Th Mountaineer NESVILLE Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park -gEVENTH YEAR NO. 45 Twelve Pages WAYNESVILLE, N, C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1941 J 1.50 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties fUl LAJ felon mm 0 (BO3 W A Pinnnv 59 . . - - ; ? 7 Acting As Peace- Maker, Stabbed faborate Plans Made for Armistice Bay e're The Facts On Accidents , . ." 'rolman 0. R. Roberts (left) and Corporal E. W. Jones (right) rs Hilda Way Gwyn the "inside facts" on accidents, in an in following an increase in highway wrecks on Haywood high- The two patrolmen point out the ciuses, and also some of their s in trying to keep people from killing themselves and others highways. Photo by Patsy Gwyn. me Motorists Resent trolmen Trying To we Them Careful mod's Two Patrolmen it Out Drivers Need To Jze More Responsibility, Mi persons injured . : . one . . on a Haywood county . . , on the same morn within less than an hour lit a story to have to write ft, there were our notes in i . . . it must be true fa the highway patrolmen ren us the facts . . . we Ipressed, ..' . . Surely some Wd be done about this 1 '. , the editor passing pt noting our concern . "Why, don't you inter- p patrolmen . . . ask them "nt for such accidents and i remedy". ... . . We took Ration (as we usually do) m we are to introduce you " Jones native of Moore six years in the State F Patrol service . . .. . hich have been anent in N . . . and O. R Rnhorfi f Buncombe ... two and a !,rs in the State highway ' ail or which have been mm. county. . . . Maybe " they just ride around if you do . . . forget don't knniif nf nonU I, . u. unv Jcwpic Weir Work mn rm,iDl OW.WMO.V "terallv it is .h.. I, i -;- -w umvvci VJ, P oeath" with thpm on mir theV Tllf in nnowhorA P ! 17 hours a dav on the o you realize that th-A f" "an 100 miles of paved wy nothine of the mnnt. 11 eeondary.dirt roads, 7uncyf ... It is their husi. "P them safe for you to . mey must be every at the same time. . ; ffteiout asking questions shortly we fnnnA l,i, VUA. V with our nenril flv. Contii 'naed on page 2) I Taxi Rates Wo Effect e On Monday k inanr1 lnat new rates h. Monday kj ,ey Point nut ir, le of .:"' "a""ls ""nim new rates u rate will be 35 Rate, fl5 fents as here main approximately nni..,i - Kr. rl J . ment In to- Car Crashes Into VPA Worker, Legs Fractured . Avery Silvers, 34, is being held in the Haywood County jail as the result of an automobile accident which occurred around 6:15 Tues day night in the Sutton Town sec tion, about 13 miles from Waynes ville, on the Cove Creek road, when the car he was driving is said t have jammed into a WPA truck and seriously injured WPA worker. Carver's left leg was between the knee and the ankle, (Continued on back page) Parade, Speaking, Band Concert To Feature Program American Legion Taking Charge Of Observance; Have Good Program rtrmisuce Lay or this vear which falls on next Tuesday will be observed locally with the most elaborate and impressive program held here in several years, accord ing to the members of Waynes ville post of the American Legion, who are sponsoring the event. VV. K. rrancis, local attorney has been engaged as speaker of the occasion. All the ministers of the town will have part on the program. W. H. F. Millar, com mander of Legion post, will pre side. The event will open with a pa rade, starting promptly at ten o'clock from the foot of the hill at the entrance to Greenhill ceme tery. It will be headed by the Waynesville Township high school band. Others in the parade will include the local unit of the State Guard in full uniform, members of the Waynesville Post of the Legion, members of the Legion Auxiliary, and the three upper classes of the high school, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, all ex-service men and gold star mothers are urged to join the parade. The American Legion color guard will follow the band. The colors will be carried by members of the state guard who are also Legion nAires . ... f ' '- jf The parade will proceed down (Continued on back page; Three Volunteers And 27 Draftees Leave Tomorrow Boyd Presided Commissioners Meeting Monday Only matters of routine were taken up at the regular first Mon day meeting held here by the county commissioners this week. George A. Brown, Jr., chairman, was confined to his home by sick ness. In his absence R. T. Boyd served as chairman of the group, At eight o'clock tomorrow morn' ing thirty young men will leave Hardy Carver, . here in the fifth call under the se ! lective draft from this area, but i DroKenithe 19th call from the govern ment. A group from the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, DAR, will be on hand to bid the boys goodbye. The Waynesville high school band will give several numbers: under the direction of L. T. New, Jr. No formal program has been arrang ed, but the public is invited to be present. ' This is the largest group to leave this area at one time. Three of the thirty are volunteers, name ly, Jesse James Moore, John Hamp ton and John Zebdee Rathbone. The drafted men included Dewey (Continued on back page) Tom P. Jimison Returns To liaywooa, rinas Preachers Say Ahmen, And Shortage Of Herbs By Tom P. Jimison. For the last three months I've been a-traipsin' around over old Havwood. visiting the scenes oi my boyhood and renewing old acquaint ence. I have talked over old times with Bob and Riley Boyd, Frank Ferguson, Irving Reno, Chief Stringfield, Dr. McCracken and a whole nassel of others. I have dis cussed shorthorns with Capt Ward, of Lake Junaluska, other crops with Pless Boyd, of Jonathan, and have talked wood and paper with the folks around Canton. Homer Caele has told me all about merchandising, and we have recalled the experiences we had on Cove Creek when Jim Boyd, John Morrow and John Howell used to ' nject ; book-larnin' into us with dogwood switches. J I I have hunted squirrels with Jim ; Murray, possums with Sam Jimison and am a-aim:n' to bag a few coons rieht away. Went to the Injun fair with Thomas and Rachel Mur ray where I sorter got the huntm feVer. But I don't aim to hunt with no bow an' arrow. A feller nuirht meet no with a bear, and then I crave to have me a double- shooted blunderbuss loaded to scat Back In Haywood Power Curtailment Brings On Complete Blackout" For Town Speaker W. ROY FRANCIS To Preside W. II. F. MILLAR ommandor Of American Legion XI 1 Mrs. L. J. Cannon 1942 President Of County Home Clubs Mrs. L. J. Cannon, of the Morn ing Star club of Beaverdam, was elected president of the Haywood County Council of home demonstra tion clubs at a recent meeting of the council. Others who will serve with her include, vice president, Mrs. Robert McCracken, of the Francis Cove club; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. W. P. Whitesides, of Bethel club. The other county officers will be appointed in the near future. Plans for the annual Achieve ment Day were made, which is to be held on November the 18th, at the First Methodist church here, beginning at ten o'clock. Handi crafts and needle work will be on display from the different clubs. At the council meeting the plan of work for 1942 was discussed. Food for freedom is to oe stressed 'along with house furnishing and home improvement. rat a , n tigTiin i. t.J? -hedule I ri U:i 1 A BUi I SIliMLCU Diuiiuciunoa v V, Ruf ' v Matney.:ter. Iffen that fails to fetch Mr. Jr . erJe How UJa Miley, Charles Wrff' Cliff White. .M. How- Henry. Rnifn T'll ies run him down, with me in front. The latter part of the summer was spent at Lake Junaluska A-hobnobbin' with my old Metho- "BISHOP" TOM JIMISON dist comrades. But the place has been invaded by a lot of furriners who have brung into our mongst some horrific and horrendous here sies. They have even got some of our mountain preachers to sayin' ahmen at the end of their prayers. I f have been a-tryin' to do a little County Teachers Meetings Changed To Monday Nights The day and hour for the regu lar county-wide teachers' meeting have been chanp-ed from Saturday morning, to Monday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, according to Jack Messer, county superintendent of education. There will be a meeting of the group on Monday evening, the 10th, at the Central Elementary school. "Teaching Art in the Public school," will be the subject under study and discussion, ' Actual demonstrations of teach ing art in schools will be made by Mrs. Hilda Haliburton, ox the Clyde school; by Mrs. Inez Brooks, of the Waynesville junior high school; by C. C. Hanson, principal of the Clyde schools; and Miss Eula Patterson and Miss Mildred Med- Business Houses and Citi zens Are Cooperating 100 Percent During Emergency. . Waynesville experienced her first "blackout" Tuesday night, after town officials had been notified by OPM of the power curtailment, due to a power shortage in southeast ern United States. Co-operation was 100 per cent in the business district, accord ing to G. C. Ferguson, city man ager. All : show windows, adver tising signs, and outside lighting will remain black until OPM changes their order. A special appeal was made to housewives to conserve electrical power in every way. The orders sent out by OPM sets out that the utility shall cut off power to any consumer who uses electricty in violation of the order. The utility is responsible for seeing that consumers on their lines comply with the orders. Main street looked like the in terior of a dungeon, as all window lights were out, and all neon signs off, The red and green traffic lights were the only thing last night' and the night before to add color to the town's main street. The electrical department, . in an advertisement, is today setting out the orders under which the "blackout" must be operated. J. C. Moore, superintendent of Cruso JElectric Membership Corpor ation, urged that all customers on REA lines heed the orders of OPM. Mr. Moore has just returned from Raleigh where the power shortage was discussed. Comes To Haywood 1 i Miff islrtirfv i ' DWIGHT I PASCHALL as sumed his duties here Saturday as assistant county agent. Photo by Sherrill's Studio. D. L. Paschall Is Haywood's New Assistant Agent y Haywood's new assistant county agent, Dwight L. Paschall,4 an ex perienced and energetic young farmer, who has been schooled tn (Continued on back page) Annual Red Cross Call Drive Will Get Underway Here On 11 th The annual Roll Call for mem bership in the local chapter of the Red Cross will start on Armistice Day, according to the Rev. Mal colm Williamson, chairman, who is optimistic over reaching the goal of 1,200 set for the chapter by the national headquarters. Rev. Williamson is making an earnest appeal to the community to answer this call for the Red vmms at this time, pointing out the urgent need of reaching the quota set. The following committees will work in the drive for members: Two Boys, 16 and 17 Years Old Held In Jail For Death Of Dell wood Farmer. William Clay Grant, 16, and Ray Shelton, 17, of the Jonathan Creek section of the county, are being held in jail charged with the mur der of William Albert Finney, 52, by stabbing him with a pocket knife on Tuesday night about 8 o'clock. It is said that the boys had been having trouble with one of the neighbors in the community and that two weeks ago had cut the wires on a fence on his place. A girl friend had been with them at the time and is said to have dis approved and had begged them not to damage the property. In the meantime it was reported that the Story of how the fence had been cut was circulated in the community. On Tuesday night when the boys started . out on a hunting trip they met the girl in the road a few yards from the home of Finney and accused her of tell ing on them, officers said. The conversation is reported to have become heated and that Fin ney, hearing the boys, went down to the road to try to make peace. It is alleged that young Grant wa4 carrying a lantern at the time, and was standing with both hands be hind his back. : He is said to have stooped to put the lantern on the ground and when 4e raised up he held in one hand a pocket knife which he sud denly flashed across the chest of (Continued on back page) Merchants Adopt New Store Hours A group of merchants yesterday, through a committee, announced a change in store hours, effective Saturday. The stores will open at 8:30 each morning, and on week days will close at six, on Saturday at nine. The canvass was not completed yesterday, and it is expected that practically all merchants will adopt the new hours. Those signing the advertisement in today's paper announcing the Change are: The Food Store, Eagle 6 & 10, Massie's Department Store, Dixie Store, A&P, Reliable Jew elers, Stovall's 5 & 10, Harold's House to house: Mrs.: Richard ' rZ '. 'Tu ' BelK-"uf8on a -i. i v I Company, The Toggery, and C. E. (Continued on back page) . ! Ray's Sons. AM Farmers Name Commtteemen, Adopt "Food For Defense Program Haywood's AAA Committeemen (Centinaed on page 8) I ford, of the ship schools. Waynesville towr- ' '' 1 o Haywood AAA farmers recently named Glenn Boyd, seated on the left, as chairman of the county committee for the year. Mr. Boyd is from Jonathan Creek. The vice chairman is Sam Ferguson, stand ing, of Fines Creek. Charlie R. Liner, seated right, of Waynesville, is the third member. Photo by Sherrill's Studio. Committees have been named for the AAA soil conservation pro gram for 1942 in Haywood coun ty. The Coming year will mark one of the most active in this group sinco it was first inaugurated. The "Food For Defense" pro gram will require hew Dln in the farms of the county and more detail work will be given to the planning for increased nmtinrt than has ever been devoted bv the groups in the past. Ihe county committee conaiat. of Glenn A. Boyd, Jonathan Creek, township chairman ; San Fergu son, of Fines Creek, vice chairman and C. R. Liner, of Waynesville township. Township committees are: Beaverdam ; W. A. HioDs. chair man; Lester C. Johnson, vice chair man; J. B. Hipps, regular mem ber; M. Harley Robinson, first, al ternate; Haywood Chapman, sec ond alternate. Cecil Township: J. E. Burnett. chairman; Ned Moody, vice chair man; G, H. Massie, regular mem ber; Horace Ledbettev fif olf ..- - 1 ll UK MtA - (Continued on back page) Second Call For Draftees For This Month Received The local draft board received a second call for men under the selective draft service for this month, it was learned yesterday. The order is for 15 men to leave here on November the 24th, which will make a total of 45 called dur ing the month. This will be the largest number to leave this area in xrjie month since the first call camey according to the draft board.

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