Ay, MAY 18, 1939 THE WAYNES V1LLE MOUNTAINEER Pace 3 i i Brief ys Items FROM tc And Nation JYOTE FOR MAYOR rFTH CITY. Somebody Adolph Hitler, Germany's the mayoralty election. frhrer was roundly defeated fiSent. Jerome B. Flora, :ved 838 votes. te board of elections, threw T0teon the grounds that t!er had neglected to estab residence here. I'REI'ARED TO STOP IN VASION fcland, which has not ex- invasion since me aays oi uatchine with grave !he course of political de x in Europe. The presence ...mhprs of German troops, !r signs, and the oft proclaim on of Hitler to bring all peo ;ermanic origin within the Jk of the Keich, nave given jridespiead uneasiness. JS WOMEN TO SERVE ON JURY women won a long, hard battle this week when the Assembly at Springfield bill giving them the right duty to serve on juries in Age-Youth Romance 'It 5 i! I Stt mi c a i o -j . m x.ar . TW .Of 5 41' Professor and Mrs. Arthur Dean Professor 'Arthur Dean, aged 59, former instructor at Indiana uni versity, and his 16-year-old bride, Bernice Marie Parks Dean, are pictured at their home near Branch ville, Ind. the state. What the bills actually do to change the existing laws which limited the jury service to men, is to add three words, "of both sexes." oodToThe Last Crumb ... " that is what we often hear from our customers after they've eaten one of our delicious sandwiches .. . made to suit your taste, TTLE ROCK SERVICE STATION iway No, 19 Texaco Products Mrs. Claude Woodward, Mgr. Prisoner Tossed Dynamite In Fire One negro was instantly killed, and five others injured, at a prison camp near Charlotte, when one is alleged to have thrown a stick of dynamite into a red hot stove. The prisoner said to have tossed the explosive, was injured, but not serious. He was from Asheville, and is reported to nave said he would rather die than remain in prison. Prison officials believe he brought the dynamite into camp concealed in his shoes. Wider Road Urged From Park To Sea Directors of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce in monthly session have adopted a resolution urging the North Carolina Government to widen the highway from Wilmington to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to 60 feet to accommodate tour ist and other traffic and connect the park with Eastern Carolina's chain of oceanside parks and historical places. 600 School Busses Replaced By State North Carolina's state 6chool bus system, largest of its kind in the world, today had 600 new buses to replace worn-out ones. Contracts totaling $535,027.50 went out to four different firms from the state board of awards. Automobile And Bees Colide Do You Have A Place WE HAVE PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. WE HAVE PROSPECTS FOR RENTALS. List With Us Today THE L. N. DAVIS CO. Insurance Real Estate Rentals Bonds NE 77 -:. MAIN STREET D. L. Smith reported at Kinston that his automobile "collided head-on" with a swarm of bees. He said the impact was such that he thought the windshield would be shattered and that dead and injured insects nearly covered the car and road. It was a large swarm, num bering thousands. Members of the family hastily put up the car windows, bailing angry survivors of the swarm. Smith said the swarm was "wrecks ed." C D1L7 ff A f -AT ugh Massie 's New Store p'sS-oz. Zipper Overalls prized. Zipper pocket on land Interlace Suspenders 89c Sizes 32 to 44 fade by Allen Overall Boy's 8-oz. Overalls Sanforized. Zipper pocket on bjb, Interlace Suspenders. 69c Sizes 2 to 18 Made by Allen Men's port Shirts Cot and Good Patterns 69c Boy's Sport Shirts All the New High Colors 49c n 'is'; P YOU TRIED THE NEW STORE WHERE EVERY ITEM IS BRAND NEW. "nplete Line Of Work Clothing and Shoes At Prices You Will Like ft A f JAPAN IS FEELING STRAIN The struggle in the far East has entered a new phase in which eco nomic power is more important than military. The military effort was relatively easy for Japan, she was fighting her strongest ground. She is now fighting where she is weakest, and ia beginning to show strain. NETHERLANDS SET IP PRO GRAM FOR JEWS The Netherlands Government is to establish a central camp for 2,500 Jewish refugees at a cost of 1,000,000 florins about ($555,000). The camp is intended to be semi-permanent, that is to have a duration of about 15 years. Expenses for the mainten ance of the refugees are, as hitherto, to be paid out of private charity. PLOWING UNDER GRAPEFRUIT Grapefruit that sells "three for a quarter" as a luxury in markets back east is being plowed under by the carload in Salt River and the Yuma Mesa citrus groves in Arizona. Something like 600 carloads will be disked into the soil in compliance with the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation's grapefruit buying pro gram. The fertilizer value of the fruit is very small but inspectors insist that the fruit be put in such condition that cannot possibly be offered for sale, and sharp disk blades provide the easiest way put. Actress Divorced I, . i a. I la J A V i I . H J ii 1 f Carol Landla Screen Actress Carol Landis is divorced from Irving Wheeler, writer, in Hollywood. Wheeler, who once sued Busby Berkeley, director, for $250,000 over her af fections, did not contest the divorce. Fines Creek Boys Enter Contests The district livestock judging and public speaking contests for students of vocational W'ill be held at Fan ning FieldV. Farm, Heiidersonville, next Saturday. The Fines Creek chapter of F. F. A. will be represented in the livestock judging by Boyd Messer, Andy Sparks, and Joe Haynes. The classes of animals to be judged will be draft horses, beef heifers, Guernsey cows, and Hampshire sows. Mark Kiikpatrick will represent the Fines Creek chapter in the public speaking contest. The subject of his speech is, "Why Be a Farmer." WHAT PRICE RELIEF? Relief . costs too much, critics charge, especially to administer. Yet there is a singular lack of dependable information on how much it costs or should cost. Any serious effort to es tablish a basis for ascertaining cost merits attention. A resolution is now before the New York State Legislature to create a joint legislative committee to study the question. Its sponsors assert that relief costs in the state are ex cessive. They contend that the ad ministration of home relief costs about 13 per cent of the total amount of relief granted. The usual pro cedure is to lump together all ex penses of a public welfare depart ment, other than the amount of relief granted, and to consider the total us administrative cost. But should all such items be so considered? In business not all personnel and oper ating charges are classified as ad ministrative expenses. Administra tive expense is ordinarily understood to include such overhead items as general supervision, personnel man agement, purchasing, and accounting. Applying this division of costs to its expenditures in a sample month, the New York City Department of Welfare found the administrative pay roll to be 1.53 per cent of the toUL The operating pay roll for the same period, which included the direct ser vices to relief appliances, represented 10.95 per cent of total expenditures. Welfare officials have many other functions besides distributing relief funds. One is to determine whether persons are eligible for relief. Al most 50 per cent of all applications for home relief in New York State are rejected. If administrative and operating costs are drastically cur tailed through reduction of staff, tha cost of increased relief because of less frequent investigation may be greater than the administrative savings. Christian Science Monitor. uepenas on society "I hates to hear a man insistin' jdat de world is gettin' wusser when jhe's talkin' to me," said Uncle Eben, "foh de reason dat a man's mpression of de world depends a heap on de kind o' society he gits into." Famous Sung Writer Paulus Gerhardt, who ranks next to Luther as one of the greatest song writers of Germany, wrote in 1656, "All My Heart This Night Re joices." This was translated 200 years later by Catherine Winkworth, well-known translator. Eyes Examined For Appointment Glasses Fitted Telephone 201 CONSULT DR. R. KING IIARPE OPTOMETRIST 127 Vi Main St. Wells Bldg. Canton, N. C. PENNY FOR PENNY YOUR BEST CIGARETTE BUY Th extra smoking in vry pack equal S axtra smokes Camels (tive you more for youf ci?j rcne money around! 'I here'i more tobacco by wi ifthi inCuincls. compared to tlic avoriiKC of 1' other of the lurn-tsl-sclling brands tested. Dcsides. Camels burn ilourr Chun any other brand tested 2 5 slower than the ovcrai;c time of the others. Thus, Camels Kive yon the equivalent of 5 IXTRA SMOKI S PI'R PACK! When you count in Camel's costlier tobaccos, it all adds up to 'America's favorite tinareitfCamelsl I'njoy Camels for PLEASURE plus ECONOMY I THE CIGARETTE OF Q COSTLIER TOBACCOS LjsLrL f JlfllH I Illll I I llll - ' raw RIPPETOE'S Legs Hev al 1'iaiiu s Age . The age of an antique piano is best determined by the leys. The earliest pianos 1 ad four slender legs similar to thre of the spinet or harpsichord. A r Y v . . . . .. m w t t ' EK AHEAD 'OF. TMfc .. l Mnrt b '! TTi.Tm luncc DV3TI BROWN 3 HOC WM'"r i i Headachy, Breath Bad? Make This Check-Up The Police Siren means "Look-out!" And so do Nature's signals head aches, biliousness, bad breath, which are often symptoms of constipation. Don't neglect your sluggish bowels, for a host of constipation's other discomforts may result: such as, sour stomach, loss of appetite or energy, mental dullness. Help your lazy bowels with spicy, all vegetable BLACK-DRAUGHT. Acts gently, promptly, thoroughly, by simple directions. BLACK-DRAUGHT'S principal in gredient is an "intestinal tome laxative." It helps impart tone to lazy bowel muscles. Next time, try this time-tested product! Summer Smartness IN A' FINE NEW Lightweight Tropical Worsted TO SELL 'EM, TELL 'EM- yi , sun SmMW" m Exclusive Showing Of "Imported Botany Wardrobe" EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE In the New Gulf Tone Shades. Tropical weight, in both plain back and belted models with, two pair pants. .Priced to suit the average pocketboolu "DIPPETOE' . W Honesty - Truth - Merit With An'Ad