Face i The Way NESVILLE M TAINE '.ale That Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park fTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 2. Sixteen Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1941 $1.50 In Advance in Haywood and Jackson ConntieL fail Term Of jourt Adjourns liter Two Days nf Cases Dtenoaed Ulliuvx v- . Daring The Brief Term f Court Under Judge ettles rhe January term of civil court, icb convened nere --on aiuuuay rning with Judge Zeb V. Nettles, Ashevilie, presiding, adjourned Hi at 4:30 Tuesday afiernoon. while the docket was cleared of Umber of cases there were sev- 11 non suited op carried over to kher term of ceurt. tn the case of Johnson versus lder, Mrs. rewer ana mr. joau- agreed to a compromise neiore case was caiiea. tiuage newies the Jury a summary of the tea and the jury returned the uict without leaving their seats be box. '.' he case grew out of an auto- bile accident Joyce Johnson, year old child, through his best d, his father, li. W. jonnson, a verdict of $4,000 for dem and physician fees for inju he received while attempting oss the highway in front of hi e in Canton last August, when k by a car which was driven rs. Lawrence r elder, of uan- case in which Bryant B. h business manager of a local firm, was seeking damages nting to $20,000 from Max- Tolansky and his wife, Selma Isky, of Ashevilie, for alleged ier was deferred to the May I of Haywood Superior court, fe case grew out of the thef t of g of jewelry valued at $20, jU $30,000. When it cam, up 'trial Tuesday Judge Nettles ruled a defense motion asking a bill of particulars specifying persons hearing the alleged do ing language and the places end they were said. be case of George Casey versus Coca Com Bottling Company, sheville, was non suited, due to act that a number of witnesses Asbeville failed 'to appear. yilained .thathe,jBunre4 ,t physical disabilities from 1 ing a coca cola from a bottle he discovered af .er he had cd half of its contents, eon I a small mouse. He is seek :,000 in damages ltd his health, he case of Ario Hunter, ver rover Clark and Ames Hun- kivoiving a livestock feeding ct, the judgment gave Arlo the rigot to recover $100 Amos lidntex, and Grover w to ' credit Amos Hunter $100, and the costs of the are to be equally divideu fen Amos nunvtr a ad Grover To Take Office I L - I J County Farmers Make Good Start On 1941 Program To Date Haywood Farmers Have Used Twice As Much lime As Any Other County Under AAA Haywood County farmers have used twice as much lime under the 1941 Agricultural Conservation program to date as any other coun ty in North Carolina, it was learn ed yesterday from the county farm agu..t's office. Star.ing in November of 1940, there have been delivered 3,500 tons of lime to Haywood County farmers Under the farm delivery sys'tem, which is being inaugurated this' year. Deliveries will continue After noon today, J. M. Brough- until October 81 of the current ton will become governor of North year. . Carolina, succeeding Clyde R. Hoey, Orders are befcg taken pracli who' will return to private live in cally every day. through the farm Shelby, leaving for Mr. Broughton agent's office, and it is expected a comfortable balance in the state that over 7,0000 tons will be used treasury, a very efficient working by May of this year, jrganization and a contented pub- Orders are being filled as they lie of the state. - are placed so the farmers wishing Mr. Broughton will take the oath lime for spring crops should place of office today noon and immediately their orders now, according to the thereafter deliver his inaugural farm agents. address. In Raleigh r . Lime may be used on any crop on the farm. The recommended rate is 1 to 2 tons per acre, ex cept for special crops such as al falfa, sweet clover, and other sim ilar types, in which cases the rate is increased to 4 to 6 tons. HU 1. j . . , -i mine luiiriyinnsunuie 10 a BO TU! mailable. Hay wood' County has a -o - j wviviv Fuuuiunj Mercury Drops Down To Eleven For the second time this winner, lionU I. iZATT tbns and orders will be filled as liquid sapped down to 16 for three tllo ,nm- tr. monthly allotment of about 60 P. case of Swann Hendrix pt the Westenoi Union Tele- Company, involving 'a tele- which was delayed in deliv- as continued. S. Jones, in hs case aganst McCracken, involving a cat- We was rendered a judgment .00. -. case of Junaluska Supply 1y against B. J. Sloan was ted, with the plaintiff tax I costs of the court The I ave notice of an appeal Supreme court. In the sec e of the Junaluska Company t B. J. Sloan, involvinz the Mt of a note, the plairjtiff sred a judgment of $2660. he case of C. A. George ver t. R. Moore, the plaintiff re A judgment against the de It for $88.00. he case of Hardin Price ver- C. Clark, which grew out appeal from the magistrate's Clark is to recover $15 of Vunt paid to the magistrate pee the balance. e divorce cases were granted ws: Wilma Campbell Phelps i ohm. Phelps; Irene Kohker irom Maraell Hubbl; ui irom j. L. Ball. of the coldeat days of the winter, The week's report as compiled by Q. M. Kipp, official observer, ie as follows: Mm 89 48 32 19 16 11 16 Jan 1 2 3 4 ' 5 6 7 p. m. 62 60 34 36 25 80 30 0.60 0.19 they come in, Farmers desiring to use triple superphosphate on grass or pas ture in the spring should place prec 1 their orders now. Triple superphos phate obtained through the AAA program can be used only on grasses and clover on pastures established. That is, phosphale cannot be used ouv small grain or row crop regardless of what crop is to follow. ' There is no freight charge on AAA phosphate. The farmer is 3 only required to pay for the haul- 62 mS the phosphate from - the H railroad to his farm. The recom 37 mended fate of phosphate is 200 g pound 1 per, acre. Farmer are 0.79 rgcd to use phosphate on pas 46 26 Max 62 66 50 42 34 37 40 Meaty maximum Mean minimum Mean for week ............ High for week ..;.. Low tor, week .....: Mean for 7 p. m. Below Jaunary r.ormal Precipitation for week Below January normal PrecipiieJtion since Jan. 1, 1941 0.79 n8 beeI, applied the results have Deficit for year ..................0.06 Deen for decided improvement . ' ; - ' . ; I The demonstration farmers' re- W 'cords show that the best results Deiense Mechanics have been obtained on pastures wi.n one ton or lime and 200 pounds of triple superphosphate. GLKVN C. PALMFR assumed his duties for the second time as representative of Haywood County in the state legislature which con vened at noon Wednesday. Mr. Palmer said before leaving Way nesville that hedid not have any local bills in mind which he would introduce in the 1941 session. New C. Of C. Board To Elect Officers At Meet On Friday The newly electd board of the Chamber of Commerce will bold a meeting at 7:80 o'clock Friday night in the chamber office in the community buildirg. The purpose of ihe meeting is for the e!ec;ion of officers for the en suing year and the general work ing organization of the board. The outgoing board will also present a report of the activities of the past year ar.d give a complete financial s.atement of expenditures covering the period. Members of the new board and the groups they represent include: Industry, R. B. Davenport, Bill Pre vost and William Chambers, Jr.; Merchants, Felix Stoval, Bill. Ray, and Harrold Massie; Agriculture, J. C. Lynn, and R. N. Barber, Jr.; Business and professional, Marion T. Bridges, Paul L. Davis, J. W. Killian, James S. Queer.; Hotel, C. A. George, and Mrs. Grady Boyd; Automobile service, Spauldon Un derwood, and Dill Howell. TT 1 Accidents way Cost County $24,5 00 Envoy to U.S. Short Session Is Expected Of '41 Legislature Mull Named Speaker Of The House As Legislature Con vened Wednesday Noon The North Carolina General As sembly opened its 1941 session uoon Wednesday by formally elec G. F. Boston Well Known Lumberman Dies At Home Here Last rites were conducted at the Methodist church at 11 o'clock on Tuesday morning for George Frairk.in Boston, 66, well known lumberman, who died at his home here on the Howell Mill road at 4:30 a. m. on Monday, after an extended illness. The Rev. W, L. Hutching superintendent of the Methodist district officiated. Bur ial was in Grear.hill cemetery, n - h x 1 1 n fkJE'i . .... Report Shows 5 Killed And 27 Injured On Haywood Highways During 1940 Accidents. on the highways of Haywood during 1940 cost $24,650, according to the report of the state highway patrol in their annual statement just released. This cost is based on the average cost of $125 per accident, and $3,000 for each death and itemized ' as follows: ,6 'Paralitica ...$15.000 ' 27 Personal ijuries ....... 3,375 ,' Actual property damage .... 4,775 Stock (2 mules) ...... 400 Total . ...................... :.$24,650 I The reports on the 27 accidents were based on those reported to the Highway Patrol and in excess of $10 damages. The annual report for Haywood is as follows: pt Accidents investigated -'. 27 Arrests made 17 Cases nol prossed 2 . Oases continued 3 Fines imposed .. ......$225 Forfeitures :. ..........$500 Coste imposed .. ..... .......$169.60 , Amount defendants required by court to pay vicitms or beneficiary, $4,725. Actual property damage -;...$5,775 Fatalities 6, (1 died Wtor partly ' as result of accident). Personal injuries - 27 Stock killed, 2 mules The report further showed that 84 per cent of all accidents occur James S. Queen has recently been a. .riiu d.tv...... . Serving as pallbearers were the1 " " i u S - " five fatal accideJts were within ai1 following: J. E. Bar" J. C Rose I b KflT m'ich , mile of a town. Two-uhW of Ji- iChaa. r. P,. fl. n v to be held on ThursH the acddonila hemnr W.n I day evening, January the 30th. l and 10 p m Thetappointmentjva9imade by. An inking part of the re Dr. Julian Miller, of Charlotte, who -r ' . ..v. . Ai caused by some form were driving. , berav were agrei that ihey would ' among those from out 'of Iowa L Z .Z" co.mi"eu MTvin -other jdrians -walking into ' go home fs toon wlbey could tendinefu te Cshi routnne business. ... . l't a later date. . . vefcWe " v " f Accidents were reported every Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax is Britain's new ambassador to the United States, succeeding the late Lord Lothian. The appointment was seen as an indication that Britain considers the Washington post of equal importance with a cabinet portfolio. James S. Queen County Chairman President's Ball ing tWus M. Mull, of Shelby, as o. Ro. j w t M-r.-..i.r ' ' speaker of lihe House, and John O, Larkins, Jr., of Tremtan, as presi dent pro tempore of the senate. , Mr. Boston, a native of West Virginia, came to this section from Arkansas in 1919. ....... .0.08 tures, and in all cases where it be the biggest budget in 4he state's Balancing the budget, of course, ',UX, Zm T-Vk ' V 2 " will be one of the principal items !,. guilty tf New The advAory budge commission fw' , " WMJPkn 111 more will recommend what is reported to " yT Ti returnl": to thi Course is being Offered At Bethel A defense mechanics' course in the operation, care, air.d repair of tractors, trucks, and automobiles I got underway at Bethel Monday night of this week wi.h twenty eight out-of-school you.hs between the aires of 17 to 25 enrolled. The course is being taughi by eniLPPomted as state directors Mrs. AUey Will Direct Birthday Party Groups Mrs. Doyle Alley and Mrs. Ray. mond Fuson, of New Bern, have Hugh Cathey and George Samey under the geceral supervision of I. A. McLain, vocational teacher at Be.hel school, who organized tl.e courses. The classes are beinar history F.guree ai e kept secret un- Vil the budget aotually ta submitted Other importaint i.ems sure face i. (he legi.sliatore 1 nave passed resolutions askirig leglislature to authorize a statewide referendum on the liquor question. The c-'ttm half of the e.iate was expected (to protest any such pro posal. Program for Schools 2 Schools. The legislators have been asked to provide a retirement puan lor teachers, pay increses, a nine-mocths school term, a 12-year school, and to raise the age of com pulsory attendance do 16 years. 3 Boads. There have been in creasing demands that Nor.h Caro- luiia a roads be secton early last sprng. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Lou. cre.ia Shrader Boston: one dauirh. tor, Mrs, Eugenia Boslon Balentine, lof Waynesvillej one brother, T. J. NYA Hospital Project To Be Sponsored With Fourteen Girls Employed January Pphrilfl.mr .. tx piujuct, nan recently March been approved for this county, ac-1 April Liquor. Several organization, 1 -11 V' url"' ?ne county NYA-supervisor, The pro- jue " passed resolutions askirig the w J1' Wilson, of Cairo, jict which is being jointly spon- Jujv " " '" V . 1 uni'nH K (ha C(o r IJ UL - " 1,11c utoic uuaiu uj. XACttitii August1 and State NYA, will employ 14 Snm" r- " for the women's activities of the ancual campaign to raise funds with which to 'fight infantile par alysis'' in observance of the birth- " J i.'.VlV-lll. ILUUBr.KIL, ' . . m pww t ... it. iiarm-o-market roads point out conducted, n Mr. Cathey', garage, nZ-tolln. te sate's roads are becom- and possibly some instruction will an.f. . nUnw. w January the obsolete be given in the school shop as the J th baI!" I Hindus .iry. It has been recom- course progresses ' I mended that the leaualMur- eet un The hours of instruction are 6:30 M- AUey ten yesterday for . defense comm" in w.h. to 9:30 each week-day night, ex- ?Ie,h! to attend a meeting with Wtota to .ecure Miiinl Str cept Saturday. The course will "r- Jul'4B Mller te chairman. for jhe under th- jiailAi H run at least eight weeks and is of- ln08- Uoward and Mrs. Fuson to feme program. Commissioners Have Busy But Uneventful Meet The county commissioners at tneir regular for.night meeting here on Mor.day spent the greater part of the day in revising the jury lists. Thow aim it. i more completely ' "1 "" ue lne PP"t- modenlzed. Proponents of newer . Tl.uf"wooa. mathers, of aruerial highway, and improved ei!ctric oint out njrwwu vouniy. ine fpumiment was made by Robert ugn Uark, who was appointed inspector by the commissioners at vneir last meeting. moro.Si, whh tihe high mark coming in August, with March. April. Oc tober ard November having 1 each. -2 .. .....a 1 1 2 ..,.. .4 ..5 .....3 ......2 October November fered free. complete delails and plans for the women's activities in North Caro- Mrs S. C. Satterthwaite has re- ." . . : turaH tn Atlta ft. ' Aa7 maiviauai, ciud or organiza- .everal months in town at her home Srt.-?!? A 8pn8r "M anH uiifh tioi i.-ti . v party" for adults or for children andwith her daughter, Mrs. Ernest wm rceive information from Mr, L. Wither,. ! Alley. .Walker Of ton, Passes twood Walker, 66, assistant ' of the Canton division of mpion Paper and Fibre y died at an Ashevilie hos Pesday night at 11:45 o'clock I week's illness with heart I survived by ore sifter, Mrs. PTIara, of Hollywood, Cal. Pal services were conduct n Well, FuneraJ home at ednesday by the Rev. W. R. ! pastor of the First Meth surch and the body was sent I fomer home at Cmcumati : , . y Davis, who has spent th, month, in South Carolina, irnd to town. Funds To Help Greeks Will Be Sought In Community-Wide Drive Here Friday Starting tomorrow morning and the following: Jonathan Woody lasting (through the Saturday the W. Roy Fraccis, R. V. Welchj W.' 11th, an intensive drive for contri- Curtis Russ, Chas. E Ray Jr ' butionsto to the local Greek relief C N. Allen, L. M. Ri'cheson' Bill fund will be made by a committee Prevost. Mrs. D. D. AIIpw - v.r of citizens of the community head-. Whitener Prevost, of Hazelwood girls. The girls will be assistants to :he nurses in the Haywood County December HoKpi.al and will work entirely under the supervision of the train id nurses. They will have noor duly and two will be assigned to the nurses home as housekeepers. As soon as the girls are availa ble and sigfl( up, the project will Mjirf . ITanh criil .i..b- Ufl hour each month ani will be on : A Mw band, i's being organized du.y two weeks out of the four, ' !" the e fim.Wnr schools of the with 7 on duty at one time. uuict unoer tne su- During the past month the NYA Pp11810" ' L. T. New, Jr., band ; ..i.. :.. u.. !".. ...j director. New Band Group Organized From Saxtette Students Lions To Select Hi-School Junior Lions Each Month The Lions Club at a recent meet- trom 36 to 160, according to Mrs. toy d. The roll is composed of botn boy, ar.d girls and are en gaged in a varie.y of projects. AAA Committeemen 01 County Will Attend Meeting In Ashevilie The county farm agents, the ed by J. R. Boyd, chairman. The sponsoring committee feel' ing thai the worthy cause will have -Reapportionment, The 1940 census gave the etarte another con gress man, and lb will be up to the legislature to provide a 12tdi con- large has been proposed, but the ing ecide?. to night suggesUon has not been received V".: "7, " " "Ku favorably. Ore proposal was that At """ ttim" two h,?h chol ,.tu- the most populous ditricU-the aea" w? n.ave maae "tanaing lOthbe divided 40 provide a di- f4"" lrir Mhool work will trict composed of LincOA,Mecklen- ..i ,r bure. Burke. Mitchell. Yancev A ,of the month- McDowell counties. A boy and girl will be selected tural Conservation program, and Many umer Matters uiu..yu. me meeung meito give instruction on the 1941 Dozens of other Hems are sure to CIUD, W1U P"811! them some sma l burley acreage quota law. o. lowing toe meeting all town. The band will be composed of the saxette students who started work last fall. Counting the new ly organized group, there are now 4 separate and disticct bands la the Waynesville district schools Regular rehearsals of the new group composed of 20 elementary students, and any additional stu dent planning to join, the group it reques;ed by the band director to chief clerk, the county committee et n touch with him at nn. members, and the chairman of each I With the continued training of township committee of the Agri- new groups, as the members of th cultural Conservation program,) ma'n' band graduate there will be will at.end a meeting to be held Pnty of trained students to fill in Ashevilie, on Wednesday the 15lh 'the purpose of the meeting is lor discussion of the 1941 Agricul come un in the lecislatu hut it emb.em in appreciation of their was believed .those were the most acholastic merit.1 No student will important The sales tax ie sure toi De BC,eweo more than one ume re- Mayor J. H T. L. Gwyn. At the meetimr Way, Jr., and Mrs. on Tuesday a strong appeal to the people of nght Mr. George pointed out the this section are optimistic over the great need at this time for relief amount that will be raised, and w Greece, and the fact that the hope that every person jo. the com- funds would be sent from here muniiy will give something. jto New York and sent immediate- The committee met Tuesday Jy to the stricken areas. night and were the dinner guests rians were made to have the of C. A. George, formerly of driv announced in all the church Greece, now a citizen of this eoun- es the community on Sunday ty and a World War Vetera, at in1 ft U social and civic group hi, cafe. Plana were formulated noting, during the coming weekJ for it he drive to be made for funds. the need to raise the funds at Those wishing to make dona-. nce is so urgent. came under fire bu if any changes are made in !, it probably will be lio lift it from necessary foodstuffs. gardless of grades Carleton B. Weatherby. princi pal of the high school and athletics The highway patrol may have its coach, will serve as chairman of powers broadened because of mob ilization' of the na.iooal guard Safety Director Champion Fibre To Address Lions Clyde Hildebrand, safety direc tor of the Champion Paper and this program for the club. rtone are asked to leave tbem eith or with Mr. Boyd at the First Na tional Bank, or give to any mem I'd was also decided to rrfnt the names, of all the donor, and amour t, contributed, in the paper. hereof the committee made up f i - (CoatiMed page 1) ; Two Haywood Pastors On District Program The regular quarterly conference of Baptist minis.er, of the district wiH be held Monday with the Cui- Fibre Company, of Canton, will hmhee church. Among those from address the members of the Lions Haywood taking part on the pro- Club at their regular meeting to- gram are: Rev. H. G. Hammett, of ship committeemen will be called in for an all day meeting on the ia4i program and tobacco acreage quotas for 1941. There are 39 AAAcommitteemen in Haywood county, and each one is expected to attend the meeting next Wednesday. night in the Welch Memorial build ing of the Baptist church. Accordk-g to the president of the elub, Alvin Ward, the entire pro gram will center around the sub ject of "Safety." Waynesville, and Rev. W. B. Sprinkle, of Canton. Rev. Mr. Hammett will speak on "Sabba.li Observance," while the (opie assigned Rev. Mr. Sprinkle is: -Andrew Clubs for 194L" GOING TO NEW YORK Mrs. C. J. Reece plans to leave Sunday for New York where she will spend a week buying spring merchandise for Massie's Depart ment Store. IN RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gwyn are attending the inauguration of J. Broughton today, and tonight M. will' attend the formal Governor's ball. the ranks. Farmers Urged To Sign Up For 1941 Program Eighty Haywood county farmer, have already received their 1940 Agricultural Conservation checks, according to the county farm agents' office records. . A! checks can be delievered by April if the farmers will sign their applications for payment as no. tilled. Every farmer who wishes to take part in the 1941 program must make out a farm plan. ..This plaa will be made at the same time the application for payment is signed. Farmer, are asked to watch th mail for schedule of meetings to be held in each community for the signing of applications. Ralph pTevost, sales manager of the Uregusta Manufacturing Company, left Thursday for Chi cago where he is attending tbe semi-annual furniture m.rk.t. B will remain there several days. Si

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