Phe Wayne sville. Mountaineer 1 Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park gflFTHYEAR NO. 8 WAYNESVILLE, N. f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2.J, 1939 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY U uu SHE its Creek Would pde from Jackson V Haywood County Ion ean"s Lived by Senator Cogburn rom Township Voters hppOSITION SAID TO BE VN AGAINST PROPOSAL ens of Township, At Mass leting, Decide To Take Definite Action ackson Township Wants InHaywood citizens of Scott s Creek Town which comprises about one fh f the area ot JacKson uuiiiy, ubniittod a petition to the legis- askiug that they secede trom In. County anil Decome aniiexeo. vwood .County,- it was learned lav bv The Mountaineer,. Irom ,t(y d; vie townsnip, who aic it hip: the ...secession. Mountaineer also learned from V that Senator Chester Cog- had received a petition irom Junes, of Balsam, bearing; the v of approximately 200 citi thi' township. U'.nnni of returning to the ter county, 01 wmci, ji.uu.' Townsnip, was once a part be- icksoiv was cut from Haywood, n airitated for a year or so, ac- ig to statements from some of ling citizens of the section. Ihe cnt came to a climax about two ago; when a meeting was held school building:, at which time definitely decided to get out a in, which was circulated thetiext the community. s learned by this newspaper ne of the leaders in the move- that not a person refused to tie petition and that the action More Men And Another Shovel Added On Sewer Line Project Heads Corn Club Work Ahead Of Schedule On 8 Mile Sewer Line, With Third Of Work Completed SECOND SHOVEL TO START DIGGING AT PIGEON RIVER ew To Start On Deepest Cut On Line Within Next Few Days At Junluska Supply Moving Dirt For Parkway Dirt Being Moved At Wagon Road Gap On First Section West Of Asheville i . - Contract Let To Albort Brothers For $327,000 For The 5.1 Mile Section I . . HEAVY ROAD MACHINERY ALREADY DIGGING AWAY Another large shovel was brought in thig week to work on the 8-mile sewer lin from Hazelwood to Pig eon river, ami 'M to 50 additional men are expected to be added within the next week, bunging the total to over 100, it was learned here yester day. The contractors, Dlytlie Urothcrs, of Charlotte, are lar ahead of scned ule, and with an "open winter" they had on the first ol the month com pleted one-thud of the job. JOHN 11. ALLEN, president of the Work will begin w:ithin the next -laywood Adult Corn Club for the few days in digging the deepest cut coming year. Mr. Allen is a suc-um the line n front of Junaluska 1")0 Calendar Days Set For Com pletion Of Section On Haywood-Transylvania Line Heavy machines like these are at work at ago" RomiI (i:ih, riiitmg awnv through rock and soil, grading the Parkway. Work got underwnv last week-end, and the contracts call for completion of tile miles in 'l.0 :a!ciii!ui' davs. - Ciit courtesy Tiii-(nttnti cics. .Siruc I'nu; Some of the heaviest road machinery ever brought into this section of the state, ami fifty men "are at work on the Ulue Kidge Parkway at Wagon Koad Cap, on 'the 'Haywood-Transylvania line. etuul uui k sl.ii t( tl, !al. w ek-end. Clew -, are 'now Uii-ily cng-igi d in as'si .itibling other ho;ny pieces 4if mil-; ch'me-rv, whi!,. eaipt liters arc building .Cap.' All thi was - n prvsent al ive of Tin1 Tui sday when : -i' i d. ; a Ciiinp at t.ti I plained to a : Muuiit.uneer i the sit,, was Driverless Truck Brought To J; Stop By Watkins' Quick Work :essful farmer of Beaverdam town ship, and grew 10'J bushels of corn n an acre last year. On page 9 Mr. Allen tells how he grew this corn, and T. Weaver Cathey tells how he ?rew 110.7 bushels to an acre. (Continued on page 3) k-IIudson Will Jen Second Floor rresent isunamg Hudson Company are renovat second door of their building lir ready-to-wear, and children's meat, it was revealed this us carpenter and painters went 'k, ; . ' J-. Hudson, manager, had no nt to make this week, regard date of the formal opening, lan to point out that "no time sr .lost, m getting started, but f-iin pro. able developments !s' date setting." in connection with the ex i program, is E. O. Hudson, of ku'g, S. C, manager of a no there, and a brother to the lanager. 'Pening of the second floor-will e store more than fifty per ru floor space, and necessitate ht"n of more salespersons. innes wei'e released as to the the program. Drama ContesfTo" Be Staged Tonight At High School Bethel High, Clyde High And Waynesville High Will Com pete In Contest Supply Company, where u ditch 22 feet deep will be required, it was learned. The line is completed to the dam and also at the highway. The linking distance is about a blocK. The first shovel is now working on the property of Will Medford, and is working on towards Waynesville. The second shovel will begin on Pigeon river, just below the old Terrell Mill, at Albeit MeCracken's farm, and work towards the Lake, To date, 12,500 feet of 21-inch pipe have been placed. From the head of the Lake to Depot street here, 21 -inch pipe will be used, and from Depot street to Hazelwood, an l-inch line will be put down. . i The sewer line will cross Richland 'creek eight times from Hazelwood A one-act play contest, said to he 1 1 the river. At these creek crossings, i the first of this type contest to be heavy cast iron pipe will be used. In held here, will be staged in the high j smt, instances the line will be, school auditorium tonight at 7 :.I0 1 un,jcl. the bed of the creek, and on o'clock. The contest is being spoil-1 others will cross on concrete piers, sored by the schoolmasters board. There Will be 210 manholes in the There are three entries in the con-1 8nljL, Unennd about half of the line test, as follows: The Clyde High wil be 0f 24-inch pipe. School, the Bethel High School, and j Work was started on the sewer the local Township High School. ine 0n November M, and the con- The Clyde group of players w ill ti actrs had !!(0 days to comjilete present "Courtroom scene," f rom i hc j0b. Up until the first of this Shakespeare's "Merchant of Veniw," i month, they had lost only one and a under the direction of Miss j hajf (avs on acc0unt of bad weather. Terrell. j The contractors feel that the work The Bethel High School will pre-; from Howell's Mill to Hazelwood sent "Neighbors," by Zane .Gale, un-iwoud be much lighter than that dor the direction of Miss Tyson ! around the Lake shore. At Howell's Cathey. Mill the line traverses considerable The Waynesville players have chos- rock, it was said. The line follows; en as their entry "The Purple Rin: " pretty close to the banks of Richland i by Elizabeth Payne and' Miss Hester 1 C1-P(k from the Lake to Hazelwood. i Anne Withers js directing the cast. I p0lk-L. Threlkel is resident engin- j - 'eer for the Public Works Administra- Miss Mary Medford was the guest tion, and W. F. Lee, is in charge of over the week-end of Baumann, of Asheville. Chevrolet Manager Jumps Into Run-Away Truck, And Steers Through Traffic Mrs. r. J. construction for the contractors. COVERING THE -By Dan Tompkins appropriations bill has been 1 out of the committee and onto the floor of the House. y on .Friday. That F-bills, of the1 session, and a mmittee has been at work on veral weeks . It cuts the ap lfin to $40,000 each year of the below thP hurl t'Vl lecommendations. It fact. "S to a cut of one million and thousand dollars below the etommendations. This came eason of the fact that the s set up upon the assump- t tho rior,n..l A ti ... i ..- --"-ioi Assemoiy ana "e of thp otato ...u . tantial increase in the tui- at the University and the 01 the stata tv, u e newspapers, the colleges, lfcnts, and K fn vL' f'Ken m no . . uirariain terms -Pleasure at this proposal, knocked these recommendations out of the budget, which caused them to face a deficit of one million dollars in the estimated needs of the colleges. This was made up in various items in the appropriations, the committee on Tuesday of this week, cut the adult Affidavits Reveal No Aliens On WPA , Rolls In Haywood" As evidence that th;s section ci,n still lay claim to its pure Anglo-Sax-j on inheritance, and incidentally to the j high type of foreigner, residirsf with-I in the boundaries of Haywood, it t 4i;.. 1,-sw.l.' fi..-.ii oti.l.iult! required by all WPA work 'rs, that not an alien is on the WPA rolls of this county. . This week has been a busy one ill WPA circles. Under Mo piiivi. .' ii My his quick thinking and ac tion. Hail Watkins proved he in 1 to an emergency, when he threw himself on the .running: board of a truck, without a driv er, traveling backward, headed down Mam street into the heavy traffic on last Wednesday. What might have ended in a Iragedy, with more than one casualty, resulted, through Mr. Watkins' alertness, and courage, in nothing more serious than a ten-dollar damage' to the fonder ami rear bumper of one of Nor man Caldwell's cars, which was parked just, off Main on East street. A truck belonging, to the Bur rell Motor 'Company, of Franklin, had filled up' with gas at the Wat kins Chevrolet Company, of which Mr. Watkins is manager, and was oil its way up Main street headed West. Near the Baptist church, only a short distance away, the rear gear stripped and the truck started going backwards. 'Ihe driver jumped out . and left the V' hicle to make its way unguided dow ii Main street. As the truck passed the CI: v rolct Company, Mr. Watkins, see ing that, it was driverless, gave a .jump and landed on the run ning board, making the seat in a few. seconds. Noting what wits going to happen if the truck should coiitii.tit its way, withoi '. control, Mr. Watkins 'uriied olT .Main on East street just in tune t escape a collision with several cars, tat no doubt would have resulted in more than otic smash ed motor, as well as injuries to to he occupants of the cars. In his efforts to miss the traf fic on Main street and ge' the truck out of danger, to 'others, he haekid into the car On Ea.U street. 4m WHAT'S T HE ANSWER Tilt-si' n.U'st juiis nil'l uiis'wi'rs iotripfN'! , piililicil.v i .iminilli'f nf (tif .. f li.inilii'r ol oinmn(,'. . All .hi' mil h.i-iil ii . A'imwi.k n l-.ii k i;iui'. Editor's note this i.s the first of a regular weekly feature, prepared by the publicity committee of the Chamber of Commerce, in 'Which (piestions and answers will be given about local matters. All answers are CORRECT, ami you can easily grade yourself. If you !(, you arc good. Below, (if) is not so good. plants in i I. How many furnifure thns cominiinity ? .2. (Jive their name and location. 1 I!. Name kinds of furniture made. , 4. What is their tnule mark or i emblem? 5. How many met) are employed? How .man v women ? How many hoard feet are used annually ? How many train cars of furni (. of lum ber I 8, tUl(. 9. Mow many square, feet of floor space in t he plants ? i 10. Name the officers' of the firm firms. are shipped each year? or f TEACHING IN CHARLOTTE I The Rev. J. (J. Huggin, Jr., pastor of the First Methodist 'ehurch, is spending t' is week in CharloUe, where he is teaching in a Sunday school teachers training course being given at th(. First Methodist church, near the Great Smoky Mount; ! ol Charlotte. Large shovels, that c-:t out a yard unl a half f ilk.t. at oneMte are on tie tub, anil fiiloihe.r le v,1 oi;:- is On a flit car at Pisgah Forest, reaily to I., i, lined lo the scene. Huge tractors, and other machinery i (hat will lie used in building the I 5. 1 -in iK- stretch i f the Parkway from Wagon Road Cap west towards Ten I hessee Raid are being given the final ' tuning as they tackle the job of level ling off the top of the Pisgah'Halsam I ridge for part of America's most k scenic highway. ' Tbo fioi(lract,'us let to Albort ! Brothers, oi Salem, Va., who did the first Parkway work in Virginia.- They 'have had two other contracts. Oiip for 20 mih's and another for II miles. I Included in o' c of the jobs, was 'i tunnel (i2.V feet long. The contract calls for the comple tion of th,. .oh n AW calendar days. The contract was let for over $:t!7, I oO.. This is the In st section of the iPaikway to gel under (instruct ion .'west (if Asheville. I; Itecause of the "road from .'Waynes-. : ville to mm toad (j;,,,, ., ,.. nuu-iiinery is being carriid to the job ; from Krevard, where the. contractors have set up, hejulipia i t Is. ('. A. Albort, is- president .. of the firm, ami L. V. Albort is. secrelarv. I'olh Ken'- il Wagon Road t;;,,, lls v;t.4.h (i(im. pleliiig, final plans for pushing for ward, the work. M. .1. Miinier is superintendent in chtirge! While work is lieginrii-g o-i the Parkway, stale highway crews ,.( pushing forward on the eotiiletioii of the slate roiitl v in ' -Son burs;",.. TVi'l Raid to Rosman, in order that machinery: can b,. eMiie.-l to (tie lop of Teiine.ssi'o Raid and unothci' unit of the Parkway bo let. From there, the work would go eastward and inee' Ihe stretch now 'under const ruction by Albort .Brothers. Tk listanve fi oin Wagon Road Gap to Teinu Rald is about 14 miles. The larger part of the 430-mile-long highway. rtiMtiinir from th Shenandoah National P;;rt n V'r- ,i-l...i.. 4 . .1 ti- ... ' ise-an-iia sain rni . i:.s .Conl inued on page 7) Voice oj lluz fte&pJe education fitrures back from $.'$0,000 to $25,000, slashed the appropriation of an amendment to the Emeig iicy for advertising, in which Western North Carolina is especially interest ed, from $125,000 each year to $'.0. Act of 19.18, -all persons paid from Federal funds must take an a.! devil of United States citizenship, on a 000 each year, and lopped $80,000 off J WPA form which is being pi ovjded from Vocational Education. The appropriation for- Western Carolina Teachers College, as it is recommended by the committee, stands at $85,245 for the first year and $"5,G60 for the second. The $10,000 for the first year above, that for the secdnd, is to provide for the necessary betterment to the water (Continued on page 7) - : tor tne purpose, and must te ni i til one this week. It is said that as the r-.-sult of tne records compiled from .these affida vits, all aliens will be cut from WPA rolls. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kunze had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. John Hodges, of Mayesville, Ky., and Greenville, S. C. Postmasters Of 11th District To Meet Here Sat. The 11th North Carolina District if the National Postmasters Associa tion will hold a meeting at 7:10 o'clock in the banquet hall of the First Meth odist church, on Saturday evening, with Major J. Harden Howell, pre siding, . Major Paul Younts, postmaster' of Charlotte, and vice president of ths National association, will be the speaker of the evening. Others taking part on the program will be Mayor J. H. Way, Jr.. Baron P. Campbell, postmaster of Marion, and Wythe M. Peyton, postmaster of Asheville, who will introduce the speaker of the evening. Granting that the beef cattle in dustry has depreciated in Haywood County during the past few years, what do you suggest as the best means of restoring it? ei- stock. Hut the time has come when the demand is increasing for a better type of beef cattle, which must be bred," .':. 'John H. Campbell Maggie "Huy better bulls and keep the better heif ers instead of selling them for veal." Tom W. Rainer Jonathan Creek "I think that w'e are going to become breeders in Haywood county instead of buyers and breed our own stock, ' D. J. Clark Ivy Hill Township "The forming of beef cattle organi zations in the county to work together in working out the problem will help bring back the industry." Charles B. McCrary Fines Creek "I lay the blame on the farmers, who have been satisfied With raising poor- (V N. Allen Hazel wood more and better pure bred Haywood Connty." "To get stock in re- 'I. L, Cuyn-"Four ways to store the cattle industry in Haywood county are: Keep best bred heifers and cows for breeding purposes; du not let attractive prices tempt you to sell the better cows for beef and keep the culls to breed from; co-operative purchases and exchange among cat tlemen of more and better type beef bulls; discourage in every possiblu way the sale of better calves for veal: improve pastures by shrubbing of undergrowth and briars, use lime phosphate and sow lespedeza.