Wayni Mountaineer hp IE 2 SVILLE Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrant oj The Great Smoky Mountain National Park LTU U-gARNO. 38 32 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. G, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1941 .,--,.LM I Advance fa Haywood hk reason . n i i r,-,. - '-'ii-ii' p nle Crop Set At 0,000 Bushels r . ivuiri l ri v 111 vw w 1 number of commer i have expanded - J Uere are trees in the seven commer- 5S crop is expected to An bushels accord- Unit- of those who have tthe orctiaras. toe apples have been a I bushel. . freest orchard is BarDer 1 1 with over 10,000 trees. K oii Rob McCrack- VrZJZ Hiram McCrack- en .!""- . . Ira Cogburn orcnuruu u i AAA tvOOa Can winesaps lead the list lies grown, win unmes Delicious secunu, oui third, and Roman Beauty The Ben Davis is found in jn in Haywood. A Rrnlrpn Tn Wees Granted it Day Of Court lire William H. Bobbitt Qding Over September im Of Civil Court. len divorces were .granted bn Monday, the first day oi pteraber civil term of bupe- ;ourt which convened wren Willi. H. Bobbitt. of Char- tresiding. It was said by Hsrhca to be the largest it of divorces ever granted ifav her ' U divorce case were dis- Mondav, because e parties It appear inrouat, to- pros- kction, whiles it wu learned j number would be tried later week. There were 31 on Icket, but some of these are be up for trial at future trees granted were as fol- Eleanor Aycoth from Stew ilson Avcothi Lucinda Mor- 1m Frank Morris; Viola Hicks I David Hicks; J. R. Palmer rene Palmer; Lida Smathers Aldie W. Smathers; Emma Groom from; James . L. Id Alice Burnett from Frank tt; Willam Francis Toohey Bonnie Gay Toohey; A. J- Pd from Acmes Hazel Hol- James Sham from Alma ; Iona WaldroD Shone from row Shope. , . May was taken up with evi in the case of Mrs. Lelia Son flpninef tlio MmiYlAin prandry and Abbott Knight " case continued on Wed- - . .- -'. , , - : if-Vl i Vc j Special Ruling Elevates Ferguson To Major General General Harley B. Ferguson, re tired U. S. Army, has been noti fied that by a special act of Con gress he has been made a Major General, effective since his retire ment two yeaVs ago. This unusual recognition was given General Ferguson lor his outstanding work as head oj the Mississinni River Commission. General Fereuson. who served with distinction in the Engineer ing Corps of the army, was also in charge of the raising of the Maine, which had been sunk in the Harbor of Havana, Cuba, during the Spanish-American war. C. B. ATKINSON Ferclisnn ma a ' iiinr the lny for $20,000 damages for auffered in an ' accident December. It was brought the evidence that Mrs. Fer &s struck by a truck owned defendants while alighting a hllR t fltn hnma hoi1 Its on the AoViovillo mult last rr. She siiffprpfi serious h to her hip, a leg, her back ru, ii was stated in tne She was confined to a hos- lOr nnmittimo rii was oraer in me case p Brown versus Mrs. J. K. i.wnich involved a dispute of oi a norse put up as se- Ul a chattel mnrti ...V6HBV. " as thought yesterday at that mii ii - p Friday. Sity Parking INfiw Tn ITo f Parking lot owned by the wag completed last week P first cars parked on Sat- r Y has 40 forty foot f ront- extends 125 feet r It was M by the county commis r m 1928, with an idea of additional office room fori 7 oJRcialg sometime in the at, meantime the commission that the lot could be turn 0 parking space that would Irtreet th conge8tion on f kigh waU that has been nnd the lot which has iTT to level of the court rQnd8. has been construct L 1 when the buUdinga are PProximately 60 car. C B. Atkinson, Political Leader, Claimed By Death Last rites wewjheld at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at the residence on Boyd Avenue for C. B. Atkinson, 73, who died at his home at 4 o'clock Thurday morning, following a brief illness. The Bev. J. G. Iluggin, Jr., pastor of th Methodist, church and the Rev. H. G. Hamr,vtt, pastor af the First Baptist wfmrcb. ofii ciateLi Burial ut ? Sreei.ill cemetary. ' ' i v. Serving as pallbearers were: Noble Ferguson Hayes Alley, W. T, Crawford, Frank Jones, M. G. Robert V. Welch. The honorary pallbearers in cluded: Hugh Leatherwood, Wade McDaniel, J. M. Long, W . U war din, Frank D. Ferguson, Jr., Walter Helmick, Dr. Tom Stringfield, T, L. Gwyn, Dr. Sam Stringfield, E. L. Withers, Judge reiix r Aiiey, G. C. Davis, Robt. Hugh Clark, Roy Moseman, Dr. W. L. Kirk patrick. Dr. G. M. Davis. tony Davis, J. H. Way, T. L. Bramlett, R. L. Prevost, L. H. Bramlett, Fred Vaughn, Asbury (Continued on page 8) r Seventeen Students From Clyde Have Entered College The. following college students from Clyde have left for the var ious institutions they are awena- ing. Among those going to Mars Hill College were Miss Joyce Par- ris, Miss Lucille Catney, uene Porter Haynes, Miss Audrey Fran cis and Edwin Green. Attending Western Carolina Teachers College are Miss Essie Mae Hall. Miss Sophia Haynes and Miss Hilda Brown. Students at the University of North Carolina this year are Dot son Palmer and Frank Cathey. Bruce Brown has gope to Wake Forest College and Miss Rose Ma rie Haynes will be a student at Meredith College. : Freshmen at Coker College in clude Miss Gwendolyn Haynes and Miss Freda Hall. Miss Ruth Dot son will be a senior at Sarson Newman College, and Miss Juanita Rush is a student at Eastern Car Too-torn Colleere. Vnn Havnes is enrolled at Brevard Junior College. Eye-Clinic Will Be Conducted In Hazelwood Schools Announcement has been made of an eye clinic to be held in the Hazelwood school for students of Hazelwood. Allen's Creek and Saunook elementary grade students The clinic which will be coa ducted between now and the first of October, is sponsored by the Lions Club and the unagusta r urn iture Makers Association. Arranirements are being made with the State Blind Commission Examinations will be made at the Hazelwood school free of any charge, sponsoring groups defray lnc the costs. The expense of outfitting the children with defective vision with glasses will be earned oy xne ITnaousta Furniture Makers Asso ciation for the students in all three Schools. . Buried Today mm I V Chas. E. Ray Is Named On W.N.C Park Committee riias E. Rav has been named by Don S. Elias, president of the Asheville Chamber of Commerce, as a member of the Western North Carolina committee to promote the development of the Great Smoky MounUins National Park. Other members of the commit tee are: Harry Buchanan, of Hen dersonville, Percy B. Ferebee, of AnJnnvi A 1 Hntrhins. of nan- ton, Chas. J.' Lynch, of Tryort, Dan K. Moore, of Sylva, Ralph Kamsey, nf Rrovnrrl. P.eortre M. Stenhens. of Asheville, and Edwin B. Whit- aker, of Bryson City. President DR. O. T. ALEXANDER Dr. Alexander To Be Buried In Charlotte Today Funeral Services Held For Well Known Druggist At Home Here Yesterday. Funeral services were conducted here at the residence on North Main street Wednesday morning at II o'clock for Dr. O. T. Alexander, well known druggist and Mason, who died in an Asheville hospital early Tuesday morning. The Rev. J. G. Huggin, Jr., pastor of the First Methodist church, officiated. Tito 1w1v VA tAken to Charlotte Wednesday afternoon and burial James R. Boyd, Jr. Injured In Auto Accident Monday James R. BoVd. Jr.. who is suf fering from injuries received in an automobile accident around o'clock Monday morning, is re ported to be resting more com fortably at the Haywood County Hospital. Rillie Gordon is said to have been the driver in the car in which Mr Bovd was ridinar. when the vehicle struck an electric light nole near Birchwood Hall with such force that it knocked down the nole. Mr, Boyd was thought at nrst to be badly injured, but upon ex- aminatinn. he was found to have received very painful though not serious cuts, about the head and face. ,:, r "7 ... i i n- ri.AHDF T. FRANCIS is serv ing his second term as president of the Livestock and Home Arts Show. He is a progressive live stock raiser, a director of the W. N. C. Guernsey Organization, and part owner of Laurie Domino, out standing Guernsey bull here in Haywood. County Agent Bethel PTA Will Discuss Nutrition At Meet Tonight "Are we well fed?" is the topic - -.A of the Bethel Parent Ui diuu; - . Teacher Association meeting which wiU be held tonight in the school auditorium at 8 o'clock at Betnei n- r. V. Sisk. district health officer, will discuss "Nutrition as a National Problem." miss Reeves will talk on "Nutrition in v n o " Mrs Jnlp Noland Will discuss. "Nutrition m School. at u. ljtthpv will leaa nic ill L O. -v J devotional period and Mrs. Elmer Goodson wiU conduct jww- aii omhora'and natrons of the association are urged to be present. Nteete n Men In Fourth Call From Waynesville Area TVip fourth erouD of men in the selective draft will leave here on the 3rd of October. It will be the 18th call from the government. The following is the list made up by the drait noaro ior xnis area, which is subject to change, according to the office. ' In the group as it now stands there is only one volunteer, Thomas Benjamin Woodard. The other list of 19 men include in addition to one volunteer, Verlin Wiley Shel- ton, George wmaro crowning, John Thomas Fowler, Ronald Wini fred Adkins, James Kicnard wueen. J. C, Noland, Albert Kenneth Bramlett, Nola Green, Floyd SUmey, Chesley Lizier Brawner, Jr., James Paul Phillips, Fred Walker Rathbone, Willard Odor Rector, Jonnie LewU Ruff, Leo Long, Crl Asbury Setzen, and Beedee DeForest Coalson. The draft board hopes that there will be other volunteers, and an nouncement has been made that they will be accepted for this call as late as September 20th. Angus Steers To Be Shown At The Baltimore Show A ear of heavy purebred Aber deen-Angus steers will be shown here at the Livestock show, and about September 25th, will be taken to the Baltimore show. This will be the first time tnat o1vas or steers fattened in North .Carolyina have been shown at the Baltimore show, it was learned. The animals belong to Joe Em erson Rose, at Balsam. Several Hundred Soldiers Released From Ft. Jackson Eight hundred soldiers, all vol unteers in the 30th division last September were released this week after serving a year in the army. The 800 men were the first of the 9. intt volunteers to be turned loose between now and October 6th, when maneuvers begin. The men are from North and South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. A check up with the local draft board revealed that they had not been notified as yet of the release of any men from this area in the first group. Ben Colkitt, Jr., has returned to Davidson College to eontinue his work there after spending the sum mer here with his parents. J A-.. TU Watt. I a ' , w. a in tirawooH t-m-wijv,--".r A AiAitta .'noiti nn ville Lodge A. F, and A. M. will have charge of the rites, at the grave assisted by the Rev. J. G. Huggin, Jr. , . Serving as pallbearers will be the following, all -members of the Waynesville Masonic Lodge; Dr. J. R. -McCracken, L: M. Killian, W. L. Hardin," C. B. Hosaflook, E. H. Balentine, and F. G. Rippetoe. A large delegation from the Way nesville Lodge and a number of friends left this morning for Char lotte to attend the funeral. -Dr.. Alexander was taken ill at his home here on Friday, his con dition becoming critical, he was rushed to an Asheville hospital Sun day morning. He had been a registered phar macist for 35 years. Prior to his coming here he held a position with Reece and Alexander, drug firm oi Charlotte. . ' ' Dr. Alexander came to Waynes vOle in 1916 and had resided here eomtannously sihee that time. . He was first a prescription clerk and later was owner of the Corner Drug Store. For the past two years he had been manager of the T. C. Smith Vsras Com Dan v. at' the corn er of Main and Miller Streets, which was operated under the name of Alexander's. He was born in Charlotte on August 6th, 1886, the son of John Thomas and Sallie Lucky Smith AXotanAer H wiia nrotninentlv - - (Continued on page 8) - Bethel To Have Homecoming Day (Contributed) Annual homecoming day will be observed next Sunday, September the 21st ,at Bethel Methodist church, near Woodrow. This will be the first such day to be held in the newly remodeled church. Friends and members will gather for a day of spiritual blessing and friendly fellowship. Basket din ners will be served on the grounds following the morning service. The speakers for the day will be the Rev. J. W. Blitch, pastor, for the 11 o'clock hour and the Rev. E. C. Price, pastor of Clyde Metho dist church, for the afternoon. Special music will be provided. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the day. With Red Cross Miss Retsv Lane Ouinlan will leave the first of next week for Charleston, S. C, were she has ac cepted a position with the Ameri can Red Cross as" full time recre ational worker in Stark General Hospital (U. S. Military). Miss Ouinlan. both hv training and experience is well qualified for the work. She was educated at Peace Junior College and is a grad uate of the Leland Powers Dra matic School of Boston. She taught dramatics and speech for two years in Mt. Vernon Seminary of Washington, D. C. Miss Quinlan has also had ex tensive work in directing dramatics in the local schools, at Lake Juna luska, and throughout the state on various occasions. For the past six years she has operated Prospect Hill, the home of her mother, Mrs. Chas. E. Quinlan, as a guest house, and has gained quite a reputation as host ess. : . t '- Farmers May Start Signing 1941 AAA Payments On 22nd Beginning on Monday, the 22nd, farmers in the county may start signing up for their 1941 AAA pay ments, it was learned yesterday from the county agent's office. This will include the group that has earned 100 per cent of their allowance and have all their lime and phosphate spread. All Teachers Of County To Meet Here Saturday The first county-wide teachers meeting will be held here Satur day morning at the Central Ele mentary school, beginning at ten o'clock, according to Jack Messer, county superintendent. Business matters and organiza tion will be followed by a demon stration by Dr. C. D. Killian, of Western Carolina Teachers College, of the use of film, and equipment for snowing pictures. Mrs. Hilda Haliburton, of Clyde, is president of the organization. Mr. Messer announced the meet ing would last until noon. U fw J.'C. LYNN and his associates have worked untiringly in the promotion of the Livestock and Home Arts Show. Girl's Quick Action Saves Companion From Fatal Injury Miss Kathryne Hill, grand daughter of Mrs. Chas, Thomas, who is a patient in the Mission Hospital, Asheville, is reported to be resting more comfortably. Miss Hill suffered three broken ribs and other injuries when she was thrown from her horse while riding with a group of girls on the Howell Mill road last Thursday afternoon. The horse ridden by the girl just ahead of her became unruly and the girl was thrown to the ground in front of Miss Hill. Realizing that unless she turned her mount into the bank her horse would step on the girl lying in the road. Miss Hill made a quick turn, but in protecting the girl she was thrown and injured. Those in the party were of the opinion that in all probability but for Miss Hill's quick action, the girl would have been fatally in jured. : Miss Hill is a student of Agnes Scott College, and had planned to leave next week to resume her studies. Two-Day Event Opens Friday; Success Foreseen 225 Head Of Choice Animals To Be Exhibited; Woman's Division Far Above Ex pectations. At least 10.000 neonle are expect ed to visit the second annual Live stock and Home Arts show which is free and opens here Friday morning for two days, at the high scnooi stadium. Officials yesterday were optimis tic over the prospects for an over flow of exhibits, and a "full house" of spectators. "Indications from every section of the county, and nearby counties point to record-breaking crowds at the show," Claude Francis, pres ident, said. Visitors from several states are expected.. The show is designed and staged as an educational program, ana there will be no carnival or shows of any nature. Neither will there be any admission fees or entrance fees.;. . . The three sponsors of the two day event were elated over the nrnanprts for n successful show. The sponsors are the Chamber of Commerce, the Frst National Ban and Haywood county. A check-up yesterday showed that at least 225 choice animals would be on display, besides 60 horses and mules on Saturday. Outstanding animals in Here fords, Aberdeen-Angus, dairy di vision, will be on exhibit the two days. A large number of baby beef calves will be shown, while at least 20 head of hogs, 15 head of sheep, and 25 pens of poultry, 10 of tur keys will be included in the live stock show. The woman's division bf the show in home arts are expected to fill the FFA Hut at the high school stadium to over-flowing. . . -A large tenfc-75"by 125 feet was erected Tuesday, and 600 seats provided for; spectators. The an imals will be on display under shelter in the new bus shed at the stadium. Everything is in readiness at the stadium for the show, and cattle . will hpu-in to move in this afternoon. in readiness ior me opening to morrow. The judging of the beef cattle will begin at ten o'clock Friday morning, and continue until noon. Judging of baby beef and dairy cattle will begin at one o'clock, and continue throughout . the afternoon. Beginning at 7:30 there will be a concert by the high school band' followed by the annual parade of (Continued oa page 8) Articles In This Issue Should Be Of Special Interest To Everyone Rotarians Hear District Governor Dr. H. T. Hunter, district gov ernor of Rotary, was the speaker here Friday before the local club, at which time he pointed out the ad vantages of a Rotary club to the individuals, and the responsibilities of the individual to the club and community. Dr. Hunter is president of West ern Carolina Teachers College, and wove into discussion of Rotary, the responsibilities of adult to youth. ' Fifteen visiting Rotarians were present from about six states. This isue of The Mountaineer, containing 32 pages, is dedicated to the second annual Livestock and Home Arts Show, which opens here Friday. The staff of The Mountaineer ap- nrer.iate the close co-ooeration given by the county agents, and the home demonstration agent, togeth er with the several specialists of State College and the Extension organization. We have tried to prepare, and present an edition that has a con tent that will be interesting and in formative. We believe that the average article in this edition will prove valuable to yon. To tlie advertisers who auDDorted the edition, we also express sin cere appreciation for trie packing. Annual 4-H Club Baby Beef Sale Is Set For 26th The annual 4-H club baby beef will be held at jthe Western North Carolina Fair in Hendersonville on Friday, September 26, J. C. Lynn announced yesterday. Plans are now underway in Haywood, which has the largest number of baby beef calves in the state, to take about 15 head over for the sale. Eighteen business men of Bun combe have signed to be on hand to bid on the calves. A number of business men of Haywood are ex pected to attend the annual sale and buy some of the choice animals..- ' More details of the sale will be given in three WWNC radio pro grams. On one of the programs, Haywood's county agents will par ticipate. The programs will be held on the 18th from 7:45 to 8; and on the 23rd from 7:05 to 7:15 and the 24th from 8:15 to 8:30. All time in the evening. Waynesville Pharmacy Now Has G. B. Woodward G. B. Woodward has taken a po sition with the Waynesville Phar macy as druggist. Mr, Woodward is the second registered druggist of the store, and is assisting Jeff Reeves, manager. Mr. Woodward is from Democrat. Joint Meeting of Tponnn Auxiliary Postponed io inursaay the Zbtti The joint meeting of the Amer ican Legion Post and the Wom en's Auxiliary which was sched uled for this evening -has been postponed for another week. The meeting will take place on Thurs day evening the 25th.

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