Page XO THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JULY Following Men In Service Around the World This column is devoted to news of men serving their country. Such news is solicited from parents and friends of these men. When writing, be sure to sign your name. "Remember Pearl Harbor Ensign Frederick Nichols Visits His Parents Ensign Frederick Nichols naval ordinance specialist, who has held a commission since August, 1941, has been spending a few days with his parents. Ensign Nichols js a graduate of State College, Raleigh, and came here from the Notre Dame officers indoctrination school where he has been taking special training for several months, July Order Calls for Sixty-Five Men Sixty-five men are scheduled to leave here in the July call it was learned from the local draft board. The men will leave on the 31st for Fort Jackson where they will be inducted into the service. There are to be no farewell cer this time when the men depart for camp, as they go only for an examination, au mose ac cepted for service will be given a two weeks furlough at home, and those rejected will be returned here. The government has requested that on the departure of the men accepted for service any farewell program planned must be held at the second departure, Campbell Family To Hold 11th Annual Reunion On Sunday, 26th Tim plpventh annual Campbell reunion will be held on Sunday, July 26th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Campbell, in Maggie. The Rev. T. A. Groce, of Asheville, will be the principal speaker. C. A. Camobell is in charge of the program and will preside over the informal meetings during me day. He will be assisted by Mrs. PVnH ramnbell. Miss Louise Campbell and Miss Fannie Pearl Campbell. A cordial invitation is extended t. all members of the family and their friends, who are asked to assemble at 12:00 o clock noon. Weaver II. McCracken, Jr. Joins Naval Reserves Woovpr H MoCracken. Jr.. who recently volunteered in the naval reserve, has been accepted for duty and hopn commissioned an ensign. Young McCracken is a graduate of the University of Alabama, ana afeo attended Western Carolina Teachers College. He will be sent either to Notre Dame or to North Western University when he is call ed into active duty. fiuv CamDbdl Joins U. S. Navy, Reports This weeK Guy Campbell, of Orangeburg, N. Y., formerly of this county, has enlisted in the U. S. Navy and will report for active duty to morrow at New York City. He will have the rating of chief engin eer, in the submarines.! Mr. Campbell has been the recent guest of his mother, Mrs. D. C. Camp bell, at her home in Maggie and of hiB brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Campbell in Hazelwood. Likes Army Life o o Aude Tanner Promoted To Sergeant's Rank Aude Tanner, formerly of Way nesville, who is now with the head niinrtfra batterv of the 40th Bn- 'gade. Fort Bliss, Texas, has been promoted to the ranK 01 sergeant. Sergeant Tanner, whose parents live in Young Harris, Ga., was in ducted into the army on November 24th, 1941, and took his basic train ing at Fort Eustis, va E. Constantin Enters Service As Volunteer Edward Constantin left Monday for Fort Jackson, where he was to report for army duty after vol unteering. He secured a leave of absence from his company m New York to volunteer. He spent the past three weeks at the home of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Moody. Mrs. Constantin, the former Miss Martha Moody, will remain at the Moody Farm for the duration of the war. PVT. EUGENE EDWARD LOVE is one of the first colored men to eet to visit in Waynesville since induction in the army on February 26. Pvt. Love is stawon- pH at Cumo Rucker. Ala., and likes life fine, and while here vis iting his parents, J. C: and L-eisie Love, said: "Boys, the army is swell." , PFC Francis Garuen, of Camp Sutton, visited his wife here last week-end. I -- .. . .......::..: . , ii J k ,rjt!itit!:;mtir::;tMii:iitinii!!Tn! rtMRimttimiiiiimfflHiimmi'ifimfiim 24 JjU. Jewel or Scoco SHORTENING 4 lb Carton - - - 670 8 lb. Carton - - $1-33 MATCHES-- box 4g SODA 6 boxes 250 8 oz, jar - - 190 16 oz, jar - - 290 32 oz. jar - - 470 mm Xmsm K Golden Ripe BANANAS 3 lbs. 250 rsice rirm TOMATOES--2 lbs. 150 Fresh CORN - - - doz. 290 Fm PEACHES T 6 S II COOKING APPLES Gallon Jar APPLE BUTTER - 590 Honey 22 LB. PAIL 50c 5 LB. PAIL 95c FREE :; While They Last 1 SYRUP PITCHER With 2 Boxes C H E RRIOATS--290 CANNING SUPPLIES Ball Mason JAR LIDS - - -doz. 250 JAR RINGS - doz. 50 SUR JELL - - 2 bxs 250 SEALING WAX - pkg. 50 BULK VINEGAR S A L T 2 pkg. 17 1 FLOUR GOOD VALUE 790 WESTERN TRAIL - - $1 SALT 3 boxes 100 M EATS Mixed 1UIACU SAUSAGE---lb. 230 PORK HAM lb. 350 New Type Letter In order to conserve space on ships and planes, and to speed up letters to and from men on foreign soil, the war department has de vised means of photographing let ters both in this country and in other countries, and a small roll of film can carry the photograph ed letters sufficient to fill three mail bags. The first of such letters seen by the newspaper, was from Corp. Wayne McCracken, airplane mem ber Bomewhere m bngiana. i ne letter was a picture of what he had written to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howell McCracken. The let ter was 20 days in reaching here. Young McCracken is an aviator, and wrote he was getting along fine. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH H. G. Hammett Pastor. in- .n.rTfoi oAnnrpi whicn nave v j- ..z... nt the First Bap- uecu " - , tist church will continue with two services Sunday. The Kev. . Canipe, the visiting pastor, evan gelist, will preach at both trie worship. These special evangelistic services have been drawing interest and attendance. ' le pastor and church leaders plan in- lensmeu cuuiw, i .,, meeting which in all probability will close Sunday mgni. f - THE HAZELWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Frank Leatherwood, Pastor, , d ..i.nni m-nn o'clock, Frank Underwood, Sunday school superintendent. General ies .... j ill. o rnntrast. title, "LBin u nws .-- n.u. Tovt 'Rw -faith Able 01 fered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witnesses that he was righteous." , , Mrtiinr worshin 11:00 0 ClOCK. Evening worship 8:00 o'clock. T;nin TTninn 7!S0 o'clock. P r a v e r services Wednesday evening 7:30 o'clock. LONG'S CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH Lake Junaluska. Pastor, Miles A. McLean, r.hnrch school at 10:00 with R. II. Terrell, superintendent. Church service at ii:uo wan me nnotnr taVinc as hiB topic, "The Christian Use of Sunday," the text being, "The Sabbath Was Made for Man, Not Man for the Sab bath." Mark 2:27. There will be an anthem by the choir. The young people win meet i 7:30 p. m. Rotarians To Hear Canipe Here Friday Jack Measer. chairman of the Rntnrv nrncram committee an nounced yesterday Rev, J. C. Canipe, of Boone, who has travel ed through Europe and Asia, and a student of world affairs', would be the speaker Friday at 12:45. The club will meet at the Hotel Gordon, according to H. G. Ham mett, president, as the owners of Green Tree have tawen over tne dining room at the Gordon for the season. ...;. classes lor all ages. The Metho dist Youth jjeiiowsiup no its regular meeting at 7:00 o'clock. On each Thursday evening the basement auditorium m open wj young people as a recreation center. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LESSON- Assembly rooms, second floor, Masonic Temple. Sunday school :4o. Sunday morning, ' r Reading room open w eanesaay afternoons 2 to 4 o'clock. ut ia" will ha the snDiect oi tne lesson-sermon. The Golden Text will be taken from John 5:26, As v. watho- hth life in himself: so hath He given to the Son to have life himself." Among the citation which com prise the lesson-sermon will be the following from the Bible: "That from the beginning. which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we hoo innVert nnon. and our hands have handled, of the Word of Life; (for the life was maniiestea, ana we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.") (John 1:1-2.) is, i J Traffic Count In rarK suspended Elimination nf tv ... ..: I servation Corps as a C measure will end the travri1 of visitors to the park nnTii15 time as funH. V, nnt Rr to operate th tu .Ce nm tion which urb Jl uw i manned by CCC enrolled "1 Park rantroru . I for these duties since it iTofl mount imnortanco , tion be eiven to i: PrtJ est values in the tiark ,0! Now thaV many foms of J life have shown a favorable 1 uulllu areas are ri stands, vigorous prot. 1 continue to be given to such park values. Second only to maiyer oi saving human lift s iVUUUB1 rarK is tfte constnuil of its natural resources. ', rl ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Waynesville, St. John's Church every Sunday 8:0U ana ii:w a. m. Sylva Community House, every Sunday 11:00 a. m. Cherokee Qualla Hall, every 3rd Sunday 8:00 a. m. . Bryson City, St. Joseph's Church, every Sunday 8:00 a. m. Franklin, American Legion Hall, every 2nd and 4th Sunday 8 :00 a. m. Highlands, School Auditorium, J Members of Band In Uniform To Meet At High School All uniformed members of J waynesville township high MU oanu are xequcsieu 10 assemble i uniform at. 7:30 o'clock at theW school on Friday evening. . The announcement who M. H. Bowles, superintendent J ..n j .. ' 1 uigcs a iuu aLifjuiiince. every Sunday 11:00 a m. Murphy, Regal Hotel, every and 5th Sunday (C.W. T.) I a. m. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Raymond E. MacBlain, Rec - tor. Sunday, July 19, 7:30 Holy Com munion. 9:45 church school. 11:00 morning prayer and ser mon. : St. Mary's, Micadale, (Allen's Creek). rino tn t.h conntv-wide BaDtist revival meeting at St. Mary's has Koon nnstnoned. It will begin Monday, July 27, and continue for two weeks. WAYNESVILLE METHODIST J. C. Madison, Pastor. In the morning service the pas- tnr will anpnlr on the suhiect "Ad- ples of Gold." "In the Hour of Tragedy," will be the subject ol th svpninc meRaacre. Church school opens at 9:45 with Save Your Sugar Save Worry Save Labor Let Us Do Your Baking Waynesville Bakery Phone 343-W Church Street Order Early For Choice im m m mam mmmm BOLOGNA lb. 19C Kraft American CHEESE-- 2 lb. box 630 ThiVU FAT BACK ---lb. 17 1-llc Bar l-7c Bar Special 120 BLACK FLAG FLUID 8 oz. can 130 16 oz. can 230 32 oz. can 390 iuuia . - JU I C E- 46 oz. 210 k (SOT Will Build A Stronger Nation These Firms Will Help You Get Maximum Benefits From Regular Activities and Playtime Opportunities Time to Cook with Gas the Perfect Fuel Economical Clean Quick Essotane Metered Service City gu Installed nywh.r Brading Gas Service Church Strut Phon. 202 $1.00 The VICTORY HAIR CUT Shampoo and Set Personality BEAUTY SHOP Grapefruit " JUICE----46 oz. Zip JUICE 46 oz. 250 JUICE- 46 oz. 320 Herring F I S II- - 21 oz. can 220 PURE LARD 4 lb. carton 610 8 lb. carton $1.20 8 lb. pail $1,29 CASH GROCERY COM Telephone 162-J Newest Modern Stitcher Modern LAMAC-W ELD for Invisible Soling. Champion Shoe Shop Buy War Bonds and Stamps Come In and Visit . . . Drinks Meals Wine Served Cold The Tavern Main Street BUY WAR BONDS From Uncle Sam and Your Insurance From Atkins Insurance Agency 58 N. Main SU Waynesville DOVUI FOR HEALTH DUlffl. AND FUN! Ladies 10c Gents 15c Gents 10c until 6:00 then 2 for 25c PISGAH BOWLING ALLEY HENDERSON'S Across from Post Office ' : Specializes on Tourist Wants Quality Cigars Quality Cigarettes Quality Sodas Mountain Novelties Visit Us Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted CON S U L T DR. R. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST 125 Main Street Wells Bldg. For Appointment Telephone 2483 Cantos, N. C. FOOD PREPARED AND SERVED AS YOU LIKE IT CHARLIE'S CAFE A Modern Seating Place With the Open-View Kitchen Delicious Appetizing Regular Sizzling Breakfast Plate Lunch Dinner Steaks Sunday Dinner For Entire Family Phone 196 'V-'- See Service Cleaners For Service First--Satisf action Always In the Basement of the Boyd Building Entrance through the Boyd Furniture : : Store See The Mountaineer For Fine Printing A REAL TREAT Sunday Dinner At - The Parkway 85c 12:30 to 2:00 Reservations for Larg Parties PHOTOGRAPHS For excellent Mfg service Dnng i""- Sherrills Studio Depot Street Junaluska SuppK Machine W Phone 88 : Special iaing I Welding Brazing General RePlt Ga'raee -Wo LATHE & VV$U WOR Real Home Cooking " ' . ,.i,fii!.n If you like petizing, home here's the place to Ke . r 1 DTlES DINNEK r Zvrd Phone 317-W The Better Food Store" Hazelwood. N. C.

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