SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY Th sville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park TTHVEAR NO. 32 $1.50 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1939 WAYNE lake Fourth Annual Farm UOn Tuesday; see kIanv (..ooa itujccis E FARM OFFICIALS E TALKS ON TOUK lalf show In Afternoon tracts Large Crowds At IJethel School Hlfl'tA WAY GWYN i Mountaineer livestock industry 1. ti founilat inn for farming in j Couiitv. You will have iirs, gom and profitable 'torn time to time, but J.ive- i- piinj; to continue to be the ion of farming in this coun J L. I. Case, animal indus rcialist, from the State Ex Service, on the fourth an arm and Home tour, Tues- lr fuse has been familiar farming conditions in Hay- otinty for more than twenty tnnr from beginning to end larked with a fellowship of interests, a great desire to k the other fellow was doing kit -thinK you were trying out Lr farm, and how his was f : . . Ai Ig on his larm. uiien sume kce was made to the recent a irioui) of the Haywood h to Tennessee and Virginia. lean once we heard the re- Wow if we just worked lev do in Tennessee and Vir- fce would have what they do. hi is every whit as good, but going to have to learn to rm Specialists Point Livestock As Best "Crop" For H. County i : Acquired For St. John's Private School tour was sponsored by the N Mutual Soil Conservation land Use Association, assist- the county farm agents. It timated that around 500 , including farmers and wives, and business men of Inty, and state officials took the tour, which was orga- In Depot Street here and was by cars all along the way. hist stop was made at the Picnic Speaker Highway Commissioner Agrees To Pave Nine Miles of Grabtree Road Saves Lives Of 32 Hi iames O. K. McClure, Jr., will be the principal speaker at the annual Farmers'. Picniq at Bethel on Saturday. J.G.K. McClure Will Speak At Annual Picnic Farmers Federation Will Hold Annual Affair At Crabtree School Saturday Workmen me busily engaged in completely renovating the J. R. Thomas residence on ( luirch Street, for a private granimer school, which will op 11 Tuesdiiv. Seplemhi'r ,r)th. Tile liuililing and prop erty were purchased this week by the Catholic I Mo ese. o! KaleigU. . Kev. A. t. luihi'liaohei', pastor 01 St John's will be supeniiteiideiit of the new school, nml Ki v. Sister Mary ( orine, will be principal. Plans a iv being made to have facilities available for Uo d i.v stud, nt s w hen the school opens. A limited num ber of boarding students will be taken. $4,000 Is Being Spent On J. R. Thomas Building For A Private Grammer School I . - f ' James G, K. McClure, president of the Farmers Federation, and H. Allen Coggins, a director from Buncombe county, will be the prin cipal speakers at the fourth an nual federation picnic for Haywood county to be held Saturday, Au gust 1, at Crabtree school. H. Arthur Osborne, of Canton, a Haywood County director, of the farm co-operative, will preside and introduce the speakers. Indications point to an uriusu- it. i .j. .....v , any large uiieiiutiiiue, ntturumR If C, R. Liner, on the Howell 1 10 Max Roberts, federation field num easing ure Kiuut man in charge oi arrangements lor the picnic. A great deal ot In terest, he added, has developed in a singing convention which will feature the afternoon program A number of choirs, quartets and specialty performers from all oyer the county are expected to partici pate. The" day's program will start at 10 o'clock in the morning with addresses by Mr. McClure and Mr. Coggins, music by the federa tion string band and a number of contests. An event on the morn ing program expected to attract many entrants and create a lot of fun will be a tall story contest. Prizes will be awarded in all con tests and the winning choir, quar tet, specialty performers and tall story teller will qualify for dis trict championship finals to be held at the federation's regional picnic to be held Wednesday, August 10, at Swannanoa. Those attending the picnic are expected to bring their own lunch es, but the federation will provide free watermelon and lemonade. '"This picnic is open to all who want to attend," Mr. Roberts said. "Although it is sponsored by the federation, it is more than just a federation picnic it is for farm ers of the entire county and c are looking for a big turn-out." the loud speaker, furnished mers by Smith's Cut Kate Store, Albert McCracken. fnt of the Association, wel- those present and mtro- C. Lynn, the new county bent, who spoke briefly. re -speaking at the Liner pre: R. W. Shoffer. assis- strict county agent, J. F. i, specialist in land plant . and L. I. Case. Plantincrs ftcp, coin, clover, and lespe fre inspected here. Liner stated that he used -hes and phosphate, and as was averaging 75 bushels to an acre, and that the red jas used as a rotation crop, luineci under for the second S of those observing the to ommented that it was the P they had seen this year, stings were of White Burr ! Judy's Pride. Mr, Liner the merjts of strip crop "4 Vta'ted that he intended " 5 ::: hod on his farm next Lynn demonstrated how to (! could be saved by the each year. He further nded this as the best meth ecuring seed, as that taken r plant had been acclimated -M bring better results in or the following year. Pessary to Wade through t'h lush Nntinued on baee" 12) Voice Of People... 41 hp f?1iJ M 1mA N week and every week. I The column htta Ivpn ratie to include more ans- rrs and it was found r practical to put tt on rc eaitonal page than on oc irnnt i --"hi. ia iormeriy. . Ten New Busses Are Added To School System Five Are Replacements And Five Additions, Total Of 34 Busses In County Ten new buses ha ve been added to the school transportation sys tem of Haywood County, accord ing to a statement from Jack Messer, county superintendent of education. Five of the busses have 17-foot bodies and 15 are 19 feet, the form er, with a carrying capacity of 65 and the latter of 85. Eight of the buses are Dodges and two are Chevrolets. One will go to Bethel, two will be operated in the Canton area, and one in Waynesville, with the extra one to be placed after the opening of schools. The replacements and the pur chase of the additional busses Was made in compliance to instructions made by the grand jury in feb ruarv. and a representative from the state school commission, in his annual spring inspection of state school vehicles. TV,.. rVlllsis of tWO Of the (dd hussps will be converted into coal i Ducks, to haul fuel to the schools. Two will be reserved for spare County Offices To Close At 1 On Sat. Beginning on this coming Saturday, August the 12th, all the offices of the county offi cials and department of the county activities, wilt be closed promptly at one o'clock, here after with the exception of the office of the county sheriff. The matter has been under consideration for nomt time, and Was definitely settled this week. St. John's School Will Open As Private Crammer School Sept. 5th FACILITIES WILL BE Available for 125 S. II. Bushnell, Jr. Accepts Position With Nello Teer Sam H. Bushnell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Bushnell, who has been with the construction di vision of the State Highway and Public Works Commission, has re cently accepted a position with Xello" Teer, grading constructor. Mr. Bushnell has gone to Linville, where he will be located for several months, in his new position. Travel In Park Breaks Records; 163,793 Counted Travel records into the park were broken in July, when l;:t,7!).'l persons, in 45,155 Vehicles visitel the section, according to an actual count made by the Park Service. There- were mure visitors from Ohio visiting' the park than then: were from North Carolina. Ten nessee led the list, with North Carolina coming in for third place, and Illinois fourth, Indiana fifth, and Georgia in sixth place. Cars from 47 state, the district of Columbia, Hawaii, France, Cuba, K.nyland. Scotland. Wales, and Faculty Will Be Members Of The Teaching Order Of The Sisters Of St. Francis Two Wl 1 Do reseiveu -iui " . . - . .-, , . . parts and used for repair parts,, three provinces of Canada, Ontario F'' . . . ,, Cobuiz-Viouun nil Nova Scotia. with the bodies destroyed follow ing instructions from state au thorities. One will be kept lo 'use in cases of emergency. , Last year the busses traveled miles per bus, carrying an average of 152 pupils per bus, to taling in all the transportation of more than 4,000, This year it is estimated that around 4,500 stu dents will be carried to and f.nm school in the 34 busses, : : ; Last year the Haywood County school bus system made the high est average number of miles per bus, and with the least cost, with the exception of Yancey county in the last named instance. GOING ON BUYING TRIP Mrs C. J. Recce leaves Sunday for a'buving trip to tfew York. She will buy fall and winter mer chandise for Massie's Department store, and plans to be gone a week. $3,000 In Land Sold At Auction Approximately $3,000 in real es tate was sold and confirmed here yesterday, with Gossett Realty Company, 'Selling farm and town lots at public auction. : Several lots were bid on, out had not been confirmed as The Mountaineer went to press yester day. " The W. C. McCracken farm was confirmed, it was leported, and several of the H. L. Liner lots on Highway No. 19. The Dr. Abel estate opposite the LeFaine Hotel was not confirmed. Mr. and Mrs. J. T- Bridges had as the guest over the week-end, their rmisin, Louis Bridges, of Greenville, S. C. . Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia Travel for this past month is 19 per . ceiit above that of the same liiofith last year. : So far this year, travel is 11 per cent above last year, Lenoir York Wins Scholarship To State College Lenoir York, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. I). York, of Bethel, has just received official Word from State College, Raleigh, and from Scars Roebuck and Company, of Atlanta, that he is one of the twenty agri culture students in the state t) receive a $100 scholarship to N.: C. State College, The boys were se lected by the college on the basis of scholarship activities, project work, and many other points. There was only one boy selected from any one county. This is quite an honor for Lenoir to get, in that the selw tion places him as the outstanding farm boy in Haywood county.: Young York has a record equaled by few students. He never made under an "A" during his four years in high school. He was the cham pion in the state seed judging ard crop identification contest in 1937. He was president of his local FFA chapter, president of the student council, and held marv other offi ces and won many of the awards given to outstanding students at the end of each school year. Lenoir will enter the school of agriculture this fall at State College. 1 he J. R. 1 homas residence on Church street was acquired here Tuisday by the Catholic Diocese, of Kah'igh, and plans were com pleted for the opening of St. John's School, a private grammar school in the building on September fifth 'Contracts were also let Tuesday, and work has begun on th, com plete renovation of the interior and exterior of the building; together with landscaping. Modern school equipment has also been purchas ed, and everything weir underway to make the building into a school with accommodations for pupils. At least $4,000 will be spent hi getting the building ready for the opening of school, according to Rev. A. F Rohrbacher, superintend ent and pastor of St. John's church here. ' A new heating plant will be in stalled in thP near future. The school will be conducted hy the Sisters of St. Francis, whose headquarters are in Milwaukee. It was announced yesterday that Rev. Sister Mary Conne, M. A. will he principal of the school. Rev. Rohrbacher stated that Highway 209 Would Be Pav ed From Present Pavement To James' Store 'CONFERENCE HELD WITH I COUNTY COMMISSIONERS i Count v Commissioner R. T. Boyd Is Conlincd In Ashe ville Hospital .1. ('. Walker, of Asheville. dis- I trict engineer of the State High way ami Public Works Commission and K. L. .McKee, of Sylva, mem ber of the commission in confer ence with the Haywood county board ot commissioners in their meeting here Monday, agreed to hai ilsurface the road from Crab tree to Fines Creek, from the end of the present concrete road to the stole of Norman James, a dis tance of approximately It miles. For more than ten years the people of this section have agitat ed a hardsurfaced road. The pres ent highway is of gravel and is in an unsatisfactory condition for the amount of travel that daily goes over it. This is one of the most Impor tant roads in the county. One out let leads through Spring Cneek into Hot Springs. Another outlet goes from Max Patch into Delrio, Tenn. The road makes a complete circle including Fines Creek, Crab tree. White Oak and Jonathan Creek, back into Waynesville. The lime miles .of proposed hard surfaced construction goes through one of the finest grazing and ag ricultural areas of the county, and one of the best tobacco acreage in Haywood. Chas. K. Ray, Jr., in behalf of eiTtiiiii' phases of the work rela- Uive to the completion of the Park to Park Highway appeared before the board, pointing out the urgency of the filial construction. .The irreater part of the meeting The minimi', home-coming day of i Monday was spent in routine mat tlie former ataloochee residents , ters that come up the first of each will be held at, Palmer's chapel on ' ni(,th. ( ataloochee in the Great Smoky . t. Hoyd, a member of the board, was absent at the meeting ion Monday, being confined in an i Asheville - hospital on account of i illness. Cyiilliiu (.'liupln Daughter of Robert D. Chaptn, secretary of the Hartford, Conn., National bank, Cynthia Chaptn, 22, is being hailed as a heroine following her brave efforts In sav ing the lives Of 32 companions clinging to a capsized yacht In Long Island sound off the Con necticut shore. Miss Chapin swam for 45 minutes until her cries at tracted the attention of a tugboat crew. Annual Reunion Is To Be Held At Cataloochee All Former Citizens Of The Section Will Meet Sunday At Palmer's Chapel Mountains National Park on Sun day, August the 1.3th. With the commir of the Park the ! landowners of ( ataloochee disposed of their holdings which were ali- sorbed by the Park and they settled ,ir.i. 1 in various parts of North Carol ina William MCLraCKCn and other stales. At the reunion TTT! 1 : last year, thirty-eight states were j Ills T T V IlUllUL S, I epi eseiiieu. i The Rev. T, A. Grooco, who was mistiir of Palmer's Chapel twenty- five years ago will he the principal ! w() JIemers Of Local Chap- .iw.nkm- with informal talks made! " . .. Going To Kansas C. ter Win Coveted Honors In State And District hv ii number of others. H. L. Woody, of Covington, Ky., Hon of Uncle Steve Woody, with ! business affiliations in CnU lUmm McCtacken has just I plans to ,-lfer p.ev , to , the ol.lest wimRr f the gu 'former resident of the ( ataloochee . , . , , ,i ,.,. pervised practice jirogram contest Township, the father or mother of .? 1 . '. ', , ' '. , i i ,., in the mountain district, and has the largest -fanny raised on lata-1 ' ' , , ., i,.,.,,, fl., ,h been reconiinentied hy the state I1, oochec, the person ah.scnt 1 lorn the ... , , . . .....,:., th.. ,n,.atest nnmber of 1 . A. officials to ) ece.v e the Amer- for the coming year, pupils will he; H as ther distinctions I'a'n'e' "ir'' th.b fall. ThH . , .. t . . .... i- ' 1 ... tiitrtiriut rvitom tfi( ntinniil ticcept.eil lrom the ni si to ,i.(.,,(r,uz,.(l w ith prizes. ;. V'v "": ' . , " " Hih grades, and there 'will-also he jhis will be the fourth reunion chai.trr of the Future farmers of a kindergarten class. Accommoda-, r ti(. Cataloochee Township, and -America can bestow. lions will be available for both day ..vervohe is eoi.lially invited to at- The at umemcnt came after a s:udcnts and a limited number -f tend and bring a ba'skel lunch. . visit to the home ot young ivic hoarding pupils, it Was said. Mark Hannah- is president of the Cracken by K. J. Peeler, assistant A feature'' of the new i .nv.nt. Mi-. .lim Caldwell, vice supervisor of agricultural educa- school will be a complet.. music d partnient, for piano and other In strumental music. "Western North Carolina pupils, of all denominations, are wolcnh'te to attend St. John's School, which will be the only private grammar school west of Asheville," accord ing to Rev. Rohrbacher. The tuition for day pupils was announced as being $5 per month, and $35 per month for boarding pupils. Reduced ; rates will he made available in cases of where more than one child from the same family attends, it was said. The teachers of St. John's School have been equipped by long train ing and have dedicated their entire life to the work of education Irl conformity with the Jdeals a Christianity and Americanism. Th" Teichig 0-der of t1:" Sis ters ft St. Francis was founded in Milwaukee. Wis., in 1819, al most one hundred years ago, and has bten emrneed in both elemen tary and higher education ever since. The Order number 749 teaching members and operates ow college, one normal school, five high schools and fifty-five grammar (Continued on page 5) tion last. week. . Young McCracken, son of Mr. and Mrs Crawford McCracken, will be given a free trip to the national convention of Future Farmers in Kansas City in October. He was state winner in 1937, and this will makc. his second trip he has won on merit. James Francis, winner of this C. C. Hanson will be the speaker year's state contest, and also a .1 . . i 1J ......... , a i. i l r.-i.. Trt iirtvnt-n j L-uiit"ii, , memDer oi ine iocui rucuie ruiui- 19th, at the rrs chapter, will make the trip to C. Haynes at i rcimsns Citv in comnanv with Mc- president, and F. W. W oody, han man of the attc ndain e conimittee. C. C.Tlanson Will Speak At Haynes Reunion On 19th at the annual Saturday, August ri(;iiit? yjx vji-wie ...... ...... "-i jvansas v n inivuiimnj ua- Clyde, it was announced -this. week. s-fYarken ami their instructor, J, C. i hi? jii ugi am win wviu t V-' i xJrowri, o'clock, according to J. H. Haynes, j gix members of the local chapter chairman, and will consist of niu- W'on trips to the national conven sical numbers, both vocal and in- tion since 1937. strumental. Some of the younger) group will give recitations during TG Write Book About the program. ...... I Life Of A Hillbilly The devotional will be led rv Rev. W. M. Gerald, pastor of 'h i "" " . Baptist church and Rev. E. C. Tom Jim.son, well known in Price pastor of the Methodist i Haywood, "was reported by the church Charlotte News, this week, to be One of the features of the rn-' on the way to this county from his nual affair is the spreading of din- home in Charlotte, and while here ner picnic style. ; will start writing a book about this "All friends and kindred are section, the sub-title of which will cordially invited to attend," Mrs. , be: "The Autobography of a Hill Grady Rogers, secretary, said. billy."

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