TWELVE PAGES TODAY 'HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrant oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park FIFTH YEAR NO. 23 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939 $1.50 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties IfllTGflWICK R ESipS; W.D, SNflTM NORfllNAT EE) Will Entertain Royalty With Square Dance Tonight I f l " fil -.'1 ill V " n P 1 vm '' i ' 1 " j ttiiioiiniiH)QDiioniiiiii)i wmiiiniiii mr in utmnwrnt-rr mmmMMWMMwfciMBfMBmMMMMM i ' " mm This is the first published picture of the Soco Gap dancers that will cut figures for the King and Queen White House in Washington tonight, for eight mi:iutes. They graciously posed for the picture in front of ,iffl"t:iimer. and were all set and ready to go in fact it was hard to keep them still long enough for the pho- ihtr to jri t the picture. First row, left to right:. Martha Moody, Beuluh Caldwell, Iowa Ferguson, Jose Plott, Mr. Kyle Campbell, Carmen Plott, Mrs. Robert Hugh dark, Sam Queen, leader, Juanita Massey and Quwii. Second Row : Rankin Ferguson, Richard Qjeen, Wilbum Campbell, ; Ralph Moody, Kyle Campbell, ill Lcathei vvood ,and Joe Campbell. The little girl is Kyleen Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Camp Kathleen Boyd made the trip. She is not shown in the picture and will not dance unless one of the regulars Dancers Escorted i By Motorcade As ! They Leave Town . Soco (Jap Dance Team Will Per-! form For King And Queen Tonight At White House First Choice tt.Lee, Supt. wer Construction Painfully Injured Lee lo-t His Footing And ell 18 Feet Jpip A Rock . Lined Ditch Lee, superintendent of the action of the Waynesville, Ha "d, Lake Junahiska sewer lines, Blythe Pros.' Conmanv. of 'tte, suffered painful and se injuries hist Saturday morning, he lost his footing on the bank litch and fell about 18 feet, landed directly in front of a shovel that was ditrginr a ditch K.h a l'lK'k cliff. Tn th-.'fall -ha 'ted a knee, broke a bone in one nd received injuries to his lf and body bruises. ditch is located on the outfall lf 'he construction near the 01 C. R. Jaynes on the Crabtree The accident occurred about jf'dck in the morning. we was taken to the Haywood Hospitai for treatment, and " .has suffered greatly, his on in' view of his iniuries was N by hospital attaches, late t be satisfactory, and other memhprs nf his Mrfm Chesnee, S. C. have ar- w with him. , 's absence from the work delaying the construction. It Nted, that flip are bending every effort to !ie work kept up to schedule Will Lead Soco Dancers With a broad .smile, having just been informed that a Hroudwav pro ducer would be in the capital to talk over prospects for a contract for his Soco dance tiam, Sam Queen and his dancers left town yesterday afternoon for Washington around one o clock in high spirits. They was accompanied to Asheville by a motorcade, headed by a highway patrolman. Alter ar riving m Asheville they went to the (himiher of ( ommoree, whei. they were photographed and wire given some final in struction. Shortly before live o'clock tiny wire taKcn to the Southern station, and boarded the special chartered- 'car w hich will car ry them to the capita). F.xcitenu nt prevailed up and down the main street as the motorcade foiiucd near ;. the upper end ot the street, evi trying to catch a last glimpse of tile (lancers as thev lei I town. "Yes," We are going to dance the King's Highway, because it was one of the tiguies our ancestors brought over from England," said Sam Queen, manager. "Then we'll do the -London Itndge, too, the Wagon Wheel, and the Ocean Wave, and we'll end up with the (Continued on back page) iV my Chairman Brown Nominates Smith As County Agent J. ( Hrown, Vocational Teacher, Named As Second Choice liv .Hoard liiinvediatcly lollowmg e rcsig- W. I 'Mil 11 Second Choice Rotary President i f .:J , J A, ' "Caller" Sam Queen and his dancing partner, Mrs. Gertrude Plott Clark, will lead the dance tonight in Washington. This photo made by Sheriil s Studio, was made for The Mountaineer. I s S ' 1 Km . :- !A -1 - .jr.' c.'imowN Firms Purchase Large Flags For Street Displ: llKN K: COLKITT Energetic Jitterbugs Amazed At Fast Dancing Pace Of Soco Gap Dance Team Ken K. Colkitt has .been named president of the Waynesville liotaryl . .. . . . , i .. . n i I tub lor the coming year, ana win assume office on July first. 'New. 'incoming president will also attend the international convention in Cleveland in the next few weeks. M. H. Bowles, now serving as presi dent, will act as vice-president for the coming year, Jimmy Neal as sec retary and A. P- Ledbetter, treasurer. EDITOR'S NOTE: The following news release was made to all news papers from the news bureau of the (Continued on back page) Voice, o 7e People. kry Business Still Proves rofitable For L. H. Bramlett P(ears In Business on" if ' L H. BRAMLETT noto by SherriUS Studio. For 25 Years He Has Been In The Business, And Has Kept Pace With Times T. tl itvamlptt. rounded out twenty- five years as owner of a livery stable tha 5Stb. In the last quarter of a century the livery stable has undergone many changes, ana n nds tnUn o trppri business man to stem the tide of of the transition from the horse and buggy days to the stream lined motor car of today, and stay in the business and make money. For there is no denying tne tact i,t-.Vin travel shifted from horse flesh to motor vehicles money was lost on the horse. But "Lush nas Kpph able to meet changing conditions, and still make a profit. "Boys and girls don't nave tne iuo ti,.'iiel to. Now they don't think of anything but riding fast to an other town it's going places at tance that seems to count with them. They don't know you can travel slow . (Cintinued on page 7) ti ! nn fiml in bor of men capable of following Mi. W aynesvil'e to have a banner placed Roosevelt." across Main Street the day Presi- , . . dent Rooevelt comes through enrni R. T B'yd -Member of the Cou to dedicate the Park, which would ' ty Board of Commissioners I am read- "Welcome To The Third Term a third term for President Roosevelt. President." What is your opinion of 1 1 think he is a great man and re thi nlan' lieved this country when it was in the r AV. T. Rainer Farmer and stock m'icpr "The president, is not coming here on a political mission, so I think the banner would be out ot place, anu not in keeping with the occasion." J. R. Boyd President First Na- innit Rank "I think they ought to decorate the streets for the presi dent, but I don't think we will ever a tbird term president. I think that is one reason we get on so well in North Carolina, is 'because we nave a one term governor." greatest distress.' Robert V. Welch Sheriff "Good. I approve a banner with 'Welcome to the 3rd term President.' " Dr. C. N. Sisk District . Health officer "I am opposed to a third term for any president. The precedent set by George Washington still holds with me. I think there are any num- Mrs, Dyle D. Alley Active in the work of the N. C. Young Democratic Clubs "I think the plan of placing a large banner across the street read ing 'Welcome to our third ternt Pres ident' would be very timely and in deed pleasing to our Great President, as well as to the majority of visitors who will be with us that day from many cities of our own state, in cele bration of this outstanding ; occa sion. It, to me, would imply a re newal pledge of our faith and con fidence in his able leadership and in the far-sighted program of such mag nitude and effectiveness which he has go successfully inaugurated and directed throughout the United States, that here in our own com munity and state we have been able to see our citizens, old and young, working, well clothed and fed and enjoying the security of home and family life." Whenever the . occasion -demand-, Waynesville hiiMiu'ss Jioiim's along Mam slrei-t will 1 b,. prepared to. dis play (ilorv in front 'f every ' tablishment. A -shipment of .'4. large lliigs, 1J foot poles, were leeeived this week, and street crews are -drilling hole-, on the curb to fit the poles.- This shipment supplements a large --number- already here. A movement was started several weeks ago to have a flag for ever, business bouse, and as a result, it wa- said yesterday-, that, the campaign was almost 100 per cent. C. A. Ceorgc headed the work, and announced that those who purchased flags could call and get them from the Wayriesville lUiok Store. The flags are identical to those used on all government buildings anil ships, having been made by the firm who supplies Unci,, Sam. nation on Monday of K. K. Smithwii k, j county tarm agent tor the past two i veais. the county board of commis I sunn is went into executive session and upon .-nomination bv deorge A. i Hrown, Jr., chairnian ol the boat I, . Pulton Ninth, lormcr count agent, was elected to till the vacan cy. 1 he appointment was not unan imous, as . V. Boyd voted against the nomination of Mr. Smith. .1. t olvm Brown, vocational agn culture teacher in the W avnesville High School, was nominated, bv K. T. Itovd. Mr. Hrown was elected as second choice ot the board tor 'the position of county tanii agent, with I' rank M. I ;ivis not vol nig. Since the appointment of the coun ty farm agent is a punt 'selection made bv the county board ot commis sioners anil the state extension si I -vice ol the I . S. I 'opart incut of Ag ricult lire, Mr. Smith will have to be approved by the latter, before he will be ollicurtlv acceptable for the posi tion. ( has. ( . I rancis, clerk of the boaid, was instructed to not it y the exten hion service of the appointment of Mr. Smith. Other appointments made Mond.iv by the board included: the appoint ments of Miss Mary Margaret Smith to succeed herself as home demon stration agent; Robert M.: Boyd, of Jonathan Creek, as fire and forest w in -den to succeed J. Q. Allison. 'I he appointment of Miss Smith and Kobt. M. Boyd will also have to be continued bv the stale departments under which their work is grouped Hi van Medford was appointed to assist '.eav' 11. Mcf.i.uken, tax collector and J. J. I'ciguson, assist. ml tax collector, in the collection ot taxes. At a pout -meeting .-of the count v hoard- ol coninissoers, deorge A Brown, .1 1 ., I' rank ,M. I 'avis, ami I; I : Bovd, and eounl v w i I lai'e boaiil composed, ol II. i Ihur Osborne, Jimmy Boyd, and ( lit iord Brown, ol Which deorge A Brown, Jr., as chairman of the coun t v board of ciimiliissioii.ers, aiitonial .-. leallv becomes chairman, when the Itt:o groups meet, no action Was Inken regarding the appointment .u a county welfare olhcer. I wo appli cants for the position, Mis. .1. Pale - (( inliiiiied on page 7) Changes Made At Smith's Cut Rate The interior of Smith's Cut Kate Drug Store as been completely le iralTitod, and several counU'is and shelves added for display purposes. An air-condition system, whith idraws air from outside the st)i and sends it by huge blower fans com pletely changes the air every few minutes. The system is so arranged that in winter the same system warms the store. Local Merchant Looks Back On 34 Years Of Business '.34 Years A Merchant T. M. MeCracken Oldest Mereh ant On Main Street Philoso phizes On Life "I believe that the old saying, 'laugh and the wioi'ld laughs with you, weep and you weep alone,' tells the story of life, about as well as any one expression I know," said Theodore M. 'MeCracken, last week in reviewing the 34 years he has been in the clothing businss on Main street. . "For there is no getting around the fact, that the world just moves on. It wants to laugh, and if you have to stop to weep, you will be left along the wayside, so the best way, is to cast off your troubles, for nobody wants to borrow or share them, but your smile and your laugh will never fail to gather a crowd," continued Mr. MeCracken. Mr. MeCracken is the oldest mer chant on Main street in point of con tinued years in the same business. (Cintinued on page 7) THEODORE McCRACKEN Photo by SherriU's Studio. I .1