SUPPLIMENT TO THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER TIT A T 1 JtiJci W EsTEKJM b AKUL1JN1 AJN to Pages i - CULLOWHEE A JEWEL IN THE HEART OF THE GREAT SMOKIES rSuTTeachers College CULLOWHEE, NORTH CAROLINA Fiftieth Anniversary Edition . T. C RAHING 50Ui AWMIVERSftRY 4 SfiZn Hfin Riiilfliiin Prnnrnm ATmn Ml oil TTnflpvinail Buildings Are Modern In Every Way, Soon Ready W And Modern Buildings Lw Going Up, Or Complet ed On W.CT.C, Campus liMxing 50 years of steady Ltk nH development, western L- nwhers College will soon ( six modern buildings completed, king the total to twelve. hrough the untiring efforts of Dr. rr Hunter, president, appropria- h from the state PWA were re nal and now a $b50,U0O expansion I building program is underway, n 1937 construction of a $75,000 sial education building got un- hST. ine Structure, v .iinuvc U Carolina granite, is 144 feet by feet. The tine was quarried r tfe college and each stone was irately' cut by hand before being :d in the impressive building. L main gymnasium floor is of hard with glass backboards tor Uetball. Offices;. . . classrooms, Us for . visiting teams, supply a! and a large swimming pool are tt of the building and make it ist complete. the 1937 General Assembly appro- ated 1110,000 for the construction training school. Realizing that Lrly twice that amount would be ded to construct a suitable build- yollege authorities, headed by Bunter, were successful in get- t a PWA grant which made possi- the construction of the beautiful 10,000 building. An unusual fea- te of this structure is that it is bur built on a unit plan. Each Jit made up of two . class rooms :& a practice teaching room be- een and conference rooms at each The floors are of modern wood construction. phe latest development in the Idine Drosrram of the collegp is ! hov's Hnrm'itnrv which will cost Um fully equipped and will com- RWy take care of 160 men. fine of the colleges' greatest needs ! twng realized with the completion tne striking auditorium with a mg capacity of 900. This build-! is costinir annroximatelv S25.000. The student union buildinir. now fring completion, will have student faaiiations and alumni offices. 4 at a cost of $30,000 it is near f entrance of the Joyner building. Approximately $30,000 is being it remodeling the old training lf'fl will VtA ii c n c a nrt k inn fcc uo-u aa w classroom building in the fall. w entire building program was mapped out m order that Present needs of the college would taken care of and future enlar ge nt cnnll K j - . i .1 -l i-. uc inuue most economical. fM building program at Western -.iud leachers College can be as an outcome of a research by Dr. H. T. Hunter. . In his J"e of a ten year program of the notation. Wv.o 1.' ---i m of trustees, he proposed an ul- -- MU(ient body of 750 students. li also 4lJP8 in the institutions education- ir$ be made a rich offering: of tera ..-.1 , I t3. Win omnhocio n yi rr t ho I. .... VIHJJIIUdlO UJU1I HIV s appropriate for the region, . -rvu me art. Second, that kna l senior years be profes -i '.auinir to npprpp ann tpnrhprs ificateg in ;i j tv,;-j ..... 11CJU3, . X 1111 U, atlho .i,i ' . t. " uie in ogram De modern ana .'ate, and, that the College be ' a real intprnrptcr. t WootPi-n Carolina or,.i S Practico iKl.. : 4.1. i I:- 41.:.. r 1M 1JAe UA tins ronitVi 4V.i - :j .,. a seiuor consiu- I J(,n bp eivpn t i 4: - 4 'uler tllane oU..u v- j. I . .. suuum ue raaue 101 P cent of our students to ot their expenses by work. Founder Of W. C. T. C. President Of W.C.T. G. t. . f r Growth Of College i Has Been Steady; Is Vow Expanding Iore College Has Meant Much In The Trortss And Development Of Western Carolina Professor 1889. Articles ' ' ' m . n,. H. T. Hunter, for sixteen years, president of Western le.ich R. L. Madison, founder of Western Carolina Teachers College in Co lt has been through his efforts that the $050,000 building progva cles about the founder of this college appears elsewhere m triis i now well underway. . hor am newspaper. 15 1 To Receive Diplomas Tuesday Morn ing .J. ' n4-l i'ni'il1it1iniul Tuesday morning June 6th, 151 graduates will receive their diplomas from Western Carolina Teachers College. Sunday morning, June 4, the annual bacculearate sermon will be preach- led by Dr, Frazier, president of Queens College, Charlotte. This service win be held in the Baptist church, at eleven o'clock. Monday morning, also at the Bap tist church, the commencement con cert, given by the college musical organizations, will give an orchestral concert, vocal and instrumental numbers. The awarding of diplomas will take place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the auditorium of the Baptist church, with Dr. Stirewalt, . of the Lutheran Theological Colli'i. Col umbia, S. C, making the address. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Erection fn Hcond section of this ore page 2 it u stated hat Uamie Davis has been with .i .co"p'e for 4 vears. This read 14 years. We regret error. My der Miss Wilsoni It giro's m great pleasvir throi the special edition of your newspaper to extond hoaty exoetirs to all fpiende of Weatern Carolina Teachers Collgo on tbo happy occasion of the fiftieth, annivorsary of itB found ins. I trust that throu long yccra to 00.10 lt win over sftrve the best Interest of the State " thorough preparation of yo-ong and your wron for ,tle profeseion of teachir. . Vary siBcn-ly yours, Sis Edita Wilfioa, Editor, The Waatern Carolinian Cullowbee, North Caroline. Plans Underway For Celebrating Golden Jubilee In October Elaborate . "I'rogfam IkinR For mulated My Joint Committee Of Institution A joint I'liiiiiniltec of the faculty' and of Western Carolina T'ach ers.. College, consisting- . .'of Harry Buchanan," llendersonville; H. ('. Jones, Bryson t'lty; Miss Camp, Mr. Stillwell, ,'iui.r Mr. Elliott, of Ciillo whi'i'. i workimr out the details of en Anniver- the iiri'igrain for the Col wary of the college Th,. plans iiielude chapel speakers, conferences, entertaiiuiietit and the like, culminating in a final celehra tion in October. The final cekbrai ion will likely he in two parts; one, the theme of which will he "Fifty Years of Teacher Training in Noith Carolina," will feature outstanding speakers from other colleges and universities, speak ers whose addresses will conform to the general theme. In addition to the' speakers, representatives from a large number of colleges and asso ciations from 'this, and other Matt s will 'be invited. The ot her part of ihi-. ,.i.!ilir:ition. . cominir a few weeks later will featur,. the dedication ot the new $;50,()00.00 plant, a barbecue lunc'heoli, football game, and a ball at night. To this celebration every high school graduating class in West ern North Carolina will be invited. The college began its career on October 28, 18!).. It is likely that the filial celebration will be on Oc tober 2K, 19:19. Guidance Course Offered Under Dr. C. D. Killian Here New Course Placed In College Curriculum During 1938-39 Term Fifty year ugo-a new institution cam,, into being at Cullowhee, N. C. Todav, Western Carolina Teachers College is no longer a small strug gling school, housed in a high school building, but a flourishing and grow ing college. Of course the promoters of this institution had fond hopes regarding the growth ami the tut lire impor tance of their foundling. Yet it is hardlv to he supposed that thev en visioned a dav when this school would become such a vital force in the 1'fo of Western Carolina and' 111 the lives ot cstorn ( arolintans. Hundreds of men and women, liv ing within a radius ol 1(H) miles of Cullowhee call the college "Alma Mater," and look loudly back and .reverently to the time when they trod its hallowed corridors. And where hundreds already have trod thousands arc yet to tread mini soon. IVcause, conicidcntalljy with tins golden anniversary ol the college, there are t this time, ti new building Hearing completion, costing $i5(,0t)0, and plans being made for their occu pany next fall. W hile the building program is well underway, tht term just ending, also marked the peak in registrations and 151 seniors receiving diplomas. In fact, the two go hand in hand, to make this an ideal beginning for the formal celebration and observance of the (iolden Jubilee of the College. All -plans for the formal event 111 the tall are not .complete, but an elaborate and carefully arranged pro gram will be arranged. When founded, the institution was known as Cullowhee High School, and from that has arisen the Culjowhou Normal and Industrial .School, Cullo 1 when Stuto Normal, and the present I Western Carolina 'leathers .College, ! a standard four vesir college- with a llaige, well-trained faculty. 1 From one 'building, the college has ! grown to six buildings now 111 uso, I while six other buildings art; now I under construction. I The student hotly has through tho I years changed 'from a small number I to approximately seven hundred now I in the regular session and the special. session, representative 'if the entire) state -and several other states. With tht passing of ytais the pto- ... . 1 : .. - gress now at- western.- arumi Teachers College has added much to the upbuilding of Western North, Carolina, This issue of The Carolinian, hart attempted to cover the high sptrts in thP 50 years of the college, and throughout the paper will be founl articles, carefully ."prepared, to glvo i.n im-fo-i1ate nieseritation ot the ar- fans of V. c-tun Caiolina Teacheii College..: Amid the clamor of hammer, saw and chisel, with sawdust in the air, and the clangor of concrete mixers ,-stir-nng, thi staff of The Westun Caio linia'n, with the assistance of faculty, have assembled together some of the major events in the life of the col lege for these pages, and will be sent into 5.500 homes. Past and present administrations are proud of th,. achievements of Western Carolina Teachers ooiuge during this half-century of progress, and they, together with the state served, are firm believers in its lu ture, and in the territory, it repre sents and enhances. It is with that spirit that this edi tion is sent to you. A course in guidance was placed in the college curriculum here during the 19.38-39 session under the super vision of Dr. C. D. Killian, head of the Education Department. No spe cific text, is used for the course al though many different source books are read and consulted. The course i8 restricted to students in their junior and senior years and those who have received special permission from the (Continued on back page) EXTRA COPIES J Those denirina extra copies of, this special edition of The West' em Carolinian can secure them from Dan CvokCi business tnana ger of this newspaper.