1940 T.keeP Pce wii in-" aircraii m ""Ti-mnautici 11 nilots and' the vast training kfar the v ha i.. c lam roa -it-trftininff 'I ...:i;un Miw-V"- - . cr."n have turned ..ft nl- , collet ana uu Jun!.;Croximate. 'ra"."" 7'iwe year L.'ts 1,1 . 1 A will "r te 15,000 ... courses W on a three-month "io of the first group i way b.V June o and ill tinisn -" Public Testimony! Hnzplwood Will Flav lwn laffwe Games This Week THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER Page 15 r . : Nazis Capture a French Tank .up Hinckley, chairman of , L . uthority would O into the program A count on coi.fc an additional $3-,Uuu, requested. . . between tne v to in"1 , and .- iiwihiiiiiiiiiiiihi'iiii ii ii i - 1 will play two games in the Indus trial League this week when they meet Sayles Bleachery on the local UI1U ta'l ivii jn wuuuuj wa The Salyes contest is a regular scheduled game, but due , to the Fourth of July program the regu lar schedule which called for two games between Canton and Hazei wood will be scattered to other nf which falls for Sun day on the local diamond. The Manuiacturers win return the game at some later date. 1 fen ..lined IRear Admiral John H. Towers of l . r nvrr O lit"! ffl inIrh :ir. ,the Wavy Bureau .. u V.A RpnBtn naval ax- indicated a pomidu - " .hearing on the avi- may be admjtwu - expansion biU. Suggestion 300 and 4uu ,that hta testimony on th- smau. 4 under tnis yai o innmber of naval planes do sup-i a., elf nnfr.ion I j and thAT&t3 Vrun ii mt presseu w . 11 mmOll I -AnrtA TYinHa DUbllC- i j as it c)UU1' . . ' hips and do many Mr. Hinckley stated . :':.! hit A5.0OU ton to in"""" jt,e fundamentals oi Lmission has plans un- L' secondary instruction f o . . i A itional flymg nouIB -InU who already have ntary training. at least 3,000 new in- Beef Producers Will Hold Meet Here On Saturday All Haywood County beef cattle ara. Invito t- a meet- piiniutci) r - ing to be held on Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock in the court house. The purpose of the meeting is to complete the organization of the Haywood County Beef Cattle As- crvnioHnn prill id lllSCUSS SOme Of the plans of the group. Consideration will be given to the beef cattle show which will be held this fall, a consignment sale that is under contemplation, and plans to take a carload of cattle to the State Fair. & '.; f -:--v,r Ciil-rJ IM; 1 -f- If is I m .11 1 1 vN i v til it I I i I Nation's Beauty Bill , Is Set At $142,000,000 Chicago. Ab-jut this buainew of being beautiful: The American Hairdresser, beau ticians trade paper, reported that 40,000,000 women spend $142,000, 000 annually in beauty salons. Of this amount, approximately $6,000, 000 is spent for scalp treatment; $13 000,000 for cosmetics; $15,000,- ' - - n 000 for manicures; w,vuu,uuu i dyeing and bleaching hair; $18,000, 000 for facials; $73,000,000 for per manent waves. Cerman censor-approved caption says this picture shows Nazi soldiers capturing a V rem-h medium pk A member of the French tank crew! hands aloft, is leaving his stranded veh.cle. 1 he photo wa. mud bv one of Germany s soldier-pitoiograpners. Supreme Court Makes History While Its Philosophy Shifts New Words Brouaht IntoPiiblicUseByWar i : 1 "" . ... . ..-., nt 25 'retresner cuuiota 000 active and inactive ..A.Y,mi'cial ratings. Lg" some 7,000 inactive ots w th 15-hour course. ..oiinWp 25-hour re- iurses to approximately hn AT. COURSE vv"" . ...... t It ion. a special la-nour be given to 25,000 stu will have qualified a3 nmii.p the civilian pi- L program but who are Jtatcly selected lor sec The war has brought these words into general use: BLITiKKrulU me leciiiiinuc "lightning war" preferred by Ger- i ... 1. iinnofrnlVi many, rrogress m "" tion and massed motor transport helped make it possible. Used by Italy m liitniopia, uui, vc did not get into wide circulation until the Polish campaign by Ger- . . v dadashi " s ' une wuu J. n !V(kUl rt mtuii nnrnrhtite invaders Grew out of the organization of volunteers in England to guard nymiin influx from the ttgaiuav vv. sky. STUKAS Dive bombers. The p.,,, tnkn bomber was used Halters Halted ininor Iv ! uci man . ncklev said that 90 per; ... ,.f cl,-onRK in a divine tech- r i w iUll t, " . the students already en-.; . QU Tne worj ja now used to ecomlary training in 1 , describe all ,jve bombers. lave expressed tne ulmio : i-ortftPQ Armored" into military aviation, tcrm that Ihey will require BtUl sou-; A- - , hq trainingbefore they . J-LnA ,mphasized, "will not be I FIFTH COLUMN The loyal f pilots in any sense. All force witnm me - I must start somewhere,"; the spies, traitors and alien eie- ment. depending on viewpoint Lining, he described, is a . When General Franco marchedon i in the aviation inuusiry. iviaariu ne u --r , , ..:..;. i,J t.,'.,n witbin the capital ainmes nave come uj ymyui.n.".-' i , Kir reserves on pilots, he were termed "the fifth eolrnm., I Since then, use of the term has if? for the new program spread. Germany perfected the in Norwav. iiiaieiy avauaDie ai "oo uevnc ii nd universities and in 75 j ERSATZ German for substi- ties where last year's , tute. There are many in me w was conducted on a non-! ,an wehrwirtschaft, which means jis. Further colleges will, the science of organizing a nation a economy lor military i""- t S?Bkft ill v ... M' "'!S v-l A'- ( V?KAtJ I to the program if they iisible, Mr. Hinckley said, f "ta of non-college trainees increased under the pro m 8 to 15 per cent. About nes or one for 15 students available for the trainees' I Hinckley estimated. I, . . . ... juais wishing to apply for ft training are advised to she nearwif Vr.orafiTi rnm- I - "O I ,, 1 . AT. - vuuege enrouea m ine :ts life - Size sion By Fall Ynrlr :: -icicTujiun uii iuir l , wvMuiiug a vy fore next fall is forecast by prnoff, president of Radio Fn of America! He indi F probability that tele ptallations would be avail Jf howings in motion pic Ftreg. lARIABLE NATTTR1T Ire it a mutable cloud which r-" ua nerer tne samev Munitions Cost Much, President Points Out Washington. Modern weapons of war cost a lot of money, Presi Aa Ronspvelt said in his radio AAr.. Snndav nieht. He gave OUUL bO0 " ' l 4liAQn nriM RS Samples " Four-engine long-range bomb ing plane, $350,000. 4 i .... Interceptor pursuit piauc, t 000. - M;m hnmhpr. J160.000. Three-inch anti-aircraft gun, $40,000, without fire control equip ment. . I Heavy tanks, $46,000. Mary Grenwetz (left) and Cecelia Roman, unemployed waitresses, were ticketed by a perspiring po- .. . kfV,inor in halter 8 liceman ior sun i - -M and shorts in Centra Park New York City, magistral j- -- , 1 day. a pnowKi'"" ; ; . dne. Here are the girls back in i their apartrnerifc. nop- Back, His Whiskers uone Tulsa. Okla.Scotty wears an embarrassed expression now, in stead of his whisKers. -to Mrs. Harry W. Nelson, the cv, fprrier's owner, but some- body stole him and when he rer ..! ot ihfl back door a cou- appcai .-- pie of days later ail ms had been shaved. Household Hint Good care of paint brushes after each using will enable ona to use the same brush for many paint Jobs. Wash the brush in turpen tine to remove al paint, then wash tt thoroughly in warm water and oap ends. Rinse in warm water, dry, and then wrap in paper. HEN IT'S REAL ESTATE ALWAYS CONSULT f :,. The L. N. Davis Co. urawe Real Estate Rentals . Bonds B0NE 77 -:- MAIN STREET Today's V2nu By U li I I f ii .'.1 .u; ic villi rtnn't want to noll e- itH diiH.er preparations until tne last;' minute, try mis -i- . i..m nil. vetretaoles cockv- and everything rcdy for a qx. - v.. 1 J..n.V. MOl. meal, llie siiurvcaRe fc-- .. je prc-pared: hours before, kept 1 1; the ref nrrerator and baked when the grill is done. Bacon Grill Watercress' Sa! a -i Strawberry Shortcake Coffee Baron Grill Dne pound slice bacon, one bunch asparagus, f tablespoons butter six slices pn, apple, three large cooked potato, one-fourth cup grated cheese. Arrange all ingredients individ aally'on the broiler rack. Dot as paragus and potatoes with butter and sprinkle with grated cheese. Broil at a moderate temperature until Cacon i uuhb - and vegeuble heated through and browned. iurnu.wii ww... range fruiU and vegetables in cen ter witn uatui, '" . The broiler rack shoald be placed bout three inches from the source eTheat to give the best results. Broiled bacon should be crisp, but act brittle. Bacon slices which have en Placed cold on a cool broiler rick will usually Ke flat and can be attractively served. Washington. The Supreme court has made history in the present term. The term has included the loOth ; .... C ia rrtlirt. annivcrsui f It has marked tne aoveni ui n fifth Roosevelt appointee to tne body, giving the president a ma- JW 'VJ -- Above all. it has marked swoep- .,..niiit victories and a iK ' . broad extension vi ibk" v in a series of historic decisions. Nearly all of these decisions have been, in one way or another, favor able to the government's arguments. llnfir winding up its affairs the court sustained the validity of the oil production oruera .- i i... v.o Tovna Km road cum- sueu ujr mo m.- mission, upheld by 8 to 1( Justice Stone dissenting), tne action m . Pennsylvania school ooaru in im pelling two pupils for refusing to salute the flag, and completed oth- The big cases of the year were ' ' 4lwton wVlil'h and defined the goveinnicnls au thority. .in sucli matieis u . ". i i !,. u -1)11111 nm tne trv power ol agcnCH'S; iim; "' National Labor Relations board. Contrary to reports, the pusim of a maj.iirity.-ot wcw .i-m J"- tices was not decisive in most cihus and in only one or two minor in stances was more an u...-....u..v. cleavage between them and wo ; four other court nieiw'a .. i;..i ;.w. 4.tiilincv ever, there .avus u "" - - for the live newcomers to auojn the same approach. - six-ro ru he e dec ixion , iu. i,,v llnsii'rv case, for example. May 27, which established the government s powi-i trade unions under the anti-trust act but in the specuic empted a union from triple dam- .M n all (III W 1 1 OV1 invi a itch in. . . court diviiled on tne lavu.- 6 to 3. The five "New Deal" jus tices were joined Dy r. - Stone, a former Kcpupncan m.- 1 I (H 1 1 llll'K I' WB ney general tee The dissenting minority of lte ... ,.H of the chief o Hce and Justices McReynolds ana ruuu yo. , . . w- . i nu in i.wir iinii"1 (in tne same .. . cases dealing with army re-ennst- i n.nrKin nuuiB vi v tain trucking company . wnployees, the five "New Deal judges, ' Black, Reed, Frankfurter, vou . j.i:..,o maioritv rulings t.f "the four other 0 o Tnpsp were almost court menii.- ---- - the only instances m V ... ... .i," Wva eomolete- five 'new uuaioo . lv broken with the other members. ' ... . , 117:111, ; in n n article m weno.cu i"""-; . - r, i i .. h vpninir the aaturu-j- " ;, . - I Now His. Marrh H. 1 ne - . - charged that the remodeled court 16 ,. -KomwH the had 8UDStaiii.""J . . American form of government At- torney General iwk. . - ----replyfng to the article in his Bos repiyii b . .. 9 recalled ton college spec-v... .-i--- -. - that in the 14 cases cited by Mr willkie six were decided by the court i others only Mr Kooseveii.. - Roosevelt judge had JJrj- pointed, whose 'the re- uu3havVbeenthesan.if the president nau ty.1 r ., c l oocio nlnnp. the nnprative. a relatively mmi in operative, a Ro-eveit appoin- 111 19S?'.! inad bv Mr. JUS- tees aecisi'i v - . S Stone (as again in the Apex case). - f,jt a KfiKTi . . t bow that the The iacu d". change in the court philosophy ap- neared wluIC . bewhip, but the accumulating j.. inrm iuat finishod in tlicates that the now tendencies are being confirmed by the live rvoose- velt appointees. Most frequent dissenter is io- yoar-old Justice MeKeynoids, oniy member left regarded as "consor- vative" by the administration. Like the chief justice, also 'in, ne miuwb no desire to retire, at least until after the fall election. With theso two, Mr. Justice Roberts' name nns r ti.i li....n counli'il in ilissonts. 1 I t'um-ii v. j 1 There have also been frequent cases in which the Roosevelt appointees took different sun's. In two big oil decisions the Su rname court held with the govern ment and broadened its anti-trust the Sherman act and Patent law did not permit price regulation; in the Madison case it found 12 big midwestern oil companies guil ty of conspiracy to raise prices. The anti-trust drive of Thurman Ar nold in the justi-o department nas been upheld at many points by the court. In sustaining the gov ernnient's 1937 Bituminous Coal act, the court agreed that the fed eral and state governments could use price-fixing to aid an ailing industry. I contr vi'holds sum The Apex case defined the rela tion of the Sherman act to labor, while it ruled in another ease that the 1037 agricultural marketing act did not bar prosecution under anti-trust laws of a group of Chi cago milk dealers. The court in the past term con tinued its succession of decisions upholding authority of tho Na tional Uibor Relations board. Oth er decisions upheld federal admin istrative agencies in acting without 1 .mi interference. In a 1UW1-1 ...v ..- number of such decisions the nign court placed responsibility on con gress for the agencies' power. power; in the Kthyl case it helddo right Mo man has a right to do as be) pleases except whon he pleasea to C. Simmons. ' , . ' 1 . '.. ' ' ' . ' ' : ; '". Associate Stofe! Every RED TAw Marks SPKC1AL VAIDK SALE ENDS JULY 3rd J.CGalusha, owner v Main Street 1' d V(Vi -A Waynesville 1 n dm t '. V. Ml I DAVIS "Safety Crip" (;nriil. e 2 ea nAUIC DcLuxC Cuaranlrrii III Mifili " I f lrlml' . ' . I v..r.. v-l.rl., 1 .. . 1 i i 1 ... . . f .- 4 3 t.7.r.l' H 1 (o.i 3.25-18 5.SO-17 6.00-16 6.S016 $.22 lO.Vlf n.r2 12.55-13.25 $.l." 6.5 6.511 7.6' B.06 .7 10.6B f 1 0.2.1 1045 11.55 12.20 12.110 13.05 16.95 $7,111 7.32' 8.09 8.51 8,"6 9.77 1 1 .87 2 Cell Streamline FLASHLIGHT -i lwo nt this low One for home. one for Car. . 1 For Your Old BATTERY On A New. $50 WIZARD DeLUXE More pP and power longtr life. 4t fist. For Moat Can Guaranteed 2 Full Year. (ExcfcR.) Rn'i or - Girl's Model 21 45 Her In rur ,b'i vitlue Hrnullful, Mod- It lei thnn you'd e- 7.ci 10 py or irBc(J,..,&,.PbiK.; of Bum t Klve y of cyc ling gervlce and luxury! jSW GpuppedBike ..iIahiI value. tk. AMI m a.nai tlonal value While 'w,11 VT1 ip type handle .' lamp and many other rcaturra A Complete Line Of WIZARD Radio Tubes We Can Save You Money. ni.ti With These "TRUETONE" RADIOS ' . , latnnuiii v nee. l'Un-M"-ton tuning. Do mestic and for eign reception. Battery Model Has tie Radio- Uaea low cost battery paek. Fine tone volume. .... .4 Q95 Lom Battery. try. v. '!3Ur Full size t- ""X I "DeLttxe" Sturdy. 8lel w lw Braced Cot. 4.tt Rlfla. . "DeLttxt l"TolVirLT:TEOlI7CnAGE OF GOOD PEN N Cars of 5-Qt. Capacity n quarts S7(i plus tax J M y ith fach WIZARD WASHERj All ror r-f RuDer - .f 111.1.11L Com ... 1 . V. nul .landing mod- Fully Ooa an teed. With Pump 63.45 . I. and B.cptmg WI1ARD eco-o-r - - - - Guaranteed Satisfaction or Money 8 V,' TELESCOPINC STtEL 00 Fxtenda from Jf to SVi". Re- veralble cork handle for J1.19 eaating of fir flhing . 100 Yd. Adiub CASTINC REEt - r4vaa r af ft Quadruple multiplying. DARTCASJJNC .tUJI . a . Rirk allk teat U lbe. to yo SNEUXO HOOKS CarlM Rlngxt " Phg of '' LUCKY" FLY ASS'T. 1 r.r him wltk aplnner . MINNOW HyCKfr. I qt.sUe 19c 50c 1

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