Wayne nn IH sville Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park NO. 10 Twelve Pages WAYNES VILLE, N. THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1941 $1.50 In Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties MOUNTA NEEK .1 Unit State y Meeting U Tuesday 1 r - ml I u CIas8 Three w Uft Are EhgiDie r , Lice ta State uuu . . tv,p SUte Guard according to Cap rtSf Howell, who is in Jti meeting every Tuesday () in the WaynesvUle " AU men in the draft in . i.-;k1o tn service three are b""- . I m.finrd. it was pointed fvOiptsin Howell. Pfc ' . i'ninincr the tone interest ... -- -II w ...i,..,! tn males any of the following Paul N. Davis, Frank M, 0 ramnhell. Vaughn Lt, Eaymond F. Swayngim, 1 Wyatt, raui uauuwnjr " members of the company are lorn- James F.Aldridge, Sam Lfley, Chaucy H. Burress, U r.mntM.11. Abe Cone. Paul Ivij, Frank M. Davis, Ralph teenian, Paul liaiioway, two- Gibson, Frank J. James, Af , Ledbetter, Ruius U l.em Harry McCracken, James I, Ralph L. Prevost. " -:. Prevost. Robert Par- A J Rhvmer. Vaus-hn R. Lt, Jack H. Snyder, Ben J. Raymond J. ewayngim, Worthington, Gordon Wyatt, nl 1 . r Jl . TT U sneenan, raauiaoii xi. ud Hobart Wyatt. Cabe, Native Jackson County ied Yesterday rites were held vesterdav kon at the First Methodist for Jefferson Cabe, 65, who today at 6 d. in. at the M County Hospital follow- pwonged illness. The Rev. 1 G. Hueein. Jr.. castor of finrek and the Rev. H. G. taitor T th Tirst Pai- lurch, officiated. Burial was Nnhil cemetery. 'in? as active nallbearers pvid Underwood, Earl Cald im Caldwell, Bradford Me- ii&s rerguson, and W. F. . ; .'. 1 'try pallbearers werp. Tr isinjfield, John Ray, Floyd Dr. W. V L. If irlf ntrji.V lassie, John Jones, Linwood n.. L. LSmnlfin Ho i thai. I 1 UM'.IIV. Dr. Tom Stri'iio-fiou' T, U.M, KillianrT. L. Bram- Ube, Robt. V. Welch, oler,;and Dr. N. M. Med- ICabe was a nar.ivo nf .TanV. Fity, and was born on Au- F n, 1875, the son of the f ani Barthny Barron uou' operated a shoe re ft here for many years. pr are two brothers, Rob- rj Andrews, and Vernor roummerville, S. C; two 1 Hub Oil- . , . ouag Nichols, of Way. iana Mra Tiriii t . 'GfOVe, Ore.. ami . .v P and nephews. New Catholic Church Under Construction Scouts Have ial Programs Jbservanrp fcille; troop of Girl sul , . ' at 1 memory of the birth- plunder direction of leME-C-Wagenfeld. kafft , nal ceremohy" itf ls in other landa 4!f,vy feting of the fcial i;I "l'n lnere will Julia t lne mem- feionprs ;ht Day" "st Monday WaL0nev0ftheliShtest "ttmeS,11? fr a flrst meet,ng 8aid "rd V,V lrman of i thL61" meeting of fJSvesUfor of the h ard" Thebet ttergri.? as 8Pent " few jrfittrt ga.j Architect's drawing of St. John's Catholic Church, Waynesville. ' Construction of the church will begin this week by Contractor August J. Durner, Asheville. The architect is Lindsay Gudger, also of Asheville. Medford Appointed To Collect Taxes From 1927 to 1938 William -Medford, local attorney, has been appointed by the Haywood county board of commissioners to collect all delinquent taxes due the county from 1927 to 1938, in an effort to clear up all back taxes. The county board has turned over all tax collections during the given period to Mr. Medford, giv ing him full power and authority to represent the county in collec tions, including the power to bring suit in the name and behalf of the county and to foreclose the lien of the delinquent taxes for the stated years.'; : The contract with the attorney provides that he in turn is to make every effort to collect the taxes without resorting to foreclosure, if possible. In the event he can not collect the taxes, without fore closure f theliMv Spit, he is to start suit so that all uncontested cases can be foreclosed and the sale of property completed before December the 1, 1943, the date set for completion of collections. In all contested suits Mr. Med ford will prepare the case on be half of the . county and appear in the Superior court and represent the county, in the trial of the suit. The contract further provides that Mr. Medford is to search the records of the county prior to bring ing suit to foreclosure and make all persons, firms or corporation, having an interest in the land; to be foreclosed, so that the purchaser will secure a clear title. Since the work must be completed by December 1, 1943, Mr. Medford is to devote sufficient time to col lections so that by the date set there will be no collectable taxes on the. tax records of Haywood county for the years 1927 and 1938 inclusive. The attorney is to receive a per cent of the collections for his work. He is to handle no money, however, as the terms of the contract call for all money to be paid into the office of the tax collector and supervisor. Work To Start On St. Johns Church Here Has Valentine Day Lost It's Magic Charm? Valentine Day has lost its magic, according- to Chas. C. Francis, register of deeds. Mr. Francis offers as proof, the fact that he did not sell but four marriage licenses in the month of February. This is the lowest record ever made in the office. Has the day been too much . commercialized until romance has lost its subtle meaning in ; the avalanche of gifts of candy and flowers, or is it mostly due to the easy marriage laws of the neighboring states of Geor gia and South Carolina ? Mr. Francis seems of the opinion that it may be a com bination of the two, that has decreased the number of mar riages and sent others fleeing out of the state to a speedy entrance into the Holy state. Jiido-e And Mrs. Smathers To Visit Ambassador And Mrs. Josephus Daniels Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers, who have been spending the winter in Pheoniv and Tuscom, Arizonia, are leaving this week for Mexico City, where they will visit Ambas sador and Mrs. Josephus Daniels. From"Mexico City they willgo to their winter home in Miami, and return here in the spring for the summer months at their residence here. February Travel In Park Shows Heavy Increase The opportunity to participate in winter sports in the park, at tributed to part of the record breaking crowds of 18,594 persons who visited the park in February. The total number of visitors rep resents an increase of 68 per cent over travel for last February, act ual counts showed. Seventy per cent of the visitors were from the local states of North Carolina and Tennessee, 68 per cent of the total number of visitors being from the state of Tennessee alone. The visitors came from 47 states,, the District of Columbia, and Hawaii, with those from Ten nessee leading the list, followed in Order by North Carolina, Ohio and Michigan. Travel for the travel year to date exceeds last travel year through February, 1940, by 22 per cent. . The greatest amount of travel for any one day during the month was on Sunday, February 16, when 4,280 persons, in 1,190 vehicles, visited the park, ' 10 Fiw Theatre Tickets Are Offered By Advertisers Today - bee 1'age Another Blind Man Helped To Enter Business Fred Vaughn, well known local man, who recently lost his sight, has onened a eeneral erocery store on Boyd Avenue, under the spon sorship of the Lions Club and un der the supervision of the State Commission lor Buna. Mr. Vnne-bn is the fourth person in Waynesville township who has been "set up" in business by the Commission for Blind. Mr. Vaughn served as night- watchman at the laundry until his Tnn free theater tickets to the Park are being offered today, in a special announcement on page seven. In each of the 10 advertisements on that page, there will be found the name of some person. Those whose names appear in the ads can get a free ticket by calling at the place of business using their name. The names are chosen at random, and the special offer will be con tinued for a number weeks, which means several hundred people ill be given free tickets. The tickets given jby the firms are to be redeemed without cost at box office of the Park Theatre for regular ones. The tickets Jire good for either Thursday or Friday. If your name is not in the ad ;oiu.Tits this week, be sure to look carefully next week. Construction of St John's Cath olic church on Church street will begin this week. The plans of the church were drawn by Archi tect Lindsay M. Gudger, of Ashe ville. The contract was awarded to August J. Durner, of Asheville The church will be erected on the lot on Church street between St' John's School ; and the Mrs. Rufus L. Alien home. The lot is 90 by 140 feet and was recently acquired from Mrs. Florence Busby, New York. The church will be constructed of solid brick with dark red face brick exterior. It will have a seating capacity of 250. The exterior di mensions are 38 by 72 feet A lower story will serve as audito rium to seat 250. . The contractors estimate that it will be four or five months before the buildingi will be completed and ready for use. The following are charter mem bers of St John's church: Mrs. Rufus L. Allen, Waynes ville; Mrs. Claude Allison, Waynes ville; Miss Louise Beyille, Waynes ville; Jesse Busbee, Hazelwood: Daniel Earley, Waynesville; Marion Holcombe, Waynesville; Miss Ann Kramer, Waynesville; Leo J. Mar- tel, Waynesville; Mrs. Crews Moody, Dell wood; Joseph Mormind, Waynesville; Mrs. Prendergast, Waynesville; Leo Sansone, Way nesville; Mrs. Spaldon Underwood, Waynesville. Mrs. Robert E. Davis, Canton; Lester P. Dixon, Canton; Mrs. S. S. Eagles, Canton; James Fallon, Canton; Edward J. Gillespie, Can ton; Mrs. Harold Hansen, Canton; Matt Healy, Canton; James B. Hurley, Canton; Mrs. Charles Sut tles, Cantoa. Charles Andres, Cherokee; Miss Louise Bradford, Cherokee; Mrs. Margaret Costo, Cherokee; Mrs. William Ensor, Cherokee; Miss Gertrude Flanagan, Cherokee; Dr. E. N. Haller, Bryson City; G. Frank Sauter, Cherokee. Joseph Ashear, Franklin; Mrs. W. D- Davis, Glenville; Mrs. Emil DeCalfmacher, Franklin; Mrs. B. C. Dorsey, Clayton,- Ga.; Walter Kinney, Franklin; Raymond Kirk wood, Franklin; Miss Fannie G. Lucas, Highlands ; Dr. Franklin Verdon, Frankiin ; John Wasilik, Jr., Franklin. ; William Baker, Nantahala; Ar thur J. Steneri, Nantahala; Miss Linetta Dean, Murphy; and Mrs. O. E. Turner, Hiawassee Dam. Review Board To Hear Complaints Week Of 17-21 County Board Of Commis sioners Will Serve As Board Of Equalization And Review The Haywood county board of commissioners will sit as a board of equalization and review, beginning Monday, March the 17th, and con tinue through the 21st, it was an nounced this week All tax complaints will be heard during the five days, with special days set aside for each township. All adjustments in tax assessments must be made while the board is In session on the five days designated, according to the law. .The complaints for Waynesville township will be heard on Friday the 21st. The schedule for the other town ships is as follows: Monday, March 17, Ivy Hill, Jonathan Creek, White Oak, Cataloochee townships. Tuesday the 18th, Fines Creek, Crabtree, and Iron Duff townships. Wednesday the 19th, Pigeon, East Fork and Cecil townships. Friday 21st, Beaverdam and Clyde townships. Construction Of Boyd Building On Main Underway Construction on the John Boyd building on Main street located on the Willis property was started last Thursday. The building will have a frontage of 43 feet and ex tend 125 feet. The first floor will be used for the Boyd Furniture Company. The second floor will be made into of fices and apartments. The basement quarters will be occupied by the Service Cleaners, owned and operated by Mr. Boyd. It will have an entrance and small checking ofBdp on the first floor, so that customers will not have to go downstairs. The Boyd i Furniture Company was established about fifteen years ago and nasleen located on Depot Street. The Service Cleaners is the old est dry cleaning establishment in town. It was started some twenty years ago by James Thomas and Gaither Briggs, who Sold out to John Boyd 16 years ago. 8 Contractors Asked To Submit Bids On , Rubber Plant Here Game Specialist f lAM Bird Hunters To Meet With Land Owners Tonight State Game Specialist To Discuss Problems Confront ing Both Groups Tonight at 8:00, a meeting to which the public is invited, will be held at the court house to discuss the quail situation in Haywood county. Farmers, bird hunters, and all persona interested in any type of native small game are invited to be present, "' The meeting is sponsored ty the Haywood county chapter of the Hunters' nd Fishers' Association of which Felix Stovall is president, and Alvin Ward secretary. The Lions and Rotary Clubs "are joint sponsors. Arrangements to have present (Continued on page 12) Defense Program Will Be Held Here Friday Post Office Has Good Increase In Business , Business last month at the , Waynesville post office showed an increase of $362 over Febru ary of last year, according to J. II. Howell, postmaster. For December, January and February, the local office show ed a net gain over the same months last year of oyer $1,288. A general increase in busi : ness was attributed to the nice gain, Postmaster Howell explained. School Band To Give Concert On First Anniversary The Waynesville band will give a concert on Friday night, March the 14th, at the high school to mark the anniversary of their first concert. At the concert last year, the two bands with a total of 100 students played in the concert. This year there will be three bands playing with a total of 140 students. The high school members of the band will appear in full uniform, and the elementary members in white. A small admission fee will be charged. This goes toward de fraying the expenses of the band, the major part in taking care of the purchase of sheet music. A special program is being ar ranged for the concert under the direction of L. T. New, Jr., band director. . . i ' Jim Milner Will Represent School At Music Event Jim Milner and L. T. New, Jr., left yesterday for Charlotte, where the latter will sing in the Southern High School chorus, which is spon sored by the Southern Conference of the Music Educators National Conference and attended by lead ing musicians all over the United States. ' Students singing in the chorus will come from all the Southern states from Maryland to Florida. It is considered quite an honor to be selected to sing in the 250 stu dents who make up the chorus. Young Milner, who sings bass, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Milner, of Hazelwood, a member of the senior class of the high school, and is prominently identi fied with the various athletic events of the school. He was se lected to represent the local school because of the natural quality of his voice. ; The students who will take part in the chorus started rehearsals yesterday afternoon and will work each day until Saturday when they will appear in a concert. There is a possibility that the concert will be broadcast around 8 o'clock. Fred S. Sloan, of Franklin, dis trict extension agent, and T. W. Cat hey, state AAA committeeman, will be among the speakers at the meeting which is being called at the court house on Friday the 7th, at 2:30 o'clock to discuss and plan an agricultural program to tie in with that of national defense. "We are sure everyone realizes the situation as to national defense in America and that they are aware of world conditions as they exist. The United States is spending bil lions of dollars for defense and business conditions have a bright outlook," said J. C. Lynn, county farm agent, yesterday. "We believe, however, and we are sure everyone does, that we must prepare our farmers to meet any emergency that might arise. Shquld history repeat itself, we may have another period of low wages and farm income as that which followed the first World War. The present farm income is still low and the war is effecting the export of some of our cash crops, the prospects for increased farm prices is not so good," continued Mr. Lynn. "The national defense board and secretary of agriculture have asked that all agencies working with farm people come together for a planning meeting so that we all may put forth a united effort to see that farm people plan to pro duce sufficient food and feed crops," he added in explaining the object of the meeting. The following are among those asked to meet at the court house tomorrow afternoon; Jack Messer, County superintendent of education; M. H. Bowles, supervisor of Way nesville district schools: W. P. Whitesides, principal of Bethel schools; C. C. Hansen, principal of Clyde schools; A. J. Hutcriins, su perintendent of Canton schools and Fred L. Safford, of Fines Creek. Berry Plott, county WPA super visor; Mrs. Elizabeth Bird, of Ashe ville, district WPA worker; Yates Bailey, county supersor of FSA.; Mrs. Jimmy Boyd, county NYA supervisor; Dr. C. N. Sisk, district health officer; Jonathan Woody, president of First National Bank; J.. O. Brown, president Rotary Club; ' Alvin Ward, president of (Continued on page 12) - Contract Scheduled To Be Awarded Within Ten Days, According To Dayton Rubber Officials The Dayton Rubber Manufactur ing Company mailed blue print and specifications to eight contrac tors asking for bids on their plant on last Saturday night, according to a letter received here this week from an official of the company. The Rubber Company officials stated that the bids will be opened in ten days, and the contract for the large and modern building would be awarded at that time, A copy of the blue prints were received here. From a reliable source, it was said that "dirt would be flying" by March 20th. Letters from interested contrac tors who will bid on the project have been received during the past week, relative to the local supply of sand, crush stone and other build ing materials which will be needed for the construction of the plant just south of Hazelwood. One Day Welfare Institute Held Here On Tuesday Welfare workers from thirteen counties attended a one day welfare institute conducted here in - the court room on Tuesday by Miss Anna Cassatt, case work super visor of the state department of public welfare. The program centered around discussions and remedial measures on "Nutritional Defects Among Relief Clients" and the "Value of Case Records." The meeting here on Tuesday was jpne of a- series that is being sponsored by the state department over the state. Around fifty persons attended the institute, including the county su perintendents from the thirtee western counties and a number of workers from each county. Workers from the following counties were present: Polk, Yan cey, Mitchell, Madison, Buncombe, Haywood, Swain, Jackson, Chero kee, Macon, Graham, Clay and Transyvania. Three Fires During Week, But Only Slight Damages The city fire department was call ed out 3 times during the week, with only slight damages in the three in stances. The first call was around 10:35 on Monday morning from the Al- den Howell residence on Woolsey Heights occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferguson. Sparks from the kitchen flu started a blaze on the roof. It was discovered almost immediately by a small boy in the neighborhood and the alarm was turned in. The second fire occurred around 1 :20 on the lot where construction of the Boyd building on Main street is underway, and caught from a piece of machinery. The third call came around 1:30 Wednesday the Boyd building again and the fire caught from the same piece of machienry. Haywood Baptists To Hold Sunday School Conference There will be a special Sunday school conference at the First Baptist church of Waynesville, Monday, March 10. According to Rev. H. G. Ham met t, pastor of the First Baptist church, this is one of seventy such meetings in North Carolina and one of 910 scheduled for the South ern Baptist Convention. This meet ing is being promoted by the Bap tist Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. T. L. Holcomb, Nashville Tennessee, Executive Secretary, and the Sun day School Department of the North Carolina Baptist Convention Board, Mr. L. L. Morgan, Raleigh, North Carolina, Secretary, and the associational Sunday school organ ization of the Haywood Associa tion, R. E. Sentelle, superintend ent ' ' The purpose of this meeting is to map out plans for the expan sion of Sunday school work in all (Continued on back page) -1 ., it- 8ight,faTW him.