Wayne MOUN i he- SVILLE TAINEEB Published In The County Sect of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TflYEAR NO. 37 Twenty Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1940 $1.50 In Advance In Haywood And Jackson Counties ves Orders obilize jrfer. for all North Car. ;,tional Guardsmen, in hoM n-the active and in to to mobilise at their Hions on September the . year1 active duty have t out by Adjutant General ittts. General Metta re is orders from President Company "H" will go Tnory on Monday and will regular army routine for ately ten days. During they will undergo Federal examinations. ithe ten days are op they i receive "moving orders" I to Fort Jackson, near s. C, formerly known jjickson. Wen of the married mem of H" have been honora Wed recently. To bring fny up to full peace time fifty more men are neea- th past few weeks 85 u&teered their services kpected that there will be U in raising the required ty when they are needed. Scout Court AnAM U11U1 AXC1U On Tuesday i Caaton Scouts Re High Award Of Scoot Wells, Jr., and Jimmy L both of Canton, troop 1, Muse, of Canton, troop 4, tooted to the high rank of put at the Haywood dis- ut of honor held in the hit on Tuesday evening. testations were made by loner A. M. FirhMthr. potander Thomson trophy itmft was awarded for I to Canton, troop 4. B. E. ihairman of camping and I for the district made fetation. i ' I Crisp is Scoutmaster of .troop 4, which won first it Saturday afternoon in wd district Scout-O-RaL Canton. Frank Childers nt Scoutmaster. This I iponsored by the Mur fa class of the First Bap F of Canton. li of Canton. llTlrW fha P of Port Sraathers, won Ice, and Canton troop 7, imes b. Hurley is Scout- ,on tnird place. a atuelds and William Canton, troop 1. received t 0aaes on TumiIiiv Assistant Scout Execu- 11 New m charge of the loicKards, Jr., a member pmittee on advancement, I aecond class certificates f Green, of WavnunrHl i Donald Swayngim, of aaluska :. w o H", Jr.. of Lik. J.. H 8( and Bill Dnvor Vta N Frank Worthington, of f 'e- 3, were promot- ciasa rank by R. E, 1 wamoa Medford. chairman nf wxi district committee, IttVld Joe KmatW. PP A to the rank of m, ....... presented the fol t.n. t badge certificates: W ton. troop 1, .4 scholarship; Bill Al HCanton, troop 1, ani- riT Wavnt P.rt. Three Injured In This Mass Of Steel A f tor J, 4w " v. .... , - 1 "'aw i- . ..J .. ..... . . - .. ' 1 ret- - Ik P' j iiJjatlb'llliOlTIIWij'lt'llTst This is what remains of the car in which three Canton negroes were speeding Saturday night when they struck the light-weight truck in which two white men were killed. This photo made by the Mountaineer after the car had been moved to a garage. 2 Important Local Sections of Parkway To Be Let In Month Pioneering, camp- aome and iu nUimino.. !Z? Junny Deaa, of .i"1 of Canton, till, - "vuujr te, oi fftte. troop iBr. nd Painting; Uafy' flf Waynesville; Eili rVZ.manBhiPP Hl We of IerCTraft; Lawrence e g-A-ta, troop i , unton, troon . i t!? .Iear of Can- I SZ- development Vn ?i bird d d Gillett, of Lake ?rthiZ:p bsketry; twiu pnoiogra- I yne,0,hoiK,r--Men-;rtt2Wlll.top2!rved Keystone Shows Here Next Week The Keystone Modern Shows, will appear here next week under the auspices of the local post of the American Legion, setting up their nine rides, 8 shows, and about 20 concession on the Belle Meade property at Hazelwood. The Keystone group were here last fall for a week, on the same lot, and under the same auspices. Two free acts are scheduled daily, and comprise daring per formances' by the Santennelli troupe, aerial gymnasts perform ing on a swaying revolving rig ging 90 feet in the air, using no safety nets to protect) them in case of a slip. They are said to go through a number of Stunts that are not duplicated by any other troupe. They are closely followed by Fred Dobell presenting an act of his own conception. Outlined with a myraid of electric lights, he rides a bicycle back and forth across a wire 40 feet im the air. As he gets part way through his performance, there is a loud re port and fireworks burst up from below and cascade down over him in a veritable fountain of fire. Special arrangements have been made with some local firms for a special matinee ticket good for next Wednesday. Details found in an advertisement else where in this newspaper. Two Died In This Wreckage .... f r - Soco Gap- Road To Be Soon, Hoey 6. SW The lives of Walter Odoll Mason and Glenn Calhoun, of Lake Juna- luska, were instantly snuffed Out Saturday night, when the truck in which they were riding, was rammed by the coupe shown elsewhere on this page, in which three Canton negroes were seriously injured. The three negroes are under a murder indictment. The accident happened near the intersection of the Asheville Highway and Ratcliff Cove Road.---i,Aoto by The Mountaineer, ' 3 Negroes Held On Murder Charges, As 2 Men Die In Wreck Dr. Anderson To Fill Pulpit Of Presbyterian Church Here Sunday The Reverend Dr. R. C. Ander son, president of Montreat Asso ciation and of Montreat Junior College, will be the guest preacher in the Waynesville Presbyterian church here on Sunday, the 15th, at the regular 11 o'clock morning service.' ."' Dr. Anderson is recognized as one of the outstanding Presbyte rian ministers in the South, and is an able and impressive speaker. The public in general is invited to attend the morning worship at the church on Sunday. ELLIOTT TO PREACH 1 P. L. Elliott, of Cullowhee, will occupy the pulpit of the First Bap tist church here Sunday. 4.2-Mile Section Will Com plete 12-Mile Division On Haywood-Transylvania Line Two important sections of the Blue Ridge Parkway are scheduled to be let to contractors during September and October, it was learned here from an official this week. Section 2U-3, connecting and completing the route between Wa gon Road Gap and Beech Gap, is due to be let this month. The sec tion is 4.2 miles, and runs from Bridges Camp Gap to Silver Mine Bald. The route runs within 1,000 feet of the beautiful Yellowstone falls, and around the edge of a proposed 400-acre lake, which would be one of the highest lakes in Eastern America, with an alti tude of 6,800 feet In October, a 7-mile section, from Soco Gap to Big Witch Gap is due to be let for contract. In this section there 'are two tunnels, with the route running in a west ward direction towards Ravensford, Plans being designed by engin eers for the route from Big Witch Gap to Ravensford, a distance of 8 miles, will have 9 tunnels, and will be let about May first. Of particular interest to this section, is the construction of a spur of the Parkway, leading from Buch's Gap, going to Black Camp Gap a distance of 2.5 miles. Con tract for this section is expected let soon after the Big Witch Ravensford section An official here this week ex nressed himself that the entire section of the Parkway from Soco Gap to Ravensford would be under construction by next June, The road from Wagon Road Gap to Bridges Camp Gap, a distance of 6.1 miles, has been open about 3 weeks to travel. The surface is packed with crushed stone, and those who have made the trip over the road which is on the crest of the mountain dividing Haywood and Transylvania counties, have been most enthusiastic in their reports of the scenic beauty afforded from the many vantage points. Work from Beech Gap eastward towards Silver Mine Bald, under contract to Nello Teer, is progress- - -1 wact arftobe l8VGap-I iV An Odell Mason And Glenn Cal houn, Killed Instantly In Head-On Collision As the result of a head-on col lision at the Intersection of the Asheville Highway and the Ratcliff Cove Road at 10:25 o'clock on Sat urday night, two white men were killed and three negroes, now pat ients in the Haywood County Hos pital, were seriously injured. State Patrolman O, R. Roberts swore out a warrant for the negroes and all three hav. been indicted for murder! , As soon as they are able to Teave the nospital they will be turned over to the custody of the sheriff and lodged in jail pending their trial. The two white men, Walter Odell Mason, 29, and Glenn Calhoun, 29, were riding in a light pick-up truck and started home when a '86 Ford coupe in which the three negroes were riding not only forced them off the road but also ran straight into them The two men were killed instantly and the three negroes, Glenn Me Dowell, j. J. McKinney, and Her man Lowery, all of Canton Were seriously hurt. Mason's body was found under ths rear wheels of the truck which was in the ditch, giving evidence of how far the car had pushed the truck off the highway. It was the opinion of those who first reached the wreck that Mason must have jumped from the truck when he realized that the collision was una voidable, Mason suffered. a crushed skull, both lees and his back were broken, When he had left home a short while before he has asked his two year old daughter what she wanted him to bring her, and she had said "a sucker" and his wife had said she would like an orange crush Near the body of the dead man were found the "sucker" intended for his baby and the orange juice and the broken glass container were minded with his blood on the road. Mason had talked to his father, nio-ht watchman of the Underwood Novelty Company, less than a half hour before his fatal ride. Glenn Calhoun, who was driving was found in the truck under the wheel with a broken neck and both ten crushed. Walter Mason was employed by the Underwood Novelty Co. Cal houn was the operator of the Lake Junaluska filling station. The two men lived near each other and both had done their Sat urday night shopping for groceries and had started home, when Cal houn had said that he had to go to town and get some medicine for Ma wife. They made the trip to Waynesville and were returning home when they met tne car irom Canton. The truck was said to have belonged to Woodrow Camp bell, foreman of the underwood Novelty Company. Herman Lowery, driver of the or has lost his right eye, and suf fered a number of broken bones and is reported to be in a serious condition. J. J. Kenney has a fractured jaw with bad lacerations about the head and face. strncted about a mile east of the tunnel. The distance of this sec tion of the Parkway is 2.7 miles, making an even 12 miles from Wa- ( Continued a page 12) Pastors Alarmed Over Deaths From Alcohol The Haywood County Miniate rial Association held it first meet ing on Monday at the home of Mrs. Burnett, after a three months summer vaction. Following lunch a business session was held. Both concern and alarm were ex pressed by the ministers over the mmiberbr sudden deaths that have recently been noted in tb county caused by the effects of alcohol It was brought out that in some cases the innocent had seen the victim of death. v Plans to remedy the serious sit uation were discussed. In speak ing of conditions the secretary, the Rev. C. O. Newell, said: "This is alarming to every Chris tian and rightminded citizen and we trust that something may soon be done to remedy this terrible curse." ; . Cherokee Built Says Red Cross Calls On Local Chapter For Garment Quota Mrs. S. P. Gay, Production Chairman, Is Asking For 100 Volunteer Workers The Red Cross production com mittee, of which Mrs. S. P. Gay is chairman, has just received a new quota from National head quarters. It will take around 100 workers to make the required num ber of gamenta, which must be com pleted by December the 15th. The quota calls for the following 6 women's dresses, 25 girls' dress es, 20 layettes, 20 shirts, 6 men's sweater, 10 women's sweaters, and 20 children s sweaters. In the past materials have been furnished either by the chapter or by individuate, with the excep tion of wool for knitting garments in last quota. Materials are ex pected to arrive at an early date, according to instructions from headquarters. "We are begging for volunteers to get the last quota completed, and it is very important that they be finished on the time designated, as the dates are set before hand for shipments of materials going abroad from national headquar ters," said Mrs. S. P. Gay in speak' ing of the work of her committee. Those wishing to offer their ser vices in making the garments, are asked to call -th following: for sewing, Mrs. "XJ C. White, 894; for knitting sweaters and shawls, Mrs.- George Bischoff, 896; and Miss Alice Stringfleld, 135-J; for layettes, Mrs. E. C Wagenfeld, and Mrs. William Prevost. The following quota of garments was sent last week from the chap ter: 6 women's sweaters; 6 men's sweaters; 14 children's sweaters; 6 women's dresses; 6 children's dresses.'' Money From Special High way Allotment Will Be Spent On No. 293 Extension Governor Hoey gave assurance in Raleigh Monday, that the 12- mile state highway from Soco Gap to Cherokee would be built soon under a special construction pro gram. . The extension of Highway 293 down the mountain to Cherokee, is a project that was promised by North Carolina in return for rights-. of-way through the Indian Reser vation for the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Soco-Cherokee project is one of two which will be built from special funds. The other road will be built across Mattamusket Lake in the eastern part of the state. The two projects will cost between $650,000 and $700,000, an amount to be drawn from a special allot ment from the state highway fund and not charged against the dis tricts in which they are located. It is understood that the field work by a crew of surveying engin eers had been completed, and sent to the Raleigh office of the state highway and public works com mission.''; ,..';.'. . Annual Burress Family Reunion To Be Held At Cruso On Sunday 15th The annual Burress family re union will be held on Sunday the 15th, at a building at Cruso, form erly known as the Waynesville Rod and Gun Club. , V ' The program will start at 10 o'clock and will consist of short talks and songs, with a picnic din ner at the noon hour. Dave Cabe, of Waynesville, is president of the group and has ex tended a cordial invitation to all members of the family and friends to attend and bring with them a basket lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell, who have spent the past fortnight here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Howell, are returning this week to their home in Prov idence, R. I. Mrs. Charles E. Ray, Jr.," of Chapel Hill, was a Waynesville vis itor during the past week. Dr. E. Anderson Optometrist, Has Located Here Dr. Edith Anderson, optometrist, has located in town, having taken office 5 in the Masonic Temple. Dr. Anderson is a graduate of the Northern Illinois College of Optometry. She is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi Optometric Sor ority. Dr. Anderson was1 associated with Drs. Todd and Todd for the past two years. September Term -Civil Court To Open Monday 16th The September term of civil court will convene here on Monday, the 16th, with Judge Wilson Wariick, presiding. Tha trial rinrlret contains the fol- , lowing cases: State ex rel Kins and, ' at al vs. Mackey; Campbeu vs. Campbell, et ux; Cogdill et al vs. Morris-Taylor - Lbr. Co., et al; Yarborough vs. Towles; Millwood vs. Street; Casey vs. Coca-Cola Co.; Haywood Garage vs. Campbell; Un iversal Credit Co. vs. Cole; Osborne vs. Singleton, Admr. Price vs. Hyatt et al ; Taylor vs. Berndle: Pressley vs. Rickman et al ; Roberta vs. Town of Canton et , al; Dicus et al vs. Hil deb rand; Sparks vs. Barber et al; Hunter vs. Clark; Robinson vs. Robinson; Fitzgerald vs. Fitzgerald; Hendrix vs. Western Union Tel. Co.; Jaynea vs. Jaynes; George vs. Moore; Jaynes vs. Eckenrod. Harrell vs. Hannah et al ; Mason vs. Mason; Scott vs. Scott; Sprinkle i vs. Sprinkle; Miller vs. Worley. All uncontested divorce cases will be heard at the convenience of the court. :'. Former Residents Visit Relatives In The County Mr. and Mrs. Von Rogers and Mrs Zimri Rogers, of Chicago, spent the past week in the county visiting at the Sentelle home on Pigeon road. They came to at tend the Sentelle-Huggins family reunion which was called off on ac count of the recent flood. Mrs, Zimri Rogers was the former Miss Lizzie Sentelle. Her husband, the r late Mr. : Rogers, was at one time part owner of the Waynesville Courier. Miss Tillie Rotha spent the week end with relatives in Asheville. Waynesville Appears On Two million Labels Of Land 0' The Sky Asso. ing gatisfactorily. The boring of and the pioneer road has been con-j Glenn McDowell suffered an eye injury and received severe cuts on his body. State patrolmen O. R. Robert and J. A. Sullins, who investigated the (Continued on page 12) Mor than two million labels, with "Waynesville, N. C, U. S. A." on them, will be used by the Land O' The Sky Association this year, it was learned this week. The association has recently ad ded three brands, making six in all, and the movement is expected to in crease distribution oi the many vegetables packed by the associa tion. "Grove Park Inn" is one of the newest brands, on which a picture of the famous Grove Park Inn in Asheville -is shown, with, the ex planation: "This product is regu larly testeid in the) kitchen of Grove Park Inn where it must meet the exacting and exclusive require ments of this exclusive resort hotel. The manufacturer guarantees this product to be up to the standards established." ; The label is done in four colors. "Assembly Hall," is another of the new group. This label pictures a building closely resembling Mis sion Inn at Lake Junaluska, with a mountain background. On either side is a natural color picture of the canned product. The third of the group is "Sum mer Haven." The' other brands sold by the Land O' The Sky Association, are "Our Betsey," "Land O' The Sky Brand" and "Southern Skyland Brand." - "Our Betsy" and "Grove Park Inn" packs are fancy. The pack of "Land O' The Sky" and "Summer Haven" are choice, while the stand ard packs are "AssemblyTIair and "Southern Skyland BrAnd." Every label used by t&e associa tion has imprinted on n: "Land O The Sky Association, Inc., packers distributors, " Waynejsville, N C U S. A." Haywood County Council PTA Will Meet The 14th The initial meeting of the Hay wood County Council of the Parent Teacher Association will be held on Saturday the 14th, at 2:30 p. m., at the Pennsylvania Avenue school in Canton, according to Mrs. George A. Kunze, president. All schools in the county are urged to send representatives to the meeting as plans for the cur rent year will be outlined. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Williams and young daughter, of Rocking ham, who have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. J. L. Wil liams, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs Guy Massie and son, Bobbie, will return this week from Wrightsville Beach where they have spent several days. H. M. HALL, Offieial Obfrvr Week Ending September 10th Sept Max Min 7:00 p. m. Pree 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 79 79 79 79 78 80 76 65 64 64 66 62 63 62 69 69 69 67 68 69 62 trace Mean Maximum Mean minimum - . Mean for week High for week Low .or week 0.37 78.6 KK 1 -6.8 ...80.0' . - 62.0 67.6 W Mean ?:00 pja. Above Sept. normal Max. barometer for week -JJ0.10" Min. barometer for week 29.65 Barometric mean for week 30.02 Mean relative humidity 72 Precipitation for week 0.37" Precipitation for month 0.37 Below September normal 0.63" Precipitation since Jan. 1st .36.99" Excess for year ... 2&V t

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