Wayne Mountaineer TE sville ! I :. 'ii'-.- Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park YEAR NO. 22 Twelve Pages $1.50 In Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties WAYN ESVILLE, N. C THURSDAY, 1AY 29, 1941 vjd Enforcement fTraffic Laws Here Sunday L instructed To Ar Record Breaking Attendance Hade Doctors From 10th At Farmers-Business Men Meeting District Attended v' (ifl Offenders As Con- L. on Sunday morning, Cut the new parking Q passed by thecity fdjgo into effect. When F 7l:. immunity drives . . nTi that day it (U for him to know the itia ordinance, as all . i,.tmrted to make no L to anyone breaking the iimedme traffic conditions itreet have been a prob- lthat something naa 10 do nassed the neces- Unow it'a up to the peo- thi community to Keep n. has been criticism condition, and justly M ire seriously trying to the congestion on the tali vour help we can do L fail tn co-operate with ken cannot be remedied. Ithii observance not only tonriests who visit this Mj, but also for the con- J. H. Way, yesterday 01 me new jioiiuii Francis Wins Over Way In Unofficial Diploma Contest Chas. Ct Francis, county register of deeds and Mayor J. H. Way, Jr., while not offi cially competing, ran each other a close race in the field of graduation this year, with the former coming out one point ahead. Mr. Francis has four chil dren, graduating this year as follows: Barbara Francis from the junior high school, Hugh Francis from the high school, Elizabeth Francis from the Woman's -College of the University of North Carolina, Arthur Francis from the Crou zer Baptist Seminary, of Ches ter, Penn. In Mayor Way's family, Marguerite Way graduated from the junior high school, Joseph Howell Way, III, grad- uated from the Mars Hill Col lege, Hilda Way will receive her diploma next week from Greensboro College. &x::;:::::::i;:;::::: r IV J kj PC on Main street between Jwt Hotel and Hotel Ml will be limited to 30 ji between the hours of 6 iCf.n. This means that t i business firms located i ttreet cannot park in )f their stores or shops, r ai that a woman who in birt i permanent wave at 7 palor or make an jikopptog tour cannot park aitneV ;, ,,.. ,J-y. ' local ?aoit of which . thn jjrftht people or guilty of (wing lor "just a mm- nm into a store for a pachase will be out after ptday night, unless the par wishes to pay a fine. pt is to interfere or in- ith passenger or public pes or other vehicles. Wise cannot be unload- M street between the d Hotel Waynesville tie hours of 9 a. m and V A back allev is heinir f' mis purpose. PiBBOhtician narldntr his prara w proclaim his cam :uorm w over TVin ad. 'm has used Main street. 'I the world nhnut rii unned on page 6) hi. TT "Fannin is lust a form of IMCe UlUi JlCre manuiacturins, saia v. m, iin- dess. chief urogram exposition unit of agricultural relations of TVA, in a discussion of the rela tion of farming and manufactur ing, here last Friday before the argest lamer-businessmen . he '8pn meeti of mg ever held in Haywood. The nutrirt Medical So- W. M. LANDESS Funeral Services To Be Held Today For Lee Ferguson Was Prominent Farmer and Political Leader in County For Years. nent Summer t2ents Arrive (M1 Season '"Buier homes that are nithe golf course at Qub, which have been p winter months are mg opened as the or the season, and like the location serve as a "summer Miami. rtV. . ' ' . " - nvais are Mr. and Stevens and two chil Ld Hekn, of Miami, P wnpying their home, M'. and Mrs. Harry fighter, Anna, also Miami; Mr. and lUrpenger, of Miami; and sons, Willowby AinofMiamibavear- iw 3oined later y J ""we remainder of the IJ."; C. B. Moak, of their home on the d 8everal weeks J ghter, Mrs. Mc- i,A Calii, arrived l&Sf-.rM be joined o-s motner of Mrs. j -i-Muig sometime Pred Pge, of Fort lifti w near the Hort t? Cek road. M-0. Hort, who ".' Creek ; W fotllre to spend iiL StiefeV of "T7 tLT a Boon and 5rnv C0Twge near Allen And Noland Buy Cattle At Sale In TazweD, Tenn. A number of fine cattle are beine brought into Haywood county this week by F. M- Noland and UN. Allen. Thev were bouarht on Mon day at a consignment sale at the Claiborne Countv Livestock Im provement Association of Tazwell, Tennessee. t!.7 t-:-: s. .t- F. !M. Noland Douirht Tommy Domino, ; S7th, fron Milky Way Farms, of Pulaski, Tenn. ine animal is a twelve months old bull, weighing 800 pounds, the son of Milky Way Tommy Domino. Mr. Allen purchased the follow- inflr- Ladv Domino. R6th, a ten months old heifer; daughter oi Domino H 237, advanced Domino breeding; bred on the Lawrence Russell Farm at Cumberland uap. Tennessee. Another ten months old heifer, fjH Domino R Bth. half sister to Lady Domino R 6th, bred on Law rence Russell Farm; Joy Letston, 7th, a two and a half year old cow, daughter of Letston Lad 113th, from the Tennessee Hereford Farms, at Lebanon, Tenn. Also Addie Domino, age two years, sired by Junior Prince Dom ino 93rd; bred by Allen Burkett and Sons, of New cern, ienn., rtnftnt Tjiho liSrd. aee three years, sired by Domino 44th, bred by W. S. Ramer, of LryersDurg, t . Tuiin Tinmino. aee three years, sired by Letston Lad 130th; bred by W- S. Hamer, oi uyers burg, Tenn. Mr. Allen 'and Mr. Noland were accompanied to Tazwell by Billy Noland and J. C. .Lynn, couniy farm agent. Post Office And Bank Will Close On Memorial Day The Waynesville post office and the First National Bank will ob serve National Memorial way to morrow, May 30th. . Regular Sunday hours ,wui o observed in the post office, with the exception that there will be mail going out in the afternoon as on any week day. Speakers Included Many Prominent Men In the Profession. Between fifty and sixty doctors Steel Erection At Rubber Plant Will Soon Be Completed Rotary and Lions Clubs were hosts Funeral services will be con ducted this afternoon' at 3 o'clock at the Hiram Rogers Baptist church in Fines Creek for Lee Ferguson, 78, prominent Haywood criuntv farmer who died at his home in the Jonathan Creek section at 11 -or o'clock Tuesday morn ing, after an illness of several weeks. The Rev. R. F, McCracken and the Rev. J. D. Pyatt will of ficiate. Burial will . be in tne church cemetery. Rprvinir as active pallbearers will be: W. B. Green, Bill Murray, Glenn C. Palmer, D. Reeves No land, Doc Noland, Robert T. Boyd, D. J. Boyd, and W. P. Boyd. Honorary pallbearers will be: T. UVliUAA " J u, ' I ' field, Wade Hih," Corden Russell, Carroll McCracken, A. J. MC rrnrlten. Jim Bradshaw. Robt W. HawpII. Walker Brown. Sam R. Queen, John M. Queen, C. B. At kinson, Arthur Osborne, ASDury Howell, J. R. Boyd, John F. Cabe, Chas. McCracken, Edwin Finches W. L. Hardin. Also Robt. V. Welch, T. L. Bramlett, L. H. Bramlett, Henry Brown, Charlie Noland, Norman James, Charlie M. Moody, R. G. Rathbone, Jarvis Allison, Geo. A. Brown, Jr., Jonathan Woody, Chas. Liner, Weaver McCracken, Tom Medford, Hack Caldweiir Jim Davis, Chrest George, Thad How ell, and Arthur Morrow. Mr. Ferguson was active m politics, an ardent Democrat, tte i uvaril venrs as a mem- BdVCU AW ctv. T ber of the Haywood county board of commissioners. He was a native of Haywood County, and was born on way i, 1863, the son of jaexson ami inc line Rogers Ferguson. oivinfi' are his . widow, Mrs. (Continued on page 6) - 7 " . . - ciety. wnicn was neiu ner in un to the demonstration farmers. v.,a .ftnoon. with an -l with th nirht session a dinner at the banquet, Mr. Landess oy , Gofdo theuse of colored pictures, many - g Greenwood, of Ashe- made m Haywood, pointed out the V -mMed, The importance of farmers ana man- H,,ffrin. Jr.. nastor of ufacturers workmg U, Fit Methodist church, gave the common good that comes from ,.inn Mav. j. H w-v. such co-operation. Uten a welcome to the visiting rru itiioa ahAwn rw Mr i Jan. I dess included farm and inaus- Mnle 6f Mari on. re8n0nded. trial scenes m tnis county, ana Th ' induded the fol be also . snowed some accomp.isn- . . - , ..p.tience in Ob menu in otner sections oi me - , R nw of sUte and nation. . Hendersonville. with discussion to Fred Sloan. "?. ; open by Dr. W. A. Sams, of Mar was warm in his praise of the P .j,. ,a and XMatment .Snf Z W hi had o' Cardiac Emergencies.- by Dr. it was thebest of its kind he had of Asheville. with ever attended. ,.' L nned hv A. B. Crad- Soecial guests at the meeting, l: 7 ' - . . k 1 IHH'K . Ill AHHCVUld included E. R. Daniew, or IVA, v , . Worrle, , Rural agricultural relations, w. . voi- - . D w B lins, assistant iarmmanBgeineni nnrnville with discussion . o KlAon rturnpt DU" w t BUIrUr, R7"""'m;"-" opened by Dr. Chas. A. Hensley, 'wSa aT'(eK orAsheville; "Case report of an of the Land O The Sky Co-epera- j' tmv hv Dr. J. tives. R. T. Boyd, and Dock No- "-- -i -"v; . 7 wHh land, county commissioners, Chres - - ; A George, " of , Waynesviue, ana r Recent Ad. George Martin, manager 01 ;iw vt,Hn with Hotel Gordon, and Mr. BaUew, v-"v - ""r T w nf a tlnnta. Thotift attending included; rrmr. Reaverdam C. C Evans, W. L. Clark, John H. Allen. Tvw Hill Lvde Parton. D. J Boyd, Hub Caldwell J. E. Fergu on. Thomas Alexander. Jonathan Creek Jarvis U Palmer. - Glenn A. Boyd. W. T Pmner. . WaynesviUe C, T. Francis, w. Killed In Service 1 A j riispiission onened by Dr. L. W. Silas, of Asheville Rneclal truest sneakers at the meeting included prominent men in medical circles m ine souvn, .i.n niiAm nun Dr. F. Webb Griffith, of Asheville, president of the SUte Medical society; ut. Paul Ringer, president of the cn,tk.m MeHical Association ana UUU.v. " nr O. L , Miller, oi Charlotte, A. Medford, Jr., Hugh Ratcliff.ortheopedw authority. Theywere C. R. Liner. lniroauoea " ' nAms w flreen. T. H. Kog- Ashevuie ers, A, J. McvracKen, rs, o v. 1 ine tenui aisinci hiciuub iLiOng. ' ; ' i Deri ui vue piuj.cDi"i -- White - Oak W, L. Juesser, tjeg f rom -McDowell uaerwee . -. ... H , mm I - . - 1m- Walter Wrignt, is. .Messer, The papers 01 memoen w ..- V. Jenkins. ited to 15 minutes ana discussion. Iron Duff T, C. Pavis, jarvis tnree minutes each. Chambers, Horace Bryson, u. p. Hoglen. .. Jit J IT-UaJ Pisreon Judson rinner, v. a. tl H VWI1III1 I J IllLCU vntn.' ri-i Awards. Wallace Brown. Lrabtree w. j. vhhijju"1' - . T 1 1 Palmer. ' . 1ppt FriflaV INlffni Wines Creek Sam Ferguson, L. ,mv. . Z. Messer, Chas. B. Mctrary. ELLIS L. ARRINGTON, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Arrington. who was killed in the Panama Canal Zone on March 13th. Young Ar rington was in the army, and was 20 years old. L. L. Bliss Dies Friday, Following Few Weeks Illness Native of Ohio, Came Here With Family From Chicago Six Years Ago Service Unit To cost Fork Ira Con-burn. K. L. (Continued on page 6) Germanv And Endand Cripple Each Other At sea t n. ...;iont'a address on Tues- day night left no doubt in the minds of the people of this country and of other nations now me ed SUtes stends in the present crisis. -.- ' v He lead the nation as far as he could without declaring war, and he prepared to implement his proclamation of all-out national emergency by invoking new ex ecutive powers. He outlined the scope of aid-to-Britain program and supported it with threats of armed ta?9 deliver the goods across the At lantic. He sUted that the prompt deliever of needed supplies to BriUin "is imperative and that can be done, it must be done; and it will be done." His' pledge went far beyond con- Rev. and Mrs. Newell Go To Home Coming Day Rev, And Mrs. C. O. Newell will attend a Home Coming Day in Montgomery county on Sunday. The Rev. Jarvis Underwood will fill the pulpit of Elizabeth Chapel, Methodist church, for the Rev Mr. Newell. Dr. W. L. Hutchms will preach at the Maple Grove church on Sunday in place of Mr. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harville, of Washington, D. C, are the guesU of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jolly. Mrs. Harville is the former Miss Mar garet Moody, sister of Mrs. Jolly, j Aa,,chnr of the late Congress- BMU UMW man and Mrs, James w. jaway. Toys which the administration -j j nhanlescent method consiuercu . of protecting shipping, and placed no restriction on n nava alction that might be requir ed to make good on it. He said that Axis powers plan ned to overthrow Europe, conquer Great BriUin, dispose of South American nations as the Balkans were liqudated and then to "stran-Ile- Canada and the United SUtes. "Our National policy today, therefore." he said, "is tnls:" "First we shall actively resist wherever necessary, and with aU our resources, every attempt by Hitler to extend his Nazi domina tion to the Western Hemisphere, or to threaten it. We shaU active ly resist his every attempt to gam control of the seas. The Haywood county group of the sUte-wide-wide United Ser vice organization for Service Men will he organized here, Friday night at tne vnamwiw uuininci fice at 7:30, according to Charles Ray, who is temporary chairman Mr. Rav was named by Govern nr Brouirhton as cnairman lor Havwood. but Mr. Ray accepted Germany's proud WnTmight of the British Navy permanent organization set-up will and its air force was sunk at ii:ui oe muc. , - ir...j nnom with her Went A croun from Haywood, in some 1,300 men, a great German eluding Mr. Ray, J. C. Brown, J. Admiral, Guenther Leutjens, and Dale Stents and Mr. McElrath, of -v ..nttrfK f Herman's Canton, attended a sUte-wide known caoiUl strength. meeting in Greensboro- last week .JrrtZt Z ordinating all groups, such a. the T , . American Leeion. Salvation Army, surrounaea Dy -.u-uT, ""K a n general w.a. and so badlV CriDWed StlS I "" eraU T not maneuver, and ,'we are plan in catering to the men in couw noi m , . .prvice. whether in trannng camps fiehtina to me inav . 1 '.. - . . m.. .1.. m i:" iZ iroi,r . or on tne neia. ine f uvc viic a . j lto urriiw and Three davs oeiore un: uramoiv. - -t i,d Innv BriUin's mightiest bat- save duplication of kmdredser- .. ,v. iiiiAt. inHia rniis. vices, it was pointed out oy tu n. uesnip, vne ,'- r.. Win-t,.Rlem. state KM Uoai n no tt 1 f iiPLweeii iccwiiu and Greenland. Around 1,300 men chairman. This was England's greatest Af nnla ff n.i d;.aatr of the war. her I Ifl 1111(113 v1 worst blow at sea since the battle- wjivj Annft:nf .ki. pi not was torpedoed in 1 1 tltl HWUiiMM""" a daring BUDmarie ram l"c I I InnnKimAnt HaQftQ Smm Flow naval base on Octo-1 UCUai llllHl i""" ber 14, 193, wnen xnw.r w . ... alewood town officials held their first meet- inir on Tuesday evening, with May rivde Fisher, presiding. The following ' appoinimenuj ... .Mamnan T? T, Pre- 3o.nnd from the point of view . ; Akarra nf stiwtjf Carl n-w-- - vvdv " v ft , - of strict naval and military neces- gg 0f the water department; mitv we shall ve every possible . ndv Smith, finances and assisUnce to BriUin and to au wno mayor pr0 tern. are resisting Biuernm m mu" alant with force of arm. . -jiner Bacfc From He said that iceiana ana ur..- m TT land were stepping stones to Mova 1 inanuitc vv iicic Scotia, Newfoundland and our own Underwent iTeaimeni :-j 4-.1 vnrth the F.at and the 1IJU UB Lt 1 .... . . . u:j nr.. TWarV Miller. WHO Has ween ifiiU- ff CO 1 " . ... TT tv.t. Hill of tomorrow." patient m tne wsDyienan n- he said, "may be several thousand piUl in Charlotte for the past ne saw, may i weks. has been removed to ""T-Tr w. will not the Haywood County HospiUl Jl C UV 1 ' r fBd Mr. M ller suffered serious in to come, . . , . t w in . mQtot ent crisis with the wisdom and cycle accident eight months ago. couraee which have distinguisnea ana na rcys courage , . . o,.r.lr.Tt infA that our country in au tne crisis in me nere .. time. Funeral service! were held at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon at the Massie Funeral Home for t sti t niisa. 7. msnairer of the Palmer Heuae,, who- died here at his home on Friday morning at 10 o'clock. ' The Re. James G. Hua-irin. Jr..' pastor of the Metho dist church, officiated. Burial wsi in Greenhill cemetery. Rprvintr as active nallbearers were; Dr. R. H. Stretcher, Oliver H. Shelton, J, E. BarT, Donald Dun ham, Henry Gaddy, and Ernest L. Withers. Hnnnrarv nallbearers were: L. J. Martel, D. D. Perry, Vint Thom as, Richard Rogers, Dan Watkins, R. V. Erk, J. R. Morgan, J. C. Brown. Ed Simmes. and Aud Turner. ' .'' .: Mr. buss was a native of Ohio, but come with Mrs. Bliss to Way nesville from Chicago six years ago. for the first four years of residence here Mr. and Mrs. Bliss ran the J. W. Ferguson house, and have been in management of the Palmer House for the past two years. Mr, Bliss and his family have made manv friends during tne years they have lived here. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ruth Bliss; three daughters, Mrs. H. E. Hayes and Mrs. W. E. Adolph, of Chicago, and Mrs. D. J. Casey, of New York, and one sis ter, Mrs. Charles O. Einslen, of Chicago. Masons Are Building Sido Walls Of Buff Glaxii Tfle Work Moving Satisfactorily Indications are that the steel work at the Dayton Rubber Man ufacturing Company will be com pleted the early part of next week,, according to officials of Merchant Construction Company, general contractor. Masons are already laying the glazed buff tile of which the side walls of the plant will be made. The contractor said that the steel constructed built-up roof would be built while the walls are being constructed. The Sewer and water lines should be to the property by the last of this week. Workmen were tun neling under the main tracks of the Southern Tuesday with the two lines. Huge transformers and other material are on the srround for the . erection of the huge electrical sub sUtion. The contractors who have the jobs of insUlling the plumbing, heating and electrical woric nave crews on hand carrying on the "roughing in" stages of their work. . Officials of the Dayton Rubber Company, Including A. L. Freed lander, president, were here this past week-end and expressed themselves as well pleased with the progress of the construction. The first of the week, engineers of the Dayton firm were here con sulting contractors about a res- ervnir as nart of the fire protect ing system and the spripkler sya- tem,. For the present, the contractor is working one shift. ," When we begin to pour other floors, we will probably add anothet shift,' they said. The floo tar. the part which will be used by the Wellco Shoe Corporation) has already been poured. Film Of State To Be Shown Today A free showing of the 40-min-ute sound picture of North Car olina,' made under the supervi sion, of the department of Conser vation and Development, will be shown here this afternoon at four o'clock at the- Park Theatre. ; AH civic organizations of the community have been urged to have their members attend. Much of the film is devoted to scenes in this area, some having been made in Haywood county. Arrangements for the showing were made by Charles Ray, form er member of the sUte board. New Bakery To Open On Friday The Waynesville Bakery will open Friday at 10:30 with a com plete line of high quality goods, according to R. B. Pearce, manager of the Canton Bakery and who will oversee the Waynesville unite. The firm, which is owned by E. H. McFarlan, .of Henderso'nville, operates two other bakeries besides the one opening here. The owners and managers have been in the business for many years. The business will operate in the newly renovated store in front of the Masonic Temple on Church street. Specials are being offered for Friday and Saturday. . Two Hundred Questionnaires Go Out Each Week The local draft board is send ing out around 200 questionnaire a week now. The government rules are that a man should have his papers filled out and returned to the local draft office from which they have been mailed to him within five days. According to the local draft, board they are having trouble in locating some of the men, who have been careless about notify ing them of a change of 'address. The fact that a large number of Haywood county men have found employment in other sections dur ing the last few months has added to the difficulty in locating them. In the case a man does not hear from the draft board shortly after he has turned his papers back to them, he may assume that he is in class one, until otherwise notified. : If a draftee has any trouble in filling out his questionnaire, he may appeal to any member of the registrant's advisory board, of which J. R. Morgan is chairman. Other members of the advisory board who are all giving their services without charge are: Way nesville township, William Med ford, M. G. Stemey, James Queen, Grover Davis, F. E. Alley, Jr., W. T. Crawford, F. D. Ferguson, Jr., Ben H. Kirkpatrick, Hayes Alley, F. D. Ferguson, J. A. Lowe, Paul Davis. Members in Waynesville, route 2, include: Nathan Carver, Medford Leatherwood, Roy Plott, O. C. James, and Manson Medford. Members from Clyde, route 1, are Glenn James, F. A. Justice, Chas, B. McCrary, Chas. B. Mc Cracken, and Fred Safford. Others who are assisting the draftees are, R. Ct Francis, Way nesville, route 1; John Howell, Cove Creek; Whitener (Provost, Hazelwood and Buford Woodard, Hazelwood. Ex-Gov. Hoey Won Over Reynolds In Fight For National Committeeman Former - Governor - Clyde Hoey won over Richard J. Reynolds in the contest for Naitonal Com mitteman when the SUte Demo cratic executive committee met m Raleigh last Friday. The post was vacated by the death of Rep resentative Folger, who was killed in an automobile accident. y 4'-- i :

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