6DAY, APRIL 13," 1939 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 Tn State CuKflual$646 for Each Family Ln 10UMillions In Taxes 5y People ui rumi Carolina ;n North Carolina for f W.il. state and national I $iiift nn- X..i- ul'f fiuui v Jr tviry liininy in i -- " (' nsunnrs lax coinuiiaiuu iv. ei tuiia. u.j,lU forms of government 'e thaii $400,000,000 a year ''people of the state," the I national woman s uigniii- (1(.sintr "consumer-penanz- (lfcliUW!. , . nKnu;iiiifD ally to the tax total, Dut a Aare oi me umucu ia i'"' iimil'i i's consumers, ine led. "They pay usually un- vthrough taxes shifted to . c . u : . increased costs ui evcijuuns including the necessities of shifted, or hidden, taxes il originally against produc- distributors. I he indirect stem produces nearly twice revenue as all direct sources rTC, a non-partisan organi Jth headquarters in Chicago, an educational crusade local study groups against fcxes that lower living stand- taising" living costs," accord- rs. Kenneth C. Frazier, its oit said that groups already e in 4,000 communities. iO in North Carolina are led William T. Hannah, of Way- iNCTC state director. Hospital News Mr. and Mrs. Gable Now at Home M, T. Lindsley, of Canton, medical case, is better. Mrs. J. L. Broyl ville, optrative casi , of West Asht is resting nicely. The condition of" Mrs. Holland Uur gess, of Clyde, route 1, operative east is good. Mrs. D. M. C i-de, Jr., of Canton, operative case, is resting more comfortably. Sam Mitchell, of Waynesville, route 1, medical case, is improving. W. D. Miller, of Waynesville, route 2, medical, case, remains about the! same. Miss Wilsie Rabb, of Waynesville, route 1, medical ease, is improving. The condition of Master Leon Sp.n ford, of Clyde, route 1, operative case, is good. Miss Maggie Sue Carver, of Way nesville, route 2, medical case, remains about the same. Master Fred Sutton, of Waynesville, route 2, medical case, is better. Miss Florence Yates, of Canton, operative case, is improving. Charles Hampton, of Canton, med ical case, is better. TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate (As Recorded to Monday Noon of this Week) OLD AGE ASSISTANCE CHECKS AVERAGE $9.54 Mrs. Carl Moody, of Hazelwood, medical case, is resting more comfortably. The condition of Mrs. L. E. Dotson, of Canton, operative case, is good. l"puny pygmy" will pusSi nis m the ditch and then play y wnen ne attempts to get Miss Martha Green, of Waynesville, route 2, operative case, is better. Miss Louise Pennix, operative NOTICE OF SALE The First National Bank of Waynesville, N. C, will at Public Auction for Cash, Ten Shares of it's Own Ick at the Court House in Waynesville, N. C, on Monday, jril 17th, 1939. To be sold in two lots of Five Shares ( th. ' - J. H. Way, Jr., Cashier. First National Bank Waynesville, N. C. Mr. and Mr. Clark GabW Smiling happily are Clark Gable and Carole Lombard Gable, motion picture stars, on their return home to Bel Air, Loe Angeles, Cal, ending their one-day honeymoon following their Burprlae marriage ln Kingman, Arl case, is improving. Mrs. K. L. Boarn, of Canton, route 2, medical case, is resting fairly well. Mrs. W. D. Anderson, of Canton, operative case, is better. Wilburn Rathbone, of Clyde, med ical case, is improving. Master Bobby Harpe, of Canton, operative case, is some better. Eulus Inman, of Canton, route 2, medical case, is unchanged. Mrs. Frank Cochrane, of Lake Junaluska, medical case, is improving. Sylvester Sellers, of Cruso, medi cal case, is better. J. C. Moore, of Waynesville, route 1, surgical case, is resting fairly well. Mrs. E. M. Trantham, of Clyde, route 1. medical case, is improving. Mrs.. Marvin Smathers, of Canton, operative case js resting fairly well. Miss Lucile Auberry, of Canton, operative case, is resting fail Iy comfortably. Mr"-. Gerald Mooney, of Clyde, nied- r : OOQjtsThat Concern You FOR A MILLION BREADWINNERS: A MILLION JOBS MADE BY BEER From coast to coast, Beer has helped in put ting men back to work . . into a million new jobs in six short years. Beer also each year buys the produceof 3,000,000 acres of farmland and pays a million dollars a day in taxes. The brewers want to preserve these eco nomic benefits. They want also to protect the public's right to enjoy beer and their own right to make and market it. &BEm IS ical case, is some better. Mrs. Cli'M'les Burns, of Canton, op erative case, is not so well. DISCHAKGKl) Among those discharged from the Haywood County Hospital during the past week were: Mrs. Grover Trant ham, Mrs. Ben Fisher, Baby Betty Brendle, Mrs. T. F. Cordell, Mrs. Troy Wilson, Mrs. O. M. Robinson, Miss Willa Hampton, Miss Mary Payne, Airs. James Miller, Mrs. Harding j Beaverdam Township i E. A. Bramlett, t t . uv to O. K. ! Wilson, et ux. Alvin T. Smathers, et ux. to P. I!, j Wilson, et ux. 1 E. C. -Meilford, et ux, to Town uf I Canton. H. A. Osbiujie. et ux. to K. M. t'ntn . ' J.i M. Uusseil, et ux, to (". 15. Rho darmer, et ux, , Minnie C. Hampton to Ir. C. 1". Wells. Graham K. Hobbs. Commissioner, to G. 11. Hipps, et ux. Clyde Township Herseliel Green, et ux, to W. W. Green, et ux. W. T. Medford, et ux, to J. E. Mo Gee. Charles Snyder, et iix, to Crawford Sanford. Crabtree Township Hugh Best, et ux. to J. B. Best. L. L. Best to W. P. Best. Fines Creek Township Alonzo Ledford, et ux, to F. C. Green. . Iron Duff Township Loia J. Davis, et al, to J. R. Stev enson. J. T. Harrell, et ux, to Carroll Meadows, et ux. Ivy Hill Township Albert Howell to William Green, RALEIGH. The 32,493 aged North Carolinians who received Old Au Assistance checks for the month of March got a total of ?:HHV.,l.Ki.0ii, it an average of Si' .54 each, accord i !i figures in th,, othce of Nathan Y 'ii .., director of the Did Age AsMs.ar.ee and Aid to Dependant Children di vision of the Department of t'ublic Welfare. The $!.54 average was. higher than for any previous month and approach ed the $10 which tht. division has set. as the desirable goal under present conditions. The March expenditures brought to $2,i:fi,rr1.'j:t the total paid to the aged during the current fiscal year and left unexpended for the balance of tht, period a total of ?l,lH9,7t8.'!7. Stephenson, Mrs. Lawrence Miller. Master Carlton Davis, Mrs. Wood row Parker, Mrs. K. A. McLain, Mrs. Cass McGaha, Lee Noland, Mrs. Nor man Hannah, Miss Eloise Davis, Mrs. Lawren Recce, Ren 'Mooney, Billie Crowder, Mrs. Claude Silvers, Baby Ernestine Rector, Mrs. Mont Parham, Vergie Meadows, H. L. Frazier, Bruce Leatherwood, Mrs. Cumi Parton, and George Justice. et ux. Pigeon Tow nship B. F. Muriny, ,t ux, to S. A, West, et ux, Marion Farmer, et ux, to Stanley Messer, et ux. Waynesville Tow nship - J. R. Morgan, et ux, to George P. Warner, et ux. Rufus Harris, et ux, et al, to 1). J. Noland, et ux. Elizabeth Rogers to Glee, Clarke. Queen. George Sisk, et uxt to Charles t'n derwood, et ux. Frank P. Robinson, et ux, to Roy Colvard. George H. Ward, et ux, to R. L, Prevost, Jr. James Putton, et ux, by Trustee, to H. A. Osborne. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for their sympathy and kindness shown us in the death of our loved one and the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. J. R. Biddix and Relatives. Eyes Examined For Appointment Glasses Fitted Telephone 201 CONSULT DR. It. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST (27 Mi Main St. Wells Bldg. Canton, N. C. ears 9 Ford has built more than one-third of all the automo biles ever built in the world POR OVER. 100, 000 FABAA WORKERS AND FARMERS -JOBS AND A MARKET MADE BY BEER vvyjliililniin'"S'wiwip'i"i' inwiwiiiii'iiwiiiwinwn j Iff v y' f ' ' "" """""'""" mmJl Vh.I K 'I'J'y ffmrm i mini m I , mtm SJtTSJ. --,." wrx "rtfri .. w... - -- 1 BE.ER. PAYS A MILLION .DOLLARS A DAY TAXES 1 NAToumoe FOR, 130 MILLION TAX PAYERS ( ALL OF US) A GREAT NEW HELP SINCE 1933 IN CARRYING IN CREASING TAX BURDENS The brewing industry cannot enforce the laws. But they an cooperating with public officials to see to it that the retailing of baer gives no offense to anyone. W would lilt to lend you a booklet that describes the Foundation's unusual program of self -regulation. Address : United Brewers Industrial Foundation, 19 East 40th Street, New York, N. Y. BEER...a beverage of moderation A HERE are more Ford cars in use today than any other make. And there are more Ford V-8s than any other 8-cyI!nder car. The 1939 Ford V- 8 represents the broadest ex perience in building cars any manufacturer ever had. You will find values in it far beyond what any other maker can put into a car at the low Ford price. Ford performance, traditional for a generation, has reached new heights in the 1939 V- 8. And now Ford style leadership is equally outstand ing. 'The smartest cars on the road" it the way own ers describe their new Fords. Smartest in action. Smart est in appearance. Leaders, as they deserve to be. Look at these FORD FEATURES StrtE IE4DEHSHIP The lux ury car in the low-pric field. V TYPC I CrUNDH ENGINE -Eight cylinders fiv smooth net. Small cylinders give economy.. HTDKAULIC HAKES - Easy acting quick, straight stops. TRIPLE-CUSHIONED COMFORT New flexible roll-edge seat cushions soft transverse springs, double-acting hy draulic shock absorbers. sTJifuzED chassis-No front-end bobbing or dipping. Level starts, level stops, level ride. SCIENTIFIC SOUNDPKOOFING Noises hushed for quiet ride. LOW PRICES-Advertised prices include many items of desirable equipment. APRIL IS FORD INVITATION MONTH! Your drive America's most modern low-priced car. Make a Ford dealer invites you to date for a new experience. ABEL'S GARAGE Phone 52 FORD Sales-Service Asheville Rd.