nP IE Wayne sville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park fevENTHEAR NO. 19 Sixteen Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1941 $1.50 In Advance in Haywood and Jackson Countta lifted Community ogram Adopted, mpaign Starts 16 F n.. T 1 i - i n r t An. Imeree Bee 1,1 ' Les Of Single Budget em i, a wonderful place to : xrincr it. Id we are going , our peoP'e muc frby staging a Community ,et Campaign, starting May lor rre,uk' y Chamber of Commerce Lei this weeK. pMtim which inching. 19 tar-reac ... made plans to touch Lse of comirlunity life in igram. w taken the three groups L the community tourists, la! and agricultural aivi- U mapped their program equally to eacn wiuioui. tial to either. Irogram takes in all events L senarate divisions have Cdand now these have been into one general program, lh one budget. v. : ofore the industrial group ire or less been the sponsor ,abor Day program, and the carried on with the nve- Lw, while the tourists di- fcaw to the community aa r . .. t Ig sua recreational ieamres, the unified budget plan igram, all divisions will par- eaually in each phase oi heral activities. President explained that under the he community will be knit loeether, bring about a bet- kstanding, and at less cost ider the "separate system" las been used here in the plan is that e'frvthtog t8 money will be lumjHtd budget, and one canvass efficient to care for all the of community-wide pro- .id. . udget calls for promoting tock show in the fall; for bity advertising, support of school band, entertainment Dental and Masonic con- and general Labor Day operation of the Chamber herce office, sponsorship of rnament, representation on Flonda, and maintenance immunity center and host- ptitinued on page 8) Claimed by Death ; More Men Are Bed to Complete H State Guard lain Howell High In Of WaynesviDe pany . p Carolina State Guard !li only four men to meet h-ni number of fifty, ac- 10 Lap win J. Harden While more than the p number have volunteer- Pmoer could not pass the Rents, Kk with the local state one of the most encour '& satisfactory I have ever rilling men," said Cantain yesterday in speakinir of fnnel and general improve rs guard. Fwpanv meets ennh Tuna- ft in the Armory for drill auctions, and ncrm-rHno- m Howell are takinc- their ft very seriously. for the group have Ka ana are expected to s eek. fiformg are nlSo aviwtml far future. They are to CLYDE H. RAY, was buried here Tuesday afternoon. He had been in ill health for some time. Clyde H. Ray, Local Business And Civic Leader Dies Was Identified With Affairs Here For More Thaii Fifty Years Last rites were conducted at 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon at the residence here for Clyde H. Ray, 76, prominent civic and business leader, who died at his home on Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. The Rev. R. E. MacBlain, rector of Grace Episcopal ehurch officiated. Buml was in Green Hill cemetery. " Out of respect to his passing all business firms were closed during the hour of his funeral on Tuesday, and on Monday afternoon the civil court in session this week adjourn ed as a courtesy to Mr. Ray and to the late Frank W. Miller, also a well know civic leader. Serving as active pallbearers were: Dr. N. M. Medford, W. T. (Continued on page 8) - First Day In Court Here Resembles Scene In Reno, Nev. A casual visitor dropping into the court, room here on Monday morning on the first day of the May term of civil court might have been misled into thinking they were in Reno, Nevada, instead of Way nesville, North Carolina. In less than two hours, elev en divorces, all parties resi dents of Haywood county, were granted. Court house attaches and a number of lawyers stated that the "like of such" had never been known in this vicinity be fore. There have been eleven divorces granted during one term of court, but never eleven in one day. with an overseas cap in COior, with whIM, thav V Wack shoes, black ties, I shlrts. On the should J uniforms will be a red F the letters "N. C. S. G.," rVState Guard.) d Mrs. Atkinson fe Kelly Bean ce On Boyd Ave. Mrs. C. K AtTr;o the Kelly Bean residence Z - Tyaremak- fn on 1,. ' - vuc jiouse ana 'ney plan to occupy the fin of june. J ha returned from fcities. Meeting Of Red Cross Chapter Is Set For Monday Election Of Officers And Annual Report Will Be Presented A special meeting of the local chapter of the American Red Cross is being called for Monday night, the 12th in the court house at 8 o'clock by L. N. Davis, president. The purpose of the meeting are to elect officers present the annual reports of the various groups and officers and also the urgent calls that are being made on all Red Cross chapters at this time.-; There are approximately 700 paid up members of the Haywood chapter of the Red Cross and pres ident Davis is urging $ large at tendance at the meeting on Mon day night. All quotas made upon tne cnap ter from national headquarters during the past year and a large amount of local work has been accomplished, all of which will be presented in the annual reports to be given at the meeting, J. R. Morgan Tells Lions Of Growth Of Town Since 1910 J. R. Morgan, local attorney, was the guest speaker on Thursday nighf of the Lions Club at their regular supper meeting. Mr. Morgan discussed The Growth of Waynesville" during the twist thirtv-five years. He told of the many improvements in the streets, in the water system, in the extensive building program and the vast change in the appearance of Main street. Tap dance numbers were pre sented by Evelyn Craig and Mary Ellen Boone, with Miss EVa Leath erwood serving as accompanist. Announcement was made during the evening that four children had Aaheville during the week for eye treatment of their All Evidence In On Fincher Case Wed. Afternoon May Term Of Civil Court Which Convened Monday May Last Through Friday Despite a light docket it was thought yesterday afternoon by court attaches that the May term of civil court which convened here Monday would last through Friday. Judge Zeb Nettles, of Asheville, is presiding, having made an ex change with Judge Frank M. Arm strong, of Monroe, who was sched uled to prisde. The outstanding cose on the dock et is the suit for $15,000 which T. J. Fincher, of Lake Junaluska, is bringing against the Smoky Moun tain Stages, Inc., and the Old North State Breweries, Inc. The fight is between the breweries and the bus company as to which party was negligent. The case grew out of injuries received by Mr. Fincher to his elbow while riding on a bus of the Smoky Mountain Stages, Inc., in Jnly f JP39. ; 1 ' The bj, according tfftesttmony in which Mr. Fincher was riding, collided with a delivery truck be longing to the Old North State Breweries. The evidence brought out the fact that Mr. Fincher's left elbow projected from the window sill of the bus at the time of the accident and was injured by a mir ror on the truck which was deliv ering beer. After the Occident, the testimony further showed that Mr. Fincher was taken to Sylva, about two miles distant and was given treat-1 ment for his injuries. All evidence for all contesting parties was in when court apjourn ed yesterday, the testimony having taken tfp Tuesday and Wednesday. On opening morning of the court eleven divorces were tried and granted. Upon resolution of W. T. Crawford, the court adjourned for the afternoon session in re spect to the passing of two well known local citizens, Frank W. (Continued on page 8) Clerk of Court HUGH LEATHER WOOD was Diiiied clerk of court hen to suc- oed V. G. Bvers. The appointment vas made by Judge Felix E. Alley, Retires S - rr i nA fnr'-ri . - Bradley Improves Hazelwood Store The exterior of the store of W, A. Bradley, Hazelwood, has been completely renovated, by adding a coating of cement to the brick. . Plans are to block off the coat ing and give the building the ap pearance of being built of lime stone blocks. W. G. BYERS was forced by ill health to retire as clerk of court, after serving Haywood County for loven years in that capacity. Byers Resigns Post Of Clerk Of Superior Court Hugh Leatherwood Appoint ed By Judge F. E. Alley To Fill Unexpired Term Hugh Leatherwood took over his duties as clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County Monday morning, having been appointed by Judge F. E. Alley to fill the unexpired term of W. G. Byers, who resigned from the post on April the 25th., due to ill health. Mr. Leatherwood has been pro minently identified with polities in the county and the state for the past ten years. He was with the State Highway Commission from 1931 to 1937. In the latter year he was appointed assistant Seargeant of Arms in the North Carolina Assembly. j In July, 1937 he was appointed State Gasoline and Oil Inspector with the State Department of Revenue.- From this position he resigned during the past week to accept the office, of .Clerk of the : Superior Court of Haywood County made (Continued on page 8) Shoe Company To Train 30 Women, Starting June 1 Sixty Others Will Be Em ployed When Plant Opens For Production About July 15 Thirty women will begin train ing on June first on special ma chines which will be used in the Wellco Shoe Corporation. Officers of the company were here last week, and completed plans for installing a battery of machines in the vocational building at the high school where the machines will put into use Until the plant of the Dayton Rubber Manufacturing Company is completed on July 15th. At that time, the machines will be moved into the department now being specially built for the shoe company, and the company will start production of shoes. The 45-days of training of the 30 women is a measure to save time when the plant is opened, of ficials pointed out. When the plant is in operation, about sixty additional girls will be employed, The company has all the appli cations needed for those who will take the training course, it was said. No applications ore being received until nearer the time for the plant to open. Construction of the plant near Hazelwood has been moving along satisfactory, it was pointed out, and will be ready for occupancy by the date set July 15th. Cruso REA Lines Will Be Extended To Jackson County A survey of approximately 30 miles in the Caney Fork section of Jackson county Is getting un derway under the Supervision of the Cruso Electric Membership Corporation, which will bring in about 20C new subscribers in the company., .. Other lines are also under Con sideration that will extend Jnto other counties which will be' an nounced at a later date, according to James Moore, superintendent of the company, George O. Moore, chief REA auditor of region number one, ex tending from Maine through North Carolina, is spending several days here this week working with the Cruso corporation. Chas. Besner, field auditor from the REA administration in Wash ington, is spending two or three New Owners of Hotel Gordon Start Work On Improvements Passes Away 1 , I vi FRANK W. MILLER, prominent in civic affairs, passed away-last Friday, Last Rites Held For F. W. Miller Local Civic Leader Was Former Member Of State Highway And Public Works Commission Frank W. Miller, 68, well known citizen of this section and a former member of the State Highway and Public Works commission, died last Friday at 5 o'clock in the morning at the Haywood County Hospital following an illness of several days. Funeral services were conducted at the First Methodist church at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The Rev, J. G. Huggih, Jr., pastor of the church and Dr. W. L. Hutchins, superintendent of the Waynesville district of the Western Carolina conferi-nce- ofliciatetl. Burial was in Green Hill cemetery. Serving as active pallbearers were: Frank Jacocks, and H. G. Starkey, of Canton, Byron Marsh, of Bryson City, J. H. Howell, Charles Ray, Arthur Connell, W G. GarriHon, Jr., of Enka, and W Hoy Francis. Honorary pallbearers included: General Renovation Pro gram Started By New Own ers From West Palm Beach The owners of the Hotel Gordon have arrived, and work has already Started on the general improve ment program, which calls for renovation, and the addition of some furniture and carpets. The 60-room hotel was bought from Mrs. L. E. Phillips, of Black Mountain by Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Gaulden and G. L. Martin, all of West Palm Beach. Mr. Martin will be manager of the hotel. Since his arrival here Monday he has been in consulta tion with plumbers, painters, paper hangers and others regarding the renovation of the building. Work has already started in some de partments. Mrs. Gaulden will arrive today, while Mr. Gaulden is expected soon. Mr. and Mrs. Quinby Kipp have managed the hotel for the past four years. The new owners said there would be no changes in the management of the dining room, which is under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. McGraw. Mr, and Mrs. Gaulden own and operate the Alhambra Hotel in West Palm Beach, and Mr. Martin has been manager for them for the past five years. Mr. Martin does not have on interest in the Florida hotel, but does own an interest in the Gordon. weeks here assisting the company. George II. Ward, Asheville, Dr. Tom Application has been made to the government for a 125,000 plum ing and wiring loan. This amount when granted will be made In 5,OO0 installments. Plans are to start the plumbing program in the near future. Donald Dunham Arrives From Florida For Summer Season Here Donald Dunham, owner and man ager of the Dunham House, dodu lar summer hotel here, has arrived for the season and will open his place in the near future. Mr. Dunham spent the winter in St. Petersburg, where he was as sociated in the management of a hotel. While the Florida season was not quite up to former years according to Mr. Dunham, he feels hopeful of a good season here. Way, Fisher, Bailey, Smathers Elected Mayors County Towns The four towns in Haywood county elected municipal officials on Tuesday in non-partisan con tests witn j. a. way, jr- re elected as mayor of Waynesville; Clyde Fisher, as mayor of Hazel wood; Walter G. Smathers, re elected mayor of Clyde; and J. T. Bailey, mayor of Canton. The local election is reported by political leaders to have been one of the "mildest" ever held in the town. There were approximately 1,200 registered, but only 735 ex ercised their privilege of the bal lot. The incumbent board of alder men, T. L. Bramlett, Hugh Massie, and L. M. Killian were re-elected. They were opposed by R. R. Camp bell and J. C. Patrick. The vote was as follows: J. H. Way, Jr., 645; L. M. Killian, 607; T. L. Bramlett, 635; Hugh Massie, 626; R. R. Campbell, 210; J. C. Patrick, 221. HAZZELWOOD There were 469 votes cast in Hazelwood with Fisher coming up against three opponents. The vote for mayor was as follows: Fisher, 182; John Blalock, 150; Dewey Hyatt, 44; and Sam Knight, 88. Hazelwood aldermen elected were; R. L. Prevost, 265; Carl Swanger, 254; and Grady Smith, 250. They defeated; L. M. Riche son, 166; W. T, Queen, 160, and Clarence Scruggs, 148. CLYDE -V Mayor Wralter Smathers, of Clyde, defeated Glenn Brown with a vote of 140 to 126. the closest mayor's race in the county. Larry Cagle, unopposed for police court judge, received 194 votes. The three incumbent aldermen in Clyde were re-elected as fol lows: Gearald Fish, 144; Charles Mooney, 163; and Thomas Rogers, 133. They defeated Jeter Hawkins, 30; Claude Jones, 126; Bruce Sel lers, 105; and Howard Shook, 100. ... CANTON J- T. Bailey, of Canton, polled 945 votes for mayor to 702 vot of bis opponent, J. Paul Murray, mcumoent. Clyde R. Hoey, Jr., A. B. Robin son, and Roy H. Patton won in the aldermen race. They were opposed by Floyd (Flossie) Deweese, and Fred N. Pressley. The vote was as follows: Hoey, 1,471; Robinson, 1,269: Patton. 902; Pressley, Deweese, 408; Press ley, 453. Carl M. Blaylock, unopposed for judge of police court received 1,347 votes. In the contest for solicitor of police court in Canton, T. A. Clark, incumbent, received 1,195 votes as compared to 370 of his opponent Roscoe Parris. Stringfield, Jefferson Reeves, L. M. Killian, J. Wilford Ray, Geo. A (Continued on page 8) Enthusiasm Marks Livestock Show Meeting Here Claude T. Francfe Is Re Elected As President To Promote Show - ' Interest ran high in the meet ing on Saturday afternoon at the Court house of 60 or more of the leading farmers and business men of the county held for the purpose of electing officers and formulating plans for the second annual like stock show which will ; take place on September the 19th and 20th. Claude T. Francis was re-elected president of the grouup. Others who will serve with Mr. Francis include; first vice president, Jarvis L. Palmer; second vice president, W. A, Bradley ; third vice president, (in charge of women's depart ment), Mrs. Paul Hyatt, of Bethel; secretary W, A. Medford, Jr.; and treasurer, J. R. Boyd. The Waynesville Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the show. The group on Saturday voted unanimously to ask some financial assistance from the county board of commissioners. The officers will meet in the near future with the county farm agents and appoint three directors in each township in the county who will work with them for the staging of the show. The group voted to include the handicrafts of the women in the show this year. This department will be sponsored by the home dem onstration clubs of the county but any woman residing in Haywood county whether in the rural sections or in town is eligible to enter her work in the exhibits. A large number of cash prizes with a substantial increase over the amount of the show of last year will no doubt stimulate in terest with the exhibitors. New Presbyterian Minister Assumes Pastorate Duties Rer. M. R, Williamson And Family Arrived From Chat tanooga During1 Week The Rev. Malcolm Russell Wil liamson, who was called last month to the pastorate of the Waynes ville Presbyterian church arrived during the week and delivered his first sermon on last Sunday morning. The Rev. Mr, Williamson is a native of Lancaster, S. C, and comes here from the Signal Moun tain Presbyterian church of Chat tanooga. He is a graduate of the Presby terian College of South Carolina and of the Columbia Theological Seminary, now located; in Atlanta.. Georgia. He served first as assistant pastor in the Independent Presby terian church, of Savannah, Ga From there he was called to Grif fin, Ga where he was pastor for five years. From Griffin he went to Signal Mountain church where he has served as pastor for 11 years. Ho came to the local Presbyterian church some weeks ago and filled the pulpit one Sunday morning, fol lowing which he was called here by the congregation. Rev. Mr, Williamson and his wife and three young sons, Mal colm, Jr., age seven.JStanley, age five, arid George, age two,, are oc cupying the manse on Walnut street. "' Rev. Mr. Williamson enters his pastorate here with keen interest in his work both in the church and in the community. The church here has been with out a pastor since December, when the Rev. R. P. Walker resigned, accepting a call to a church near Charlotte. CCC Camp Will Be Hosts Friday Friday will be observed as "Get Acqainted Day" at CCC Camp No. 415 at Cataloochee. Business and professional men of the county have been invited to have a meal with the camp in the afternoon and inspect some of the projects which have been underway for sometime. The camp has about 110 men, and is equipped to handle 200. E. K. Herman Recovering After Serious Operation E. K. Herman, -who is a pa tient in Mt. Alto Hospital, Wash ington, D. C, is reported to be im proving following a serious opera ation on his throat. Mrs. Herman, who has been spending sometime with her husband, has returned home. eyes..