' T" te ist" - THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park $1.50 In Advance In Haywood And, Jackson Countiea Monday 1IXTH YEAR Twenty-Four Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 Dedication! For arik Set L . -G " I pmplete Labor Day Program Ready I Services, Ua names .UV, " fc Featured r.ing is in readiness for t unity s Digger " v celebration. This was of L M. Kicneson, geu ;"rman 'last night, follow ,.t.,,n of the several cora- Lho have been busy on the L,.a fur the past week. I crowds are expected for T. M. McCracken On First Visit in Forty Years Thomas M. McCracken left yes terday for his home in Texas after sDendine three weeks here with relatives. It was his first visit to Haywood since he left in 1900, forty years ago to seek his fortune in. the West Contract Let For 146 Miles Of R E A Lines Costing $115,805 i:..: .1 ,t-...... ,! ; (- . .. Aii-er living vn ine icaus ilia"" tnt of the celebration, thig country looks mighty shut in union seivitca the Methodist church to dance at Hazelwood on night. blON SERVICES h Vh first time that the Lr Dav urogram has in- Lon services. This year, at nesville Methodist cnurcn, L .t 8 o'clock, a communi- fservice will be held with I J. S. Hopkins, pastor oi K Baptist church bringing toge, This will De nis last before leaving on tne ora up his new pastorate in fcint. His subject lor tne will be: "Preparation for Evander Preston win large of the music. PARADE L momma, at 9:30 scores tated cars and many floats fcmble in front of the Hote for the annual Labor Day Cash orixes totaling $15 !g offered for the first time event. Best decorated , second $2.50; best decor ir 15. second best $2.60. lade committee is composed kthan Woody chairman, Massie, V. A. Bradley, L lis and C. N. Allen. (arade will march un Main o the Main street of HazeU then down to Brown Avenue, wn to the high school sta- I id. disband, schedule', of the parade is as police in me. The fields I used to think were large tracts now look like trucking patches," said Mr. Mc Cracken in comparing this section with his adopted home. "But one thine I will ihand to the rntintrv. the land looks much better and seems more fertile than when I left here. The people seem Work Expected To (Jet Underway During The Next Two Weeks In Center Of County The contract for construction of the 140 mile extension of the Cmso Electric Membership Corporation Haywood Baptists Hold 55th Annual Meet During Week Rev. Frank Leatherwood Elected Moderator For Sixth Consecutive Time The Rev. Frank H. Leatherwood hitti' . . . 1 J f k - " i t 1 A 1 .1 was eieciuo. mouumwi- ui n The contract calls jor cpnipicuu'i J"-"" , ,,.,., Haywood Baptist Association for wi(hjn (U) day8 after the agree- -Saturday, August 0 ' .u- i; :. .i k . , : ..n.. i Smith, mamiirer of navis-omiui Investigator In Jewelry Loss Is Expecting Break Coming To Park- tfe-2 :rs"2vT2"ik:3XTi nnr.-i.ni' VTiSrrTrT : TT! ;t.-1 'r,rrj No news -today but now and the first of the between week, 1 the former Cruso Mutual Electric expect to have a piece of real Company, has been let to Melvin 1 news," said U. K. Rector, of Knox- F. Burgess, contractor, of Char-, ville, who is inveswnu"K ... seeking the recoveiy m t.u, iewelery lost about midnight on . . . , , 1.55th annual -meeting of the organ- to be smarter and know more about . '. ?. , 6, ,, w,i . . iiofmn imrViinh watt helil IWI YVPll- the outside world," he continued. When Mr. McCracken mad the triD to Texas forty years ago it took him five days on the train, but when he came on his recent visit it tookonly two days by bun. Mr. Mc(?racken lives on a ranch 18 miles northwest of Big Springs in West Texas. "Th neonla have been miehtv friendly to me but I will never (come back here to live. I like Texas too much," he continued. Mr. McCracken is the brother of W. L, McCracken, of Waynesville, and Fidelis and Horace McCrack en of Crabtree. and the son of the late Marian and Elizabeth Penland McCracken. the sixth consecutive time at thoi m,int has been officially approved , Smith, manager of and the contractor notified to be-j Jewelers. Swork. It is expected that ac- "I am follow.ng a good lead gin woia. i .luestiomng a number of tual consirucnon wom "io" ' , ization. which was held on Wed nesday and Thursday of last week. Others elected to serve with the Rev. Leatherwood were: vice mod erator, the Rev. R. P. McCracken, pastor of the Fines Cret'k Baptist 1t, in about two weeks. Bids were received by the cor poration on Tuesday morning at pastor ot the fines Uwk Baptise houge from ix conlrac. church; clerk, Rev. W. M. Gerald n ... . . th t as pastor of the Clyde church; treas- ,t not Bubmitlw, in proper tesvil-le, Hazelwood Ihw'av -natrril pscort car, With mayor of Way mayor, of Hazelwood, and itkins,' representing Lake ika. ., school band. law "II." Is and decorated cars. , fiean Legion.. and pet parade,. iMOUtS. lr school hunt p and trick bicycle riders. F'Dack rulers .. conimittee responsible for ambling of parade , and Pet and dog parade is ambers, ohairmani, Bill and R. T? liovcTinnrt jraraittee has a ?5 cash prize f wst prize in the dog and Won, and $2.50 for the sec- BAXn npn i a ately after 'the parade several athletic stunts staeed whilp fho nTi1 . (ert. PICNIC DTWKRS fmmittee this year is stress- dinners on the grounds, 111 provide suitable places "bringing their dinner. SIN'GIXa ivvt Pnin at. I , U tlWtA 111 Vll fhool audiboriurm, choirs L'mned on page 12) W. T. Shelton Gardens Are At Height Of Beauty The gardens of W. T. Shelton, which are visited annually by hun dreds of local persons, visitors in this immediate vicinity, and from neighboring towns, is now at its height of beauty. Mr. Shelton has inaugurated a new feature in connection with his gai-dens during the past two years. He has hundreds of dahlias, for which he is famous, gladioli and other flowers arranged in his. gar age, on display as in a flower show. AH visitors view the exhibit as a part of the tour of his gardens. urer. Glenn Brown: historian, J R. Morgan; chairman of the execu tive program committee, Dr. H. K, Masteller, pastor of the First Bap list church of Canton. "The meeting was the best held in the 55 years since the organi zation of the group. It was the . . . . .. -i v : ,L.. nrst time tnai every caurca in uie - , ... aJiim ,Y..piitprl a contract with Mr association was suppon-m nw.i : , , , 'church obligations a hundred per Burgess after having received ap ... .... : t..,i.. ... j from th Rural Electrifica- cent," said tne ev. i.eainerwu, "-.--- . - who has been closely connected, - witl, tho work for the vast 12 ton by telephone. form. After tabulating the bids it was fmin,i that Melvin V. Burgess was the lowest bidder, his bid being $115,805.49. The board of directors of the poi'nnration met in Clyde on Tuesday night, confirmed the bid tail a contract with Mr. local people," Mr, Rector continued. When miestioned whetner ne thought the jewelery was in the hands of a Haywood resident, Mr. Rector hesitated and said: "Yes, I have reasons for saying that I do. But don't ask me to state the rea sons." The investigator pointed out that no additional reward would be offered other than the .W made last week. The same amount is heinir offered in an advertise ment elsewhere in this paper to day. PRIvSlDENT ROOSEVELT Dr. G. A. Erwin Will Address Young Democrats Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, Htite su nerinteixlwiit of Public Instruc Thousands Will See President At Newfound Gap Ceremony To ltejrin About 4:30, Will last About One Hour; Plans Made For Many Thousands President. Rouseve-ll will dedi cate the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, at Newfound Gap, 'on Monday, September 2, at 4 30 p. in. Park' officials and highway patrolmen of both stJit.es are m. ik ing preparations for a crowd of 10,000 to 15,000. Some of the :((() special engraved invitations that are being mailed ! to North Carolinians were receiv ed Tuesday, A like number w ill ba mailed in Tennessee while 300 park officials will receive them. All the invitations carry a special re served sent ticket. According to J. Ross Eakin, su perintendent of the park, the ded ication ceremony will last approx imately one hour. The program sent out with the invitations, set out that the president and party will arrive about 4 :M. The Knox vlle high school band will providu music until Harold L. Ickes, sec retary of the Interior, who will preside, takes over. Rev Fred F. Brown, of Knox- years. The admittance of the Woodland B. O. Vannort, of Charlotte, pro- Ijeet engineer, was present at. uiu IUUUm..U'J--v T,...t.... Baptist church, located between leu.ng, as a-o m-,e " ' - Lake Junaluska and Clyde brought of the RfcA, f W ashington, a id a the number of churches up to number ol the officers and diuc- j-t tors oi tne e" i"" Kev. r reu r. nrown, ut rw ion will he the main speaker at ... . !,.-!,,,,,, ' . .. . , i vine, win rivc ine u.i.viw... the annnal rally of the Haywood ickes will then intro- night in the Masonic Temple. Din- "P" Ior Pv? "i.. ner will be se,-ved promptly at 7 Follow.ng Governor Iloey s ad- oVll, dress, Mr. Ickes will then present unv ' u ifcri u! nt hp Governor Prentice Cooper, who will W.ll.am Medford, chairman of the , addre88. jiM-wiirii! - j- u- r-r-T. Haywood uouniy ciup, win pregmu. - - - , uay. n icwmu . , , following tne nerving Ol r-"iiei ami . ------- ' . being offered to any pep-on giving th a tlan(.e W1H drnt Roosevelt will be followed al- information leading to theoV- held with the Soco Gap dawers ter U brtt introduction by Secre- nt Vin iBWplrv. " i tarv Ickes. of the .. , ,. . ... . ni), rlnic Purcel), of Char- J no puiilic in giMHT'il is l orumi- ..... i- - . lv invited by tho.e in charge to lotte, will then pronounce the b.n- ,i eoiciion II l 1 IIVJ frv of the jewelry. Thu miction sales firm are continuing, with good crowds. The firm is now operat ing under a receiver. . The. program.- of the two-days session was centered on "Missions." The session on Wednesday was at- The liutgc-s organization will have headquarters at Clyde and N, 1) Sluill. of the H. O; Vannoit Bay To Address Asheville Cluh t 1,. U.. 1IWV niniinlia imrt WHS V n .r i in 'i ' 11 1 t DlintailV. Ol L'tM' held in the Crabtree Baptist lott,'. v, ill be tin- engineer m charg church. The second day session , ()f t he .work took place at Fines Creek 250 in attendance. , with Rotarians Will Picnic Friday ; it ' mi' r a lnVi The waynesvuie - jaowajy. I- .,. f,.nl will hold their annual picnic at , Ray Is Haywood Committeeman For UNC Alumni Committee chairman to organize University of North Carolina aluni ni delegations from Western North Carolina counties for their annual jamboree at the George Vanderbilt Hotel in Ashe ville, August 30, has been an- the University s The Ci uso Mutual Electric m pany wan ieci-iiily reorganized un der the name ot the Cruso Electric Membi'i'stiip ('urporation, in order to bring coinpariy under the provisions of the North Carolina statues, l'.y organizing -under the state law, the corporation will be exempt from, taxation. : New officer- of the corporation ('has. E. Kay, Jr.,. will address the A-heville Cosmic Club tonight, I using as his subject, "The Great Smoky Mountains National Park.'' i Mr. Ray will be introduced by ('nil Khineliart, .program chairnian District Schools Opened Tuesday The Waynesville district school. bcirai! the 1.'.' 10-11 session on Tires-' ! day with an attendance oT nearly, i :i,(Hl(l : in the. junior-senior high i i ii,Ki!s and t he elementary grades, i Accii'rdiiH' to M. II. Bowles, su W i: I5YKKS -PATIKNT : P'-rvising principal, the to al en- , , .m.nriM. I rollm.-nt of x:!1 ,a: Mile julilor- ASI1KVIM-IV HUM 11 AU ! ...dior Hitfh schools was .divided as RKrOUTKI) IMPUOVKD I follows: 7th grade, 2'i:; Hth grade, I, was learned late last night IH:" Wh ;- 10.1, grad,, that the condit ion, of W. G. Bye, s, 1 HI, grade, cltirk'' of the. Superior Court, who 1 -There; were no definite figure. has been iiuite ill. was improved, . avnihilde un the element ary grades, Mr. Bveis was taken sick -on , hut an approximate iigure oi wh V Dllicei - i nt,. v ... ..... , , president, D. L. Pless; vice Saturday night and removed from -thing'., oyer 2,000 was reported. Camp Dellwood Friday, beginning at 6:30, in honor of all visiting Rotarians and wives of the local members as well as all visitor mem bers. ' Last week Rev. Robert Hodges, of Union, S, C . spoke on the im portance of work, with the youth of the community. He was force ful in his address, using as nis Tuesday afternoon. a series of drills nd;thenne, "Thou shalt be a man. Alumni office The jamboree -will feature talks by William D. Carmichael, J r., recently elected controller of the consolidated University, and Ray B. Wolf, head football coach. Alumni Secretary Maryon Saun- ' i ' . il 4-4- A Vy ' mnnt in rr ders aiso win aueim T p, T i fn11.w: hii.n. inrludis D. L. Pless, ira lh? "rnm.ir8I"' " ". : ' .hrn. MM. Bonnie Mor- a ?uuet 8 ll.:-limnwJ l J B. Rickman, Van Among tne " V . -7 i-- rr Os- Welis, r ieo - - . borne, Chas. McCrary, and Miss president, ".;h ;er uutiiuv-,; .w v-tary-treasuirr, Mr?. K. K. Hick man; K. K, Sr:itelle is the attor neyand Joe Howell is the super :('...;.,. ' ,.r "i Wi VnWiorntion Incorporators of the new organ-, Hazel wood l5'8- ization are: ! L. Pless, Ira 11. Cogbuni, Mi-. E. B. Rickman, Watson Howell, and William B. Poston. AH property-of the old company has been transferred to the new corporation. ' . Th newlv elected board of di The North Carolina state hand will then -'provide music while the l throngs are disbanding. I Along with the form and invit.S Itions, was a note, saying: "About 1 ,,,. Iir nrior to the- dedication the approach rads will be closed a, a point about 17 miles, from New found Gap." Due to the necessity of parking on the highway on both sides of in.- t;.-ip. it may be. i.ee.-sary to close the road to through traffiu ' M'veial hours prior to the ceremo nies, M r. Kakin said. The Tennessee section of tho Newfound Gap road will be closed (o all travel'- one hour before 1h9 .dedication. -Those attending should ' ,r .vern themselves . accordingly. The l.illlc River road must havo Mil mnt'MKf triillie from 0:00 P. m. Al the opening, exercises on until the Presidential' party has l: -u .... Tr,-, , In hi' ii...... ii..t : Auhovillo' where 1 Thi'.uiIh v . Ihe hii'h school band in left the park. , .1 . .. .........I ,.n i .... ;i,., .. , :to mimr i tiro- fine lino of cars Will t) parked 1 ages Today to ignated : include Charles E. Kay, . Ti- WnvtlPKVllle Miss Emily Siler, has returned ; n'imateiy ,100 Universi- from Pulaski, Va. .where she was reside in these counties. the guest of Miss Kathleen Brugh.' ty alUTn" rc u - Mary Davis. Appear On WWNC I'roKnim Two Hazelwood boys, Willie Tate and Jack Cagle, singing un der the name of ' the "Balsam Twins," will appear on WWNC Saturday night Round Up by re quest. ':' LICENSE REVOKED Hill Woodward, alias Williard, of Allen's Creek, had his drivers' lincese revoked after being con victed of driving drunk in Way nesville police court. ' -' . -. - Company II. Returns I-romOmip F.Ynpft To Be taiiea uui dj wu. Company "H" of the National Guard under the command of Cap tain George Plott and First Lt. Paul Martin and second Lt. George Plott, returned on Friday after concluding one of the most strenu ous maneuver periods in the Guard s .history. They were away . weeks. section ia AJ Company H wilL;ever mi. ----- - -v.. w-w-j haye onjy a few weeKS al numcx"" l W Labor Day, general 1 time to settle their affairs before s issue of The Moiin Fi in turn onn4.;n Pages. ' first .and regular features second 12 pages is given t0 the (booking School opens here Friday morn the Park Theatre, under wnsorship of the Wo- H. M HALL, Officio Obterver bllUC Wf ov-www . being inducted into Federal service for a period of at least a During this service the National Guard will face reorganization and its ranks will be filled with dratt ed recruits. The local Company, which now has 80 men will be brought up to war time strength of 149. It was learned from IA Paul Martm that already a large number of young men have volunteered, and -;n Yu no trouble in tnai uicc --- having the local company brought to the required numDer oy they will be called to enter camp. The first nine days ot ine re cent encampment were spent in Camp Shelby, Miss., where they were given general field training, operating as a part of the second , . ,.ii;- ni Tno .iit.11 imaiib, j. the 30th division of the Third Army, numbering 70,000 men. At Camp Shelby Company "H" was rated on the inspection field as the best trained and best equipped company in the second batallion of the 120th Infantry. A number of the men in the company received special commendation for their military alertness. Amone these were: Corporal 0.14 Week Ending August 27 Aug Max Min 7:30 p. m. Free 21 73 53 64 22 75 52 66 23 76 oo 24 75 56 : 68 25- 79 58 -71 26 SI 5K 70 27 85 60 75 Mean maximum Mean minimum " Moan for Week High for week Low for wecK Mean for 7:00 p. tn .. , . i i I:., ; 1. hi snia gram in tne nig.n.. scnooi. jiuou"- on ine uuisim, ..M..,e.".. )ium. of the road on ttie lennessee sow Mr. Bowles explained to the stu- of the park. T wo lines of cars wui den - the new methods which will be parked Wong the Cl.ngmana h,. incorporated into the course, of Dome road , Those .parking car, s udy this year. He spoke of the along the Clmgrnatis Dome roal necessity or being prepared today may discharge their rangers t for life and of the importance of Newfound Gap, proceed to parkin t he years spent in the school space, and return to Newfound Gap - : in school busses for the ceremony, room. : Owing to limited parking space. In addition to the junior m,l ' that cars be filled to senior high schools the ' Waynes- itby ..doubling up" before ville district conta.ns. the follow-;;?P . . r" ing schools: Central Elementary, r : , i ha avail Hazelwood, Saunook, Allen's Creek, v.ukt Wavnesvlle. Lake Junaluska, Rock Hill, Dellwood, and Maggie. State Legion Commander Makes Stirring Speech In Upen orum ..77.7 ...,,.,.56.0 -1 .....;..66.8' .......85.0s .-..1.52.-0" ......69.1 ' Mean i"i - . n Below August normal isr Max. barometer lor wee. ...... Min. barometer for week -- -30-00 Barometric mean for week ... 30.12 Mean relative humid.ty --2 n...;i.tinn for week .......0.14 Precipitation for month Above normal for August .-..1.87 Among tnese were: wii" Awve Jlu.,..-. --- . (Continued on page 6) uenciem. t A large audience heard Dave Hall, Rotarian, and state Command er of the American Legion, in the first public forum, to be held by J. C. Brown, preside.nl oi me Rotary Club. , Major J. H. Howell introduced the speaker. Following the address of Mr Hall, President Brown asked that the meeting be turned into an open forum, During this thirty ,.r:d a number of perti- minuw: ic... - . nent questions relative to c"rren conditions and proDiems w. o had the bless- " w e iiavc "-j . ... ings of the American way of life. That is why we iaKe n. f ' " ed and do not appreciate it, said m. w oil in bDeakine of the situa- ;il J . ,""'1 . , - tion that faces America today. . : "Our ancestors in me new uB land town-meeting and similar bod ies developed the greatest demo cracy this world has known. 'They suffered, sacrificed and died and passed to their posterity the bless- in era of freedom of speech, freedom of press and freedom of religion thought and actiui," continued Mr. Hall. "What are we doing today to -linn, nnr nnreciation of the bless ings of the American way of life? Are we ready to sacrifice and die if need be to pass its blessings on to our children?" asked Mr, Hall. Tn the last twenty years we have erown soft and in growing soft we have failed to prepare aeainst the termites which are imHermininar our government and life. These termites are largely foreign agents trying to create distrust and indinerence or revolutionary sriirit among the rank and file of American people," said Mr. Hall. No shelter will be available at Newfound Gap, and in case of threatening weather, those attend ing should come provided with raincoats or umbrellas. Sandwiches and cold drinks will AT PARK THEATRE FRIDAY A NEW SERIAL BEGINS NEXT WEEK . . . Caribbean Loot . A stirring and interesting serial, as only a southern water cruise can provide. Written bv Whitman Chambers, it has been highly praised by critics, and should be of much interest to the readers of The Moun taineer. This new serial begins next week. ;.:';.