THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, J THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER fage 2 The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Ifain Street i Phone 137 Waynesville, North Carolina The County Seat of Haywood County W. CURTIS BUSS Editor wno T r T T n A niAV r.lBVM A aarwiatn Editor jan9 niuun. i - W. Curtis Bum and Marion T. Bridgea, Publishera PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION BATES One Year, In Haywood County Six months, In Haywood County- One Year, Outside Haywood County , All Subscriptions Payable in Advance ..$1.50 . 75c 2.00 Entered at the poet oHice at Wyneerille, K. 0.. a 8JeT1 Clue Mail Matter, aa provided under the Act of March t, lava, Korember 20. 1U. ' Obituarj notice, reaolutiona of reapect, cards of tfaanka, and all auticea ot entertainment for profit, will be tbufd tor at tae rate of one cent per word. : ' - i ""' i .. ' North Caroiini 9 NATIONAL 6Dr.OR.AL-. ASSOC1ATIUN 13 A W m. i aoaani j avwas THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1942 Let Advertising Serve the Nation Roger Babson and other students of busi ness and economics are advising the public that direct and additional efforts must be made during the period of the war to stim ulate business, Theiif advice is directed with particular emphasis to business pub licity. They say that business especially retail business during this period must use not less but more publicity, or advertising. The view of these economists and busi ness leaders is that the added stimulation of additional advertising will be absolutely essential to keep business on an even keel in this time of upsetting and unsettling conditions. Business men do not have' the answers to some of the problems now confronting them, and others which will develop as the war proceeds; but the answer to the prob lem of maintaining a volume of business which will enable them to "break even", or ahow a modest profit, is one which must be found. The business man who fails to solve this problem will be forced-out of business. Roger Babson, speaking out of a life time experience as an economist and busi ness adviser, urges increased advertising to stimulate and promote trade. The sug gestion is sound. The adoption of this pol icy by the nation's business men will ma terially aid in cushioning the ups and downs : f the war period. It is hoped that business men generally and retailers in particular will give serious consideration to Babson's advice.' The time demands extraordinary ef forts by business men and these efforts which, no doubt, will be forthcoming in im pressive measure in the ranks of business, ; should be paced by a general increase in the volume of advertising. The greatest and most effective promo tional force known to industry and business in this country advertising should be used to stabilize business as well as to stimulate trade. The war period may demand the adoption by business men of some new methods, new plans ; it will assuredly demand the em ployment of all the practical judgment and ingenuity of the nation's best business brains in meeting problems a3 they arise. Advertising is an old and tried method of business stimulation and promotion, of creat ing commercial demands, and making sales. Let us have more and better advertising, beginning now. Vast national needs, as well, as the needs of individual business men, can. be served by advertising, as the nation has " never been served before by any form of advertising or business promotion. Hender jjonville Times-News. Car Owners Creed What with the shortage of tires facing us, it is time that motorists resolve to do some thing to increase the mileage of their pres ent tires. Either this or the old jalopy wil soon be stored. , One of the country's leading tire manufac turers has announced the following creed for car owners who must face the facts Motorists should wisely follow each and every point stressed in. the creed, if they would face the present emergency with the idea of making their cars give them the maximum of service I will drive my car only when absolutely necessary . , . avoiding extra trips by doub- ling-up with my neighbors whenever pos sible. ; . ' I will drive at a moderate speed to avoid burning up my tires. 4 I will start and stop my car slowly and slow down on turns to avoid grinding off the tire tread. I will park carefully to avoid scraping, and bumping my tires against curbs. I will keep brakes adjusted to avoid spotty tread wear. I will have the air pressure of all my tires checked every week to get the greatest pos sible mileage. I will have my tires cross switched at least every 5,000 miles to increase my total mile age.-. ; ;; I will keep my wheels correctly aligned and balanced to avoid uneven tread wear. I will use my brakes carefully, shifting into second gear going down steep hills, to avoid excessive tread wear. I will have my tires and tubes inspected regularly as a precaution against future trouble and wasted rubber. If you think that your car is a necessity you should begin following this creed now, or you'll be forced to do without the use of that "necessity" shortly. Newberry (S. C.) Observer. Spring Will Come Again It is a pleasant thought amid the grim realities that are being brought to us today, that in a few weeks there will be signs of spring, of life returning to the earth. The sun has touched the last sign of the zodiac and now has begun the homeward journey which will bring us longer days and the flowering of the yellow daffodils that are such a cheerful herald of spring. We feel that, not for relief from the win ter weather, for as yet we have had none, though the next few weeks may bring us snow, sleet and wintery blasts, we will wel come spring with a deeper appreciation this year than last. It will help us to break the tension of the moment to see new life and promise about us. : ' . ' ';"';' Stop Waste and Save Even in a land of plenty we are now faced with curtailment of certain items and pro ducts that have been accessible in unlimited quantities. In other words we are all brought face to face to the realization of how utter ly extravagant we are and have been in .'America.';;..';-;.';;''' We hate war, but one thing does demand our admiration and that is the thorough manner in which Uncle Sam is getting his defense fences put up. He is starting at the very foundation. When a group as small as ten families is being organized in Haywood County, as well as throughout this nation, we are actually getting down to realities. It will not be the other fellow's responsibility about this war, but it will come down to each individual to do his part. In this country we are very fortunate in having a large amount of many things denied to most of the rest of the world. There" is no shortage of sugar, pork, lard, flour, and countless other items, at present. Of prime foods the United States has plenty. Yet there are materials of which we are already short, which we cannot afford to waste and which we should immediately begin to con serve. A real shortage of these things needed for the war effort would prolong .the war. '-.";.'; ...' We must not say we will start tomorrow, lut we 'must start in today. Wasteful days are over for patriotic Americans, and it is up to the fighting forces back home just as much as those on the firing lines to win this war. :- ';;;'. ;'-'.' . Among things to conserve and save are, rubber, new tires are being restricted, so the old ones must go as far as possible if it takes retreading. Don't drive just for the fun of it, but drive for a destination, and if necessary learn to walk. The latter agreed with your ancestors who had no cars. x Then there is paper, which we must stop destroying in such a wholesale manner as we have been want to in the past. We must not ask stores for boxes for everything as - we have been doing in the past. Save card board and corrugated board. The Boy Scouts are ready to call for paper if you cannot manage to get it to the courthouse where they have placed a box to receive it, Scrap iron, which we shipped so freely to Japan a few years back, is now needed here at home. Look around your place in the barn and in the cellar and we bet you find some discarded tools that might be "con. verted into implements of warfare. We are told that everything is needed. somethings more urgently than others. Save and make it your business to sr hosp carded products In the hands of those who "SERVICE WITH A SMi'P" i -V Wfl4rVtY' Ptooavs 'iff' viils : Voice OF THE People Do you think the tire situation will effect our 1942 summer sea son? ' HERE and THERE ;'-vV;;::-By-'':. -;;'.:-: HILDA WAY GWYN We have had occasion in pur American people are really getting relation with the press to observe first hand what the county farm agents have and are accomplish ing in this county , . . during, say the past six years . . . we have seen one of the biggest and most pro gressive pieces of work in this area put across by them . . . we understand that two of our pres ent agents are Reserve Officers and are likely to be called to the colors any hour of the day . . , in fact that their days among us are numbered . . . we simply can't take it in why the war depart ment would want to disturb them . at their present posts ... why draft men who are rendering such service into the armed forces on every hand we hear the cry "that food will win the war" and these men are literally busy every waking moment helping the farmers in Haywood to work out plans to increase their production at a minimum additional cost . . . in the army they will be another group of officers ... their places might easily be taken by civilians not engaged m definite defense work . . . to ns these county farm agents are key men in civilian de fense . . . maybe we are all wrong but we are inclined to think the war department is , ,; . at least in this one respect. ... It is interesting to hear discus sions on how long the war is go ing to last ... it has become as popular a subject as the Weather . practically everybody has an opinion about the duration ".: , . . the subject can start the liveliest argument . . . right off the bat , . . without any warning you find your self deep in . . . everybody seems to have developed into great stu dents of the present crisis . . . . we heard one optimistic man say he felt sure that by July the 1st . . the end would be in sight . . and by December, 1942 it would all be over . . . we hope he is right . . we also heard a woman speak ing most emphatically on the sub ject of how quickly this country would be able to put all enemies into their places . . . we think a lot of Uncle Sam's ability . . . and we feel confident that he will whip em all before it's over . . . but we are allowing him more time to end the fight. . ... Among the many things we are going to learn from the war is how to walk, according to -one com mentator ; . . who claims that three-fourths of the Arrferican peo ple have forgotten how to exercise in this manner . . . and another result of the rationing of tires . . . so one mother claims is that it will keep the children at home . and they will begin to have a greater appreciation of the com forts and happiness that can be found under their own roofs from which they have gone away from so much to find pleasure .' . ; so while we are waiting for some miracle to come forth in the way of synthetic rubber ... we may learn some valuable lessons. . ... Mrs. Thad Chafin has called ask that we include an appeal for furniture for the recreational room of , our company at Fort Jackson . . . you may recall that Sergeant Bobbie Sloan wrote sometime ago in hiB news reports at Fort Jack son about the "day rooms" at the Fort for the Various comnnnioa at the time, he wrote of the room 25 by 45 feet being com pleted for a living room . . . but that the government only supplied the rooms, and not the furnishings . . . Mrs. Chafin had recpntlo where certain rooms had been f urn- isnea by local people for their own companies ... so she wants any one who has an odd chair or table . . . or any piece that would do for sucn a room, to offer it for thi wffl see that they fall into governmental i worthy purpose-' uses, Signs every day or so that the down to a serious outlook on the present conflict . ,v two great car nivals in this country . . . have celebrated for years ... we have al ways wanted to see them . v. the Memphis Cotton Carnival . , . and the New Orleans Mardi Gras the latter, said to be America's most famous celebration of its kind . . . . both have been aban doned for the duration of the war . , . and now we see that in Ashe ville the Rhododendron Festival . . . a much younger carnival is also to be tabled for the war period . . . such occasions seem very much out of place at a time like this. , V . From thoughts of war to peace . . . have you ever visited a room in a house ... been impressed with certain qualities and atmosphere the owners had created . . . and then long after . . . the memory of that room came back . . . and made you wish that you might visit it again . . . and catch the spirit given you there . . . late last fall . . . Mrs. Gertrude Ruskin . ,., who is the Mountaineer correspondent from Balsam . . . during the sum mer months ... and in the winter, leads an interesting life in Florida . , . invited us up to her summer home . . . high in the Balsams . . . ever since that visit . . , when we get all rushed and hot and bothered about something . . we have thought of her living room . . . and wished we might' steal away for a time '. . . and get ourselves in hand there ... the first floor of the place is given over to the din ing rooxn, kitchen and service quarters ... on the second are the bedrooms and living room . . . ; from the latter there is a view that stirs one's imagination . . the room is very large . . . the full mi Never Forget-' ' ' "" HUMAN INTEREST STORIES CONDUCTED BY UNCLE ABE 'GOD BLESS THE Bl'CKPv t t rwi w yny iuos. l Ureen) In the year 1883 or 1884 J was a Doy arjout 15 or 18 year. jiviujf on my lamers larm ij uran vove, my latner Wag ind olwiif Al Iiao1 M ..... r-u r : . o, . . uo w nit a nea uetween the Bio Little East Forks of Pigeon ri' Those were the days farmers did not have the br f1""' mcjr uave now and, thJ lore, curing xne spring, gUB,J and early fall of the year ranged their stock in the ttcl M11115. lucre was no encf except the trouble, of goinir ; every ten days or two weelj ruuuu uwra up ana salt them. On this particular year we orougm in an our cattle e three yearlings which could be found. Along about the 01 uctoDer we learned that three strays were located head of Dix creek, at the old I' Bird Evans place. I was immediately detailed iawer to go and bring them so eany tne next morning 1 died up old Kit, a small bay eyea mare, and lit out to M them in. Jlrs. R. L. Prevosfc "Tes, I think it is bound to in a way. People will be more conservative, but on the other hand while they may not ride as much, they may come here and stay longer." Dill Howell "I think it will ef fect the season, but we still may have a large number of visitors who will come here to get out of the heat, but they will not take as many side trips as they have in other years." J. E. Barr "I can't see how it would not effect it. Of course people can come here by train, but most - of our visitors travel by automobile, and they will not be able to get here." Mrs. C. V. Bell "Yes, I do, very seriously." ' indeed Mrs. E. J. Hyatt "I think peo ple will take longer vacations in one place, but we will have fewer overnight guests. People will not be 'roving about' as much as usual." Mrs. Henry Foy much afraid it will." "I am very Mrs. W. H. Bnrnette "I believe that it will, because so many peo ple travel in their cars, going from place to place." Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrfck "If the present situation continues it will seriously effect the summer sea son, but I believe that by summer the situation will be cleared op." Hugh J. Sloan "I think it will decrease the number of overnight guests, but I believe there will be many who will come here by bus and train and stay longer than usual," '. Mayor J. II. Way, Jr. "I cer tainly do think it will effect the coming season, though I do believe that a large number of of persons will spend their vacations here. On the other hand conditions may frighten people away from coast resorts and beaches and they will come here for safety and bring us width of the house . . . a large fireplace m one end . . . that day in the crisp fall ... a log fire . nice green wood ... that sang a little song .... .was burning everything in the .room is just right . . . . not the art of the interior decorator ... who Would never live in the room . . ';' but the loving touch of owners ... . with a flare for creating something in tangible . . . but impressive. . . . YOU'RE TELLING ME! -By WILLIAM RITT Centrtl Press Writer THE FAMOUS TURTLE that saw Napoleon in exile on St. Helena is still alive. Must be hanging around to take a gander at Adolf, Musso and the Mikado. : ;..!.. .!.; ;'-.'.;; The Japanese are making cer tain of one thing that history will never accuse them of being humanitarian, ! ! An . Australian has developed an ebony-hued gladiolus. Makes a nice table decoration during a blackout. ! 1 i;. The natives of New Guinea use dog teeth for jewelry. Wed ding rings there are. no doubt, advertised as being strictly 14 karat Fido. -; i i .;.;. Crandpappy Jenkins says that what he needs is a New Year's resolution 100 per cent proof against well-meaning friends. . ! I i Horse and buggy days seem gone forever, but it looks as though the old-fashioned over shoe and antiquated earmuff are here to stay. - ! ! s Brown-clad Nazis, black-shirt-ed Fascists and "yellow Aryans" are still in the headlines, but the prevailing colors stlU are 1 always will be Red, White J Blue! . SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK fttav ' , ByRJ.SCOTT -9? LoM;-OK-fAMCl r rAMfDAft ana now A.IMLD Fowls, orihk frVlCt AA MUCtt WA.-ftft, M PRoPoafioM-forttiR WEifAKf, OO BltF CrVfflE.SrlUP, 4M; la J A . 1. . WnAll jHARK. lAft&l&i MEMBca Aw Jar X MO$ MA.R.ML1&&, EAmA ONLY tMALL Vl J ' I had to ford Pigeon riWt route, at what was then m as tne Campbell Ford, just bef where John Dub Kinslanrf lives. Ordinarily this was the If nicest ford on the nver. On West side where I entered, til was Droaa, shallow water more than half way across then it gradually deepened to east bank, where the greater ume or water and some cud ran, and the exit on the easttf was rather narrow. There been no rain at bur nlacs night before, but it seems tf had been a heavy rain on head of the river and it very much swollen; but I did notice it, as the river at that I did not get muddy, but only I on a reddish, dingy color. So, and innocent, I plunged in ani went well until I got withiif or 20 feet of the east bank 4 I discovered that I was in 1 water and my mount was hi? a hard fight to keep from forced down below the exit were aiming for. Kit made ei desperate attempts to climb bank and get to land, but they too nign, and I found myself a bit below the going out - j ... . . 0 , nu just neiow us was a consi able shoal and very deep i water and below that a deep There Wprp knaTiaa iA - - iiu iica the bank just over mv head true to the old saying that. drowning man will grab straw ', I instinctively shook ieet clear of the stirrups and bed some buckeye limbs and it the squirrel act When I reached solid and safe growl looKed for Kit. and nrettv I saw her come to the top ii deep pool and swim to landoi same side of the river we entered from. When she had ten out of the river she shook se . e 6 wet dog and wetj picKing grass. So I walked about a half up through the landing at Uncle Joshua KinslJ Place and yelled till some one and "set me across" on the side. Then I walked back . 1 -Wf.. i wnere was grazing, moil and came back home without stray yearlings. Whether were ever brought home or ao not remember. But I dt member that this incident wi1 most exciting and thrilling of me and I shall never ford Well, as I rode back made some lasting resolves u,u water, and I changed my about another thing. Up til incident 1 entertained a very opinion of the buckeve tree. member- that an old nnrle of had told me that the buckeye tne most worthless of tre said that the onlv fruit it would poison and kill yourfl mac 11 you cut and sawed " lumber one shower of rain three foggy mornings would en and rot it and that if yon ed it up and burned it the "daf ashes would sprout for three ! Nevertheless, since that day I held lowly buckeye in ver; ana j-ed esteem. a record season." Mrs. J. T. Com an "I thin a little soon to predict what happen. I feel sure that A"1 manufacturers will do soir': about the situation to relt! present restrictions." STAMPS 'ue 100a stamps aaucu -r. imately $8,000,000 worth off products to the diets of W persons eligible to receive assistance during November HIGH Food production is at reco levels, buying power of eon- ia tl,A . Mnnv and I and income are averaging tKi in a decade or more.

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