Mountaineer NESVILL Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park SEVENTH YEAR NO. 41 Sixteen Pages WAYNESVILLE N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 fL50 Ib Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties Upon- a . wwood Calves Win Top Honors At Catawba Fair minn Ana (rve Champion s Captured ed Prizes Had Been it By Haywood. Stock , For Past Six Years. fat calves won all top t the Catawba Fair in yesterday, a goal which raisers of the county have .-king for the past six rand champion of the fair by Wayne Staraey, while ve champion is owned by mncis. , ' , aywood calves took first i county group, in addi k top prizes. - ' j of 12 calves were exhi id nine were left and will at auction today, ther three were brought rt and will he taken to next week for the State ,d from there- the Hay ve will go to the Southern air in Charlotte. j Agent Wayne Corpening t night, "We are snowing major livestock shows this side of the Haywood show, cations are we'll win more The calves won the ;roup prize at the Western irolina Fair in Henderson era! weeks ago. ihampion or tne naywooa hmtA bv Louise Reece of Ihas not been shown since here, but has been reserv h State Fair. : amy- Will Be Held ' Saturday if the more than two hun- b' Scouts in Haywood coun- expected to take part m aal Scout-O-Ral which will ace next Saturday after- the Waynesville township pool athletic field. vent will be under the di rt Carlton Peyton, of Can- Irict commissioner; William chairman of the Haywood W. A. Bradley, of Hazel- istrict chairman of 'eamp- W activities; and Floyd Mutant Scout executive of m Boone Council. will be held in the foi sts: inspection, fire build- WJck cooking, dressing Piling relay, knot tieing, ping, first aid and fire by Wrteel. the contests the Scouts Pete against a time stand- 11 units that finish the the set time will be award bon. Long streamers will Ned the troops that take e Scout-O-Ral. pento are scheduled to be- mptly at 3 o'clock. (The cordially invited laces In ood Have F Licenses M 38 establishmenU in H countv lint h th FPrtment of revenue to ' t retail. compiled by the Brew North Carolina Beer Disr 1 Committee, show that the issued retail licenses to let m 98 North Carolina Of Octnhor 1 The F f or beer licenses begins McBlain esses Leirinn yymond McBlaine, rector "J-Popal church was a at iint meeting jncan Legion and Aux l wi ipoke Bpon the ehllrcii.8 Klety t present urged ft. observance f ; worhip fa! the lumi and I influence in the com trrt ' Uo Pointed out how -u "a rawe the moral of kr" T Heel's Boys' HiIL where he rep 1 "al post. Parents Of Movie Star Live Here V n BYRON BARR, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barr, movie actor, who is sismed up with Warner Bros, for a long term contract was seen here last week in support of Errol Flynn and Fred MacMurray in "Dive Bomber", A few weeks ago he was seen here in "Light Cal vary". '. Other pictures he has parts in are ''Sergeant York", to be shown here in the near future; "The Tanks Are Here" taken at Fort Knox, and "Captain of the Clouds", made at Ottawa. Canada. In the pic ture, "They Died With Their Boots On", the story of Custer's Last Stand, he has one of the leading parts, also booked here for a showing. Young Barr has been with Warner Bros, less than a year, but has already made a place for himself in the movie world. He has been in Hollywood five years, and has appeared in 50 plays on the stage prior to his going into the movies. Two Volunteers Leave Here In Fourth Call Nineteen boys made up with one exception of the list as an nounced last week by the draft board left here on Friday morning at .8:40 for Fort Bragg, They went as the fourth selective draft group from this area, but the 18th call from the government. In the group were two volun teers, instead of one as announced. At the last minute Jerry David Liner was accepted as a volunteer in place of John Thomas Fowler, draftee, who was given a thirty day deferment on account of high, way construction work on which he was employed. The other volun teer was Thomas Benjamin Wool ard. Richard Queen was appointed as leader of the group, and Beedee Coalson as assistant leader. Oth ers making up1 the call in addition to those alredv mentioned wre: Verlin Wiley Shelton, George Wfl lard Browning, Ronald Winifred Adkins, J. C. Noland, Nola Green, Floyd Stamey. James Paul Phil lips, Fred Walker Rathbone, Wil lard Odor Rector, Johnnie Lewis Ruff, Leo Long, Carl Asbury Set ser, Roy Smith, Glenn Edgar Sisk and Homer Horace Cagle. Car Wrecked When Driver Is Forced Off Highway The case involving the ' wreck age of a car driven by Bill Varner, of Brevard, by Worley Free, of Clyde, is scheduled for trial before the magistrate's court here tomor row afternoon at 4:30. Mr. Vamer is said to have been forced off the highway near the Fish Hatchery around 11:30 o'clock Friday night by Free. Mr. Var ner is reported to have been unhurt, but the damages to his car were es timated to be at least $300. Free is alleged to have left his car on- the high way, with ' the mo tor running, following the acci dent. He was taken into custody by the officers an hour or so later. L A. Miller Shoots Mis Son, Kenneth All Schools In County Given Holiday Friday The local township schools and all those in the county will be closed all day Friday according to a statement made yesterday by Jack Mesaer, county superintendent of ed ucation. . The holiday has been declar ed in order that the teachers may attend the annual meet ing of the western district of the : North Carolina Educa tional Association which is held each year in Asheville. Heretofore - only a half day has been allowed' for attend ance. . Hannah Resigns As Fire Warden, 0. L. Noland Appointed Orville L. Nol?nd has been ap pointed fire warden of Haywood county by the county commissioner to fill the vacancy ciused by the recent resignation of Mark Hannah. Mr. Hannah has served as war den since 1939, and is resigning to accept a position with the' Park Service. He will be located In the Bisr Creek section. Mr. Noland has been . operating tne isoiana mm nere xor tne ynut few years. He will assume his Bow duties October the 15th, .,'""'?'',. Advertising Men Get Pictures And Data Of Section Charles Parker and Bill Baker, of the state advertising department spent the week-end here making scores of pictures and gathering information for nation-wide public ity releases. ' - The two spent considerable time at Beech Gap and Devil's Court House taking pictures, using Miss Elizabeth Henry, Miss Margaret Perry and Miss Josephine Cabe as models in the scenes, Sunset pictures were made from the Lickstone ' Are tower on the Indian Reservation. A number of pictures were made of Barber's Apple Orchard. These pictures will be used in a booklet advertising Western North Caro lina apples. Get Promotions Special 32 Bullet Barely Missed Heart Of 51-Year- Old "Waynesville Plumber, j Kenneth "Ken" Miller, 51, did not think his father, L. A. Miller, would make good his threat to shoot if the son entered the plumb ing shop where they both worked,' md now the son is a patient at the hospital, suffering from a bullet wound. I Just as Kenneth got inside the j plumbing Bhop, the 74-year-old ' father threw up a beautiful hand made rifle and sent a special 32 bullet into his son, just below the hnnrt. The bullet came out of the left side of the back. Last night the Bhot man was said to be resting fairly well at the Haywood County Hospital where he was rushed a few minutes after the shooting, which occurred about 12:30 Wednesday afternoon. Deputy Sheriff John Kerley ar rested Miller and lodged him in jail. Officers stated that the father was drinking at the time, and "not himself." The father and son had been working in the shop all of the latter's life. According to officers, it was said that lately the two ho J ad numerous disagreements. The elder Miller was quoted as having told officers making the arrest, that he had told his son not t enter the shop or he would shoot Khini. The son paid no attention to the feat as he did not take it MTiously when he started to enter the shop yesterday, v Walter Ray was said to have been the only witness to the shooting. The gun which was used in the shooting, was taken to the sheriffs office, and described by officers as being a "beautiful weapon" with silver inlay on the handle. The gun was acquired by Mr. Miller several years ago, and had ben reworked to take a special 32 bullet. r" Haywood Cattle Going To Fair A carload of cattle will be ship ped from here Friday for the State Fair in Raleigh, which will open next Tuesday. The cattle will be judged Tuesday and Wednesday. A number of Haywood stockraisers plan to be present for the judging. Driver Escaped Serious Injuries; Car Demolished Wallace Paxton, of Canton, who was injured around 4 o'clock Sun day morning when his car struck a telephone on the highway near Clyde, was discharged from the Haywood County Hospital, where he was taken for treatment fol lowing the accident The accident is said to have been due to the fact that Mr. Paxton had fallen asleep while driving had fallen asleep while driving. The automobile was completely demolished, but Mr. Paxton, owner and driver, while suffering lacer ations about the hand and head, received no serious injuries. ; The accident occurred near the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sellers, who came out and gave assistance to the injured man. Mr. Paxton is an electrician at the Champion Paper and Fibre Company, of Canton. WAYNE CORPENING is now county agent of Haywood county, having been promoted from as sistant agent to succeed J. C. Lynn , z ( Li ...-A J. C. LYNN who served Hay wood county as county agent for over two : vears. is now district county agent, supervising the ex tension work in 20 counties. Members Of The 4th Call For Selective Service 1 103 Confessions Of Faith During Mt. Olivet Revival A three weeks' revnl rtwl last Sunday at the Olivet Baptist rhnrch at Margie, conducted by the Rev. Jarvis V. Ur.derv"f pastor, assisted by the Rev. John Finger. The Rev. Charlie Evans 'conducted the singing. i The meeting was marked by a large attendance, with 10? con versions. Two . baptism services were held during the revival The members of the church extend .rHi1 invitation to other congre gations to meet with them. . ' r ' Wt in i jsi" I . I t .. ' I: 1 a . m "w 'or L )t i f r' s. :;V l . 1 ; 1? Pi J?'rZ 1 .ftrj?-.--rf.Pt's.'ip&- X The nineteen boys from the Waynesville area wo left here on Fsiday morning for Fort Bragg. Richard Queen was appointed leader of the group for the trip to camp. Photo by Joe Woodrow Davis. Dr. Stringfield Cables Family Of Arrival In England Dr. and Mrs. Sam L. Stringfield received a cablegram Sunday from their son, Dr. Thomas Stringfield, of his safe arrival in England. The message was sent from Chert sey, about 20 miles from London. Dr. Stringfield is in the civilian medical service under the sponsor ship of the American Red Cross. The British ministry Of health made an appeal to the Red Cross for 1 ,000 young doctors to rein force the British medical service as civilian emergency workers. The service is entirely volun teer and the Red Cross is accept ing doctors as fast as the appli cations are approved. Dr. Stringfield has been asso ciated with his father and uncle in the practice Of' medicine here for the past five years, which hap pened to be the time required . by the Red Cross for his oversea ser vice. Ha left here for New York the first week in September and sailed shortly after for bngiana. Rose Wins On His At Baltimore Show Aberdeen-Angus The 29 head of purebred Aberdeen-Angus from the Joe Rbse farm at Balsam sold for 13 H cents -t the Baltimore Fat Calf Show this week, after 15 of the steers won third place in the car lot class. A group of five steers also won third place. . ' ' Jn all, this was the highest award ever won by North Carolina cattle, It was said. : Lynn Promoted To District Agent; Took Job October 1 Reitzel Will Remain As As sistant Agent; To Get An other By November 1. LYNN NOW OVER 20 COUNTIES IN W.N.C. No Changes Will Be Made In Haywood's Weil-Rounded Farm Program. Wayne A. Corpening has been named county agent of Haywood county, succeeding J. C. "Jack" Lynn, who was promoted last week to district agent of twenty west ern counties. Mr. Lynn takes the place of Fred Sloan, who will be come state program leader of the Extension Service, with offices in . Raleigh. Mr. Corpening has been assist ant county agent here since 1936. He is a native of Henderson county and a graduate of State College. John Reitel, who came here in August of 1938, will continue in his capacity as assistant agent, specializing in work in the Pigeon River area. Another assistant Will be named soon to join the county agent's force it was announced. The sec ond is expected to come here by November first. Mr. Lynn came to Haywood as county agent in July, 1939. He moved here from Mitchell county where he spent 3 Vi years as county agent, and prior to that he was assistant agent in Yancey county for year. He graduated from Clemson, college in 1933. It was not definite where Mr. and Mrs. Lynn would live, but in all probability they ' will make their home in Raleigh. Mr. Lynn is the youngest of the ' five district agents in the state. "i deeply appreciate the co-operation given me by farmers, bus iness men, county officials and civic leaders of Haywood during my stay here, and ask for the same co operation and consideration for my successor, Mr. Corpening. I have never worked with two finer men than Mr. Corpening and Mr, Reitzel. (Jiven the same fine co-operation that was afforded me, the agricul tural program of Haywood will continue to go forward under their efficient leadership," Mr. Lynn said.. "My new duties will bring me to Haywood often, and I shall al ways look on all of you as a close friend and neighbor. My work in Haywood was most pleasant, and shall always be remembered as a happy period of my life," he con cluded. The board of county commission ers went on record Monday request ing the officials of the state ex tension service to permit Mr, Lynn to retain his residence in this com- munity. Soon after coming here Mr. Lynn bought a home on Main street in Hazelwood. The change was made without much fanfare, as time was short, and Mr. Lynn had to begin his new work at once in order to make a complete check of the 20 counties before the annual conference on extension work. County Agent Corpening said that no change would be made in the. well rounded program already underway in Haywood. Halmond Hardin Is President Bethel Class Halmond Harding was recently elected president of the Bethel senior class, with Frances West as vice president, and Martin Rog ers secretary. The sponsors of the class are Mrs. Ray Cathey and Mrs. Tyson Cathey. -. Scouts To Hold Court Of Honor In Canton Tuesday Billie Allen, of Canton, Troop one, will be promoted to rank of Eagle Scout at the Haywood district court of honor which will be held on next Tuesday at 7:30 o'clock in the Champion "Y" in Canton. The Alexander Thomson trophy for Scout craft will be presented at this time to the Boy Scout troop of the district which attained the neatest number of nninta at fh annual Scout-O-Ral which will be held here at the high school ath letic field on Saturday. Bill Alexander, of Canton, Troop one, will receive the bronze eagle award. WHlburn Rhea, of Can ton TroOD one. will t nromntari tn Life Scout. Jack McCracken, of Canton Troop 7, will be promoted to Star Scout. A number of other awards and merit badges will also be present ed at the court of honor. - Parents and friends of th smut are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stovalt had as their guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, of Whiting, Indiana, the latter's brother and sister-in-law.