THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Attend The Cook THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 "The Quality, and Prices of Meats in the Grade A Markets of Ray's and the Food Store Makes Shop ping there easy and eco nomical," says Mrs. Shelton Choice Western Rib Roast Lb. 18c Nice Tender Veal Chops u 29c Choice Ground Beef Lb 15c Our Own Sausage Pure Pork Found . . . JL 2 2 I Mixed ound 9 l ine Quality BREAKFAST aeon Pound ft 7 2 c Oleo deduced DELMAK Pound . . . 9'c PARK AY Pound . . . Complete Line Of NATIVE and WESTERN MEATS GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES BEST IN FRUITS Large Size Lemons Doz. 19c Nice Firm IRISH Potatoes 10 17c Golden Ripe Bananas 4 19c Nice Tender CfllTOtS 3 Bunches 19 c Grocery Week-End Specials l(i-0unce Sunshine GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 cans 350 : ; -SUGAR : ; 10i.,45c2Ssl15 Dozen JAR CAPS 19 c JAR RINGS 6 doZ. 20 c 4 lbs. Scoco Lard 37c S ibS :73c Flour Roll Call, 21 lbs. ..57c Yukon's Best 95c Lb. Ic V-8 Cocktail Blend Of 8 Vegetable Juices o'z Ounces 122 Ounces 46 Ounces 3,r250 2,r 250 39c : Peanut Butter 19c Soda Crackers 9c Marsh mallows 10c Ilershcy's Cocoa Pound 15 c Hershey's Chocolate Syrup 9c Quart Size Salad Dressing 19c C. E. HATS SOWS THE FOOD STOiE St. John's Will Open Tuesday With Faculty Ui Six Private Grammar And High School To Open For Second Term St. John's private school, in all divisions, will open next Tuesday morning, September 3. Registra tions to date have exceeded those at the same ueriod last year. Grammar school classes will be gin at 8:45 a. m., and continue until 3:00 p. m. High school class es will be held from 8:45 a. m. un til 2:30 p. m. Kindergarten class es will last from 8:45 a. m. until 12:00 noon. Music lessons will be given by appointment. St. John's school will have a faculty of six teachers. Sister M. Cordea. principal; Sister M. Ignatius; Sister M. Corine; Sister M. Ancilla; Sister M. Julia; and a teacner in Business science toj be announced later. Sister M. Cordea, principal, will teach the freshman and sophomore years of high school. She holds a bachelor of arts degree from Mar quette University, Milwaukee, and is a candidate for a masters de gree at the Catholic University. Her major work is in French, her minor, in Latin. She has had eighteen years of experience tn high school teaching. Sister M. Ignatius teaches the 5th. Clh. and 7th evades She holds a grammar grade certificate. She i.s a senior in her college wofk for a bachelor of education degree at St. Clare's College, Milwaukee. She has had one year of experience in teaching. Sister M. Corine teaches 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades. She holds a primary certificate and is a senior in her college work for a bachelor of education degree at St. Clare's College, Milwaukee. She has had ten years teaching experience. Sister M. Ancilla gives music lessons in piano, violin, cornet, clarinet, saxophone and trombone. She holds a bachelor of music de gree from Marquette University, Milwaukee. She has had eighteen years teaching experience. Sister M. Julia conducts the kin dergarten. She holds a primary certificate. She is a graduate of the kindergarten course at St. Clare's College, Milwaukee. She has attended courses at Milwau kee, State Teacher's College in "Kindergarten Primary Curricul um Constitution." "Kindergarten and Primary Methods" and in "School Arts." Sister Julia has had eighteen years of kindergarten teaching experience. The department of business science has just been added to St. John high school to meet an ever increasing demand for courses m typewriting, shorthand and book keeping. This course is open to Crabtree-Iron Duff School Elects Officers Gertrude Haney was elected president of the Clio literary so ciety of the Crabtree-Iron Duff school at a meeting last Tuesday, Others serving with her will be: Charles Ross, vice president; Bon nie Stevenson; secretary -treasurer; Alice James, chaplain; Charles Sutton, critic, Mrs. Louise Rand leman and Mr. B. F. Nesbitt were chosen sponsors for the society. The Enterprise society chose Wel don Sutton, president; Edwin Davis, vice president; Dorothy McElroy, secretary-treasurer; Jane Fergu son, chaplain. Mrs. O. L. Yates and Mr. Horace Francis were chosen sponsors. Voluntary chapel programs prov ed so successful and interesting last year that the same type will be continued during the coming year. The first chapel program was given on Thursday with the following numbers: stunts, Eu gene Francis and Weldon Sutton; trio, Hazel Justice, George Mc Cracken and Eula Dee Glance; radio program of recorded music, by Edwjn Davis and Raymond Caldwell; devotional period con ducted by Horace Francis; talk by Dr. Early, state board of health dentist. The senior class has elected of ficers for the year as follows: Taylor Rogers, president; Jack Noland, vice president; Johnnie McElroy, secretary-treasurer. The class is composed of twenty-six members with Mrs. O. L. Yates as sponsor. Fifty-four agriculture students were among those who went on the annual county farm tour, winning the silver loving cup for having the largest number of students on the tour from one school. They were accompanied by their teacher, Mr. Nesbit. special pupils and postgraduate students. Legion Advocates Action At Once On National Defense At the August meeting of the local post of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary the fol lowing resolution was presented by J. C. Brown, seconded by J. H. Howell and passed by a unanimous vote : BE IT RESOLVED That we the members of the Haywood Post No. 47 of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary, part of that group of Americans who best know the necessity of mili tary training, as insurance of the safety of our country, and to in sure a minimum loss of life to those who may become engaged in de fending it, do hereby record our selves as endorsing the principle of selective service as the one method pf putting the citizenship of this country at the disposal of their country, as well as the one demo cratic method, fitting to a free peo ple, to insure equal responsibility! to all. Be it further resolved that in I order that our children and our children's children may enjoy the privileges of Democracy, we deem it necessary that this country take immediate steps to provide the ne cessary trained man-power for our defense by application of selective service and we call upon the Con gress of the United States for the immediate passage of such legis lation, allowing no personal enmi ties or partisan politics to interfere. Be it further resolved that a copy of the resolution shall be sent at once to eaeh North Carolina mem ber of Congress and the Waynes ville Mountaineer. week in preparation for the Labor Day program, on which it will take part. , Plans are for two bands to appear in the Labor Day parade. Tho first band, of 50 pieces with mem bers in uniform, will lead the pa rade, while the second band of 42 pieces will follow. The last group will wear white trousers and white sweaters as they do not as yet have regular uniforms. The uniforms l. front ,,f .u CJe4 me parade at the h V, o men on rh ma enters Ufa School Band Begins Drilling For Labor Day Tha Wnvnpsville Hich School " " J - Band is drilling twice a day this Where You'll Live In Winter Time to be planning that new brick veneered house you want to live in next winter because of its additional comfort. Try ETOWAH o)RICK BUILDS BETTER HOMES Moland-Drysdale Corp. EihC Etowah, N. C. lone 3 Truck Deliveries to .All Parts of Western Carolina u-ill i. " "'eUEf make several "'-4 the proiri-am ytiii y nng the N g'ving a formal mar t'H a the close r,f T M RED CROSS COBBIES They're handsome, they're dashing, they're fun, these swagger, long - wearing Red Cross Cobbies. No wonder more college girls wear them than any other fine shoes. V!,."..i .ho. . "If you are interes; in Pretty Dresses, Lo, Coats, or anythi wear. I " - "uks"i max j( go to Massie's De ment Store." Says i fois Shelton. Stop In Beta or After The uottingmci Mrs. Reece Has Just R turned From Xew Tor And New Things Are Arriving Daily MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE HE. CEDV SALE By Or d er Of The Court The Entire Assets of STUART'S, Inc., Waynesville Art Gallery, Must Be Sold At To the Highest Bidder, Without Limit or Reserve vjuuici, iuusi lie ouiu ai AUCTION An Opportunity of a Lifetime TWO SALES DAILY SEATS FOR EVERYONE FREE PRIZES SALE WILL TERMINATE VERY SHORTLY. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE 10:3 A. ML 7:30 P.M. MR. JOE BENSON AUCTIONEER Our Auctioneer Is Licensed and Bonded by the State of North Carolina. License No. 642. THREE DOORS FROM PARK THEATRE IN THE MASSIE BUILDING nc. Morris Stone Receiver MRS. SHELTON SAYS: "Any Thrifty Woman Should Stock Up When She Can Buy Gifts or useful items for her Home at Her Own Price." Right You Are, Mrs. Shelton Attend The Cooking School Friday.