HE WAYNESVILLE M OUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park fcyJlFrH YEAR NO. 21 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1939 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY lU?MM Allntnipnt fViv TrnrirniiPmPTi is Nmn Homn Mane At I n kp Made; Work will -IJU -Myf m wvvvtF a. w -t-rvc i.rvivtv start In Few Days PISE so AREA' raw urns un Wnrkinff L; Hard Surface ad Soon Complete . ... unVKM Readv For Uoh, Others 1'iannea; Water Mains Installed Good Record U the .several major . - ; Mw underway at is the overhauling of the dam. irtv'men, woi'King m iu ...-... ,tl' i 4- slum are pouring concrete ai n ,,t thi foundation. It was ' i bv The Mountaineer yester- tbat the structural steel and L the dam are in good con- ...i th. v,. was no need ior 1111- pau - -, iL , , kte iciTair, hut since uie. wc drained for. the sewer consuue j t.wth.ti.in of water lines on be bed that a decision was made Ive the clani repaired. l,.;n.iiii' were brought to the lake, l,iw t,n insnection of the dam, L ,i,0 tnmi of the concrete on tne Ld desenegrated, and rather than anv risk, a decision was made 10 river haul the entire dam U-orcnf the opinion that the dam mul for n number of years, but kid rn t-n l1 iiim Iter was turned in Lake J una' M vears ago. . ...'' Ithin two weeks, the contractors tobeniii letting the lake fill, and normal water How, the lake will 111 within a few weeks. .' 6-inch water main is being put thp take at the narrows. -. new hard surfaced road is being from the entrance at the high- to the boat house. This will be bv the first of June. The high- jdepartnient is doing this work. o new houses are just Deing leted, another under construction, ndications are that several will be in the next two months, Mrs, lis, secretary in charge, said. le construction work will not inter T with the opening of Duke Summer l on June i)th, Mrs. Milliard At- said. - ibassauor Josenhus Daniels plans mie from Mexico City for the an- Haywood County Day, on. June which' will formally mark the ing of the season at Lake Juna l. A.. Junes oCnstruction Company, larlotte, is in charge of the over- ing of the dam. . t lkV I be Cannery To Start J Operating Today; Processing Spinach Crop Estimated For Current Season To He Approximate ly 150 Tons Officers In Merchant's Group Sam Arrington,. son of Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Arlington, has made an outstanding' record this past year in vocational agriculture. His achieve ments are recorded on page five of this issue. Burglar Finds That Justice Works Fast Robs Store, Arrested, Tried, On Way To Serve Sentence, All In 30 Hours When he went to his store .on ..Sat-- urday morning F. G. Rippetoe was met, after entering, by two policemen. He was, to say the least, a bit sur prised, and as he said afterward, was just about to give himself up, in the excitement of the moment, when he was told why they were there to greet him. : Sometime between midnight on Fri day and 4:.'W o'clock on Saturday morning Rippetoe's store on Main street was entered and some .merchan dise stolen. In less than thirty hours after the burglar was caught, tried in the mayor's court and was on his way to. Craggy to serve a two years' ,' v (Continued on back page) - mbers Of Soco earn Will Dance or King And Queen C. Team Will Be Made Up I Best Of Several Groups o Dance In Washington Miss Smith, County A o-pnt Sailed irom New York Yesterday One Of 22 North Carolina Wo men Who Will Attend Con ference In London The Haywood County Mutual Can nery, located at Hazelwood, will start operation for the summer season to day. The first crop to be canned will pinach, that is now being handled on tht, green vegetable market also. Frank M. Davis, manager and field worker for the cannery, estimates that the crop this year will be ap proximately 150 tons. It has been ' learned that owing to tht cold,- dry weather, the -spinach crop in this county, is off fifty per cent from that of last year, but. in view of the adherence of the growers to the rules set- tor the cultivation of spinach, the vegetable -is reported to be in excellent condition, even if in smaller quantities. Spinach that is cut here for the green market is sold around 4 o'clock the morning following the cutting on the market in Atlanta. From there -t is taken at once by the distributors and sent to points in (Scorgia, Florida and .: Alabama, and appears, oii "the dinner or supper .tables of tht resi dents of those states the same day it leaves Atlanta. , Mr. Davis also stated that while a number of bean growers had planted their acreage, a still larger number would be putting in beans this week. He urges that this vegetable be grown in large quantities by all con tracted growers, as it will be an op portune time to grow beans, as the market at present gives every prom ise of profit for the canned product on next winter's sales. ;'r -V's W I). L. Tless Meads Cruso Mutual Electric Company; (iwyn In ( harjre Of Ollice XOliLK W. CARUKTT Chairman Merchants Organize; Adopt Wide Betterment Program Childless Old Hen Takes Four Pigs Under Her Wings Roosevelt Remains Strongest Political Leader, Says Hardin Secretary In Congress For 22 Years, Takes Time OfT For Little Fishing I re is considerable excitement ? the members of the Soco it Team, of which Sam Oueen is ar and caller. Tomorrow night I-an: will meet at the home of m Ltinsford in Leicester, where rn dancers from the teams in this i, that conmete each vear in Ashevillp mountain soncr and stival and the Washington pal Folk festival, will be select- m!ke up a group invited by -lent and Mrs. Roosevet to dance (Continued on back page) pr Way Makes Aecord In Court Fines And Costs actions in ;4. last four years under Mayor J. aJ', Jr., who begins another two- te"ti in office this NsuaF record- I'1"? the past four -years, Mayor I "-8 Collected $11 I - -.""uiii, Having oeeii luni 10 the trpso-ni-o. i .,a n-ncing the expenses of the city Timent.- -:'-.' :.- Ieame time $2,450 has been 'W m fines from those appearing ic Iho . . . . "layors court. This l "as been turned over to the auditor and applied on the : "-"uui iund. 1 fn t J ., me collections as r to other years make an out- cord for four years. Miss Mary Margaret Smith, county home demonstration agent, saiita yesterday from New York City on k,.,i tho S S: Oueen Mary, with a large delegation from North Carolina who are going to London to attend the tri-annual conference ot tne s- sociated Country Women ot tne World. Following the conference in Lon ' (Continued on back page) still the Last Round-Up Of Dog Vaccinating To Start June 3rd tw owners of Waynesville town- t.i ho irivpn the last opportuni ty ; to have their dogs properly vac cinated, according to ai oi Pracken. who is in charge of this work in the township. ,. ' - Already 250 dogs in the townsnip have been vaccinated, but many oth ers have not, he explained, and after his last scheduled round on June 5, it will then be in the hands oi tne sheriff, Mr. McCracken pointed out. On June 3, he will De at ' Orehard from 8 until 10. Then at Charlie's Buchanan's store on Allen s Creek from 10 until 12, and at W. A. Bradley's store from 1 until 4. On June 5, he will start at Juna luska Supply at 8 and be there until 10, then at Ed Ratcliffe's store from 10 to 12, and then at C. C. Moody a store at Dellwood at 1 to 3 and at Bramlett's livery stable from 3 .to a.. Mr McCracken explained that numerous dogs have been vaccinated by people other than a registered vetinerian or the specified appointee. In such cases, the dogs will have to be vaccinated again, he said. feel that President Roosevelt is the strongest political figure in United states," said W. L. Hardin, secretary to Congressman Zebulon Weaver, who is home for a few days rest, in .conversation with a representative of Tht Mountaineer this week. "It now looks as if he might be drafted to run for a third time. I feel that he could command more votes today than any other man in the country. I think this is due to his strong hold on the American peo ple, particularly the laboring group.!, who constitute the majority of the Voters. For there is no question, but that the President has put his heart and soul into creating better living conditions for the 'little man,' and he is still trying to canV out. those policies," continued Mr. Hardin. "I would like for the people in this section to know that Mr. Weaver is (Continued on back page) The mother instinct of u hen who wanted a family, but was dis turbed before she could hatch one, when a family of pigs were born in her nest, is not being outdone, as she has taken over the care and responsibility of the four pigs in her henish way. On W. A. liradley's farm, on Kagles Nest Road, the hen stays right with the month-old pigs as they -root around in the pasture; and when she finds anything that, she thinks would appeal to their piggish appetites, she gives the regular cluck cluck call. At night, the pigs huddle to gether, and the hen spreads her wings over them just as she would a brood of chicks. Her wing spread does not cover all the pigs, but this does nut seem to bother either party. Sometimes the pigs pay atten tion to her in the pasture, and again they pass her by unnoticed. l!ut on the whole, both parties; apparently satisfied. Alter mouths of untiring work on the par! ol a number ol citizens ol tlie Pigeon alley and the lug Fast Fork section, hopes of an electric loin covering (he upper section ol the vallev ar, about to be realized. Otlicial notification troin the Rural Fleet i iticut ion Administration in ashmgton has been received that the protect has been approved and the necessary allotment of $.rJ,(Ht0 ba boon made. Thu is the lust rural electrification government prelect approved 111 tins countv and the lust in Western North Carolina. It will consist of .1 miles of distribution lines in Fast. Fork, Cecil and upper Pigeon townships. The system will start at Rjckman's store at Woodiow and cover all the foregoing townships. All -necessary rights of way have been secured and up to thu present. time, L'ii.r subscribers, have signed up for elect rio sei vice. I A local company has been tunned and incorporated, the new corporation I is known as the t ruso Mutual Klecfl ic I ( onipniiv. 1. L. Tless is president, F. H. Hickman, secretary and I alter 1 Trull slipel intelident. .The In ;i id til' directors in addition ito the president and secretary are; lira II. t ogl n il, ill Poslon, Watson illowtll. Mrs. R. P. diogan, Mrs. F. - H. Kickman, ami t laude Heaver. W. (iarrett Named Chairman; ! ( hester .v. cogburn, oi ( anion, is al torney for 'the company., I ' i it p i rn r v ollices have been built at Woodrow. T. Lenoir liwyn, who I lias lieeii net ive in promoting the pi o- " Jeet, will be in charge of the .-ollice. Noble W. (iarrett, was unanimous- nan y D,.War, of Lenoir, who has ly elected chairman of the; merchant's ,.,,,.,,( y completed a similar proect in division of the Chamber of Commerce cKi,iwJij. Surrey and Wilken cuuntiet, hole Tuesday night, and R. C. Mc- ,,,,vpriTig a distribution lines totaling .. . . , .. ... i .. .... . . Urine was naineu treasurer.. iy i h 1 imles. will l chief engineer ami in eliarge of construction work. Others working on the project have R. C McPRlDK Treasurer U. C. MiHride Is Treasurer Of Merchant's (iroup are FRANK MILLER AND J. DALE STENTZ ATTEN DEI) HEARING IN ASHEVILLE Frank- Miller, ami J. Dale Stentz were called to Asheville the first of the week as witnesses in the hearing of the Inter-state Commissions rela tive to the through bus line service from Asheville to Catlinburg, by way of Waynesville, Hi dm Buncombe County has called an election to vote on ABC liquor stores. If the vote carries what effect do you think it will have on Hajwood County? - - Clayton Walker Owner and Man ager of Walker Service Station "I don't think it will have any effect other than a shorter haul for the bootlegger." Rev. O. C. Landrum Pastor Hazel wood Presbyterian Church "I feel that the people of Haywood County will watch with interest the election in Buncombe County. If the issue is defeated there, I feel that there will be no attempt made to call a vote here. A favorable vote there, how ever, might result in circulation of petitions for a similar election in Haywood. I feel that thft sentiment of the Haywood people is against the liquor stores and the issue, if voted upon in this county, would bed ed." feat- W. H. Burgin Manager Burgin Bros. Stores "If Buncombe County should vote wet, it would be detri mental to Haywood County, both morally and financially. vious agreennnt, .). Hale Stent, will act as secretary in his capacity as holder of the same .ollice w ith the par ent organization. The merchants unanimously, adopt -ed the resolutions presented by last year's eonimi'.fee, aitd also those passed by the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce. . Those, attending Were enthusiastic over the organization,, ami readily agreed to the need for eummnnily wide Co-operation among the retail ers and wholesalers, in the nierehan- tile and kindreil. : luisiiiesses. In accepting the position as chair-, niaii, Mr. (iarrett, ill a few chosen words, pointed out the value of such an organization,; awl (be vast amount of work that such a group could profitably perform..- Several directors of the Cliaiubei' of Commerce made brief statements, Mi1., (iarrett becomes a director of the Chamber of Commerce in bis, capacity as imrchalits coniniitt.ee chairman. Three .others named by him to serve as an execut ive -commit tee were; L. K. Hudson, Hurst Burgin and J. M. W nodaid. . This .: conimit'tee w ill hamlie the ill taiK of the group. The group Tuesday night, endorsed 'proper'-decorations for the streets for the coining of : 'President- Roosevelt; participation in the Asheville Rho dodendron festival with a float, and the bringing to Waynesville of two (Continued on back page) 7-Year-01d Child Struck By Truck Dorothy Norris Suffers Tainful Hut Not Serious Injuries In Accident been ( ongressiiian who has given his ling the project in Zebulon Weaver, assistant in haud W ashington, with T. G. Massie Massif's Furniture Store "I think if the vote is favor able in Buncombe county, that the fight will be renewed in Haywood county." : Dr. J. C. Murphy Manager of Al exander's Drug Store "If the vote for liquor stores carries in Buncombe County, it may not cause more drink ing in that county, but it will offer a greater temptation to the young peo ple in the adjoining counties, and will certainly make the highways in and going out of Buncombe County more dangerous." the Rural Fiectrilieut ion Administra tion, the officials of the Sinngdale School, Luther Pless, ( in ter 'I mil, and in any other citizens of the territory. Actual construct inn - - work on the distribution system will start in tlii next tew days. It is expected that the entire system will ill operation some time during the summer.. Chas. Ray Impresed With Sincerity Of President Roosevelt j "No one can. -doubt the sincerity of I President Roosevelt after meeting him ami bearing him talk," said Charles : F. Rav, Jr., yesterday morning, upon his return 'from- Washington, where the had been attending the annual i meeting-of t he American Retail 1' ede- ration held there Monday and T uesday. I '"I here is no -man in this country today who can inspire confidence as I Mr. Roosevelt does. -Whether 'you i want to call it personality, 'It' or what not, he possesses it to a greater degree . I .... .. ...i. i i... .... u I i wian aiiv niaii 110111 j navv-,-vi-i ntimi speak. .Magnetic over tin; radio, he I is much more so when you are within the range of that most engaging smile. "As a leader, he is absolutely con fident as to his policies and certain ol his leadership. ; It is plain that be will forge ahead on the program which he has advocated for the past i years. - (( ontinued on back page) - - ; Dorothy Norris, seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Norris, was struck by a Purol truck Satur day morning, when she attempted to cross the street in front of her mother's home on Walnut Street. The child was rushed to the Hay wood County Hospital, where X-Ray pictures were taken, but it was found that no bones were broken. While she suffered bruises on her right hand, knee, and hip, her inju ries are not considered to be of a ser ious or permanent nature. It was reported last night by hospital at taches that she was improving and would be able to be moved to her home this week. It is said that there were three eye witnesses to the accident. First Farm Bought In Haywood Under Farm Security Adm. The first purchase of a farm in this county through the V arm hecunty Administration, was made this week by J. Way Arrington, who bought a G5-acre place in Crabtree Township. Wilfred Jackson, county supervisor in charge of the rural rehabilitation and tenant purchase program of the Farm Security Administration in this county; with officers in the couit house, explained that the purchase of this farm was made possible by the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, which committed the government to a policy of helping a limited number of industrious tenants and farm lab- (Continued on back page)