THE WAYNES VLLLE MOUNTAINEER Pa?e 7 Lend-Lease Ruler wag" one afternoon and it moved me deeply; several times I had to wipe the tears from my eyes. The adjustments and problems that faced the South during the recon struction period immediately fol lowing the War Between the States when Lee'a tattered the week-end of the 4th in Miss Moore's cabin. Miss Brock is edu cational director of radio station WATL in Atlanta. Miss Moore was, until this year, principal of Girls' high school. Recently a dinner party was given Miss Moore at the Piedmont Driving Club in Atlanta by the faculty of Girls high. Several pieces of silver were given to her as a token of love and appreciation for her work at Girls high school. Beverage; "Christian Literature in Foreign Fields," Mrs. Clifton Ter rell.. Other short talks and music fea tured the day. At noon the ladies were served a favorite dish 'for the occasion. Mrs. W. P. Whitesides. "A Good Farmer Abroad Helps World Security," Mrs. Welch Sing leton. , Members were given bundles to sew for the Red Cross. After the business session delicious refresh ments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. L A. McLain. Bethel News Y ? am The Bethel womens society of Christian Service observed its an nual "Week of Prayer" with an all-day service at the home of the pastor, Mr. J. W. Blitch, Tuesday, October 14. Mrs. Blitch was in charge of the worship service and talks were made dealing with the four projects, the self-denial offer ing goes to. They were as fol lows. "Brewster Memorial Hos pital for the Colored, at Jackon, Fla.," Mrs. W. P. Whitesides. "The Retired Deaconesses' Fund," Mrs. H. H. Garner. turned their faces homeward, were The womens' society of Chris tian Service of the Bethel Meth odist church met with Mi' Stella Hyatt, Wednesday 8th, in Canton, with Mrs. Paul Hyatt presiding. Mrs. Hugh Terrell was in charge of the following program: Devotional, led by Mrs. J. W. Blitch. Talks: "The Migrants' Our Neighbor," Mrs. Horace Peek. Farm Youths Are Industrious," k kL established rKnbt'8 store. When tfhaaft" approaches made very real to me. Mr. Hor ton has a depth of understanding and feeling for this time in South There will be an old-fashioned singing held at the Bethel Baptist church Sunday, Oct. 18, at i o'clock. Everyone is invited to attend and especially those using the old "Christian Harmony" books. Please bring your books with you. READ THE ADS IT PATS FTto notify heaaquari (J V anight is cluef ern history when "the old order changeth. yielding nlace to new" that is uncanny; it was a painful Charles Fox said that restora tions were the most bloody of all revolutions; and he might have ad ded that reformations are the best mode ot, preventing the necessity ana trying time as it always ia after any war. 0 E. Hortonand Oxe Hor-0- " Satur- for amu" 7. ., Miss Mary Moore and Miss Para Lee Brock, of Atlanta, Ga., spent of either. -Colton, I "Medical Missions, Mrs. Joe Trail. OCTOBER 16, 1941 - """1 I r - - Dunn left i . j thfiir home in fBeach, Flatter spend ferl weens i Ffinton closed and . . J fnr their win- abin Buu iw - - me in Daytona Beach, Fla., ending the summer here. entons will stop over a few Jacksonville, r ia., wu uccessful two-wk revival j... W the Rev. Nando L and his assistant, the lanael Wyatt. Bryson, miueu. iyxiuu"i toward, Mrs. Sidney Ruskin enderson Jones motored t6 iee last week. Ls Ganyard, of Miami Beach, .pent several days last weeK cabin at Balsam Heights. Appointment of Lend-Lease Admin istrator Edward R. Stettinlus, Jr, M a Presidential assistant ia seen aa a move to slash red tape in speed ing war-aid deliveries. Stettlnius will now have power to sign the resident's name to allocations not exceeding $300,000,000 each. Delia Kenny and the late John Kenny, was married to Gordon Smathers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Smathers, Sunday at Clay ton, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rog ers, recently newlyweds," accom panied them. Mr. and Mrs. Smath ers will live with Mr. Smathers' parents for the present. tge roils nas uecii 1011.1115 rents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. and Mrs. ' Frank Turner ttoir cabin for the summer returned to Orlando, Fla., they will spend the win- and Mrs. W. B. Wentz and bother, Mrs. F. P. Earney, Charlotte, spent the week- ;th Miss Clara Wentz who summer cabin here. Jackson County Home Dem- tion Club held their meeting riday at the home of Mrs. Coward where a demonstra- as given by Miss Margaret m on how to save labor when kind ironing. Eight mem- lere present. The next meet- be held the second Friday ovember at Mrs, George it's home. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parson, who own and manage the lodge, left Sunday morning for Miami, Ha. Miss Kdna Smathers and her mother, Mrs. Elisha Smathers, have moved into the lodge for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Middleton and familv have moved into the Bal sam Hotel where they will look li . 1 1- 1 ..... . w. . 1 V. n .aril alter inc prupeity uuuii me wii ter months. . Mrs. Alberta Monteith, Mrs. Sarah Crawford and Cornelius Deitz. teachers in the Balsam school, attended the, meeting of the Western North Carolina teacners association last Friday in Ashe-ville. b Kenny, daughter of Mrs. 40 To Enjoy Life More ,1 mm - mm. mm M Liver Biie ow A Boost-- his Every Morning for 30 Days ; normal you. liver should discharge full cpmrt of : digestion-aiding bile "7 day. A scanty How -may mean "lac-hes, Biliousness, .Poor Digestion, lick, half-alive feeling; of it! Get a Jwttle of Kruschen nijM. Start right In tomorrow il take 1-2 teasDoonful in a a-lasa fhot or cold ) half an hour be- ' Jk-fast and keen thia un for 80 p thii and you too may know what " w up reeling fit and ready for 'i work. Try Kruschen for the J on our guarantee of aatiBfao. "oney refunded. . MS Cut Rate Drug Store This summer an old paper of The Salisbury Herald, dated. Janu ary 3. 1894. fell into my hands Two short items attracted my at tention. Thev were: 1. A bill to prohibit the running of railroad trains, freight, pas sengers, or even mail, in South Carolina on Sunday has been intro duced in the Legislature of that state. 2. There is trouble ahead for Gov. Lewelling of Kansas. He has removed Mrs. Lease from office which she held. When she throws her mouth wide open and empties nn him the avalanche of robust English she is piling up for him he will wish he was a tramp again In Chicago. Oze Horton. son of Mrs. 0. E Hortori and the late O. E. Horton, f Atlanta and Balsam, has just copyrighted his first play. Mr. Hnrton was graduated from t.ViB TTnivprsihv of Georeria and took post graduate work in English at Vanderbilt University. inis is Viia first effort. The play is beautifully written in blank verse. I read "Hcaua Fall in Fjjk more than 60 per cent of their efforts devoted to defense uenerai Electric workmen, attentats, ana nmwi front rank of America's defenders. U.S. A ! luau um muio fJ Qtneral Electric is mak- -t on machines that once ,1(tnc motora. 2. Big as a house iaa battleship's transmission. General Electric made the gears, and the turbines that drive them, for four U.S. battleships launched recently. f,?!. smothered for norh h,gh altitudes untU byGEClU,r?er'lar8e,yde- I rofly seven mile m. r- 4. You depend on your radio for entertainment, but in the Army and Navy lives depend on radio communication. General Electric makes acta for the Signal Corps. Caner.l Electric believes that Its first duty as a food citixen ia to be a good soldier. General . Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. VJ JV Tf3 jD d IF VA WANTS TO GET AHEAD, TH NAVW TEACHES VA TO AMOUNT K TO SUM'P M" 25,000 young istn wsnted ; btmediatcly to get best filiation training In the world i i v. Right now the world's fastest planee are roEIng out of America's factories by the thousands. Thafs why the United States Navy needs 25,000 new pten to fly and service these planes. That's why your Navy is offering qualified young men the finest training course offered anywhere. Now you can get paid to lead the greatest life in the world. Aviation Cadets in the United States Navy get $75.00 a month dur ing seven months of flight training. Then they become Naval Aviators receiving as much as $245.00 a month. Earn while you learn Uncle Sam's Navy offers you tremendous op portunities for advancement in a wide variety of fascinating jobs. There are 45 skilled trades ; and vocations which the Navy may teach you if you are qualified. If you're interested in radio work, engineering, aerial photography, carpen try, pharmacy, welding, the Navy may spend $1,500 in one year training you to become an expert in your chosen field. Opportunities for advancement If you apply yourself, advancement and in creases in pay will follow regularly. Before the end of your first enlistment you may be earning up to $126 a month with your board, keep, and a complete outfit of clothing fire! If, at the end of your term of servioa, you wish to get a job in civil life, your Navy training will be a tre mendous asset to you. Employers the country over are eager to employ Navy-trained men. Good fun, good food, good friends The Navy is noted for its popular sports pro gram. Every kind of sport from baseball to LOOK WHAT THE U. S. NAVY AND NAVAL RESERVE OFFER YOU FRf E TRAINING worth $1500. 45 trades and vocations to choose from. COOD PAY with regular increases. You may earn up to $126 a month. EACH YEAR you are entitled, to a generous vacation period with full pay. COOD FOOD and plenty of it. FREE CLOTHING. A complete outfit of cloth ing when you first enlist. (Over $100 worth.) FREE MEDICAL CARE, including. regular dental attention. FINEST SPORTS and entertainment any man could ask'for. TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, THRILLS You can't beat the Navy for them! BECOME AN OFFICER. Many can work for an appointment to the Naval Academy or the Annapolis of the Air at Penaaoola. FUTURE SUCCESS. It's easy for Navy-trained men to get good-paying Jobs in civil Ufa. LIBERAL RETIREMENT PAY for regular Navy men. boxing and swirnming is offered the man who enlists. On board ship, the latest moving pic tures are shown free. Organized recreation, such as dramatics, singing arid musical entertain ment, goes to make the life of a Navy man the best fun in the world. The food served in the Navy would do justice to your own mother's cooking. It's well pre pared and there's plenty of it. Any man who wears the trim uniform of Uncle Sam's Navy is bound to be looked up to for you've got to be good to get in the Navyl Get this FREE Booklet v i o v,. Are you considering Joining a military service? WHY NOT CHOOSE THE NAVAL RESERVE! Don't wait. Choose the Naval Reserve nota. The Secretary of the Navy baa an nounced: "All men now enlisting in the Naval Reserve will be retained on active Navy duty throughout the period of the national emergency, but they will be released to inactive duty as soon after the ememaucy as their seitioes can be spared. SERVE YOUR COUNTRY BUILD YOUR FUTURE z Zk i MaQ coupon for your free copy of "Life in the U. S. Navy." 24 pages, fully illus trated. It answers all your questions.' Telia what your pay will be. ..promotions and vacations you can expect . . . how you can retire on a life income. Describes how you can learn any one of 45 big pay trades from aviation to radio . . . how many may be come officers. 27 scenes from Navy life Bhowing sports and games you may play, ships you may be assigned to, exciting porta you may visit. Telia enlistment require ments and where to apply. If you are between 17 and 31 (no high school required), get this free book now. No obligation. Ask the Navy Editor of thia paper for a copy. Or telephone him. Or mail him the coupon. You can paste it on a penny postal card. WEAR THIS BADGE OF HONOR! If after reading the free booklet you decide to apply for a place in the Navy, you will receive this smart lapel-emblem. It is a badge of honor you will be proud to wear. PI Tear out and take or send this coupon to the Navy Editor of this newspaper regardless of the length (of time remaining in their enlistment." Remember the regular Navy and Naval Reserve offer yon the same travel, train ing, promotions, pay increases. Physical requirements in the Naval Reserve are liberal Find out all about the Naval Re- Send m the coupon now! Without any obligation on my part whatsoever, please send me free booklet, "Life in the Navy," giving full details about the opportunities for men in the Navy or Naval Reserve. Name- -Age- Addreas. Town -State. POPE THE RECRUITING OFFICER, GETS AIR-CONDITION ED I WHO.. I'D LIKE TO BE AM AVIATIOK1 MECHANIC. IF POSSIBLE 2 MEL FOR THE OUTDOOR LIFE.' IUELL, IU- BE HORM-SPOOWEQ J I'M ACOURSE, IT'S POSSIBLE.'.' TJOIK1IN&! TH' MOST COMPLETE IMSTRUCKTIOKJS IN AMV ONE OF SOME FORTV-ODD SKILLED TRADES J n.sJ'S? 5? 7i. I'M AW AVIATION Y WELL, BLOW ME DOOM .' MEOHAMIC, NOWl VA CEKTIN&LH GETTTN i. r t i i- hw Haw .j.L'! - Iv-11 .:J Sf I'" ' 1 " -is v - 1 XAWV" I'll kij. I; I I " 1 . You're flying high in the Navy You live like a king I Free meals. Free medical and dental care. No rent to pay. And you get regular raises in pay. . What a life for a man who's young and ambitious I You get travel and adven ture and you learn a skilled trade that puts you in line for big pay jobs when you get out of the Navy. If you are 17 or over, get a free copy of the illustrated booklet, "LIFE IN THE U. S. NAVY," from the Navy Editor of this paper. ERve SOUR COUMTRV.' BUILD YOUR FUTURE ' tJj 6ET IN THE NWV NOW