Pae 2 THE WAYNES YELLE MOUNTAINEER The Mountaineer Published By . ' THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING 00, Main Street Pbxma 17 Waynesville, North Carolina The County Seat of Haywood County W. CURTIS EUSS Editor MBS. HILDA WAY GWYN Associate Editor W. Curtis Rues and Marion T. Bridges, Publisher ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION BATES One Year, In Haywood County f 1.60 Six Months, In Haywood County - , , .... 76c . One Year, Outside Haywood County 2.00 All Subscriptions Payable in Advance totmd at On vout offlo at WimWrlll. H. C CU Mill Hitter, a prorldad maw U Aot g Muck t, 1S7S, Hvnmbu 10, 1U. Obituary nvtioas, Molutloni of motet, eanb ot thanks, aad all DOticaa of ntartainmraU for profit, will to chaipe for at the rat of ono orat par word. Honh Carolina kZlk W.i ASsociAriqpj) MATIONAL 6DITOR.AL. SSOCIATION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 Our County Farm Agents While the citizens of Haywood County will deeply regret to see J. C. Lynn, farm agent for the past two years, leave his post, they will be gratified over his promotion to a larger field of service. A program of agricultural progress was well launched in the county when Mr. Lynn assumed office as county agent. Without a break in the work he caught the vision of the job in hand and has carried forward in a manner .that has won the respect and con fidence of the citizens of the county. When he was elected to office, he was not the unanimous choice of the board of coun ty commissioners, due to certain political situations at the time. From the first his position has been more or less vulnerable, " but he has met the test. For the issues have long since been forgotten in the steady progress made in agriculture in Haywood under his leadership. The cooperation of J. C. Lynn and his co workers, Wayne Corpening and L C. Reitsel, has been marked by unusual harmony." The ? three men have worked in perfect accord and have shared the same ideas 'of service to the people of Haywood. It seems only fitting that one of them should fill the position left vacant by his resignation. Mr. Corpening has done splen did work " as assistant county agent. He knows the people, the county,1 and its needs at this time, and we feel confident will carry on the work in the same high standard set by J. C. Lynn. Beech Gap Tops Them All To our way of thinking, one of the most beautif ul scenic drive and mountain view in all of Western North Carolina is Beech Gap, just a little better than an hour's drive" from Waynesville, out past Lake Logan up through Sherwood Forest. The drive to Beech Gap is alone worth the trip, but the added pleasure of driving four miles along the Blue Ridge Parkway in that section, out past the Devil's Court House and through the tunnel, adds even that much more to the trip. That section of this land of scenic won ders has been neglected in our publicity program. Other spots and trips that are not comparable in what they offer to this one, have been put "on the map" because of the vast amount of publicity. Waynesville and Haywood County are missing a big asset by not telling the world of the Beech Gap section. And in the event you want a trip through the colorful mountains, we recommend the, 26-mile drive to Beech Gap. Haywood's Good Apples Haywood's livestock are being pushed to the forefront, our scenic beauties are con stantly kept before the public, and our in dustrial products are known far and wide There is another item, however, that has not shared in the spotlight and publicity that we feel is rightfully due Haywood's fine apples. Not so many years ago, apples from Hay wood won first place at the Internationa! Exposition in Paris. ,-' During the past number of years, we have taken the delicious fruit, which experts say have a pleasing flavor not found in any other apple, for granted and let the producers market them as best they could. The pub lic in general, many times, have even sough out-of-state apples, feeling they were bet ter than those grown in Haywood. According to those who know, a better ' apple than can be grown in Haywood has not yet been produced. 'V Increased Production The farmers of Haywood County are to be asked to step up on production of cer tain crops, as their part in the great na tional defense program of 1942. This increase will mean a number of things. It will mean that the American people will give more thought to proper food values to make them fit to meet the emer gency. ; ; :''-. It will make them more conscious of bet ter and easier methods by which increased production may be obtained. ' It will provide more jobs, for there will be more work for the farmer and more la bor needed to increase his crops, In this county the farm agents are urging that the production of milk be the major point of the program. They advise that the farmer make his first start by better care of their present dairy so that it may reach its capacity production rather than add to the number of cows. In this there will be a two-fold result, the farmer will reach top production and at the same time learn to make the most of his opportunities. A Lesson For Tar Heels According to reports given out by two North Carolina officials who recently attend ed a national convention of motor vehicle officials in New Orleans, the people down in Louisiana are not taking Army maneuvers very seriously. . They state that the civilians had the habit of "lining up along certain roads like spec tators at a football game". As a result of this lack of observance of rules there have been 78 fatalities among the soldiers and the civilians up to last Friday. They also report a case of three boys and three girls who went driving down a high way in the maneuver area and crashed head long into a blacked-out Army tank. All six were killed. Now here in North Carolina we expect to have thousands of soldiers turned loose, so to speak, on maneuvers, and this example set by Louisiana civilians should be a warn ing to us to follow all rules made by Uncle Sam, as he stages this fake bit of warfare. We Are Not Surprised The local unit of the state guard gave evidence last week at their first public ex hibition of their marching ability under Captain J. Harden Howell, that they are taking their soldiering pretty seriously. We were not surprised. These mountain boys make soldiers that can take it any- where and they are getting first class train ing by a veteran who saw service on the Mexican border and later faced the front line trenches in France in the first World War. Captain Howell has had experience . in developing soldiers out of civilians. Bear It In Mind It seems that inquiries are daily arriving at the Governor's offce down in Raleigh about the official date for Thanksgiving in North Carolina. Most people appear to have forgotten that Governor Broughton an nounced soon after taking office last Janu ary that he would "follow the President's proclamation and observe Thanksgiving one week earlier than the traditional date. It will also be recalled that last year Gov ernor Hoey was one of the few governors in the country who declined to fall in with the President's new ideas. But next year there will be no confusion, for President Roosevelt has indicated that he win give up the idea of the change and go back to the traditional Bate. The new date did not work, Americans are too steep ed in their-tradition to meet such a change. We like the way the average American citi zen has shown his desire to retain the old date. So bear in mind Thanksgiving comes this year on Thursday, November 20th. 'The daring young man on the flying trapeze" has his counterpart in the radio propagandist who flies through the air with the greatest of ease. You can always tell a heathen country. It's where they kidnap missionaries. In a civilized country they kidnap millionaires. The first board of education' we can re member was in the neighborhood of three feet long. ACHILLES' HEL M 4u A H E R E and THERE By HILDA WAY GWYN We have just been completely disillusioned about something . . . maybe we should not pass it on i . it is about a remedy that we have heard from childhood ... was infallible ... to start at the be ginning the soldiers in and around 'lamlet have been having trouble with shakes . . . perhaps the dry weather has had its influence . . . at any rate, the State Museum was asked to send informntion about North Carolina snakes to the In brarian in Hamlet . . . the museum workers" merely pulled out a cir cular . "Poisonous snakes in North Carolina" and mailed it to the librarian . . it contained ample information about whether or not the snake the soldiers had stepped on "was a sistrurus mili- arius (pigmy dwarf or ground rat tler) . . . an agkistroden piscivorus water moccasin, cotton-mouthed moccosin or swamp lion) ... or maybe a micrurus fulvius (harle quin or roral snake) . . . then en closed was another circular recom mending nine first aid suggestions . opening with . . . "Do not run or do anything that will speed up circulation; do not use WHIS KEY . . . or other forms of alcohol internally" . . . and all these years we natives here in the mountains have been using the possibility of snake bites for an excuse to take long some spirits fermenti on a fishing trip ... in fact it is con sidered positively imprudent to risk one's life along the mountain stream without abottle of "snake bite medicine" : , . . Those of us who live far from the defense centers that are teem ing with activity . . . in prepara tion for war . . . feel somewhat out of things . . . and are drifting along in the usual manner in our daily lives . the following from a recent writer will give those of us such localities . . . another slant on our responsibility . . , "It may seem to you conceited to suppose that you can do anything important toward improving the ot 01 mankind , . . but this is a fallacy , . you must believe that you can help bring about a better world . . . a good society is produc ed only by good individuals . . . ust as truly as a majority in a presidential election is produced bv the votes of single electors . everybody can do something-toward creating in his own Environment kindly feelings rather than anger . reasonableness rather than hysteria . , . happiness rather than misery . . . the sum of such actions makes the difference between a good world and a bad world . . . if you are an eminent statesman . your world is large . . . if you are obscure it is small, in one case, you can do much . . . in the other little . . . but you can always do something" ... It was interesting to watch the expressions on the faces of the visitors at the "open house" held by The Mountaineer on Friday , . . everyone seemed of one opinion . . in that it took more time and trouble to get out a newspaper than they had ever dreamed . . . and that printing was a much more complicated process than they had ever imagined . . . yet they did not see all the work of gathering the news before the stage of print ing . . . for it would be hard to picture all the human contacts . . . that go into producing news . . . We knew our flowers and grass were drying up . . . thirsting for refreshing rain . but we did not quite take it in , that the dry weather was spreading such a complete blanket over the country ... until we read that at Mount Holyoke College ... up in Massa chusetts . according to News week . . the president of the college announced that ' as long as the dry ' weather prevailed, the girls must "keep laundry low and take no showers or baths" . . . but the Harvard College student editors promptly offered to relieve the situation bv firivine- "1.000 comely, if dirty girls, the use of our showers" . . V but the Mount Holyoke student government wired back the following couplet of re jection . . , "I he unwashed misses regret . . . no real necessity yet". A success story . contributed to us by a reader this week . . the corpulent self-complacent Irish man sank into his most comforable chair and remarked to his wife . . . "Well Kate, me dear, life to me seems to have been one loner run of prosperity . . . first I was plain Hooley . . . then I married you and became Mr. Hoolw . . then I was made Councilor Hooley . . and later Alderman Hooley . . to cap the lot . i". as I went into church yesterday all the con gregation with one accord rose and sang , . : 'Hooley, Hooley, Hooley'." Voice OF THE People It you were to be tent to desert island and could have your choice of only three books to take with you, which three won Id yon choose? Frank Ferguson, Jr. "I would take the Bible, a collection of modern poems and Thoreau's 'Wil den'." Mrs. J. Howell Way "I would take the Bible, a copy of the works of Shakespeare and the dictionary.'' Rev. W. L. Hutchins "I would take the Bible, David Copperfield, and 'The Christianity of Jesus," by H. Style Bradley. The latter came out when I was starting out as a young preacher and had much to do with shaping my life." Judge Felix E. Alley -"I would take the Bible, a good compact his tory of the world, and David Copperfield." Mrs. Jimmy feal "E would take a one volume edition of H. G. Wells' 'Outline of History,' David Copperfield, and William Durant's 'Story of Philosophy'." Mary Mock "I would 'take an unabridged dictionary, a copy of Shakespeare, and a book of Ogden Nash's poems." Mrs. Clyde H. Ray (Caroline Miller) "My choice would be the Bible, "War and Peace," by Tol tory, and copy of Rollins and thology of World Poetry."- H. C. Wilburn "I would take the Bible, a standard American his tory and a copy of Rollins and Chamberlain's Geology." Negli To' Latin Am? ets Attentio By, CHARLES Psrrl " AIM 1. . I consular ..-.:r - M - uvi 1 ie at trad""-Ani lata "?n lend i:z7r v , " OBt Amencan orders. Nearly JlOO.OOO.OOO them nra attend M that manv i.,u i becoming' " ..'N thatwT ments to 'em or, U?j lost their patrona. 1 Commerce S.. . tin. tl, 4u . r.'i "eu a scheme the bottleneck. Most Of thfl'imi... I by export house, n... d. , . " UittL irom manufachiro ly all of the country'', bif. are so hnsv .l 61 deliveries to the exporuJ - But L Secretary Jone, that there are about 15 noroft'iiAl.. - 11 1 don't produce war , J turn out the kinds of M mat me Latin im..; ciamonng lor,-Jesse's i, ougn survey made and complete list of the lows. No such list ever available before and the middlemen appear t ) more or less unconsciod Ana, relative pewees u it's Jessee's iudpmpnt i bined their productive vJ approximately equal thJ comparatively few big 01 Clearing How His idea's to have Americans turn their or our consulates in their vi cinities, to have the cons J ward 'em to suitable Y4 porters, and then to k porters submit 'em to ki mental clearing house, j its master list, will place the right smallish macJ These, having done the processing, will ship thJ good to the exporters, turn, will forward 'em America. ui course a very coi personnel will be requin ele this joH' Jesse has dra a' stafl of experts to it "for the duration ." Hon suls, vice consuls and w attaches will be the hub fit. They'd be the whole cept that there aren't 'em to get away with it after their other duties. And here's where the reshuffling fits into the p A lot of our consulate! and plaint consulates closed throughout Axis-J Europe and a sizable consuls general, plain tn mere vice consuls are Washington, hitherto what was going to becd Jesse Jones knows. He' incorporate 'em into hii house. A good many membei Latin American stalls 1 will be called home for W ity in connection with t.j They'll be familiar wil American conditions m vice will be valuable. But their Latin-American posj he refilled. TM just the berths of the e from Europe. Mot omj 1 hA nn redunduncy of 1 be a scarcity. When perhaps they'll be reiui rone. but. at any rate, provided for, for the m T4- WanfAllaKpd that amount of rationing H found necessary. Jones to IW -K Tha icnnn- small fH tire outDOt can't be drairi export Latin AmencasW would mean famine t3 ian consumerdom. rH t, it will be pincneo "i and that, on the opW Latin America wonn- in thp market lor. to Jesse Jones' dearml j;.fo q fair division. Tn.iHitallv. Jesse nS ities witn out 1 j .nnritt seekers. The defense w r Jesse's sure to dema even break for n export program. . 1 j. .mpthinif, aemanua v w easy cabinet member for Judge Frank 1 Smathers "I would take the Bible. Robinson Cruso, and "Gone With the Wind." W. C. Allen "I would take the Bible, Tennyson's poems, and comprehensive history of the Unit ed States." Letters To The Editor Editor The Mountaineer: Last week in my letter to vou. Mr. Editor, I said that in addition to the "ragged, filthy, ignorant people who throw trash on the streets I had seen beautiful girls ana intellectual men and women doing the same thing". I'm sure that it was only by accident that you left the -mew out. I do not want them to imagine that they are the innocent creatures that the error made them seem to be! We have thousands of citizens in Haywood who would not think of littering up their pretty eotm- iry town and in my fifty and more years around Waynesville 1 aave actually seen one man pick ing np papers along the sidewalk and that was the tombstone-man "Jim Boyd's erravevard" below tne r irst National BankI MRS. W. T. CRAWFORD. BRUSH CUSHIONS FALL BOUNTIFUL. Utah Because W. vy brush cushioned the fall, W. L. Thomas and three passengers in his automobile escaped injury, al thoughJhe car tumbled down a 300 foot canyonside. Only two windows were broken. HURT BOY PLEADS FOR SAFE- TY. KANSAS CITY A most effec tive picket for the neighborhood safety campaign was Jackson Cable. 14. whose left leir i in heavy cast. Up and down the street ne walked, carrying a poster pro claiming. "Children ShnnM n Seen Not Hurt." His skull and leg had been fractured in an au tomobile accident August 7. YOU'RE TELLING ME! By WILLIAM RJTT- CeatrtJ Prtss Writer THERE la a cosmetic short age In England and it's Grand- PPPy Jenkins who says he feels sorry for those women who. as result of that scarcity, must ap pear in public with finger nails that look like finger nails ! !!''' The Mt ot scallops, we retd. is determined bf studying tbeir eyes. Unable to tell a lie. no doubt, without blinking '!'!, : Philadelphia, says a tourist folder, la a city of scenic value. We've noticed Its ball clubs fur nish plenty of background for the other major league teams. . ' f, ) .: An eight-week-old baby haa considerable mental capacity, we read But, unfortunately, it doesn't compare to Its terrific lung capacity '. r There are SO ways ol getting a headache, notes a medical writer. Zadok Dumbkopf says he can think ol more than that end tber i' "W WM P'pet read ing . "Please remit." - ! . Putting a paper bag over one's head Is said to be a good cure for the hiccups. Not taking the bottle out of the paper bag is a good preventative for saics, ? ! A psychiatrist says that when you've got the blues Just recite a short poem you ve memorized The Idea being, we imagine, you U be cheered up by the con viction you could have written a, better one OPINIONS V.:; And COMMENTS Of OTHER EDITORS FREEDOM IS MADE OF SIMPLE STUFF . - ,- 7- (Louisville, Ky., Courier-Journa)! From the archives of broken peace we are bringing out old words and dusting them oft for use again as shining lanterns to lead us through the darkness of an other war. Words like freedom, j'ustice and truth all 01 them hard to define, none of 'them used more frequently man xreedom. " You cannot say what freedom li perhaps in a single' sentence. It is not necessary to define it. It i enough to point to it. Freedom is a man lifting a gate latch at dusk ahd sitting for a whila on the porch, smoking his pipe, before he goes to bed. It is the violence of an argument outside an 'election poll; it is the righteous anger of the pulpits. It is the warm laughter of a girl on a park bench. - It is the rush of a train over the continent and the unafraid faces of people looking out the windows. It is all the howdys in the world, and all the hellos. . ' It is Westbrook Pedler telling Roosevelt how to raise his children; it is Roosevelt letting them raise themselves. It is Lindbergh's appeasing voice raised above a thousand hisses. It is Dorothy Thompson asking for war; it is Gen. Hugh S. John son asking her to keep quiet. It is you trying to remember the words to The Star-Spangled Banner. It is the sea breaking on wide sands somewhere and the should- . 1 . tnin SOPH ers 01 a m fiD r It is tneir "-t-with and the dirt It is the absence fWk at the sound of .PgJ; steps outside you' It is your no'V: trigue,theUtofJ u. .,s ,.L- nn doinf- J cannot help '"'

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