VffSD. AT, JULY 1 TfH WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pace 11 U ood Boy Wins 4y Contest In County District J Written By Carmel Sorth Judged Best G Counties By Cotton Lperative. i H.Jlinesworth, of Way el. H uLn declared a dis- r, f. a annual co-oper- contest, sponsored by .T Cotton Co-operative As on'in Righ. ,, nirsWorth has received a dis J np., m and will now com- winners of the four. e-year iu. -100 m cash. Wins In Contest subject "The Val- m tn ailing! fcm, itt frm r Co-operative in the lf r .....i.i rrisis." Hollings- l",fit . . :.-t. formpni tndav are a better snape lu " UI Irian hV nf a nation at w" the last World War, Llvdue to. the increase ux .,..- iHine larmeis m ' y keeping the cost of feeds, w . .. .,nA nih&r Bun. fertilizer from goinff too high; thereby, lib,, u j:r ler farmers, 10 l"1"" for victory. Uineswortn s esy under the supervision oi J. I. vocational aBncunuic of Waynesville high school. bners up in me uiswk... were John Iroy jvieaaows, hall, William F- Osborne, of and Martha lirace urinaiey, koodleaf. Each of these re. d cash award. . ...1. 41.. ftis is the niteentn year m wc al co-operative essay contest during this time, more than LA nira MCW scnooi ooys nnu L have written essays on sub- f pertaining to more promaDie ning. . he following counties were rep uted in this district: Alexander, ie, Polk, Alleghany, Gaston, an, Rutherford, Graham, Ashe, rakee, Mitchell, Yancey, Meck- itg, Yadkin, Caldwell, Clay, son, Wilkes, Watauga, Macon, i I IIKII. v V -tv.-.. w 1 -5 v x . 1 In iMlmnniiiu i in irmnmwiiiiiii im J On The Tar Heel Front IN WASHINGTON By Robert A. Brwin and Frances McKusick CARMEL HOLLINGSWORTH, a student of the Waynesville voca tional agriculture class, won first place in the district essay contest, sponsored by the Cotton Coopera tive of Raleigh. NOTICE iKTH CAROLINA, iYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. tTA McDANIEL BRAM- JTT Widow of T. R, Bram- Dec'd, et al. YS. . ' II. BRAMLETT, MAUD AMLETT ALLEN AND , SBAND, GEORGE At"" K, et al. fie defendants, Maud Bramlett n and husband, George Allen, take notice that an action en- td as above has been com ced in the superior court of ywood County, North Carolina, have allotted and set apart a ker interest of the above named cow on the lands owned by T. Bramlett. deceased; and the said lendant will further take no- that they are required to ap- f r at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County the courthouse in Waynesville, rth Carolina, on the 27th day July, 1942, and with n 10 days bafter, answer or demur to the piplaint filed in said action. the plaintiffs will aiwlv to the M for the relief demanded in f' complaint. "Us the 26th day of June, 1942. V. H. LEATHKRWnnn perk Superior Court, Haywood r-tty, n. c p. 1201 July 2-9-16-23. IHE FIRE-SIREN'S SONO 0 E K hava you CALL Davis & Co. N Estate-Rentals lnsurance SatfctuTi With Safety" r- G. Hollingsworth Studying Ways Of Farm Marketing Carmel Hollingsworth, of Way nesville, is this summer complet ing a course of study which gives him a chance to learn more about ways of marketing North Carolina farm produce profitably and at the same time to win a cash scholar ship, the National Junior Vegeta ble Growers Association reports this week. He is competing with 12 other North Carolina youths for a $500 grand national prize as well as for a $250 regional award and 10 indi vidual prizes of $100 each allotted to the Southern area from a $5,000 scholarship fund. The Office of Petroleum Coordi nator is trying to work out a plan to equalize the supply of gasoline between the North Carolina and Tennessee sections of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, according to Representative Zebu Ion Weaver. 'Nothing definite has yet been done to relieve the ra tioning situation on the North Carolina side of the park, but the Congressman is leaving no stone unturned to find a solution. Remaining in Washington over the Fourth of July, he declared , that "our one big job now is to whip Hitler and to quit grouching about every little thing on the face of the earth. Some one has to lay down the law to us, and un doubtedly that isn't any more pleas ant for the officials who do it than for the people who are governed by their regulations, . What we need is a greater and more serious war effort." TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate (As Recorded to Monday Noon Of This Wek) Beaverdam Township J. H. Vaughr by Com.; to Lee Medford. Olive Robinson to J. W. Chap man, et ux. Clyde Township J. C- Thompson, et ux, to J. R. Surrett, et ux. . Fines. Creek Townshlu . Cecil Brown to Raymond Fletch er Brown. Waynesville Township C. F. Muse, to Ned Sparks, et ux, C. A. George, et ux, to W. L. Smith. Catawba, Caldwell, Lincoln, Union, Transylvania, Jackson, Cabarus, Iredell, Swain, Burke, Henderson, Surry, Buncombe, Avery, Haywood, and Stanly. : NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA I HAYWOOD COUNTY. I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. HAYWOOD COUNTY : vs. ALDEN HOWELL, ALDA SHELTON AND HUSBAND, O. H. SHELTON, LULA DA VIS, MINNIE BOYD, ROB ERT W. BOYD AND WIFE, VERA BOYD, D. L. BOYD, III, BETTY JEAN BOYD, ALDA LEE BOYD, AND TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE. The defendants, Alden Howell, Robert W. Boyd, Vera Boyd, D. L. Boyd, III, Betty Jean Boyd, and Alda Lee Boyd, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Supe rior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to foreclose liens for taxes due Haywood County; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of - the Superior Court of said county at the Courthouse in Way nesville, North Carolina, within thirty days after the 4th day of August, 1942, and answer or de mur to the Complaint of said ac tion or the plaintiff wUl apply to the court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This the 6th day of July, 1942. KATE WILLIAMSON, Asst. Clerk Superior Court, Hay wood County. No. 1204 July 9-16-23-30. f9 Chick IN DAYS 666 KEEP THEM SPOTLESS! pS pri" Soing up and L J? C?mmS d0WI it would you now have spot StfS Grit nd ;s,tfnnet', yours to us regularly. Central Cleaners Mais Street Phone 113 When big things are done in the Nation's Capital, North Carolinians help to do them. That goes for most anything, for Capitol Hill, he Federal Government and the armed services. It was a Tar Heel, Controller General Lindseay C. Warren, who signed his name to the largest financial warrant "on the face of the earth," making it possible for Uncle Sam's army to begin spend ing the $42,820,003,007 recently appropriated by Congress. Pres ident Roosevelt signed the appro priation bill, but it took the signa tures of Secretary of Treasury Morganthau and finally Mr. Warren to make the money actually avail able to the War Department. A noted North Carolina attorney, Colonel Kenneth Royall, of Golds bo ro, is one of the two officers nam ed by the President to serve as Defense Counsel for the trial of the saboteurs who were captured after having been put ashore in this country by German submarines. Colonel Royall is on active duty in the office of his old friend, Under secretary of the War Robert P. Patterson. He formerly practiced law in Raleigh with former Gov ernor J. C. B. Ehringhaus. While they are in Washington, the saboteurs are in custody of still another North Carolinian, Brig. Gen,. Albert A. Cox, formerly of Raleigh, who is Provost Marshal of the District of Columbia. . ... 1 Politics" has taken a back seat since Pearl Harbor, but something happens occasionally to help keep the wheels of Democratic party machinery in motion. The Demo cratic National committee held a dinner last week at the Mayflower Hotel for southern congressmen. navy moved in the day after we completed the airport at New Bern. Charlotte would never have had an air command base had it not been for the same reason," he said, "WPA workers are about through paving the new Asheville airport." The morale' and quality of the Nation's great army is excellent, and the people "are determined to win this war," Senator Robert R. Reynolds, chairman of the Senate Military committee, declared when he returned to Washington from a four-week tour of army camps and defense areas east of the Missis sippi River. The Senator stressed the need for a second front in Europe "as soon as our military authorities say we can" but he refused to put him self "in the position of being an armchair strategist" and declared the second front should be inau gurated "when we have the mater rial there because that's what it takes to win. "We are building an army of gen tlemen," he said, "The soldiers I saw were conducting themselves well, and I never saw a soldier or officer under the influence of liquor during all my travels. The men are careful of their personal ap pearance and their uniforms fit them well." He attributed the fine conduct of the soldiers to the co-operation of private citizens in furnishing them good wholesome entertainment. In New Orleans he took a ride in one of the new type of invasion boats that will carry 200 soldiers. 200 tanks and other equipment. At Fort Knox, Ky., he drove one of the army's newest tanks. . The Senator is convinced more than ever that the Government should hold no bad news back from the people. "Bad news doesn't phase the American people one bit, and the Government should tell them the truth, as quickly as it can be told," he said. Sixteen Receive Applications From Rationing Board Sixteen persons received favor able action oa their applications to the tire rationing board here this week, it was learned from the clerk. Those granted applications were as follows: James M. Moody, of Waynesville, hauling logs and acid wood, 1 truck tire; W. R. Bradley, of route 1, Clyde, hauling farm products to market, 1 truck tire and 1 truck tube; J. B. Hannah, route 2, Waynesville, hauling logs and lumber, 1 truck tire. Olis Allison, route 2, Waynes- C; C. MeGinnis, of Raleigh, State WPA administrator, made a brief report on the current WPA pro gram in North Carolina when he stopped off at the United States Capitol on his way to Chicago for a meeting of state WPA execu tives from all over the country. "We have a lot of defense pro jects under way in the construc tion field," he said, "while in the non-construction field we are staf fing civilian defense offices, spon soring recreation programs for camps, maneuver and war indus try areas, and conducting the child welfare program in the schools. An extensive gardening and can ning program is how under way, the canned foods to be used for next winter's school lunches. The administrator said a survey showed that during the past seven years WPA had constructed or aided in constructing 22 airports in 21 North Carolina cities, includ ing two at Elizabeth City, one of which is used by the coast guard. "The significant thing is the number of these airports now be ing utilized by the army and navy," he said. "The army would never have gone to Goldsboro unless the airport there had been ready. The NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Haywood County made in the Special Pro ceeding entitled "T. L. Green, Ad' minstrator of the Estate of Mrs. O. Young, . deceased, vs. Mary Young Haney, et al.", the same being No. 238 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Monday, the 20th day of July, 1942. at eleven o'clock a. m. at the Courthouse door in Waynes ville, N. C.f offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that cer tain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the Towa of Waynes ville, Haywood County, N. C, and more particularly described as fol lows, to-wit: , BEGINNING on a stake at the Northeast corner of the old hos pital lot and on the North side of a street and runs N. 13" 30' . 63 feet with side line of street to stake; thence N. 67 30' W. 83 feet to stake in line of lot No. 12; thence S. 20 W. 53 feet with West line of Lot No. 12 to stake in hos pital lot line and corner of Lot 12; thence S. 67 30' E. 90 feet with line of hoepifaI lot to the BE GINNING. This June 16th, 1942. T. L. GREEN, ' Commission. No.1198 June 25-JuIy 2-9-16 r The junior Senator anticipates becoming a father again, he ad mitted when he returned to Wash ington from his trip. He was ac companied on the army camp tour by his young wife, the former Evalyn Washington McLean, daughter of Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean, Reminded of reports circulated in Washingfonduriftg"his absence that his wife was anticipating a blessed event next December, the Senator declared "I can't deny it." The North Carolina delegation in. the House of Representatives has revealed that the Reconstruc tion Finance Corporation and the Office of Price Administration are trying to find a way to keep the (Eastern Seaboard from bearing the burden of the recent 2ty cent a gallon increase in the price of gas oline. At the same time, it was announced the War Production Board was expected momentarily to approve a plan for reallocating to nearby stations the gasoline quotas of filling stations that have been forced out of business. For several months, the public ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Lonzie Messer, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at his office in Waynesville, N. C, on or before the Hth day of June, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 11th for of June, 1942. T. L. GREEN, Administrator of Lonzie Messer, deceased. No. 1191-June ll-18H25-July 2-9-16. NOTICE OF SERVING SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY vs.' ' E. L. BAIN, if he be alive, or if he be dead, his heirs at law, and his wife, if any, by what ever name she may be known. The defendants, E. L, Bain, if he be alive, or, if he be dead his heirs at law, and his wife, if any, by whatever name she may be known will take, notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina, te foreclose liens for taxes due Haywood County; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county at the Courthouse in Waynesville, North Carolina, within thirty (30) days after the 1st day of August, 1942, and answer or demur to the Com plaint of said action or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This the 1st day of July, 1942. C. H. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk Superior Court, Haywood has awaited with great interest the final draft of the new tax bill which will be the largest in the history of the nation. At this writing, jt is quite possible that the bill will not reach the floor of the House until Monday, July 20. Representative Robert L. Doug ton, chairman of the House Ways and Means committee, which has handled the bill, refused to make a definite forecast. The committee spent last week going over the measure as it was written by the legislative drafting service after countless weeks of committee hear ings. V ";','' The House is expected to debate the bill for a week under a closed rule that will prevent the intro duction of any amendments of ma jor consequence. When the Housi' is through with it, the Senate finance committee, f which Sen ator Bailey is a member, will take it over for hearings, and the House probably will take a late summer recess, with mosti other major legislation out of the way. Birthdays Fix Order Numbers In 5th Registration Registrants of the fifth registra tion under the selective draft ser vice will be given their serial and order numbers on the basis of their birth dates, it has been an nounced by the local draft board. There will be no national lottery in Washington to determine the order numbers of the men who reg istered on J une 30th, as in other ville, hauling livestock, acid wood and logs, I truck tire and 1 truck tube; Waynesville Wholesale, Way nesville, wholesale grocery, 1 truck tire and 1 truck tube, W. D. Ket ner, Waynesville, hauling livestock and farm products to market, 1 truck tube. L. L. Allen, Waynesville, haul ing pulpwood to Champion Fibre and Paper Company, 1 truck tire; Clyde Riggins, Lake Junaluska, hauling tan bark, acid wood, and lumber, 2 truck recaps; S. J. Moody, Waynesville, wholesale milk hauler, 2 truck recaps. Massie Funeral Home, Waynes ville, ambulance service, 2 ambu lance recaps; Viron Elliott, Way nesville, hauling shuttle blocks, 1 truck recap and 2 truck tubes; C. W. Minett, Waynesville, rural mail carrier, 1 truck recap; Glenn Mc- Cracken, route 1, Clyde, AAA, farm supervisor, 1 passenger re cap. Gussie Noland, route 2, Waynes ville, hauling farm products to market, 1 passenger recap; G. C. Plott, Waynesville, fish and game warden, 1 passenger recap; G. Z. Shoaf, Waynesville, common car rier, 1 truck recap. registrations. Tha local board has be-n order ed to arrange the registration cards of registrants in a pile ac cording to their respective dates of birth so that the cards of reg istrants born on January 2, 1922, will follow the cards of those bora on January 1, 1922, and so on to the bottom of the pile where; those born on Jane 3, 1923, will be located. When the local board has card for two or more registrants born on the same date, such cards shall be arranged in alphabetical order. Serial numbers will be assigned to the registrants so that the reg istrant whose card heads the list will be serial number one. Th registrant whose card is second from the top gets serial number two, and so on through the list. The registrant with serial number one will then be given the next available order number in his lo cal boavd. By placing registrants of the fifth registration at the end of the lists of previously issued order numbers, national headquarters point out that classification of the 20-year-olds who registered on June 30 is not expected to begin until classification of previously registered men of military age has been completed. Classification of the 18 and 19-year-olds who registered on June 30, will be withheld until they reach the age of military liability, the local board pointed out. CARS The 34,000,000 motor vehicles in the United States, serving 130, 000,000 people, are riding them selves off the road at the rate of 2V4 per cent a month. . McKay's Pharmacy At Hazelwood Brings You 60c Size MURI N E 49 25c Size BAYER'S ASPIRIN 19 $2.00 Size TONIC $167 25c Size B. C. STANBACK 19 Cleanser or Soap OCTAGON 4' 125-Foot Roll WAX PAPER 14 25c Size ANACIN TABLETS 19 Evening In Paris Harmonizing Plus Tax Malte-Up Set ii 40c Size Fletcher's K C CASTORIA 2)-l 10c Size SV EM N S O '& w jra .a t . mmmmm jeris tomo rsg. ana ff Hair Tonic .& Oil W $1.00 Size Honey and Almond f , LOTIONv.fi PHONE 392 Hazelwood A Rexall Drug Store PHARMACY Established In 1926 MAIN STREET Cevnty. No. 1203 July 2-9-16-22.

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