;DAV, JULY 18, 1940 THE WAYNES YILLE MOUNTAINEER Tage II j Lions Club Meeting At L ville Lions Oub held nesV" L Thursday, in fSLifin Spring. Hotel 1 .ttendance. I ptot, first . J president from the out- K installed -were: G. Sndvicepresiden; 35, third vice Pfden; ylincaster, director for ,.'c H. Barrett, lion tam ".i.: toil twister: Hen- L Treasurer, and w. 1 Jr., will continue to serve Pw8rds for that tended one nunm i , civ monuis ww L to Henry Davis, G, C. rn anu ",v" - , , ,i ...Ttinn was made ol Lt had not missed j more L and two meetings during months. Hopkins was presented a ., .!. kttnn Vv Evander retiring vice presiaem. 'ii.'jinnw 'i snecial at- waf presented by Mrs. Moss Rodenhouser, wno is n.. n fnr her humorous t 8nd who is spending the h in waynesviue. er pave several snort skiis tre well reeeiveu. conclusion of the readings lurned to the dance pavillion joyed an hour of dancing. N. C. Pioneer State In Birth Control Attend John on Reunion John Sutton reunion, was Unoer Cove Creek, July 4, borne of his youngest eon, Sutton. Sutton was born in the pk section. Haywood Coun- br the Tennessee line, and e youngest son of Dick Sut ler. Sutton moaner aiea jhe was very small, his father W in the Civil War. At of eight years old he came with his brother, Solomon After his marriage to Matilda Shelton he lived on un Creek for two years, and ed the remainder of his life Iper Cove Creek. He is now irs old. wife, Sarah Matilda Shel- FOOD VALUES Plain or Self -Rising FLOUR 24 Pound Bag 59c Clinics Already Established In 57 Of State's 100 Coun ties; Advice Given Married Women On How To Avoid Having Babies RALEIGH The South it preaching birth control on Tobacco road and Mill Village alley. Leader m tne movement is the North Carolina board of health, which already has established clin ics in 67 of the state's 100 counties. At the clinic, indigent married women may receive advice on how to avoid having babies. Since March 15, 1937, when North Carolina became the first state in the union to enter offi cially the birth control business, thousands of women have beea given instruction. Nobody knows, of course, exactly how many births have been prevented, but North Carolina health officials say there have beeui "considerably few er" babies born in homes where poverty, ignorance, and diseases are constant companions. One aim of birth control, as ex pressed by the state board of health, is to take out of tirodue- tian submarginal parents who pro duce below normal children. Reduce Deaths Before poneering in its "plann ed rjarenthood" campaign the statu board made a study to determ ine why North Carolina has oca) of the highest infant and mater nal death rates. The answw seemed to be twofold: 1. Because of rjovertv and ie norance, approximately one-fourtn of the babies borji each year in the state came into tne worm witiv out the aid of a Physician. 2. Women whose health had hpen broken bv too many births kept right on having children. Don Wharton, writing in the At lantic Monthly on the state's pro cram, recently figured that if the remainder of the nation multiplied as do North Carolinians, 700,000 more Americans would be Dorn Annually. One way to attack the problem was to provide more medical at tention for prospective mothers. This is being done in 185 clinics scattered through the state. An other way was birth controls-par- ticularly for women who were physically unfit to become mothers. In 1936, the year before the pro gram was launched, the chances that a North Carolina oaDy wouia die before he became a year old were 68.4 in 1,000. Last year, the chances were 68.5 in 1,000. t iosfi the chances that a North Carolina woman would die as a result of childbirth were seven in 1,000. Last year, there were 4.8 in 1,000. Paradoxically, the number of annual births in fact, births have increased slightly Since wo- But health officials attribute tne Policeman Wanted . increase to a larger population and "better placing of babies." By "better placing" they mean that the standard of parenthood has beea raised. Actually, they assert, fewer ba bies are being brought into the World Vt V miftwivA i-n jUttAaaa-in.. fested rooms along Tobacco road and Mill Village alley. Political Dynamite Birth control is narked with nolitical rtvnamiro 'Mnrfh Pirn. Una started its birth control work without publicity. No special law was passed; no special appropri ation was made. The head of the state division of preventive medicine. Dr. Georee M. Cooner simnlv inform. ed count v health officers that ho believed "planned parenthood" was ti.i ... 11 . ... a puduc neaim prorjiem. Ana tne officers opened clinics. Whpn it Wflmn rrftnArnllv Vnown that the state was teaching birth control, some strong oppositions was expressed. But by that time the clinics had become permanent parts of the various county health organization, and the state board firmly stood its ground. Ltr. cooper's action was DacK ed by the state health officer, Dr. Carl V. Reynolds. The precise stand of the board of health on birth control was made public for the first time re cently by Dr. Cooper, in a paper read before a section of the North Carolina Medical Society. He said this: "The board has never admitted that poverty alone should be a bar to the birth and raising of a reasonable number of children. "The board has, however, dis couraged promiscous breeding when . . . this has been damaging to the whole state. "We' are interested only in trying legitimately to prevent further birth among women who are bad maternal risks, both for themselves and the babies." nil iaV 1' -1 fcetki At The Park Samuel Harden Church, prcddeal of tha Camegit Institute, acting for a group of Pittsburgh residents, has offered $1,000,000 reward for the capture of Adolf Hitler, German Chancellor, to be delivered to the League ef Nations to stand trial during month of May. At this writ ing, the 11,000,000 was etiU safe. THURSDY ANNE OF WIN DY POPLAR Depicting, as did the book, the triumph of sweetness and light over malice and envy. Cliff Reid's presentation of the L. M. Montgomery novel of like title is in the mode and manner 01 the Knnlr Ther ha been no stream lining of the plot, no modernising of story, and reliance is upon ap peal to sentiment and emotion throughout. Subject and treat ment are thus in contrast to most of contemporary product. Anne Shirley, as "Anne sniney," i nornerntd hv the "Prinffle" family, social and civic overlords of Pnngleton, where she goes to teach school. By persistent friend liness, consistent kindness to her nnrGwii(nM And a irenpral Cham pionship of the gentler virtues, she wins not only the community out the "Pringles" to her support dur ing "a school-year marked by a sequence of small incidents of large significance. es Lewis Stone as the father and Misg O'Sullivan and Lynne Carver as the daughters. Stione, fore going Judge Hardy for the nonce, is outstanding and Miss Carver does a fine piece of work. There are warm love scenes as Young falls in love with Miss Car ver, who iilts him. After that, re venge enters the hero's mind as a method of fighting prejudice. He marries Miss O'Sullivan forspite, then learns what real love is. The picture ends with a brilliant race victory and the defeat of prejudice. As the trainer of Young's horses, William Gargan does a comedy gem. D eaths MRS.- G KEEN McCLURE Last rites were hold at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Antioch Baptist church in the Iron Duff section for Mrs. Sadie Yarborough, wife of Green McClure, who died on Thursday afternoon at 12:15 in the Haywood County Hospital. The Rev. W. M. Gerald, pastor of the Clyde Baptist church officiated. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Mrs. McClure was born on Au vu9,t the 8th. 1880. and was the daughter of the late Fate. Wyatt and Adeline Yarborough. Surviving are, the husband, and one brother, James Yarborough, of Lake Junaluska. FRIDAY THE WAY OF ALL FLESH This is a 1940 version of "The Way of All Flesh," made by Paramount in 197 with tmn Jennings in the title role, and for which he won the first Academy actor's award statuette. In its new form the motivation has been altered, long montage sequences used and tension, according to pre view audience reaction, relaxed. Supporting Akim Tamiroff in the role of small town banker are Gladys George, William Henry, Muriel Angelus and others. "Paul Kriza," the banker, is "rolled" while drunk in New York -and relieved of $100,000 in secu rities with which ih was entrusted. j In the fight that followed, one of Hhe thieves, with "Kriza s identi fication, is killed and "Kma" be comes a wanderer. His family, be lieving him dead, prospers, but he denies himself their company. MONDAY AND TUESDAY MY LOVE CAME BACK Olivia de Havilland's first film since "Gone With the Wind," made a Hollywood preview audience for get war for 85 minutes to laugh repeatedly and applaud perform ances and situations which have in them no hint of world condi tions or problems. A film that can do this is a hit by current Holly wood computations. Wfllliir KinKfh Ktnrv i1untvl hv - - ' j , j those screen playwrights has to do with a girl violin student study ing at an academy on a scholar shin U'hiDh n n ,ilit.tr1v nntivtn ia. cretly pads, with principally kind ly motives, ami 01 tne complica tions which ensue when his busi ness associate, who shares the se cret, falls in love with the girl. Later on the patron's son and daughter also learn of it. All hree draw their own conclusions and proceed accordingly. The plot is of the kind the continental pro ducers make sordid, but this treat ment is not. Tuberculosis Clinic To Be Held Here Under the auspices of the county health department in co-operation with the state health department, a clinic for the examination of adults for tuberculosis will be con ducted in the county beginning on Monday, juiy the ztn, and ex tending throughout the week. The clinics will be conducted by Dr. H. F. Easom of the North Carolina Sanatorium at Sanato rium, and will consist of a fluro- scopic examination, with a physical examnauon wnen it is aeemea necessary.' It is the desire of the health de partment to secure applicants by reference from the private physi cians, and that only individuals who hav twon in rinse rotuart with tuberculosis, or exhibit symptoms indicating tne presence 01 tuoer culosis, be referred, as the limited amount of time allotted to Hay wood County demands that care be taken in selecting cases for exam ination. For the convenience of the citi zens of the county a clinic will be held at the health department of fices over the Champion Pape and Fibre Company's laboratory in Canton on Monday and Tuesday the 29th and 30th, and also in the health department offices in the court house here on Wednesday, Thursday and t rulay, July 31st, Aug. 1st and end. 25c Size Health Club BAKING POWDER 19c LARD pound a carton JL, JAR TOPS Dozen 21c T 1 11 E L Y Farm Questions and Answers Question: How much grain should be fed to a dairy cow where good pasture is available! Answer: The average cow con sumes in a day only enough grass in maintain her body and pro- twn u-allons of milk. Where W. T. CHAPMAN Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon at iAip home on Allen's Creek for William Thomas Chapman, 64, who died at 2:25 Friday, afternoon, ine liev. C. L. Allen otliciated. uuriai was in the Buchanan cemetery. Mr. Chapman was born on Au gust the 14, 1875, the son of Wil liam Richard and Rachel Brock Chapman. He had been a member of the Allen's Crook Baptist church for the past 25 years. Surviving arc: four sons, Frank, Willii- Sammv. and Jack, all of Allen's Creek; one daughter, Mrs. . 1.. -M All. f"VrtL-. Mora f inner, aio 01 an wi hjqjj S A T 1 1 HI ) A Y O N K MAN'S LAW Don "Red" Barry almost single hamledly steps forth in fehis mustang melodrama as defender of theunderdog, being at the mo ment made miserable by an axis coalition of land grabbers. Jus tice, right and charity triumph over the opposition forces. Don grins his way pleasantly through all his predicaments and displays an easy and natural tul lent for winning friends and in fluencing enemies. Janet Waldo offers looks and ability above the usual requirements for the su perfluous "gorl" element in these man and muscle presentations. W K H N KS 1 1 A Y K I N f : OF THE I.IIM HKRJ ACK S,.t in iW tail timber country, a story has been woven about the lives of three nersons. two men and ft o-irl thev both love. On man is the crude but well meaning "King, of a lumber crew, the other is a young er man, his best friend. The solution to the triangle problem consumes most of the film, with a smattering of comedy, a couple of fights and the business of lumbering merely backdrops in the succession of events. The three mostly concerned 'are "Slim," played by John Payne; "Tim," Gloria Dickson, and "Dom inic," .Stanley Fields. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Jesse Franklin and wife, Harriet Franklin, de ceased, late Of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of July, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 11th day of July, 1940. . C. N. ALLEN, Administrator of the Estate of Jesse and Harriet Franklin, de ceased. No, 983 July 1 1-18-25-Aug. 1- 8-15. duce two gawuna ui imiv. nazeiwuuu, one siowi, ...... .-j more than this is produced the whitner, of Saunook; 11 grand 1 1, i m nninil 1 1.1, i..fiat rvFanil pasture snouiu oe uijii.-i.ic"i,cu cri,(lren una uh Wlin grain, uws v" e ciinuieu pasture and producing more man OWL SHOW- GAMBLING ON SEAS A thrilling story one brother, Kb takes place on the float- Hazolwood; one sisUr, Mrs. Betsy ,,,,,.,- tho wcgt coast. ; JAR RINGS V Dozen 25C Fresh Rin TOMATOES Pound Sc ; iflfrof Fresh Vege at good price. a,ow Pnces on quan- ly. buying. FARMERS .EXCHANGE PHONE 130-M We Deliver! ASHEVTLLE ROAD . T T)! fVAAfl ton was born on ww River and later moved to Cald well Fork. She was the daughter of Levie Shekon. Mrs. Sutton s father was also killed in the Civil War, and her mother woriceo. anu provided for a family of four after the death of her husband. She will be 81 years old August 10. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton are enjoy ing reasonable good health. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton have been married 63 years aad reared a family of eleven cnuaren, boys and five girls. Namely: Man dy Sutton Franklin, the mother ol 14 children; Nancy Sutton Messer, the mother of 13; Martha Ann Sutton Freeman, deceased, the mother of 6; Levie Sutton, deceas "a v, fothor nf 5: Cornelius Sut- ton, the father ol ; ":""' Silvers, the mother of 8; Hamaon Sutton, the father of 6; Pierson Sutton, the father on; Sutton, the father of 9; Trnkn Sutton Franklin, tne mow and George Sutton, the father of 4 There are 71 grandchildren liv ing, and 9 dead, vei grew gr..- . i wit-oTat-erand- cnnureii, uu o T.,, . children. The oldest grandchild is 42 and the youngest tnree weeao old. .. . . Xhe crowd assembled wgeiaer at 10:30 a. m. Old friends and relatives were reunited again, some of the relatives had been away for a period of twenty-five years. A i. : - t Hnn wprp sum?. Buries ui t""6- - . ... At 1:00 p. m. a lull tame it j 17 nounds of milk a day should be fed a grain mixture containing from thirteen to sixteen per cent ftostihle nrotein at the rate of one pound of grain to each four to six pounds of milk produced, inis amnnnt will maintain the body and also permit of the maximum milk production. Question: When should lespe deza be cut for hay? Answer: Lespedeza should be cut when it attains a height of 15 inches or when the plant is in full bloom, say Extemeion agronomy specialists at State College. For the Korean variety, this is usually from August 1 to 15 and about 15 days later for the other varieties Cutting later than this will re duce the quality of the hay and the loss of leaves. Early cutting will also permit of enough .. . . i a second growth to reseeo tne iana. THE FAMILY REUNION (Shelby Daily Star) The time of the year is nearing r (mllv reunions, when the Old- 1UI laui.ij . ;n. nf the family, the seaaw ;j.n,.-cwt nil the vouneer gen- iniuuit-"6 - - it eration will meet to talk, hear the family history read and leasi on i v;nvn lt' a nice time for everybody except the chickens and they should grace the frying pan at one time or anotner, j Families that gather for these oi ovenfjt show a rroper pride auuuw - - - in themselves. If a person cant nrAe, in his erandfather's rec- cord he can't think so much of him- -if All these are part or xne v -i,irB The tame was - - , . , ah address, me w . , t . mav have hifirh ,by "Grandfather bun f HUtinuished them. The After lunch tne f0 Abe most part have made the food was ie on " " 7 -y own livings and behaved them- a,nneI WArV "Hants was read 'selves. There is hardly a lami.y jrepwi oi vi uv -- t'tuot cannot toast of some diswnc- ,i unKoi4 KranK n. me umco- v . ' , . -i i ition o-rflnncniiu. . i , " . r n -.1 nrautlt Among tne iou pwv , were 6 children, 41 grandchildren, ce m-anichildren. Mr. and Mrs. John Button were v. - i x,spnt and Milas Messer, next oldest, son-in-law, is 72 years old. Plans were made for anotiier re union, Sutton and Messer reunion, next July 4, 1941.- All that are related to the Sutton s and Meaeers invited. Pierwn Sutton was t ic wpll for families to take a day off and the members meet for 4ov'K nniet. sober Dleasure. Some of they may see each other during .i. t.1tt mi thin dav. r or ine j"1 j - it mav be the last reunion The reunion will see no shootings, t,ht no ftrrmtn and no caa- uu ' ' . ualties.. It's a mighty safe, ntce place to be, there with tne and the kinfolk on all sides. It's an old southern custom well worth preserving. VINSON MESSER Funeral services were held at two o'clock Sunday afternoon for Vinson Messer, 51, life-long resi dent of Cove Creek, who passed away Saturday morning of an heart attack. The services were conducted in the Cove Creek Baptist church, with Rev. Mr. Miller, pastor, in charge. Burial wag made in the church cemetery. Mr Messer was a progressive farmer of the Cove Creek section. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs B. C. Messer, a pioneer fam ily of the county. Mr Messer had taken an active interest in community affairs, and especially in the farm program oi recent years, aitnougn ne nau oecn In ill health for the past five years. Nephews served as pailDearem. finrvivintr are his wife, M". Cumi Long Messer, and eight chil dren as follows: five daughters, Mrs. Robert White, of Washington, D C, Mrs. Weaver Jolly, ol Iron Duff, and Miss Wilma Messer, Miss Willard Messer, and Miss ivina Messer, all of Cove Creek; three sianlev Messer. Ray Messer, and Wilford Messer, all of Cove Creek. ' ' hmther. Marion L. Messer, of Cove Creek, and five siaters: . To... Hall, of Gastonia. Mrs, Mamie Bradley rMarion," Mrs. .Vic toria Gay, AtlanU, Mrs. lowie Leather wood, and Miss Hester Messer, both of Cove Creek. FALSKHOOI) FLIKS A lio has no ltsus and cannot stand; but it has wings, and can fly far and wide. Warburton. ohoki i iriuin . TARLETS . SALVE - NOSE QROP8 Malaria In 7 days and rMvf . COLDS ymptcima flnt da) SUNDAY SPORTING BLOOD Thrills of the race track ami powerful romance are combined nctutely to make this one of the most pleasing and satisfying pic tures of the year. The nicture is primarily a story of the sport f kings with many excellent scores showing pulse quickening laics, gripping training methods as a horse is cured of a huliit nf hnldinir-back, and one of the most exciting stable fires ever put on the screen. Over and above this is a beau tiful story of a romance under dif ficulty. The romance teams Robert Young and Maureen O'Sullivan, a combination that should be con tinued. Young plays a young owner of a small racing stable who returns to his Virginia home to find that be is still hated by the Lockwood family which compris- Try "Hull My-TUm" - Woiitlerful Lliilnwct Lemon Juice Recipe Checka Rheumatic Pain Quickly II you buffer from rhumtlc, rtlr1 or- nruritii - uin, try lht lnipl innprip i. - i t...t 4 h.inMuti1 nr umIiik. H1V llUI'tV (IT.- hi". ........ , (let in kne of Ku Kl - Uvmiraund todny. Mil it Willi quarl OI wmr, mq uic of 4 lemon. It's No trnulil at all and plauMtit. You need only I ia'Mevnootifiila. two tlmea a dy. lrl" It hut iH lunira aometlmea overnight niilemlld remitia r obtained, if tha paina i nnt qtili-klr leae and If you do not frel Iwlter, Hu-Kx will coat you nothliuj to try It In aold by your dnimtlat under an almolule mniiey Imrk (rimrantee. Ru-K Ooniuoiind la for aula and recommended by Smith's Cut Rate Drug Store SAVE YOUR CROPS from INSECTS aua hy loMa eaoaed ka ea SUV iwff Pl- Mtb. thrlm. loopera. earn kerr. aar IVrmr Si .the, fkln, a.. IrUT ail .f them eaallf. .Meell.el, and eehirilrHy : HiseIJiieE . Ctalat aauajna, fartUM artUi atbar ;,iu aaaaouoa. iXtrfc. X Jcit. kat aa.l U kaaaaaa. ara. aaU aaala. araaa aa 0. afUrfaeta mUI aky Farmers Federation Stoeki In all Wnnbrntm SPECIAL FOR SALE Two New 5-Room Dwellings MAIN STREET, HAZELWOOD Cash or Convenient Terms The L. N. Davis Go. Insurance Real Estate - Bonds n xr r Phone 77 WaynesriDe, In. L. RA kit THEATRE W A Y N E S V I h IE THURSDAY, J'UIA 18 A Hi.-The-HoH.t" story ..f a girl who Us t he courage to be herself, from the world-famous novel by L. M . Montgonit ry. Lid. with the same , -harm and simplicity that marked the auercHH of "Little Women" and "Anne of f.rwn Cable. Anne -Shirley and James Ellison, in "Anne Of Windy Poplars" FRIDAY, JULY 19 'The Way Of All Flesh" One of the lxt pictures ever produced. A success in 1927. Even better in modern version, with Akim Tamiroff and Gladys George; SATURDAY, JULY 20 "One Man's Law" j With Don lied Barry and Janet Waldo, Things really happen thick and fast when Barry hits the saddle. OWL SHOW. 10:30 SATURDAY Gambling On High Seas' See what happens in a floating gambling palace. The inside story played by Wayne Morris, Jane Wyman and John Litel. ial SUNDAY, JULY 21 Sporting Blood" She loved the one man her father hated. "Forbidden" but one southern belle had too much spunk to be told "no" when her adoring heart cried "Yes!", with Robert Young, Maureen O'Sullivan and Lewis Stone. MONDAY and TUESDAY, JULY 22 - 2.1 "My Love Came Back" Olivia de Haviland and Jeffrey Lynn and all star cast. Plenty of comedy for a full 85 minute?. WEDNESDAYJULY 21 King Of Lumberjacks" A romance out in the tall timber country, with John Payne and Gloria Dickson. I elected president. "