nn VnT Mountaineer i'HE CSVILLE Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountain National Park UVENTH YEAR NO. 50-A Twelve Pages , $1.50 In Advance In IUjwo Jsuilm Cwafi WAYNES VILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1$, 1941 W AYN1 I- jd Ddtq K lit . J wilian Defense Council Fully Orgd razed Littees Are tied To Carry Defense Work Ueere Being Sought To U On Work In County; kriet Healtli umc .is Mqnarters. meeting of the Civilian De Council held in the court on Friday evening, with 50 persons present, plans irmalated to get the work of Uanization underway, with I ..MAaliaiMllDII Corpening, acmis v" ! ,u decided to move me voi- office of which Kobt. a. mu to have charge, into the if the district health depart- In the first floor of the court effective operation of the la office requires extensive l .. . . a j ai.- foe, the councu ppounu mm jfollqwing committees: kment committee, Mrs. uoyie ky, chairman, Lee McElrath, Sand N. Allen, which rroup Tolunteers to jobs and train to it has secured the facts them. , ' .. -." nine; course committee J. C. .chairman, and Mrs. W. H. F. utd C. C. Hanson, members, committee clears existing ir courses and makes ar ments for the development of eeded courses. . raiting and enrollment eora i,Chas. E. Ray, Jr., chairman, rd Westmoreland, . W. " C. W. P. Whitesidesx M. H. s, Wayne Corpenirf V. L. rsld, and ; Carlton.. Peyton, poop is responsible for re- (Continued on page 7) Li Man Urges yelopment Of ources Here M. Landess Heard In dress Before Haywood's chers. Teachers and tere. ood's challenge in this Jof national emergency, is to FP all possibilities as a unit, f flit for America's Freedom. responsibility is to see that il has minerals, so that food "thereon will have vital min tontent for our soldiers and (Continued on page 7) - WrationOf Junteers Starts Civilian Defense Volunteer M opened vesterav morn- f the rooms occupied by the ' health department, with F S. Millar in charge of regie' ClVilinn Aafanaa - vnliinMrra !sed to register, even though avp Hmu n al Russian Ambassador Arrives Maxim Litvinoff (right), new Soviet Ambassador to the United States, is greeted by George T. Summerlin, Chief of the Division of Protocol of the State Department at the Capital's airport in Washington. The new Russian envoy arrived aboard a special chartered plane from the West coast Mountaineer To Appear Again Friday; Christmas Edition On Next Tuesday Ferguson And Med ford Appointed Tax Collectors The county commissioners at their regular third Monday meeting held yesterday appointed Johnny J. Ferguson and B. D. Medford as assistant collectors to succeed themselves. Mr. Ferguson is entering his sixth vear as assistant tax col lector, and Mr. Medford has served m that capacity for the past three and a half years. A number of routine matters were brought to the attention of the board.: $30,000 In Defense Bonds Sold In Week Mercury Hits 13 Monday Morning Monday morning brought the coldest weather of the year, aa the mercury slid down to 18, accord ing to the official reading made by Lawrence Kerley, official observer. The former low was 17. The next lowest of the week was last Thursday, with a reading of 21. The week's report: Date Dec. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 15 High 65 65 47 44 52 48 Low 28 28 21 23 37 13 Rainfall 0 0 0 0 .65 0 Annual Benefit Matinee Friday Admission By Toy The Mountaineer will be pub lished again Thursday afternoon and ftffrihuted early Friday morn ing. V This is following' the annual custom of many years of getting out two issWs the week before Christmas. - Next Tuesday; morning the an nual Christmas edition," containing greetings and special Christmas messages and stories, will go to press, for delivery Tuesday after noon and Wednesday morning. All copy for the Friday edition must be in the office by noon Thurs day, and no copy for Tuesday's pa per can be taken after six o'clock Monday. ; v .. Rev.H.G.Hammett Elected President Ministers Group Rev. H. G. Hammett, pastor of the First Baptist church, was elect ed president of the Haywood Coun ty Ministerial Association at a luncheon meeting held during the week at the home of Mrs. H. W. Burnette. Others elected to serve, with the Rev." Hammett aret vio . president Rev. W. R. Kelly, pastor of the Canton Methodist church; secre tary and treasurer, Rev. R. E. Mac Blain, rector of Grace Episcopal church. Rev. Frank Leatherwood, of Waynesville was made chairman of the program committee, with the Rev. George B. Hammond, pastor of the Canton Presbyterian church, and the Rev. J. Clay Madison, of the First Methodist church, of Waynes ville, as members. Meetings are scheduled for the first Monday of each month. J. E. Massie, manager of he Park Theatre, is sponsoring a f v- PTv ing of the picture, "One Foot in an LlelenSe Heaven" on Friday afternoon at 3:15 as his contribution to tne com munity Christmas tree to be held on Christmas afternoon on the court house grounds. All school children in the ele mentary grade will b? admitted free of charge if they bring along with them a good second hand or a brand new, toy. If the toy is second hand it must be of value and not something dnna ba .iV. tt... 11 t.n A1otAoA .. . . P there will be a public file While the Woman's Club is in fwteers. j charge of the community tree, fr registration is made, a ! Mr. Massie generously gives this Ration of the services offered f matinee with admission by toy rC TnaH3 .nn. n a wiaana nf nrfinc - 1 caul as 1 1 1 v ".i.j - ...... ... poffiee will be open from 8:30 1 to the collection of toys for the "v V 1.1 (IP If OQh Wnw . Every Member Of The Mountaineer Staff Buys Defense Stamps Or Bonds To Date $80.00 Has Been Placed On lions' Dime Board tree. Ifare Office To Be Clearing se For Christmas Cheer F welfare department has com-1 the Black Mountain Sanatorium, r a list of the needy fam- 1 entirely dependent On the Haywood . In the county to which the j county welfare department. P asked to make donations ! Inmates of the county home, in- j wistmas cheer. -eluding: 6 women, 13 men, and j Fffeovering the cases of the' tmree children. rt very carefully Mrs. ' The welfare department will de- j Lleen and her workers have liver any gifts for the foregoing , r" 30 families as the need- j in Haywood county, and will be re-1 ! I sponsible for mailing any to oe U' Apartment is also asking 1 sent out of the county. They ask r8 cheer for the following: that all' gifts or baskets to be de lL prl from Haywood county . livered in the county be sent to the fnd from 10 to 16 years I welfare office by noon on Tues- nav. ana inuse w ue nmiicu The dime board sponsored by the Lions Club which was opened to the public on Saturday, was be ing well patronised yesterday when some $52 dollars worth of dimes were added to the twenty-eight dollars worth placed there Satur day, making a total of $80.00 to date.;. Encouraged by the response of last year, the Lions are planning the same Christmas cheer for the needy families that they dispensed last year. The committee in 1940 bought 260 toys, 200 pounds of mixed nuts, 431 pounds of candy, 40 bags of oranges and 18 boxes of groceries, which were distribut ed among 80 families. Any funds left over this year from the Christmas cheer fund will be used for work among the blind, -( of the major projects of the club. n charge of the dime board on Saturday were: Paul Davis, L. T. New and Glenn Cuthbertson; on Monday J. C. Galusha, J. L. Cor- wile anB James Leatherwood. Today C, J. Reece and J. L. ' (Continued on page 7) - The nine regular employees of The Mountaineer are 100 per cent for America and victory. Each of the nine members of the force have invested in defense saving stamps or de fense saving bonds. Some are now the proud owners of both. The publishers are proud of the patriotism shown by the entire staff, and with every member of the force practic ing "buy defense bonds and stamps" this newspaper will consistently and regularly urge it readers to "go thou and do- likewise.",. Sale Was Far Ahead of Ex pectations; Post Office and Bank Are, Rushed. Defense bonds sold faster in Waynesville during the past week than the proverbial batch of hot cakes. The rush for bonds during the week was so heavy that the supply of blanks gave out Saturday. Ud until last night, the total sales was just a little short of $30,000 for the week, according to Postmaster J. H. Howell and the First National Bank. The bank sold $17,250 in bonds during the first five days last week, and took $200 yesterday pending arrival of more bonds. The post office reported the sale of $11,718 in bonds last week, and $750 on Monday. In discussing the sale of the de fense bonds, bank officials pointed out that buyers were impressed with the fact that their value never get below par, and that the bonds could be redeemed within sixty days after being bought . One Waynesville man said last night "I am going to buy $1,000 worth as soon as the bonds arrive." A Waynesville business firm re ported to the post office that they had put Uncle Sam on the pay roll ni, were buying a bond a wee. . V!,vi.Ml Tentative List Of Selectives Leaving Here On Jan. 5th The tentative list of the sclec tives that will be sent from the area served by the local draft has been announced. It may undergo many changes before the group leave here on January the 6th, as the applications of a number of vol untary inductions are pending. The list is made up of the follow ing: John Henry Forga and Ver non Hall, both volunteers, Wallace Walker Hill, Willard Paul Woody, Porter Ray Frady, Carl Head, Ru ben Joe Justice, John Lewis Frank lin, Claude Eugene Davis. Also George Gunter, Jr., Thomas Earl Blalock, Spencer Iredell Fish er, John McCury Wyatt, Marcus Russell Rogers, John Clingman Taylor, Carl Andrews Grasty, J. B. Wyatt, Harry Robert Hogan, Rob ert Leon McClure, and Ben Under wood. Deferments are also being consid ered in one or two case. Orders will be mailed from the draft board to the men by December the 25th. Replacements will be made for those who have enlisted elsewhere before that time. Back to His Job awinyti.iu. n.. miiim. i mwui W'l ; r f 5 t ,.. .v. 1 i A UniUd SUtes sailor, hurriedly summoned to return to his post fol lowing the Japanese attack on U. B. territory In the Pacific Ocean, kisses his girl goodbye before boarding a train at rennsyivama siavon, new York City. Commissioners Draw Jury For January Court Civil Term Of Haywod Superior Curt To Convene Here On Monday, the 5th. Law Prohibits Shooting Of Fireworks Or Sale Of Them In Haywood County Rotary Has Two New Directors bl i?? in Jkson Training later than Monday, me welfare depart- '-u irom this county. t cm . . .. eJiTj nomasvuie. den Wards of the wel- , "cnl now lmng in es. relief clients, patients in Any persons wishing to take part in the Christmas cheer program sponsored by the welfare depart ment in cooperation with groups are asked to call the office, 125, for names or any other de sired information. Guy Massie and Ben Sloan were named directors of the Rotary Club last Friday to fill two vacancies on the board, created by Dr. Thomas Stringfield who is serving in Eng land and J. C. Lynn who was pro moted to district county agent. The new members of the board were elected by the board of direc- other ,tr8. ? , , , . . lasi r naay iour memoers oi uie Waynesville band gave a musi cal program, including Christmas carols. Holiday Vacations Begin Friday In Haywood Schools Desks will be closed and books put away by approximately seven thousand school children' in Hay wood county at 12:50 on Friday, according to Jack Messer, county superintendent of education. Christmas holidays will begin at 12:31 and will last until Monday morning, January the 6th. This week will be a busy one in the schools, as in most of them mid term examinations are being held. Summerrow Safe In Pearl Harbor at A warning is being issued jointly today by the sheriff and police of Waynesville and Hazelwood, of the $50 fine that will be imposed upon any One convicted of shooting or selling fireworks in the county or any town in the couty. The law has been in force several years, and there has been no changes, the law enforcement of ficers pointed out. Ruf us Summerrow is safe Pearl Harbor, according to a cablegram received by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sum merrow, of Hazelwood. Ruf us is connected with the navy yards at Pearl Harbor. The cablegram was received Saturday, of the plant. Drivers Of Pet Dairy To Hear A Safety Expert The 15 drivers of Pet Dairy Products Company plant here, will have a three-night session on highway safety, conducted by Gordon Thomaslin, of the safety division of the state high way department. . . f . , The first session will be held to- night, and each night through Thursday. On Wednesday night the group will see a special movie following a dinner meeting, accord ing to R. B. Davenport, manager G. The jury for the January term if civil court, which will convene here on Monday, the 5th, with judge Allen H. Gwyn, of Reids ville, presiding, was drawn on Monday by the county commission ers. Those drawn for the first week were as follows: John B. Medfor Waynesville : R. M. Waddell, Way nesville: Robt. A. Justice. Fines Creek; Vinson Morrow, Jonathan Perry Cook, Beaveidam ; I . Sor rells, Beaverdam; J. M. Cathey, Pigeon; C. H. McCracken, Crab tree; R. V. Trull, East Fork; Vin son Smith, Waynesville; R. J. Dotson, Beaverdam. Also N. C. James, Fines Creek ; Glenn J. Cathey, Clyde ; S. J. Moody, Ivy. '.Hill; W. C. Kirkpat rick, Crabtree ; Luther E. Cogburn, East Fork; J. H. Allen, Jr., Beav erdam; II. F. Francis, Waynes ville; Frank F, Smith, Waynes ville; Howard J. Reese, Cecil; Har lev Crawford; Iron Duff; W. H. Williams, White Oak; O. L. Ad- (Continued on page .7) Crowd Packs The Court House In Patriotic RaBy W. Jtoj Vnmtia Makes Stir ring Appeal In AddrasB Before Umge PatrUAc Ilaltj. Since Hitler and all : the little Hitlers have declared war on tne United States, the dtiaene oi this county; have, had the .fire of patrl otism kindled in their very soulp, and last night a crowd orer-flowed the main court room' WUne. eonp house, wHh many In the balcony "in patrwUe rally. u.,v. tM Th nrincinal address hy W.."Eajr Francis: stirred the aodibn'ee, .which was made up of people, of every Willi Ul IUC. The inepiring pjognun got r un derway with a band .concert, con cluding with the national ahthent. as the State Guards filed in; too Girl Scouts occupied the front raw, while Boy Scouts in uniform aerv- ed as ushers. ;' "I have no doubt as to the out come of thia wur, because pur ftug is supported by a united people and guided by the unseen hand of God," Major J. Harden ;Uowen told the audience. Re was Intro duced by W. H. . Millat, command- der of the Amencan.Ijern, wno also served as master (of ceremo nies. :','' '' .''' ' - Concluding Major Howell's oriel remarks, ;Dpris Grahl. sang "God Bless America, " accompanied by the hand of which she is a aiember. "America don't, need oratory to show our patriotism," Mr. Ifillaf said, as he outlined the needs of the day,' which Included' support of the .Red. Croae, as oe yveeentea Rev. H-.GHammett, county hl- "Talk American Red Crosa.,,JJtie port the Red Croaa, and give genav oOfll? " the chairman said aa he read A U.M'ram froin national Maoptas- ters if.hnt! for funds-fof tne wa mett outlined the accomphahmenta of the Red Cross, and ita part in Shook To Receive Fifty-Year Masonic Certificate John W. Shook, of Clyde, who has been a Mason for the past 60 years, will be awarded a 50-year certificate of membership this month. The presentation will be made at the joint installation of the of ficers for 1942 of all the lodges in Haywood county, which will take place here on Monday evening, De cember 29th in the Masonic Temple. Three other Masons have earned this distinction and have been giv en the certificates, including W. T. Lee, of Waynesville, John B. Smathers, of Canton, and Captain Alden Howell, formerly cf this county, now residing- in Los Ange les, Calif. ': ' L" (Continued o page 7) Declaration Of War Makes Changes In Selective Draft The local draft board has re ceived notices of a number of changes made since the dnelaration of war by the United JStates. The release of officers and enlist ed men from active service baa been suspended. The W$r Department has given instructions that release of officers and enlisted men fromv military service be suspended ex cept for cases of incompetence and physical disability. The Army Air Corps is sending certain key civilian employees out side continental United States for the maintenance of military air craft. When BMh revieeta an made by the air eorpe or other competent military officials, they should be granted. There wiU also be a reelassXS cation of the men. It fa understood that class 11-A was designed lo offer reatMnable opportunity for employers to locate and train re placements for key employers. It was pointed out that it is now weTl over a year, since the first rejfis- (Ceatiaaed an page 7) Francis Volunteers Services TV War Department . ' W. R. Francis, former assistant U. 8. district attorney, who offer ed his services last March to the War Department, has recently re ceived a letter from Robert P. Pat terson stating that he would he assigned to duties suited to his rank (CentiMied an page 7) Boy Scouts Collecting Paper Of All Kinds For National Defense Program Paper! Paper! Paper! That is what Waynesville Scouts are collecting as their part of the defense program. Every ounce. Every pound is wanted. Any color. Any size. weight Any type. per and carry it to a central park ing point where it will be baled. R. C MeBride, Scoutmaster of the troop sponsored by the Sotary Gub, is directing the work. "Old cardboard boxes, small ear- Any .tons, newspapers, magaanes and wrapping paper is wanted, fir. Just as long as it is paper and Mc Pride said. "As long as it Is not greasy, the Scouts want it for paper or cardboard without grease Uncle. Sam. By calling 352 and leaving your address, a Scout will be around and get your supply. The Scouts plan to make two trips a week all over the community, and gather up the pa- on it we can use it for &fHMa," be. said. The Scouts have been working several days, i and haw about two tone on hand awaiting shipment.