THIRTY-SIX PAGES TODAY he Wayne s ville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park fegnTTH YEAR NO. 22 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1939 , $1.50 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties L For Summer feeting Of Masons Are DtJUig luauc Uial Service lo iie Trt)V Wyche, ran Program T. l. ians are Demg mue iur me Lr assembly of the Grand Coun- f the Nortn tarouna juaaumc e5, witn - i virman ol local arrangements. Lqth 10th and 11th of July have ft as the dates r me om an jssion, at which representa tmm several states are expect- to attend and take part on the MB. f special local interest will be the orial service that will be held :.,ndav the 11th, to the late Troy lyche, who was the promoter of ummer asseniDiy, wnicn nas n- ned such pretige m Masonic L.s m tne easi. L special committee headed by UcCracken. will meet tomorrow it to complete the plans and start mb-committees at work on the igements of .entertainment, for isiting Masons. ici ranking Masonic officials from lb Carolina and several other will attend. ... to Being Groomed For 22nd Season I Viv s:; I ""- ; This is the Cherokee, h-i now in dry dock, but ; ' being conditioned for the usual daily summer 1P 1 trips around Lake Juna- -v,tva luska, with Captain escott at the helm. The 86-year-old captain anticipates a big sea- Captain Wescott Preparing For Season On "Dry Body of Water" 86-Year Old Captain Busy Get- ting Boats And His Launch Ready For Lake Trips Be Of Retired Saptist Minister Dies At Age Of 93 Is Survived By Husband And ht Hundred And Forty-One Descendants st rites were held on Tuesday boon at 2:30 o'clock at the Ha mi Baptist church for Mrs. Ev- Pruett, 93, wife of the Rev. W. ruett, who died at her home on ilowell Mill road at 2:30 o'clock ay morning. The Rev. J. M. ard, pastor of the church, offS- Burial was in Green Hill terf.. :, rving as pallbearers were grand loe Calhoun, John Owens, Charles as, Ernest and Guy Pruett. , ' :' s. Pruett was a native of Macon Jty, and was born on March the 18-16. She was the daughter of kai-'and Malefia Duvall Shepard. WA lived m Graham county for bber of years, and had been re- fin Haywood county for the past y-five years. She had been a per of the Baptist church for the 51 years. Irviving are her husband, Rev. f. rruett," retired Baptist minis- -ve daughters, Mrs. M. R. N. Nl, of Troy, N. C, Mrs. Mary ot Asheville, Mrs. Charles N. of Hazelwood, Mrs. J. L. Je and Mrs. J. A. Calhoun, of jjesville, five sons, Will Haywood f, of Waynesville, Dewitt and oi swannanoa, and Lloyd, of two sisters. Mrs. Jane Crisn. Mrs. Harriett Craig, of Buck- na, S grandchildren. 72 uTpat fchildren, and 2 great, great children. ' m Tuttle Graduated om Oak Ridge Military institute Last Week rjy Tuttle, who makes his home J'r. and Mrs: W t sfeoitnn rld riday from Oak Ridge (' institute, from which he his diploma on Thursday. ! 4 icvuiu a D nic ' aTO Stood hiu-h tui-tfc VintVi members and the students, Melton went down to attend ;mmencement exercises and ac anitd Mr. Turtle home. F' .S. C. Satterthwaite, Miss rucas, and S. C. Satter- h. ' "ic me guests or xvir. Wi Ernest Withers during CHQ. Mrs. SafAT-tllTOIlWo r Pven by Mrs. Rayne for her ' - r. amathers. ages Today . . . f iay'8 iSSU of The Moun ineer contains 36 pages, penty of these are devoted C.the special section of the lstern Carolinian, the col- L Ke newspaper of Western oiina Teachers College. "Yes, I was born on Roanoke Is land, where Virginia Dare first saw the light, but she had left before I got there," said Captain John T. Wescott, with a twinkle in his eyes. - The captain, a landmark at the Lake Junaluska Assembly Grounds, has been in charge of tbe row boats and hag run the launch "Cherokee," in which he has a third interest, for the past twenty-one years. Prior to his coming to the Lake the captain had retired from the United State Coast Guard service, after 43 years of active duty. "But I date back pretty well, even if I didn't know Virginia," continued Captain Wescott. "I was born in 1853, and I well recall the days when General Burnsides 'captured Roanoke Island, during the Civil War. We had food stored away to do us a year, but the soldiers took everything, and after they left it looked like starvation. We had forty hogs and forty chickens, and they took them all. One of the Yankee officers, however, took an old hen away from one of the privates and Came back and brought it to my mother. She kept it hidden in a bar rel in the attic until she was sure the soldiers had left for good." "Another thine I remember were the decoy geese my father had and prized so much, They took, them all and his cruris, ton. Wp had been takinir care of two Confederate soldiers, who were wounded and suffering had asked us to give them shelter, so when the Yank ees found out about them they took mv fathpr a firisoner. But what's the use of recalling such things at this timei" continued the captain, Be ransfl somebodv micht have hard feelings about it, and I don't mean it that way, I am just remembering when I was a child." Captain Wescott erect, stocky, and ruddv faced denies in appearance and bearing the years he claims make up his ace. He shows ths clear skin of the person who has lived much in the open. His quarters in tne cner Inn. where he lives six months out of the year, are as immaculate as . . 1 Tf . the cabin of a well scrubbed snip, tie chnwpd us about. His closet, cedar lined, and large enough to hold a good sized trunk, boxes, plenty of shelves, and rows of hooks for hanging gar ments, is as neat as a pin. every thing is in its place. But one could have guessed without being told where his great interest lay, for there were boat models. Now since he has "taken to land" his love of the sea must find some outlet of expression so he has pleasure in designing boats. "Yes, for twenty-one years I have run the 'Cherokee' on a regular sched nio arnnnd the lake from 7 to 8 o'clock every evening except Sunday, during the entire season nere. i olwnvs pome earlv in April to get the 4 1 row boats and the launch ready for the summer," he said. "But after my years on the sea, I'll have to admit that Lake Juna l.icUa is the tamest body of water I have ever run a boat on. It's like tak- (Continued on page 8) M'Guire, WGmre, M'Guire, M'Guire, We're Dizzy, Too It may sound strange when Patsy MeGuire is called to re ceive her diploma at Atlanta Southern Dental, college Thurs day night, just after Harold Me Guire gets his but that's not th half of the McGuire-dental situ ation. Patsy MeGuire met Harold Me Guire at college and they were married when both were juniors and they'll enter practice at Sylva, where Patsy's parents, Dr. Daisy MeGuire and Dr. Wayne MeGuire already are prac ticing; Dir. Noracella MeGuire, Patsy's older sister also is prac ticing in Sylva, and another sis ter, Kitty Bean MeGuire will en ter Atlanta-Southern next year. Clyde Stock Yards Open 8th; Good Season Indicated Yards Preparing For Banner Year As They Open For Fifth Year The Haywood Mutual Stockyards, at Clyde, will open their fifth season on Thursday, June 8th, at two o'clock, the board of directors announced yesterday. The officers predict a good season, as there are more cattle in the coun ty than at any time in the past few years and present prices are good. The Clyde yards were the first to be built in Western North Carolina, and have enjoyed good sales during the past four years. Last year 2,003 head of cattle brought ?73,583 at the yards. Buy ers from many sections of the country are on hand at these sales every Thursday. Medford Leatherwood will be auc tioneer again this year, and C. B. Atkinson will again act as secretary treasurer. I I, n. Miamieit its. president, ftieu- ford Leatherwood is vice president, and together with Jack Messer and John V. Boyd, constitute the board of directors. The sales art. held weekly, until a.bout the first of December. -." BIRTH' ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Prevost an nounce the birth of a daughter on May the 31st, at the Waynesville Sanatorium, Road Into Assembly Grounds At Lake To Be Completed Mon. ThL. new road into the Lake Juna luska Assembly grounds, will be com pleted by Monday, it was learned yesterday. Extra heavy traffic, and the build ing of several "spur" roads, slowed the work down several days. Work on repairing the dam is pro gressing according to schedule, and concrete is being poured on some of the worn places in the 26-year-old structure. Present plans are to begin impound ing water in the 20-acre lake. Neighbors Of Haywood And Jackson To Vote On Liquor Stores In July American Legion Observed National Decoration Day Graves Of Veterans Of World War In County W7ere Deco rated On Tuesday Decoration Day was observed by the usual services held annually by the American Legion post and thu Auxiliary, in Green Hill cemetery, when the graves of the World War veterans are decorated with flowers and flags. Major J. Harden Howell conducted the ritualistic Iservide, and : George E. Kunze, adjutant of the post, wag in charge of the annual roll call of the deceased veterans of the World War who are buried in Haywood County. As the names were called some member of the family took charge of (Continued on page 8) " 1 i. Swain County Votes July 18th; Buncombe County A Week Later Haywood and Jackson counties will watch with interest the two liquor store elections that vill be held on both sides of them during July. On July 18th, Swain county voters will go to the polls and decide wheth er or not, the county titled "North Carolina's No. 1 Economic Problem'' will have ABC liquor stores. One week later, the voters of Bun combe county will go to the polls and say what their county shall do about liquor stores. Elections in both counties were call ed when petitions bearing signatures of sufficient qualified voters were presented to the boards of commis sioners, who in turn ordered the board of elections to call and hold an election. , There is much discussion in the two counties between the voting counties as to the effect the stores in either would have if voted in. Voice off he People Grandson Of W. T. Lee Makes Outstanding Kecora At Military insuiuie Hugh Browder Dickey, of Sweet water, Tenn., grandson of W. T. Lee, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dickey, graduated, this week from the Tennessee Military Institute with an outstanding record. He was the valedictorian of his class, winner of a gold medal -of scholarship re card, -and averaged 96 on the four years work. He has recently received an appointment to West Point. Do you think the counties border ing the Cherokee Indian Reservation have advertised and stressed the col orful attractions of the Reservation, as much as they should have, as a drawing card for the tourists visit ing the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park on the North Carolina side? to the Reservation, the people have to travel through the counties," Dave Cabe-manager American Rest aurant "I don't think we have done our part, and I am sure that the In dian Reservation is one of our biggest-drawing cards for visitors to the Park. If Tennessee had the In dians on their side of the park we'd hear a lot more about them, and the world would too." C. J. Reece manager and owner Massie's Deparartment Store -"No, I feel that the counties have missed a real opportunity. You take the Cherokee Fair alone, could be. . made a more out standing event for Western North Carolina hv co-one'rative publicity on the part of the adjoining counties, which would all be helped, as to gei W. T. Shelton former superin tendent Navajo Indians, New Mexico "The Cherokee Indian Reservation with its mode of living, and its cus toms, is an asset of great-interest to Western North Carolina, and of par ticular interest to the counties that border it. I feel that this section has never realized or played up the at tractions as much as they should have. Nature hag been so good to us here, that we have not capitalized on all our advantages as we should." Soco Gap Dancers All Set For Appearance Before King and Queen Joins Chandler Co. y DR. O. T. ALEXANDER Dr. 0. T. Alexander Is Now Associated With Chandler & Co. Will Have Charge Of Sales And Accounts At Jewelry Store Here Dr. .0. T. AlexHiicli-i: (former Waynesville druggist, is now asso ciated with Chandler and Company, jewelers, it was announce J here yes terday by W. K. Chandler, owner of the firm. Dr. Alexander wiH havt comnletc charge of sales and accounts, and will be in the store Monday morning. He and Mrs. Alexander have been spending the past few weeks at their former home in Charlotte. The store was recently enlarged to twicv the former size, and a new and complete department of souvenirs and gifts have been added to the stock of jewelery. Mr. Chandler will remain in charge of tht. 'Watch! and jewelery repair d - partmerit. Dr. Alexander, in a stateim nt, this week, said: "Needless to say, I am happy to get ba'k to Waynesville God's country and am looking for ward to my new association in busi ness there, and shall be pleased to serve my friends on and after Mon day, June fifth." Local Dance Team Chosen First In Nation, Will Dance At White House Thursday Head Of State News Service Spent Monday In County Pictures Made Of Blue Ridge Parkway And Dance Team Will Be Released Mr. J. Harden Howell State Chairman oh Indian Work for the D. A. R. "The Cherokee Indian Reser vation with its native arts and crafts is really one of the greatest attrac tions in going into the Park on either side., I feel that the counties touch ing the Reservation have not yet real ized its value and made as much of it as should have been done. It is one of the few places where" the tour ist can get much "local color in this section." Bill Sharpe, head of the News Service and the state advertising pro gram of the state Department of Con servation, spent Monday in town, Coming here at the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Sharpe accompanied by J. Dale Stentz, secretary, took a number of pictures on the Blue Ridge Park way artd the Soco Gap section. Upon returning to town a group of the : SoCo Gap dance team was aiso photographed for use by the state department of advertising. . Mr. Sharpe spoke enthusiastically of this section, and its immediate and future development. He plans to return to Western North Carolina sometime around the middle of this month. All the pictures taken in this sec tion will be gent Out by the news ser vices at some time during the vaca tion season in the state, as a part of the regular advertising campaign. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Way attended the commencement exercises at Greensboro College, where their daughter, Miss Martha Way, was a member of the graduating class. They were accompanied home by Miss Way, who will spend the summer vacation with her parents, and by another daughter, Misg Hilda Way who is a member of of the rising junior class of the college. King George and Queen Elizabeth Will see first hand on next Thursday night, how the descendants of those sturdy pioneers who left England, to seek their fourtunes in a new country, and a bit later threw off the yoka of the Mother Country England, have held to some of their early customs. For when Sam Queen and the Soco. Dance team, to the tune of mountain music aa played by the Coon Creek Girls of Pinchein Tight Hollow, of Kentucky, go through the figures they have planned to include in their eight minute part on the program on the auspicious occasion, no doubt the Kloyal couple wid be reminded of "Merrie old England." One reason the local team was selected by Mrs. Roosevelt is the fact that they have not introduced into their figures any new ideas but their dance i8 held strictly to that of tho old time school, and has been recog nized by authorities as the genuine early American square dance. After serious consideration Sanv has decided to include in the figures old favorites such as "The King's Highway," "Thtl London Hrldgc," ono of the most showy types, "The Ocean Wave," "The Wagon Wheel," and tho "Grape Vine Twist." All of tho figures having been given at their recent rehearsals, with fast work, in a five minute period. Mrs. Roosevelt was very definite in her-'direction .about what the men should wear, dark trousers, with white shirts, and dark ties, and in structions that they may bo allowed to dance in shirt sleevi s, 'but sus pender have been prohib-led by the First Lady. A special platform is being con structed in the White House for tha Soco dancers to perform on, which is no doubt a very good thing for the White House floors, as mountain music and a good square dance team might have left some impression on its waxy sheen. A rehearsal will be held at the White House at 12:.' o'clock for the team, 'and their part on tho 'program that night will come off around !:.'!(). Mrs. Roosevelt requested that the girls wear simple cotton dresses in colors most becoming to tht. indi vidual girl. For .days, colors and designs have been considered by the girl, who have not yet finished their plans. The Coon Creek girls, who will ac company the team with their tuneful mountain airs, are named Violet, Lily, Rose, and Daisy, and will wear a flower by their name in their hair. The method of transportation has not been definitely decided upon. The team may travel in cars, or char ter a special car and go by train. They will be accompanied by .Ba scorn Lunsford, Asheville attorney, who is in charge of all arrangements. The figures will be lead 'by &i tjb Queen, manager and caller, and his partner, Gertrude Plott Clark. Other members of the team who will make the trip to Washington are: Carmen Plott, Iowa Lee Ferguson, Mrs. Kyle Campbell, Josephine Plott, Beulah Caldwell, Juanita Massey, Sherrill Leatherwood, Ralph Moody, Kyle Campbell, Joe Campbell, Wil bum Campbell, Richard Queen, and Rankin Ferguson. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Colkitt and daughter, Doris, and son Robbie have returned from Mt. Holly N. J., where the former was recently called on ac count of the death of the late James T. Royle, a director of Royle Pilking ton Company, of Hazelwood, of which Mr. Colkitt is secretary. 3,500 Homes . . . are' receiving copies of this issue of The Mountaineer. Thia new$paper is now serv ing a larger territory than ever, and is represented by; competent news correspon dents in several communi ties, heretofore not "cover-