SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY : Waynesville Mountaineer e- The Great Smokv Mountains National Park Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Ureat mokv Jhyear NO. 15 tool Clinics Ki- Healin kers Finished Visited And Ln re Examined health Officials ol ;clillics, i,,...nt;irv acuu"" rm. n""" - . e .,.i,.,' the auspecies of Lib Apartment, which ,he na weeK in 11 . . i oftornnon is.. I'll 1 Uesuoj .- urt will pn 1 atu-IHlll.lK f " . .: .v Sun. the til At nine ... ., tVmrouerh nhy- give.. Ltion and vaccina , diphtheria oy - - t by . ia McCall, county .i noil rtVIl- imatvd that me i ...... L.. only approxi- f hinl uf the children who taken advantage oimenc iL. various scnoois. hoUiin? them so ii ... tht. school term, is uui physical delects may ue the interim, was explainer r4 i : -or v iL. the )!' d tic Party Entertainer ! State President WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939 Bumper Crop Of Annlp Blossoms Due Next Week mm., HHIMWIII IW"8g"f , s X yX Nv i 1 f W F i MRS. DOYLE D. ALLEY I N T R O DUCING the professional entertainer for the community party next Thursday night at the Armory. MRS. DOYLE D. ALLEY L, at the clinics in tne i .i u us follows: Al- ii 8 children, with o motn- ' 1 . n 1 ! .1 An A I Saunook, iu cnimruu a..u n ,..lwood. 14 children, Bethel, 12 children, Ihers; Cruso, ID .chiiaren, fliers; Cecil, 6 children, : ; : li.kc Junnluska,. 10 children, Kast Waynesville, 11 ip -rnothers. I ii.ln.n. 9 mothers; Mag- leu, no mothers; Dellwood, and 1 mother; KocK nm, 4 mothers; Fines CreeK, 1 mother; Crabtree, H Central Ulemen- tiiin.n. 8 mothers: Pennsyl- iue, 15 children, 14 moth- Adam, 18 children, 10 mttn- n, 8 cnii'';en, 6 mothers, tar, tl.ililfl.-n, iw-sners; ' . .. , t tin Alton, 20 chiiaren anu Professional Fun Mnkpr To Headline Community Party Mrs. I). I). Alley To Preside Over Parent & Teacher Congress Slate Group With Six Hundred Delegates And Visitors Meets In Raleigh This Week Mrs. Doyle P. Alley, president of y the North 'Carolina Coress of l'ai- j ...,.t left Monday for Unless Mother Nature and the Weather Man get together be tween now and the twentieth, which falls on Thursday of next week, and hatch up some intrigue to forestall the natural course of things as they now appear, the apple orchards of Haywood Coun ty will offer one of the most beau tiful pictures in years. Throughout the county orchard ists say that the trees have one of the fullest bud in "years and give promise of an extremely heavy bloom. Even though the weather has been chilly at intervals between the balmy spring days of the past few weeks, no damage worth re cording has been noted to date, and the apple blossoms in all their fragrant pink and white loveli ness are scheduled to decorate the landscape next week. Reports Of Rabies lnenppfnrs Have Not All Been Filed Onlv About One-Twentieth Of The Dogs In Waynesville Township Vaccinated ijlaimea isy ueam . - ii N J 1 f I SL- I I if ' J 1 'r 1 - i 0 lmmmmmmmmmmmmmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNT MesserTlellected Hayvood Mucauuu Head For 4th Term Hoard Of Education Names Township School Committees At Annual Meeting The last report tiled with the health t'lllN M . , . . , ' i ..... ,.u,. ;ii nrncii p over . i 1 . LLiIlt IL III Many Attractive . Aitenaance the twontioth annual convention ot ( (, tnu,nt show0i that only about Gifts Being Assembled For the state organization, which " ,bci.flfty dog owners in Waynesville had I'-irtv Next Thursday attended by some sx hundred dele-1 tw Cal.ol mc- Illu' A . .rfito and visitors. I i,i.,u i.mnertor. for this Mrs. Alley was elected presKlent a Th ni oe-ram committee 101 u.c . Wmstoii-tsalem con-1 Community rarty, a....'"' .j Club Hears enland. Worker ig Blind, Speak day, that everything was in readiness for the community-wide entertain ment on next Thursday night, April 20, at the new Armory. A professional entertainer that comes highly recommended, and a bag full of new stunts, is to be the highlight of the evening wmu. be minus speech-making, it was an nounced. , The entertainer, pictured above m the costume she will wear, is expect ed to crash in on tne pai.y . the bountiful'meal is finished, if she runs true to form, it was said by one who has investigated her methods of doing things. When she gets through with her part of the program about one-twentieth oi .the dogs m Cracken. rabies inspector, township, for vaccination. "- - .....1 i IL was - - i vention ioi' a pifi-uxi yi ; ..; r . , t i. vt U11WI this will be her . m ru v 'r;',,; this township her election. She will nieswit tK . . Rathl theme of the meeting cnosen Cm,k hlls ,,,10, ted th timely relation. u iu.v... 'Leisure and Living." The convention thenif will be stud ied in its several aspects in a series of talks. Examination of wTiat Is Be ing done to direct leisure time into . .... .Kamuili hv the. Fed- L. Rathbone, inspector lor r ines vaccmat ion of 73 dogs. Ken Urowning, of Cecil, has vacci nated more than forty dogs in his township according to his last re port. , Late yesterday afternoon there had .... i R O COFF.EY, weu-Kimwii hardware dealer here, and .rp.niw'iit in business circles in Western North Carolina, passed away suddenly here Sunday afternoon. R. G. Coffey, Local Merchant Dies At Home Here Sunday i Funeral Services Held Here And Burial Was In Bryson ( ity Cemetery Jack Messer was re-elected county supevintondenv of .HUu-iu.on for a. fourth term by the Haywood county board of' education at the annual meeting of the group hem ne.e .... Moiulav at the court house. K. f. Messer was elected- to suc ceed hiniself as chairman of the board. Mr. Messer has served in mis capac ity for the past several years, lltlier members of the board arejlomer Cagle and .1. It. Best. Jack Messer will round out his six years of set vice as county superin tendent of education ill July and hu recent election will give him the long est tenure of the office' of any person who lias held it in the county, with the exception of the late R. A. Sen-telle. The county schools have made con siderable progress under the leader ship of Mr. Messer and the present administration. Many new features have been introduced into the schools during the past six years, and nn ex tensive building program nus noon underway. New school buildings have been erected at Bethel, Fines Creek, Rock Hill. Allen's Creek, Waynesville, Crab tree, and llazelwood. Six years ago there was only one agricultural department in the county schools, and now there are four, I which includes Waynesville, Hethel, I Clvde. and 'the Fines Creek. High i Schools. , ! Six -years ago the Waynesville Iown ' ship High School was the only one m the coiintv having a home economics ; depart mi lit, and now eveiy high school '; jn (he county has this feature. l'lans are now to have commercial land, supervisor of the i, of Asheville, which is by the Lions Club of that the guest speaker of the ; Club, at th.. regular fort- ting, which was held here lav eveninir in the Welch Sunday school building of Baptist church. iinlnnd exnlained the work is nig undertaken in the shop nstiuction that is making ions afflicted with blindness Rplf-QvitinnrtiniT J . . , Pl nted out the advantages of insion of the shop and the fvice it could render not only Jind of Asheville, but also of .1 . .-. in section of this state. He I the "W:hite Cahe Day" and ,. u.. V,.,..,, n hmnoi Willi uriuouo. the North and South warns, w.u. -- me u.en,.-. losers doing tht. pushing ami me - lrs getting the ride. Ac .Tvyn MOrC ECr 'safe and m, channel, oy u. - I ":r sl,t in bv the oth,r "al Uy-s, ,prS in the county, who all :l . 5 2 state, will be started their work the hrst week ,n made by experts in many fiehls. with April. a summary and recommendations at " a the close of the sessions eVen aSlerS ,21 A nt nArl I ll'S III I Uti v - t . study will take part on the program Race For Town Board Aldermen Sinters!" translated .from i son . Zd 1 local group to take part in wmcnt. nland was introduced by ase. C. E. Weatherby, pres- Ifesided at the meeting. nerg t'lii.. . . ,.,hi,.h p-rouD can get the largo attendance from the mpea. of the community, with J. R. R" ' , iw i,.inc. R. L. Prevost and Wilfonl; ' ooiith section of the . . tu. Kay -"-"--- n,.., n ...... r ?. . ..u:..u .v,.. .vw..l, ..!.. ...hi n K II. DUltrt" - . , w HI I. il li'lll 1 it a . HI Tnl 1 1 1 -I V Willi. II t 1 ' communuy, - , Alk nson And 1 fll? JV.....W. ..... ... , t. ,..,1(.,viiie Fir T R McUraCKen, o. , v. : oi tne sen.oi cim . "--. and Chre'st George are carrying the Make Formal Announcement iTownship ijjh School ) will present name of the north ward. 1 This Week tomorrow n.gnt i ;- o-. ... .... it i altpndance ir fts coiuno- . senool aunnoi ium., u. ....... utrb?civeicaSed business firms! " n0unced then-, of Miss Hester Ann Withers, teacher of Lake junaiusnn, . - - .- as candidates lor town ...... ; , ... , , ;i nr.. I Hazelwood arc' being daily a. u ca o - " tho number up U i, lST'JU the display window ot tne tn.n . L yh Killian and L. u. in gay ' 1(, of Commerce, which mc une ..c es w in the racc. tne coun, . ouni: r:; , u.. r-v,...,,K.. of Commerce, Uasning oiucers anu -v... Rufus (Jamewell Coirey, !!. hard- t.urses added to each scho..! and wat merchant of Waynesville. died I U. offer business courses lo the. lu- -. n) hi home here at 4 o'cloc-K on , ems oi me i.o.j Syh .ftmo-m. Mr. Coffey had suf- , the Waynesville High Scluad a fered a heart attack a few weeks ago, supervisor of industi ml aits was but had improved and his death came added two years ago, ami -has pi oven a! a .hodk to hi. and familv asset to the students desiring at this time. - course of tl type . Klin-,.1- services were Conducted The comni.uee....: Ahn F rsT Baptist church here on .list, ids of the county were also ap Tueday a e, S. with the pasMr, point, d on Monday. the v J S. Hopkins, otlieiai ing. have been three on each board, bu FoUowing the service here the body the newly appointed membership has tnken to lirvson City f'r burial.- been increased to live. T e Mason lodge of Bryson City I Those appointed on the hoard for .lld Irge of the s-,v,ces at th.h, Bethel dist, ic, .lie ud,i, C harh. l" U: f,..,cne wo um,v..'K. B. Kid. man, and Forrest Justice Hireded Bylier Ann With-; pallbearers. a,,,,,. 11 Robert W. , K. ( hanilli'i , anil K. i.. Bmgin. , M A. I--..- H. L-wry ta,,e, 1 1 Li - .. Willi.' .1 iilMl vuuvip i R. Boyd. W. II Comedv to be Given By Senior Class mmrttt ,' t . . 4 1 I7wl'tir ers win e rresi-iuru m"'j Night At High School Nolan. Many ('. I?. Atkin- llall. W. C. Hungarian by Edith Ellis, is the Kuss, S. II. Bushuell, I). T. Alexan.lei, Kussell, I'.. -. -IIO.M..V, .... Turner (Coiitinu,'d on pane .")) ... , 1; :u. dress, inlaid wood tray, iauiv pajamas, table lamp, inlaid wood mag azine rack, inner tube, several 5 quart containers of oil, electric hot plate, bed lamp, card table, and other attrac tive gifts. PeofUe 4n think the World's Fair in ' 'iirk''and the one in San Fran- 11 efTect the tourist season in V- idradv T. Hovel Manaeer Ho- jynesville "I don't think we ye as many 'long stayers', but pure that we will have more fits, and that the season in many tourists from us this summer, the 'one and two weeKs visuois, never take but a few days vacation However, let us hope that the last will be partly made up by the extra people who will come uuou.. the park going to and from New York." director of the C -haniher o n. . , make and was at one .time chain nan pi i . bpon.;cho8.t., with :n ,l, Kenooi uoaiu. c i'"- aynesy .. . ... with ' m,t care by Miss Withers. vi,. AtV nson has been lamiuai m . .. , . i.-..n.... . -.,:,. for hwnv The cast includes: Virginia n.e..e.., local government affan s fo n nj .. years. He served as mavo. fo. 1 Jua.u 34. Prior to this h a Jw VL H fi, ,1 1 1 Rn unexp ml i Frances Allison, Kenneth Palmer, Joe which time he filled out an un xp m M term of office as mayor lor a. "'" j. " ... . , Howell, who was elected to the s.ate 'and Grey , W inchestei . K'Mr.atAtkinson has been a maei-gheriff Welch Oil trate for the past four years, havmg J 1 Tinu.n been appointed for a lour year .c. ..... , IfUUCU IT 1 1 TT-, ..... u... T th.- rp. - by Governor jcnruini.iu". cent legislature he was appointed for an additional six years as a justice ., of the peace. oiniiiittei ineii for Fines I reeU district are: Carl Green. Tom Hog.ts, Boh Arringlon, N. C James, and Herman Holder. Serving Crab tree will be Boh lingers, Frank Med I'ei'd. I.oy M''d!'orl, Vins.ill Davis, and Oral Yates. The Wavnesville district commit- men are Krtrlv rerguson, meoioni .,th,iw.,o. . . Meltiian. Jcny I 1 in...-. :ind Claude N. Allen. ,. ,.r ii M.-Crackeri.i Appointed for the Big Creek sec- in foi 1J.I.I tax. s. 1( (U()(( ,h(. eommitteemen The law spec, lies , I list g . .. made in the month of A .. 1. A V , ,,., tv can be added for not listing pi op ; ' : . ... t l..... ..;t..s levieweil. erty anu pons, .me " .. Anrills Month ror ijisihij; i . TStcpTowar r. i.:,Lotrirk Manager Hotel ts, and that the season in y.. r. ... ff t it. ill be more profitable than LeFaine-"! es I think it will t uir if will helo it. . X III in iv - M D Watkins Manager Chevro . . '. 'It micht help the lei .yjumv"! . ,u transient business, but as far as the people who have nereumu ... -spend the summer, I fear a large per cent will leave u3 and go to the fairs. Needed - More Easters .... Ulyalt-r Owner and manager of I'dmnnt- lTnlol "Th W ol id S 'ild be an example to us on takes to attract people con- VntprtjinTviiTif utiH heautV. ville conlrl hp made so attrac- lat vacationists rnnldn't resist keep them so entertained that ill hate to leave. They will nppr 4-t.ATt w. n Mv,,ir ViprA. r -r.., ' v ii uiu.c ii i v. ii - j - . Vhich will help offset the effect two 'fairs on the Waynesville i'j. i . nroainnnr. ni Lilt: ffr of Commerce "The effect jir in California will have on .aynesville tourist business this will be negligible. But the urr Rim ir Green Tree Tea Room "I have been trying for quite this ouestion for sometime iu . v,.7 my own guidance, but as yet have J a Anv..l,.a,nTI. xlOW- reached no posinc - erer, we have had more than the usu al number of Eastern visitors from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsyl . i ,; voar. mosf. of whom vania eauj " ' - . j. are coming to the pari - . t . tuoi, nwn district after tne to oe in - . onens. Of course there is the - (Continued on page 5) Did they go to church or stay at home? , Only one drunk arrested by the sheriff's department in the court house. Only two drunka arrested b the city police force. . rinl.r llirpp T1PW boarders in the county jail over the last week- Lvlluvu 11 v.- . " Inspection Tour j Sheriff Robert Welch left Sunday i morning for an extended trip as the 1 guest of Swift and Company of Chicago. I For Kometime it has been the cus tom of this company to take a party of leading beef cattle men tnrougn their plants, showing all stages of the preparation and care of meats. This year there were fifteen men appointed to take this trip which will include a visit to Chicago, St. Louis, nnints. The men were selected by the agricultural de partment of the beef cattle states Viit f Vi . nntTinfiTiV. From the time Sherilt vveicn arrive A quiet Easter for the iowp- .u0 wna the iruest of the An uneventful week-end ior lompanyt ,;th all paid unlil ine law V,o t..r hnmo. Mrs. J. G. Huggin, Jr., and small daughter, Betty, are spending a fort night with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Price, at their home in Spartanburg. Hunter Henry, who is attending Brevard College, spent the week-end in town with his Barents. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Henry. iL ' '' ' n ww m asm it . - . . L.a. ' 'W.'" This registered Guernsey, bull. V- Clyde, is the first brought tc y' -- - hcrd3 in inaugurated by ret ua.-y -"-". " " Vearout. manager merce "oef chgav 535 pound, of butterfat in a regula and is Vr Sin. anderw5-to bring in several similar animals to rrnty.The StCompVny'buys the animals, and gives the dairymen two years to pay back the money, without interest. l (.- 'I . ( - air in New York wUl taite