number of so called sports'-.!-n iii this section. Pet Officials Highly Pleased With Opening .Miss Maude Catherine -Jones Is I Ciuwued "Milk Beauty Queen" Belore Packed rI heat re j A parade, consisting of ,vZ velni h s. I in a heavy downpour ol rain, eoo . eluded a successful formal openno" program for Pet Dairy Products Com I pany's new and modern milk plant here last week. I!y actual count, 3,.l()5 people visited and inspected the ! new plant on the Asheville road. ! More than 200 women attended the .electric-dairy products cooking school, and only standing room was availa- Pul Ihcatn I nd i' l lit Second Clyde II. Ray Building Purchas ed By W. II. Belk; Workmen Preparing Place For Stock W. Henry Belk, of Charlotte, heud of the Ik-Ik group of stores, closed a deal this week with Clyde H. Ray, for the purchase of the building on Main street, formerly occupied by Mr. Ray before his recent retirement from active business. The amount of the purchase price was not made public. A general department store will be opened in the near future, sometime around the first of Deeemhcr. L. E. Hudson, of Orangeburg-, S. C, who has been connected with the Belk Stores, nnd was for several years as sociated with his bi'otheiv George Hudson, in his operation of the Hud son Department .store, of Canton, will be the manager of the new firm. Painters and carpenters are busy at work painting and making reno vations on the first floor, which will he used exclusively in the iniitiul months of the operation of the store. Later when the second floor will be used, the necessary renovations will he made on that part of the build ing at the time the stock Is enlarged. The local firm is one of the Belk group which includes l'it stores located in North and South Carolina, Virginia,, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama. The first store was start ed by W. Henry Itelk in Monroe, and later Mr. Belk moved to Charlottt' fcud opened - a general department establishment there. Cl'.i ilotte is now headquarters for the 'entire, group. When asked .why Waynesville was chosen as the location for one of the group, u representative from The Mountaineer was told that the climate and progro.ssiveness of the town had much to do with the decision. It was further stated thai the officials felt that the location of Waynesville, in relation to points of interest assured the town of future progress. Office For Park way Crew Set Dp In Masonic T6mple Ten Men llcie Woiking On Park av Survey: Will Expidite Work I'Yfini I.x'a! O'hce Voice aji PeofJe Are we consistent in our observ ance of thanksgiving Day with the original celebration 'in this country? Dr R. P. Walker Pastor of the Waynesville Presbyterian church "We are consistent to the extent, that We onlv crather together with God's people and offer our gratitude unto j Him." .i ! Prof. L. J. Robeson Retired school teacher-! "I am not a Puritan, nor do I condemn tlie present Thanksgiving celebration. But it seems to me that formerly it was a day of religious observance and family gatherings. Now it is a day of sports, with the religious spirit not dominate. ' bte at the I ' ' First I i Miss Jones W 1 T A sfrltfWtW V' ii , i.-ieiobei ' of the Bureau of Pulilie Roads iuove.1 here; Sunday, and are occupying an otlni- in the Masonic j iiaipie, whicii will he their headqiuir , ters for the i: xt few weeks, while. survey woili is In ing completed on the Bin.- K;d;e 1 amwav, between j agon lioad Can anu I i nnessee Bald. ;a ti- ii ii of ah.-l-; .U I.):!- s. . I he teiiir,e;'arv ofhfe was establish I i-d here througn cu-operation of the I Waynesville ( handier of Commerce. Ihe work is going lorwaid undei I the direction of II, M CyUcell. The office here will eyjieo'it work by sev eral month;'. .Several o.heials i i-oiii . Vashiiic Ion have been hen; on several occasions going over (he plans and work. Prcs oiii intention--: are ty ! t the contract for cetistiuction at an early date. In discussing the Parkway, Frank Mill i, --.id to. t the 12 mil. stretch now being s'.uveyed afforded the most scenic attractions of any point along the entui- 150-mi'e Parkway. Mrs. J. Dale f-fcnlz County Wel fare superintendent "Thanksgiving i the only holiday that church and tate agreed on as the observance; Namely A day of Thanksgiving to God However with the exception of an hour's service, which the 'faith' ful few' r.ttend, no other part of the day is spent in accordance with either the original proclamation of churc.n and state, not the one sent out by our President this year, 19.18. Neith er football, hunting nor vacation trips are mentioned in the procla mation which is our only reason for a twenty-four hour cessation of work. Hence, can we say we consistently fulfill the meaning and intent of the day?"'.; ;. Rev. W . J,. Hutchins--rresiding tlaer of the Waynesville district of the Methodist church "General! v speaking I think there is a due ap preciation of value of American life and ideals, and a spirit of gratitude for those things we have inherited from our forebears. I believe that people whose lives count for much are just as erateful today for national I blessings as they ever were."' Mrs. L. M. Richeson Vice presi dent of Appalachia Synodical of the Presbyterian church "For the major ity. No, It is just another day to feast on material things. Honor to those, however, who do show sincerity of heart and purpose and begin the day right by attending the union service." Miss Thrift when Miss Maud ( atherine Join s, sponsored by the Last Waynesville Parent-Teachers, was crowned "Milk Beauty Queen," after judges had counted through a total of almost 50,000 votes. Miss Jones received over 18,000 votes. The second place was won by Miss Eula Mae ThriU, who was sponsored bv the high school library. Miss Thrift had almost 1.3,000 votes. The East Waynesville P. T. A. received $25, and Miss Jones got a 3-week's pass to the Park, and tho high school library received $10 and Miss Thrift a 10-day pass. Fred Yearout, manager of Pet Dairy here, was highly pleased with the public response, and the many compliments passed on the plant. The company received a large number of letters, telephone calls and many congratulations in person during the week. In a letter to the editor of The Mountaineer, Mr. Yearout pointed out that the opening of the local plant was the best that ftny of their plants had enjoyed. I.IKDi )t VU V,f,r Born I i and .M. s. ! . I). K.iLM-r?. at Mediord Farni. a S'oi. J.n ( arns Kegel s, on Nov. H'. 7te faeattei Re petit H. M. HALL, Offit'Utl Observer -lax Mm. 7:'i0 a. m. Tree 52 23 52 0.01 CT 40 . 32 r.K 51 67 O.0S 58 r 3.'! 35" 1.12 4') 25 20 55 2'i 37 Nov. 17 18 in 1 20 21 22 Mean maximum Mean minimum ....... Mean for week High for week Low for week Above November normal Precipitation for week .... Precipitation since Nov. Above November norma! Precipitation for year .... Deficiency for yean '..... 1st ...57.5 . 35.5 ...4(i.5 ...C3. ...25. ...00.S ...J2.ll ....4.53 ....2.88 ..37.83 3.29

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