i 1 V Pi 'OIL? E S VILDE 0UNTA1NEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park JlFTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. 1 WAYNESVILLE, Ni, C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1939 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Wayn M Community Build ing Needed Here; C. Of C. Head Says hr Gay And Others Studying plans And Ways To Get Com munity Recreational Center A ioud of civic leaders heard Dr. S. P. Gay, president of the Chamber j. Commerce, last night suggest, and :iree, the acquiring of property and fcrection of a suitable, community fcuilding and recreational center lor this community, I President Gay pointed out that at the present there is a urgent need for fuch a building, ana tnat wun wrA ssistance, the local cost could be held o a minimum. A committee headed by President Cay recently went to Barnardsville, End there inspected a $15,000 building. those accompaning Dr. Gay were L. Ff. Davis, Fred Yearout and J. C. Brown. "A community building large bnouKh to accommodate gatherings of E00 or more, aand space to serve kneals to these crowds, together with central meeting place for all civic featherings in the community is Certainly needed. We lack the prop er and adequate recreational lacili- ies for our home folks and summer Visitors, and it seems to me that lonev spent on these at this time kvould be well invested," the new pres- dent said. Numerous citizens have been ap- iroached on the matter, and the sub ject has met with a responsive ap- roval, it was said. Tentative plans are to call a mass hieeting when definite plans have been Completed and submit these to the itizens of the community, Dr. uay stated. ' unoccupied House Burns To Ground A four room louse oir the Allen's Creek road belonging to Howard Vyatt, was practically burned to the Wround on Sunday night. The house Ivas unoccupied at the time, and the pause of the fire has not as yet been iletermined. The alarm was given at 7:15 by the llriver of a car passing by, who dis covered the blaze. The Waynesville fire department was called, but the hose was not even rut to use, as the flames had spread ever the entire building ere the fire ruck arrived. The house was located about a huarter of a mile from the Allen Creek school house. According to the driver of the fire ruck. Lawrence Kerley, more people Brove to the site of the fire than has been done in several years, appar- ntly forgetting the request which lias been made from time to time by he fire department asking that only hose connected with the fire depart ment answer fire alarms. Mr. Kerley stated that for one aiarter of a mile from the Arro wood filling station at the turn off U. IS. Highway 19 on the Allen's Creek oad, cars were parked double, and Ithat they had difficulty in getting the fcruck out, and had they wished to Juse the hose, the -cars On the highway Jvvould have prevented proper hand ing.' Miss Emily Siler left Monday for Mreensboro, where she will resume Pier duties at the Woman's College of fhe University of North Carolina. Mrs. A. J. McCracken spent several lays during the past week with her sister, Mrs. B. A. Abernathy, at her home in Hiddenite. H. M. HALL, Official Observer Dec. Max. Min. 7 :30 a. m. Prec, 9 40 13 26 42 26 31 48 21 23 46 18 : 20 48 19 25 53 20 20 61 20 45 trace 31 Man. hi Mean minumum ' m .........48.3 Mean for week iMean fnr 7. in " "" """ ......19.6 .....33.9 ...........27.0 .........61.0 ...13.0 JJiigh for week .... Uw for week rrecinitat Precipitation since Jan. 1st IT. precipitation for year ....... .. .0.00 .0.00 .0.00 -ciency for year Total 1938 ..... Deficiencv I9a 0.48 -..-...40.30 6.03 I County Officials Minus Overcoats During the strenuous Tuesday's session of the Haywood county board of commissioners which started early in the morning and ended after six o'clock in the afternoon, George A. Brown, Jr., chairman of the board, lost his overcoat. Mr. Brown stated that there were several letters in the pockets addressed to him, so any one who might have taken the coat through mistake would soon discover the name of the right ful owner, This is the second coat that has disappeared from the court house during the past moth. W, G, Byersfi clerk gf the court, is also minus a good warm winter coat, which was taken from the rack in his private office, before Christmas. Funds Transferred For Completion Of Hazelwood School Chronic Cases At Hospital, Under County Care, Taken To County Home At the meeting of the board of county commissioners held on Tues day, final arrangements were per fected for the transfer of funds al located to the Beaverdam schools, to the Hazelwood school building, now under construction, for which funds were lacking to Complete, owing to an insufficient amount having been put in the county budget for this pur pose. . The WPA project for the Beaver dam school had not gone through, and the Hazelwood school, another WPA aided project might have been lost, if this timely action had not been taken by the board. The figures in volved in the transaction were not made public The (construction of the Hazelwood school will be contin ued and plans are to complete "the building in the near future! ' ." '' Mrs. Joe Ray was engaged " as a nurse to assist Jack McCracken, su perintendent of the county home, in caring for the inmates there. The plans are to remove the chronic cases at the Haywood County Hospital to the county home, which has recently been heated and a general improve ment for the comfort of the inmates has been made. These patients at one time received aid from the Duke Endowment Fund, but after their cases became chronie regulations regarding giving aid to they had to be removed from the bene regulations regarding giving aid to this type of patients. The cases do not need medical care, but good homes and nursing. Since the quarantine of the county for rabies, there have been no new developments in the situation or any new cases. Mr. Brown, chairman, stated that those in authority have received splendid cooperation through out the county in this matter. The quarantine will continue, it was stated until all danger of the epidemic is passed. A number of road petitions and tax complaints were heard. A large number of cases '. wanting financial assistance were presented. These cases due to certain circumstances, do not come under the group that is receiving aid from the welfare de partment, and must obtain aid from the county indigent fund, which is a limited amount. Salvation Army Leaders To Addrecs Bible Class Captain Cecil Brown and Lt. Col ton, of the Mountain Division of the Salvation Army will have, charge of the services at the regular meeting of the Citizen's Bible class, which meets in the town hall each Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. J. R. Morgan, attorney, is teacher of the class. BETHEL COUPLE OBSERVE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry observed their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their home at Bethel on December the 23rd. They had with them for the happy occasion their children as follows: Fannie, Bernita, Burlin, Edith, June, Pearl, Jack, Billie, and Shirley. Mrs. Henry before her marriage was Miss Nola Browning. She was mar ried to Mr; Henry at Sunburst on De cember 23rd, 1913. Miss Martha McCracken, who is at tending Cecil's Business College, has returned to Asheville, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCracken. Representative GLENN C. PALMER Speaker 1 : $ j , T.J, ,D. L. WARD , Chas. E. Ray Jr., On Committee State Merchants Asso. Charles E. Ray, Jr., has recently been appointed by W. F. Dowdy, of New Bern, president of the North Carolina Merchants Association, as a member of the committee on govern mental and public affairs, of the con vention year of 1938-39. The function of the committee is to recommend to the board of direc tors what the committee considers should be the attitude and policy of the association in all matters pertain ing to legislation, governmental, and public affairs. There are sixteen members on the committee, with J. H. Early, of Win ston-Salem, chairman, Mr. Ray, who is more or less rep resenting air territory west of Ashe Ville, is requesting merchants who have definite ideas regarding the pol icy of the association to get in touch with him in order that he may pre sent them at the meeting of the com mittee. What do you consider the most serious problem" facing the- ;-outh" of today? Mack Davis Student at the At lanta Dental College, Atlanta, Ga. "The most serious problem facing the youth of today is how we are to serve the world with our lives and adjust our lives to the world." Thomas Hill Student at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Ga. "It is adjusting themselves to new conditions and de mands suddenly thrust upon them when they have to earn a living, to deal with varied types of people, and to participate in the different phases of life in their community." Martha Way Student at Greens boro College, Greensboro. 'We are faced with more responsibility than our parents, because life is more complicated and competition keener for those of real ability. Today one must be far above the average to make any mark in life. It is a great challenge to youth." Marguerite Murphy Student at the Women's College of the Univer sity of North Carolina "Our great est problem is lack of jobs. AH the Senator N wx v? 4 CHESTER A. COGBURN The North Carolina legislature con vened yesterday at noon, after spend ing several hours Tuesday night in caucus naming D. L. Ward, of New Bern, as speaker of the House. To day Governor Hoey will deliver his address to the legislature. Early predictions already coming from Ral eigh, were that this session would stay clear of as many local measures as possible, and some veterans saw the possibility of a 60-day session. Haywood county is represented by Senator Chester A. Cogburn, of Can ton, and Representative Glenn Palmer, of Crabtree. Each week The Mountaineer vvi have a special article, written by Representative Dan Tompkins, of Jackson county, dealing with the do ings of the legislature, and most particularly on matters of most in terest to Haywood. Predictions are that committee ap pointments will be announced by this week-end enabling the law-makers to get down to work. Postal Business Shows Substantial Increase Over '37 Postmaster J. H. Howell gave out some optimistic figures from the Waynesville post office for the year just closed, to The Mountaineer yes terday. . According to Major Howell,; the total business for 1938 made a gain over 1937 of $1,435.06. December of '38 exceeded December of last year by total Of $232.27. The stamp sales of last month be tween the dates of the 19th and the 24th, were $100.24 more than that of the previous December. The average cancellation of letters and cards, made an 8.877 per cent gain, and the number of bags of parcel post a 1.57 per cent increase. ( . TVia unlnmn nf infnminrr niHll Hul'- .. - . n V. in ing 1938 to the Waynesville post omcL made a 10 per cent gam over iu.w. A comparison of the general busi ness for the past four years, since 1934, showed over 37 per cent gain, according to Major Howell. professions are crowded and college graduates are finding that their four years of" preparation were fo? "non existent jobs." Billie Rotha Student at the Wom en's College of tthe University of North Carolina "The problem is so serious that it frightens me. Find ing a job with some future one you can start at the bottom and advance according to your ability." Robert Love 'Sloan Student at Duke University "In our modern work-a-day world, one of the greatest single problems facing the college graduate is, in my opinion, this mat ter of earning one's livelihood. The expense of our education makes it imperative for the young graduate to receive employment, which carries with it a sufficient salary to make the original educational investment worth while. The world, however, flooded with young graduates in the last two decades, has most of itg well paying positions already filled. The young graduate is faced with the prospect of groping around a number of years, looking for a satisfactory job, or tak ing an inferior one, in the carrying of which, his specialized training is of little value to him." Former Waynesville Girl Killed By Sick Husband; Palmer Talks With C. Of C. Group On Matters Of County The executive committee- of the Chamber of Commerce tendered a complimentary dinner for Glenn C. Palmer, Haywood representative, last Friday night at the Hotel LeFaine, at which time matters of county-wide interest were discussed with Mr. Palmer before he left for Raleigh. Senator Chester A. Cogburn had a conflicting engagement with a Tran sylvania delegation, and was unable to attend. He had previously discussed local matters with different civic leaders here. Those attending this meeting, in cluded Mr, Palmer, Chas. E. Ray, Jr., R. L. Prevost, Dr. S. P. Gay, M. H. Bowles, J. Dale Stentz, T. Troy Wyche, Hugh Massie, and C. N. Allen. Sale Of License Tags Are Heavy Five hundred more license tags have been sold at the Chamber of Commerce.. office this year than at the same date last year, if was revealed yesterday. Something over 2,300 tags have been disposed of through the local office to date. On last Saturday 555 sales were made as compared with 404 for the same date last year. "We sold 2,800 last year, but it looks like it will be far above thi; figure for this year," J. Dale Stentz, secretary said. The sale "yt j-ovu tag.3 were report ed going satisfactorily. Heavy sales for all state tags were reported from all offices, it was said by Mr. Stentz. Highway patrolmen started in yes terday stopping all motorists on the highway without 19.'$ license plates on their cars. At the discretion of the patrolman, such motorists can be taken before a magistrate and fined up to $50. Underwood Assumes Management Of New Sinclair Serv. Station The new $7,000 Sinclair Service Station on Main street was opened to the public yesterday, with Spaulding Underwood as manager. Mr. Underwood has been manager of another Main street iUation for a number of years, and announced that' the formal opening of the station rauld be held later, but in the mean time, every department of the .now station was in operation. Paul Young has assumed manage ment of the Shell station in addition to his taxi service. NTew Walks Being Built On Main St. The street department crew is busy this week laying new sidewalks on Manstreet' where the' walks have become broken and in bad repair. The work is being done under the supervision of Oscar L. Briggs and he told The Mountaineer yesterday that every "bad spot on Main street" would be repaired just as fast as weather would permit. The crew were at work this week on the broken section in front of the Shell Service Station. Several walks on side streets will be repaired as - soon as the Main street work is completed, Mr. Briggs said. Hazelwood Lots Bring Good Price Fourteen building lots on Highway No. 19 and the Allen's Creek road near Hazelwood, sold for $2,205.50 yesterday at auction, it was announ ced by T, L. Green, administrator ol the Rev. T. F. Arrington estate. The property was bought by R. V. Welch and R. H. "Dick" West, of Clyde. It is understood that the prop erty was bought for investment. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Erk have retunv ed from a ten days stay in Florida. Later Takes Own Life Lena Joe Ferguson Shaw, And Husband Spent Sunday Here; Died Early Monday The body of Lena Joe Ferguson Shaw, seventeen year old bride of Joseph C. Shaw, Jr., 30, of Green ville, who was murdered by her hus band, Monday morning, in their board ing house room at 605 Buncombe street, Greenville, S. C, after which he committed suicide, was brought here Tuesday for burial, by Massio Undertakers. Mrs. Shaw was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fer guson, and granddaughter of Mrs Dave Penland and of Mr. and Mrs. Ceasar Ferguson, all of this county. The fatal shooting occurred some time during the early hours of the morning, the exact time is unknown. The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Shaw were found in their bedroom in the homo of Mrs. E. O. Dameron, with whom they had rooms, shortly after 1 o'clock on Monday afternoon. According to Mrs. Dameron, the landlady, the maid was waiting to get into the Shaws' room to do her daily cleaning, and when she could get no response to her knocking became alarmed. Around 1 o'clock she called the city police, who broke open the locked door. The bodies were found dead in .night clothes on the bed. The position .of Mrs. Shaw, with her head at the foot of the bed showed signs of struggle on her part to defend herself. Deputy Sheriff Earl Daniel, who investigated the case for the county, and the coroner termed the shoo.tir.g as a clear case of murder and suieide, resulting as they surmised from Shaw's brooding over his ill health and unemployment. Near the by"' was fimd a nota that had evidently been written hur riedly, in which Shaw repeated sev eral times that he and his wife loved each other and that this was the only way they could be together, request ing that they be buried together in Waynesville. The shots were not heard by any one in the house, the landlady ex plained, due she felt to the unusually thick walls of the house which had . been built many years ago. Shaw's room was on the second floor. Only two shots wer fired. Botii bodies being shot above the left eye with a .32 revolver, and the muzzle of the gun had been held so close that powder burns had discolored the skin. The Shaws were married last No vember in Waynesville, and had been living in Greenville since that time. They had spent New Year's Day with the bride's relatives here, and had re turned to Greenville around 9:30 tha night bil'oiv the final shots. . Funeral services wore hold for Shaw- at the home of his- parents, at Belkin, S. C, about thirty" miles from Greenville at 4 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, the parents not wishing to comply with his dying request. Last rites were conducted for Mrs. Shaw yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Dave Penland, on the Pigeon road, with the Rev. Mr. Ely the, pastor was in the Bethel Methfjdist church cemetery. - Ssrvirrgas pallbearers were Sam Cabe, Bud Blalock, Butch Queen,. Babe Walker, Frank By rd, and Jack Cooley. Farm Credit Group To Meet Here 11th The annual meeting of members of the Waynesville National Farm Loan Association will be held at 10:00 a. m. next Wednesday the 11th in the court house, according to an announce ment by Thomas A. Cox, president. An interesting program is being arranged for the meeting this year, Mr. Cox said, and a very large at tendance is expected. As usual com plete and detailed reports will be made on the operations of the association and the members will be made ac quainted with all of its affairs. In ad dition there will be a discussion of the association's part in 'the agricultural development of the section it serves. A representative of the Federal Land Bank of Columbia will attend the meeting. Directors of the association, which serves Haywood county, are Thomas A. Cox, J. B. Best, Jarvis Allison, W. A. Moore, and A. Howell. v i li . : i: 1 m i 1 i i Jl t'f i, - ir 1

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