The Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance oj The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TY-EIGUTH YEAR NO. J Twelve Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1942 $L5Q la Advance In Hajrwoed and Jackson Counties flydes New School o Be Dedicated 29th he ionniu unuwi""" " 1100.000 concrete Z-room Ll building at Clyde has been tor January 29, according to Messer, county superinten of education. ioag the prominent speakers I will appear on tne program Jlyde A. Erwin, state superin- ent of public instruction. ans are to have a general dis of all departments of educa- kl work from all schools of the kty on hand for the dedica te Clyde school la one of the It in the state, and finishing Dies are now being done to the Hing. The seats in the large torium were placed this past ans are to have everything in ;ineB8 for the overflow atten- e for the dedication, Mr. Hesitated. id Cross Workers Rural-Urban Ive Are Named jhairmen Optimistic Over leaching $1,500 Quota sited. 1 committees working in the relief emergency quota of the wood chapter of the Red Cross asked by the Rev. Malcolm iamson, co-chairman ' of the s with Rev. R. E. McBlain, to I in their final reports by 8at-, y to William Medford, trea- r. Williamson stated that the sonse from the public had been I gratifying and that the chair were very appreciative of the t in which the citizens of the tnunity had contributed, v ick Messer, count; auperinten t of education, is serving as yman of thex rural-urban com ees, that are making, golicita 1 for the drive in the areas ted by the Haywood chapter, fibers of his committee are: y Rogers, L. N. Davia, Dill tea, C. N. Allen, Weaver H. t..v,., Air Hf y. Perry and Mrs. Grover . C. First National Bank Has Best Year In Its History Stockholders Hear Gratify ing Report At 40th Annual Meeting Tuesday Morning. Reports of the past year's busi ness presented on Tuesday morn 'rig at the fortieth annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank showed that the to tal resources and deposits had reached the highest mark in the history of the institution and with the earnings a satisfactory total. In the absence of J. R. Boyd, chairman of the board of directors, J. E. Maasie presided. Due to the detailed reports of the officials, the annual election of officers was post poned until a later meeting in the month.;; Reports were submitted by Jon athan Woody, president, and J. H. way, Jr., vice president. After outlining the growth of the bank for the past year Mr. Woody dis cussed the prospects for the future. He also spoke of the community service that the bank had rendered in its sponsorship and financial aid of various projects in the county during the past year. Regret was expressed during the meeting over the absence of J. R. Boyd, who was confined to his home on account of filness and also that of Mrs. J. Howell Way, one of the stockholders. The meeting Tuesday was the first Mr. Boyd, former president, had ever missed during his connection with the bank and first In several years not attended by Mrs. Way. Guns Defend Corregidor I Volunteers Called 'For Local Air ! Warning Service The Civilian Defense commit tee here is calling for volunteers for the aircraft warning service in the Lake Junaluska and Hazel wood areas, No experience is necessary for this service and men, women and children, the latter not under 14 years of age will be accepted for this service. Anyone wishing to volunteer is asked to leave their application at th.e Civilian Defense office in the commissioner's room in the court house. The great guns of Marshall Battery open up with a soar from the "con crete battleship" on Fort Hughes, a little island near the main fortress of Corregidor. These guns are ready to blast any Jap ship within range of the island. The Nipponese opened their offensive against Corregidor and its sister forts with a five-hour bombing attack. The War Depart ment 5aid,"There was no material damage to installations on the island." Rubber Shortage Is Serious, Says Miller (immunity committees are as fws: Rock Hill, Mrs. Medford therwood, chairman, Mrs. Char Jloody, Mrs. Troy Leatherwood, I Jule Boyd, Mrs. Tom Rainer Mrs. Jarvis Palmer; Aliens ek, Mrs. R. O. Allen, chairman, Hiriam McCracken, Mrs. Muse, and Mrs. Dave Wig- ott Creek, Mrs. W. A Hyatt, Oman, Mrs. Thad Chann, Mrs. fge Plott, and Mrs. Paul Hyatt; Cliff Cove, Mrs. Dave Turner, (rman, Mrs, James Medford, ( Mark Galloway, and Mrs. ;h Ratcliff ; Francis Cove, Mrs. ?ey Francis and Mrs. R. . H, ne. V Jnes Creek (Lower), Mrs. D. es Noland, chairman, Mrs. (Continued on back page) ilk Deliveries it To 4 Times (Week By Pet sffective today. Pet Dairy Pro Is Company will deliver milk (four times weekly, according . B. Davenport, manager, "he new schedule is necessary in er to conserve tires, Mr. Daven t pointed out, as well as gasoline I repair parts. eliveries will be made on Mon I Wednesday, Friday and Satur I Double orders will be left a day, in the same manner as day's , milk has been left on ordays heretofore. r Verdicts Given In A Number Of Civil Court Cases The docket of the eight-day civil term of Superior court which Was held here during the past two weeks, convening on Monday, the 5th, and continuing through Tues day of this week, was well cleared up by the last day with Judge Allen H. Gwyn, of Reidsville, pre siding. , ' ' Judgments handed down ! since Thursday included the following In the case of Pet Dairy Products Company versus R. C. Thomas and Mrs. John E. Jones, the plaintiffs failed to recover the $1,050 in damages asked and the case was dismissed with the plaintiffs taxed with the costs. - Bert Jones, driver of the Pet Dairy truck versus R. C. Thomas and Mrs. John E. Jones, involving a motor accident failed to get the $2,500 in damages which his at torneys asked, and the case was dismissed. A judgment of $375 was given the plaintiffs in the case of Grady Mints versus R. L. Prevost and wife, which involved an automobile accident in which a five-year-old child was alleged to have been hurt. In the case of Joe A. Parks versus Jarvis L. Palmer, in which the plaintiff brought suit for in- (Continued on back page) ar Needs Money YOURS! This war calls for every ounce f energy, every dime and dollar e can muster for ships and anes and guns. Hit the enemy with a $25 and. Hurt him with a $50 "wid. Help to blow him sky en with a $100 or $1,000 Bond. Don delay every hoar unts. Buy United States 'tense Bonds and Stamps ODAY. - New Registration For Draftees To Be Held February 16th The new registration for men from 20 to 21 and from 35 through 44 under the Selective Draft Sys tem, will be held on Monday, Feb ruary 16th, according to the local draft board. Convenient places throughout the area served by the local board will be designated in a later an nouncement. The registration is being held in compliance with the new ruling of extension of the age limits in the selective draft service. 1 ; i Name Freedlander To 0PM Position An announcement was recently made in Washington that A. L. Freedlander, president and general manager of the Dayton Rubber Manufacturing Company, had been appointed deputy chief of the rub ber division of the office of Produc tion Management. Mr. Freedlander is credited with a long list of developments in rub ber chemistry, engineering and manufacture. He Served the gov ernment during the first World War.. ' FireJDepartment Called Out Twice During Past Week Executive Of Robber Com pany Points Oat That Short age Cannot Be Compared To Power and Gasoline Curtailment " "The shortage of rubber in America today is serious. This shortage should not be compared with the recent power shortage, or the gasoline shortage of several months ago," Charles G. Miller, executive of a nationally known rubber company, told Rotarians here last Friday, "Estimates have been made that the present supply will last for two months, and, of course, that will De aivertea into muitary neeas The possibility it importing raw rubber is Sill.' The fighting is now raging in and around rubber plan tations which supply us with most of our rubber. Even if ships were available, it would take a navy convoy to get it through the submarine-infested waters from the Far East.'' Mr. Miller continued. He disclosed the developments of Rally-For-Victory" Meetings Drawing Big Crowds In County Jerry Rogers To Be In Charge Of Aircraft Service Jerry Rogers', chief of police of Hazelwood, has been named chair man of air warden service in Hay wood county, according to Jonathan Woody, county chairman of Na tional Civilian Defense. Mr. Rogers is calling a meeting the first of next week for the pur pose of formulating plans for i comprehensive organization of the county. Air wardens will be ap pointed for service in each section of Haywood. The mayors of the towns in the county, the captains of the State Guards in Waynesville and Can ton, the chairman of the county board of commissioners, the county chairman of National Civilian De fense and J. E. Tate, of Canton field manager of the Carolina Pow er and Light Company of this area, have been invited to the meet' ig by the newly appointed chair man of the air warden service, Mr. Rogers hopes to have some compulsory measures passed by the towns and county by which the citizens will bo compelled to rec ognize the demands of the emer gency and abide by them. The, fire department was called twice during the past week, ac cording to Lawrence Kerley, city fire chief.? On Saturday afternoon around synthetic rubber, and its possibili- .ov uifs urone uui near me mm- ties, adding that it was the general ace ;ui the home of Dr. J. H. opinion of i-ubber specialists that a-K cnupi irom a ,t would take months to get the defective flue. The damage was . , .vt w,v ,kk n estimated to be around $150. On Sunday afternoon at 4:30 the fire department was called to the Gordon Hotel, where a fire had started in the servants quarters in the basement. ' The damage amounted to $50 in addition to the clothes of one of the employes. F. F. A. Members Offer Services For Civilian Defense Members of the Smoky Moun tains National Park chapter of F. F, A. have registered 100 per cent for Civilian Defense. In addition to this evidence Of their patriotism. the members are also buying a $25.00 defense bond. The members are collecting pa per in the various communities in which they reside, and are storing it in a convenient place until call ed for by the collecting agents. . Hoey To Address Patriotic Rally channels sufficient , to meet mili tary and civilian needs, "Reclaimed rubber will play an important part in this emergency, but its usefulness is somewhat limited," the speaker said. "This nation will be most fortun ate if we do not have to turn the pages of history back more than thirty years in our sacrificing, in order to bring about victory Our fathers thirty years ago did (Continued on back stage) Former Haywood Resident Dies In Cedrowoolly, Wash. Relatives in the county have been notified of the death of J. Pink McCracken, 68, native of Haywood, who died on Friday the 9th, at his home in Cedrowooly, Wash. Fun eral services were held on Monday. ' Mr. McCracken Is widely con nected in this county, the son of , the late Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Mcr racsen, oi rmes creeK. He nad resided in the state of Washington for the past forty-five years. He A t larcro naa neia various Dusiness interests Hvww. . nionrin. ..i!ince he lived there, but for the - v, ' . . . . . . the ?Rally for Victory" meeting at 1 rr cve'B1 e" ne naa uevpieo . .- iniBTi tv a m to vt mi . the Asheville Auditorium Friday night, which will feature an ad dress by Clyde R. Hoey, and several civic leaders of Asheville. The rally is sponsored by the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. and will begin at 7 o'clock with a band concert and combined choir singing. The formal program starts at 8 o'clock. Register Of Deeds Hopes Tire Shortage Will Increase Marriage Licenses Here his time to farming. Surviving are five brothers, Silas, Charlie, T. B., Jr., and Raymond McCracken, all of Haywood coun ty, and Stuart McCracken, of Bun combe; three sisters, Miss Anne McCracken and Mrs. Nellie Moon ey, of Fines Creek, and Mrs. Clarke Medford, of Waynesville, and a large number of nieces and neph ews. J. R. Morgan Will Address Woman's" Club Meet Today J. R. Morgan, city attorney, will address the Woman's Club at their regular monthly meeting which is being held this afternoon at the Gordon Hotel in place of Birch wood Hall, home of Mrs. R. H Blackwell, where it was originally scheduled to be held. He will dis cuss "City Management." Mrs. Blackwell will be assisted by the following hostesses, Mrs Ueorge Bischoff, Mrs. Jack Mes ser, and Mrs. Felix Stovall. Mrs J. Dale Stents, chairman of mu sic, will be in charge of this fea ture of the program. The mayor, city manager and town board of aldermen will be special guests of the afternoon. No. 1 Man .AW Pvt. John W. Castell is the first soldier of the 75,000 men in the armored force. Stationed at Fort Knox, Ky., he is the first man in the 1st squad, 1st platoon, 1st company, 1st battalion, 1st regiment, 1st divi sion and 1st corps in the armored force. He hails from Bloomfield, Ky. Much Interest Being Shown In Defense Work Through out Entire County. "Rally For - Victory" meetings have been held at the various town ships according to schedule, with very good response, according to the county farm agents. An attraction at each meeting has been the program rendered by the Waynesville township high school band, which was scheduled to play for half of the meetings, with the Canton band playing for the remainder. The first meeting was held at the Jonathan Creek school on Thursday night, January 8, with an attend ance of 150. At this meeting the farmers, after hearing the talks of Jonathan Woody, W. A. Corpening, J. E. Barr, Jack Messer, and Rev. H. G. Hammett, took action in I meeting one of the first jobs which were put before them to accom plish, and that is the collecting oi scrap metal and other scrap mate rials. These larmers agreed to d responsible for their community in getting the scrap materials to gether to be delivered to Waynes ville on the 24th of January. A meeting was held Friday night at the Morning Star school for Beaverdam township with an at tendance of 75. Those present took about the same action as the farmers of Jonathan Creek. Speak ers present at the meeting were: A. J. Hutchins, W. A. Corpening, and J. E. Barr. ' ', The meeting was held for Fines Creek township at the Fines Creek school on Monday, January 12, with an attendance of 300. At this meeting Mr, Woody, Mr. Barr, Mr. Messer, Mr. Corpening, and Rev Hammett taked. along with Mr. Charlie Miller, assistant manager Boosters Name Committees For Coming Year President Kalph Summer row Outlines General Pro gram For Year and Seta ' IT nrMni71Jon. V v--ihe n-ton Rubber Company, Vp VrWMon. &-R,?fcmvetW shortage, k Annnintm-nt f committees and i rubber and what the people of rr ' Office Handling Motor Vehicle Licenses Closed The office of the Carolina Motor Club in the Masonic Temple which has been handling motor vehicle li cense plates was closed yesterday for an indefinite period, it was learned from Miss Geneva Wines, who has been in 'charge. Since (he office opened here on December 1st, 1941, there have been 2,917 license plates sold. Of this number 2,100 were for cars and 717 were for trucks and trailers. Last year the total sales were approximately 4,000 for the 12 months period. a general outline of the program for the coming year was presented to the Boosters Club last Thurs day by Ralph L. Summerrow, ni-wly elected president A general round-table discussion of a proposed airport for the com munity was held by the club, with out formal action. President Summerrow named J. E. Shields as chairman of the com munity service and betterment committee, with C. N. Allen and Carl Swanger as the other two members. The Scout committee is composed of L. N... Davis, chairman, John Blalock, Lawrence Leatherwood, Dr. Grover Davis and Wm. S. Pre vost. The membership committee, is made up of Dr. R. S. Roberson, chairman, Sam Knight and Joe S. Davis. v Jerry Rogers heads the safety committee with W. H. Prevost and R. A. Caddis. Ralph Prevost is vice president, L C. Davis is secretary and F. C- Compton is treasurer. The board of directors is composed of L. M. Richeson, Wm. Chambers, Jr., and R. L. Prevost. The club has about forty mem bers and meets the second Thurs day nifcht in each month. Marriages would 'seem to be on the decline in Haywood county, according to the records of the of fice of the register of deeds, while on the contrary the society pages of The Mountaineer show a large increase. Back in ) 938 there were 290 marriage licenses sold in Haywood county; in 1939, 164; in 1940, 121; and in the year just closed they had dropped down to 107. The new law requiring a health j not been the whole cause, according to C. C. Francis, register of deeds, and Mrs. W. L. McCracken,, clerk. One of the big reasons is laid to the good roads that wind out of Haywood and offer the combina tion of a quick marriage and a wedding trip in one, with the add ed touch of romance given by new places. It was pointed out that maybe the rationing of tires will be notic ed in the increase of 1942 nales certificate in this state has had and keep the couples here at home :ts part in the decrease, but has to start on "that long, long, trafl."! prevailed again, Coldest Weather Of Winter Registered On Sunday Morning Winter finally came to this com munity last week. The mercury started dropping about eight days ago and on Sunday registered only two degrees above zero, according to Lawrence Kerley, official weath er reporter. Prospects looked pretty good for a real snow on Wednesday and Thursday, but the light flurry that fell shortly melted and the weather was too cold for snowing. Yesterday the spring-like weath er that has marked the winter Maxwell Witt Enters Boston Radio School Maxwell Witt, who has been em ployed by C. N. Allen and Co. for the past two years, has returned to his home in Jellico, Tertn., for a visit with his mother before en tering a radio school in. Boston. Mr. Witt, who has written and sold a number of feature and sport stories in the past three years, sold his latest yarn to the Southern Sportsman. It is en titled "Pa, He Don't Like Rat tlers", and it appears in the Janu ary issue of that magazine. American Legion Auxiliary Plans To Pool Food The members of the American Legion Auxiliary are making var ious plans to meet the emergency. At their last meeting a motion was made to . have each member take one can or jar of every article of food they had canned and pool for community use. in an emergency As national chairman of defense in the auxiliary, Mrs. W. H. F. Millar will also serve as chairman of First Aid for the organization, She will have an active part in working out the community pro gram. county could do to meet the prob lem. The farmers of Fines Creek are combining their efforts to col lect all available scrap material. A meeting was held Tuesday night for Crabtree and Iron Duff - - (Continued on back page) UDC Chapter Holds Fourth Annual Contest Tuesday The fourth annual declamation contest Commemorating the birth day anniversary of General Robt. E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson,, which is held in January will take place on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in the auditorium of the Waynesville township high school under the auspices of the Haywood chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mrs. Thad Howell is chairman of the contest and of the arrange ments for the program. Mrs. Grov er C. Davis, president of the chap ter, will preside. The contest is open to boys in the 7th and 8th grade, and the winner is presented with a hand some medal. Chamber of Commerce Officials Discuss Well-Rounded Program For This Year Aefomnlishmprit nt 10i1 and a I general outline of plans for 1942 ' is composed of 20 members; 14 of were discussed at length last night by - the new board of directors meeting with the old board at the Green Tree Tea Room, with Bill Prevost, 1941-president, in charge. . The new board will meet at an early date and elect officers for the year, they decided. The board to serve for this year them were elected last November and six were retained from the 1941 board. In making their report of the year, President Prevost pointed out that the organization had closed the 1941 books with a "small bal ance" in the bank, and with all bills psid. Allen Changes Delivery System Of Groceries The tire shortage, and in order to Conserve gasoline and oil, de liveries of groceries from C. N. Allen & Company have been put on a twice-a-day schedule, beginning Monday, Claude Alien is announc ing today. The new schedule is set for de liveries at nine in the morning and three in the afternoons. Orders failing to get to the store before either deadline, will have to be filled on the next delivery, it was pointed out. Ltt This B Your ... No. 1 Resolution for 1942 Help Defeat las Asjreston by pf ring your tovisst regularly is U. S. Defems Bond ad Stamp. I. S. lefusi BCXDS-STAJSfS

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