Page 5 1942 ,.. .r iTMT-nw.T v UMTVTATVTBR . . ' "'. . ' ,.'."''' urn nAhiMnw- wv.. . ....... . . - i " i : . . . Tv.;nRnn. of Can-1 I. .,M lUW'- - . I 9'".;. ease, is u""- tjvt case, bbiy.: Mrs. i n ie '-fnrtably Rotarians Issue OS PITAL Weekly BuUetin M. R. Williamson, Secre tary, To Edit Service Club News; Committees Named. Th ftnlflrv finer ia trio mim nf j rnAe alter-1. v . f . i , ... . ggnson, o1 ' ' ine puDiicauon wnim win De is Jmnroving. I cmpd weeklv to members nf the Wa rniT.11 U it rxT jPli iK on si .! ip.ves, of Lake Junaluska.ij fe M R winiamson ai80 gec. lehs2lL. is resting more com- eUry of tfce dub The first issue appeared last week, and contained the committee appointments of the year as made PrfC.nton. medical case, is of Mrs. J. J. Pr?" Waynesville, is better. Burl operativ Nease, of Canton, p case is resu'B Mrs. Laura Parkman, of Clyde, medical case, is resting fairly well. of Canton, opera- case, is rlt"- Parver, of Canton, 1SS u" l u imoroving. rstive c. - Miss Ora Cox Gaskins, of Can ton, route 3, medical case, is better. Letters To Editor Peiley , Prosecutor THE LYNCHING RECORD Editor The Mountaineer, I send you the following state. m lent concerning lynchings for the first six months of this year. t I find according to the information compiled at Tuskegee Institute in the Department of Records and Research that there was one lynch ing recorded in the first six months of 1942. The person lynched was a Negro. The offense charged was: Suspect ed criminal assault. The state in which the lynching occurred is Missouri, A reported case of a lynching in Texas is now under investigation. Very truly yours, F. D. PATTERSON, President. Editor The Mountaineer, Tobacco should be harvested Baby Fatricia Anne Park, - of when fullest of oil in order for it Waynesville, medical case, is fair- to cure easily and be rich and su- ly wen, Iperior in quality. Oil does not ; I evaporate in the process of curing in tive case is resting M- l- warns, oi canton, route hke the sap does and remains to l' TLv,iv ' 1, medical case, is resting some give wealth to the weed. Oil and I ....w Wells, of Canton, I rs. na"1' 1Tf comi"'li""' condition of John Henry, of j C t..,.hiska. meaicai . c-,. n;f ( ;er. better. Isan (water) do not mix. hut come land go at intervals during the life Bobby Melvin Roberts, of Can-1 of the plant. When the sap rises it dler, route 1, medical case is rest ing lariiy well. by President Hammett, as follows. Club service, Dr. S. P. Gay, DISCHARGED chairman. Among those discharged from Classification and membership, the Havwood County Hospital dur- E. L. Withers, chairman, j. C. T.. j I ine the Dast week were: Mrs. Henry Brown and Ralph Prevost. h. condition oi Mrs. , y I Sutton. Mrs. James Hendrix. Mrs. Fellowship: J. Dale Stentz, chair r , j f Wuvnesvilie. is gouu. , T . ., , t d ni.. rh..n. fcwioru, i" " -j ' ij. j. joiies, inrs. r . A. jidsoii, mrs.i""" T '-.,-, IJohn Ford, Miss Betty Jo Calvin, Kay i&'jX& W. J, Clardy. Mrs. 0. R. P, tase, is " Roberts and baby, Mrs airs. Be" w - rative ca!,e' lifortably. Wilson, of Canton, is resiniK muic 1 I - 4 When the government brings sedi tion charges against William Dud ley Peiley, Silver Shirt leader, within few weeks, it will be rep resented by special prosecutor Os car Ross Ewing (above). The ap pointment of the attorney has just been announced in Washington by Attorney General Francis Biddle. (Centra Presi) Twenty New Books Added To Shelves Of Local Library A number of books have recent- Getting Tires For School Busses Is Growing Problem RALEIGH "We are1 in bad lv been added to the shelves of shape and I want the people to J ... . . . : Unn. hv wfllra - im Mrs'. iical kby Barbara Program: Jack Messer, chair- George man. W. H. F. Miller, Aaron Pre- T White and baby, Turner Smathers, vost, J. Dale Stentz and Dr. R. H Ann tranK, oi i ... . n-,v ., c.t,. Mrs. F. E. Boydston, Miss Betty Joe Smith, Mrs. Albert Clontz, Walter Neal, Ben Cutshaw, Mrs. H P. Roberson, Mrs. Herman Fie, Eugene Moffitt, Harley Tate, Mrs James Dayton and baby, Miss Mar tha Davis, Mrs. Roy Shoaf, C. R. Shipley, Clarence Hooper, Mrs, David Hick, Mrs. Hillard Haney, Mrs. Samuel Robinson, Mrs. Lee McCracke( chairman L,ampoeu, Airs. ari nicKman, ana i goy's work- R. C Stretcher, Public relations: W. Curtis Russ, chairman, M. R. Williamson and E. L. Withers. Attendance: Hugh Massie, L. N. Davis and J. C Brown. Budget and audit: C. G. Miller, chairman, Yates Bailey and M. D. Watkins. Community service: Dr. J. R. BIRTHS McBride, chairman. William Medford, R. B. Davenport, Ben Colkitt. Rural Urban: Howard Uapp, War Creates Place For More Legumes American guns ne-d plenty of ammunition to blast the Axis, and ammunition must be made largely from nitrogen products, one of the most important, ingredients in commercial fertiliser's, Tkut i the sittiHtion facinBT farmers for the duration of thej.soil with much of its needed Waynesville Public Library, it was learned from the librarian during the week. The books are selected by Mrs. William Medford, chairman of the book committee of the library board and the committee members. The list includes the following: "All That Glitters," by Keys; "Re-Creation," by Grace Living stone Hill; "Dragon Seed," by Pearl Buck: "The Moon is Down, by John Steinbeck; "Cross Creek," bv Margaret Rawlings; "Astra," by Grace Livingstone Hill. "And Now Tomorrow," by Rachel Fields; "The Commandos," bv E. Arnold; "Heads You Lose," by Christia'nna Brand; "Black Orchids," by Rex Stout: "I'll Sing at Your Funeral," by Hugh Pen tecost ; "The Golden Box," by Frances Crane; "The Family Way," by Myron Brinig; "Haunted Lady," by Mary Roberts Rhinehart. "Frenchman's Creek," by Daphne Du Maurier; "DragonV Tteth," Upton Sinclair;., '"My. Friend Flocks," by Mary O'Hara; "Cap tured," by Bessy Hyers; "Breath Of Life," by Faith Baldwin; "Until Day Break!" by Louis Bromfield. produce more pork, lard, beef, mutton, butter, chese, eggs, poul try, 'vegetables, fruits, cotton, and wool than ever before. This means thv must irrow move hay and grain, even though the supply of nitrogen is shot Fortunately. Blair said, legume crops may be called to rescue the farmer from his predicament. Used in the riirht way. winter leg umes can go far in supplying the ni realize it before they wake up some morning and find out that their children will not be carried to school," Nathan Yelton, secretary of the State School Commission said recently. Although the commission needs hundreds of tires before . schools open, it's notthe first month or so Yelton, is worried so . much about but rather what will happen in the winter. Every move he has made to get new or retreaded bus tires for the system as a whole nas Ian ed. He now has instructed every county school superintendeht to make application to their county ra- tiong boards. "But until the buses actually get back on the road there are not many of them, if any, which will allow a small part of the tires we need," the commission secretary said. "I'm not blaming them. They have a tough problem. But so have we. This business of hauling some 300,000 children on worn out tires, and in many buses which are too old for service, is a serious matter." North Carolina's entire rural sys tem of consolidated schools, was based on bus transpartation. The big county schools are supposed to serve children who live many miles away. The old, small schools are torn down. It is not a question of whether we were wise to go as far with consolidation as we did," said Charles Johnson, a member of the commission. "Right or wrong that's been done. The problem now is to get the children to the only schools we have." war, and commercial nitrates may become scarcer than they were this year, says E. C. Blair, Extension agronomist of N. C. State College. At the same time, growers must HEY ALSO SERVE Mr. and Mrs. D. c. Hail, oi un- ,iira r xj nn stjinlev ton, announce the birth of a daugh- Bradirlff and 'Gliy Massie". u tfuijr oui. . i Crinn ed-Children: M.H. 'Bowles. lephone offices nowjproud- i. i . a . n display service uuya i patriotic tribute to those n the armed forces of the Nation. Although the str figures the center field of white Show the number of Southern Sell men now in the armed services, the flag might also symbolize all Southern Bell employes for all are whole heartedly serving their coun try in this great world crisis. The telephone, fittingly termed the nerve center of .the Nation, is even more vi- jtally important in war than in peace. Thus, the telephone men and women at home whose lives are devoted to its dependable and efficient function are definitely in the war. All stand ready for emergency calls at any hour of any day operators, line men, construction men, re pair men everybody. In or out of uniform, tele phone folks are doing their war work-for they all serve. nd the spirit of service was wver more in evidence than ft is today. ' ; SouTHERn Bell TELEPHon e TELEGRAPH COdlPRny INCORPORATED Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jones, of n w steti-her ; inferior in nnalitv. yiieBvjc, Bnnouuce u u. Hu h MagBje( Leo Weil, and J. H. twins, a son and a daughter on yjBy July 7th. - . , . Community Beautification. J. E. runs the oil out (oil being lighter) through the pores of the leaf to the surface where it forms a "gum" well known to all tobacco growers. nn-U-.. lmid4hI imiVicin full nf sun will cure badly and be light and planted March 29 without the ben trogen To prove this, the agronomist nointed to a number of demonstra tions conducted last year to show the value of such legumes, or soil building crops, In 16 of the demon strations, Austrian winter peas boosted th; yield of corn from 30 to 46 bushels per acre, or more than 50 per cent. In another demonstration, corn old age, efit of a Winter legume growing on the land just before and liber phos f.. I I ...Ua lirul y a rine my iMin, w..w w i.,,- f.rtiU.pH uith n troiren grew looucco iur "",. , o. . ,UBh Bfc hRrfiv btt- He found that there are l F. " r: ; , w - iommuiuiy utnuuiicoHwi, n. ji. . 70 years, tie iouna wibi e ic ' i.ij u. on i(iAr Mr and Mrs. George Wh.U v of Maggi e chairman, N. W. Garrett, better times than others for har- by corn planted May -2fl I after a izelwood, announce the birth of Ti'vl.i j T w p uv- i it tn crop of vetch was turned under ana Hazelwood, announce a son on July 7th. Mr. and Mrs. William McCrack en, ol waynesville. route z, an nounce the birth of a son on July 8th. Jimmy Neal and J. W. Ray. vesting tobacco in order for it to '1' r hvde rnnnh, w.roo t inn llr r. IM 1 .; trnrui in nilHl. P"!""" f" " Sisk. chairman. Ben Sloan. J. C. it I .hall he nleased to answer! Seven rules for successiui win- ter lemime growth which Blair lliaUlOVII AV 41 I HIIV IrL LCI B 1IUIII VWW p'"- I " Vocational service: Ralph Pre- friends, provided postage is sent w . 1 w i vosUcUirman, A P. Ledbetter, E, for. reply, f t; , rar, anu m. u.u,, N. Wood and Jimmy Neal. I . Joe, announce the birth of a son on July 8th International service: W. Roy I Francis, chairman, Leo Weil and ... r. T,;j- -i I Mr. ana Mrs. uryson iviuer, m . iun wH - - ... 11 M I V lliaii v- v 1 Waynesville, announce me Dinn oi 0ffiCers 0f the club for the year a son on juiy stn. .. . . rp- H ' fi. Hammett. Dresident: 1 m 1. 11',.1U I - - Mr. ana iurs. arn weiiii, ui . tw i,i. nrx Mont. R Kavenslord, announcea tne Dinn 01 R Wi11imSnn. P-r..tflrv and W. II. a son on juiy . . . p. Millar, treasurer. Mr. anu mr. auuch vnigut, Yours truly, W. H. DAVIS, Fork, N. C. advises are: early planting, a good seed bed, inoculation, liberal ate of seeding, proper methods of planting, fertilization, and letting the crop grow; Dellwood News A aevival began at Dellwood Baptist church last Sunday with . . . , j Rev. J. C rips, oi Asnevute, uo insr the Breaching. The pablic ia urged to attend for it ia a privi lege we don't often have. Mr. Pipes, is a fine man ana an aDM speaker. He will stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Singleton. Mr. and Mrs. Sorrells Strange and son, Mr. and Mrs. ueorge Seay and two daughters, Mm. Het tie Seay, all of Greer, S. C, visited friends and relatives in Dellwood recently. They also visited the Indian reservation and park wnue here. Mr. and Mrs. H.'B. Moody, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Kuykendall and son, Billy, made an extended trip through the Indian reservation and points of interest in the western counties. Our Florida neighbors have mov ed to their summer home on the mountain above Mrs. Shelton's. Many local people called on them Sunday afternoon to extend to them the welcome given them by the whole community. Mrs. Nancy Barnes is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Caldo nia Hannah. Mrs. Arthur Woody is ill at the home of her parents in Maggie, FRUIT Total fruit production in the 1942-43 season will be nearly as large as the bumper 1941-42 pro duction, according te the latest estimates of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. i 7V 7H 4R OR OM 7H i aKBiWM M VI AVft SOUS ALTITUUB tNUinuK lum riwi" IIIMH CAMELS ARE STANDARD EQUIPMENT WITH ME. THEY'RE EXTRA AMID WITH A FLAVOR THAT CLICKS EVERY TIME IMPORTANT fA ... . With men in the Army, Nsvy, Ms rinei. sod Coait Guard, tbc favorite cigarette is Camel. (Based en actual sale records ia Pok . Exchanges sod Canteen.) fti S?wi th.. ,1... T '"WWC !Ua' fh 'rge. tat tulfl of Canton, route 1, announce the ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO birth of a son on July 10th. I TRFDITORS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fowler, of nnalified as administra- Hazelwood, announce the birth of tor of the estate of Mrs. Ellen a son on July 10th. J Francis, deceased, late of Haywood Mr. and Mrs. Claude Norman, fit I .. jnrth Carolina, this is to Waynesville, announce the birth of tif all .ersons having Claims U .1 - . . a son on Julv 10th Mr. and Mrs. General Parks, of CI vde 'announce the birth of a daughter on July 11th Don't Neglect Them t Niture desigflfd the kidneyi to do tnarvelou job. Their taak u to keep the flowing blood tream free of an exceea ol toxic itnpuritiee. The act ot Imng !. .-.i ..tantiv oroducins waste matter the kidneya must remove (rom the blood il good neain mm ... When the kidneya lail to function t. i..ol thnra ia retention oi waate that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suner nagginn ...u, . k..H.,ho attacks of dizziness. getting up nights, swelling, puffin-s under the eyes feel tired, nervous, all worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning pnwtwc re Bometimei lurcner iucU vt i 1J - Jiatiirhanra. Dcy ur uivuuci c w . The recognized and proper treatment i. . rfi-ti, medicine to help the kidneys a t noiiionous body waste. tse boon's Pill: They have had more against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Clyde, N. C , on or before the 25th day of June, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 24th day of June, 1942. : PAUL FRANCIS, Administrator of Mrs. Ellen Francis, deceased. No. 1199 June 25-July 2-9-16- 23-30. NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. N THE SUPEIOR COURT. BEFORE THE CLERK. T. HENRY GADDY, Adminis trator d. b. n. of the Estate of W. A. Herren, Deceased, et al. VS. .'.':'':,. JESSIE HERREN, et al. The defendants, William A. Her- than forty years of public approval. Are I rpn .Tmlson Herren and wife. Jessie endorsed the country over. insist ' i0!1K110 xiBrPpn Rtwnrf Doan't. Sold at all drug stores. Ill mm "tc REST mm n Wnt Si Herren, Marjorie L. Porterfield, and hus band, Oscar Porterfield,! Roderick Herren and ; wife, Julia Herren, Bertha E. Siwnford and husband, Robert L. Swinford. Jean Herren, Dexter Nora Siler, Terry Siler and wife, Mrs. Terry Siler, will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Supe rior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to sell lands be lontrmif to the estat? of W. A. Her ren deceased, for the purpose of creating assets and lor tne iurtner purpose of partition among the heirs, and that said delendants have been made parties thereto by order of the Court dated June 27, 1942: and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Havwood County, in the - court house in Waynesville, North Caro lina, within ten days after the 6th day of August, 1942, and answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the petitioners will apply to the 'Court for the relief demanded in the original and sup plemental petitions. This July 6, 1942. C. H. LEATHERWOOD, Clefi' Superior Court, Haywood I Tl V f l? I s f I lese lines come from a very human letter. I , "We had our first practice blackout here re cently. For 20 minutes, my family and I satin Stl A ? The Scriousnes of war hit , aU harder than ever before. "Then, when the aUlear sounded and we turned the Ughts back on, warmth and reass! SETS? ,mVhC r0m' made me reali2e that whatever I soend for ..! H about the cheapest diing I buy." " A lot of folks take electricity for granted unul something reminds them how JefendaMe and cheap it really is. If yours is an' average CaroLna fam.iy, you're getting about three M much electneity for your money as 5 "Cnrea.SO"S u,jy this service is so cheap and so dependable go back to the way America of life in wh.VK r-- . 6 - " tc nave an opportunity . iuiviuuai contribut iniutn, f nenCan iDduStr ies e trie ndustry grew that way-steadily making more jobs, servxng more people, and lowering rat . ie rul uusless management. Because War in rrcr,;-" x " "v"ru5 t -"vaamauj It has riAMA J- . . . . ha,;;r ZL W Jb so America wCvUIt. poWer to produce a permanent iUckout for J1,Z tses Ho! CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 'NVESTrNAMERICAf BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS County. No. 120(3 July 16-23-30-Aug. 6

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