Newspapers / The Waynesville Mountaineer (Waynesville, … / Sept. 3, 1942, edition 1 / Page 19
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LnSPAV.SEPT. 3, 1942 (ONE DAY NEARER VICTORY) THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER ..nnnn BAPTIST THE HA-V-cS rrank Leatherwood, Pastor. ! J!v ihool 10 o'clock. Frank L superintendent - tltls: "The Alco rSem: Past and Present. ;l V, ivxt- "The way. of the H0"'- esc&ne except There " ' ' : Ugh Chn , ,c,ock trmon ?w 1 soii." pnver services Renins: at 7:30 o'clock. uaZKLWOOO- METHODIST Prt- M- Carver, Pastor. lf 11 A . Ait 'vi Saml:.v nooi.iu.uu . Vorr inu' worship 11 o ciock. Evenir.g worship 8 o'clock. pr;iv.r services each Wednesday enintr at 6 o'clock. "The Four Kinds rnion 7:00 o'clock. Grow Wheat in Public Squares in Italian Cities FUiST H VI'TIST CHURCH u ;. Hammett, Pastor. Why Hitler Hates the Church," ,iJ na tor's subject for the rmon at morning worship at 11 ock. The destiny oi au wno e Christ's Church will be por ved from God's Word. Labor Day empnasis wiu iea- !TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ol'S'TY Or HAlwuuu. ON' MONDAY, the 7th day of ;rpMiiber, l'J-JZ, ai ine ourc om door in Waynesville, at level) o'clock A. M., the., under lined Superintendent of Educa wj of Haywood County will of tr the following described prop rty for sale at public auction to he highest bidder for cash, the lid land being formerly used for chool purposes at Saunook in lajupod County, which said land 4! become useless for school pur ges, and which said land is de tribed as follows: '. TRACT NO 1 BEGINNING n i stake in field corner to school it runs N. 14 E. 120 feet to a take in a swamp; thence S. 3 W. 07 feet to a stake; thence S. 70 W 26 feet to the BEGINNING, 'ontaining 1475 feet more or less. TRACT NO. 2 BEGINNING as stake in log road up the road L 3 W-19.1 feet to Hooper's corner, nth his line 69 feet to a stake at he new road, down the road N. 20 I. 217 feet to school lot,' with the brae S. 81 E. 125 feet to the BE- IIXNIN'G, Containing 19788 feet pore or less.. The Board of Education reserves the right to revoke any and all ids at said sale. 1AYW00D COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, By Jack Messer. No. 1216-Aug. 13-20-27-Sept. 3 I r Jjji I It ti silt")J This photo, just received from London, was taken In Naples, Italy. It shows coupU of laborers tending grain In one of the big flower beds in the Piazza del Municipio, principal public square in that city. It is reported that every piece of available land is cultivated in the Axis nation as the spectre of famine spreads. This year's crops are said to be far below par. (Central Prtu) ture the evening worship 8.00; nesday evening at 8:00 o'clock, o clock as the pastor preaches on "The Working Christ." There will i WAYNKSVILLkMfTHODIST be a great gospel song service for' J. C. Madison, Pastor the congregation, Thes? song j Sunday School onens at 9 -4K services have been attended nnd Th i,, u..:..- participated in, by a larre erowd nHiA Tn ti,. .,.. u-..l. whose hearts cannot be satisfied dist Youth Fellowship meets at by secular entertainments on God's Sabbath. Also fully organized senior and junior choirs will aid in the worship service. HAZELWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. R. Crockett, Pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m., Paul Davis superintendent, Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., except 2nd and 3rd Sundays, on these dates Mr. Crock ett preaches at Bethel in the morn ings, services as usual in the even ing at the Hazel wood church. Young People's Union at 7:15. WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTE RIAN CHURCH Rev. Malcom R. Williamson, Pastor. .. . : R. H. Gibson, superintendent of Sunday school; . Sunday school at 10:00 o'clock. Morning worship 11:00 o'clock. Sermon subject: "FORCES THAT WIN." ; ; : '--' - Young people's meeting at 7:30 p. ni. Mid-week prayer service Wed- 7:00 o'clock and Worship is held at 8:00. The subject of the pastor's mes sage in the morning service will be, "Behold, It Is Good!" In the even ing Rev. John Everington, world traveler, will present an illustrated lecture 'Oh the subject, "A Pilgri mage to the Sea of Galilee." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LESSON ; SERMON Assembly rooms, second floor Masonic Temple. Sunday school 9:45. Reading room open Wednes day afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. "Man" will be the subject of the lesson-sermon at the regmlar assembly hour on Sunday morn ing. The Golden Text will be tak en from Psalms 37:23: "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord ; and he delighteth in his way." Among the citations which com- The Alcohol Problem : Past and Present (In Ancient Sodom and Ancient Israel) HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON h5 By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Usson on the above topic for Sept. 6 is Genesis 13:13, 19:23-25; Deut. S2:31-33; Amos 6:1-7, the Golden Text being Psalm 1:6, The way of the wicked shall perish.") "BUT THE men of Sodom were 'ltked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly." It does , not em that all the people living in large city could have been bad, you remember the Lord prom Bfd Abraham that If there were W good persons In Sodom, He ould spare it for their sakes. Since Abraham's time the wick jjness had greatly Increased In the cities. Those living there were ff'lty of the vilest sins. 'Then the Lord rained upon om and upon Gomorrah brim stone and fire from the Lord out heaven; And He overthrew wose cities, and all the plain, and the Inhabitants of the cities, ni that which grew upon the round." - . The vale of Siddim, where these "ties were located, is thought to abounded In asphalt and ner combustible materials, and "" district was liable to earth quakes and volcanic eruptions times the earliest to the latest During, these eruptions, ac W'ling to the hUtorian. Josephus. " Salt sea sends up in many PWes black masses of asphalt, nich lonV ii... j ss oulU in shape. This lake lies " ,owcst part of the valley of Jordan nnA It. li iKn. . . M ,va auuavc ilea K 00 feet below 0,6 Cit"Ps Wiped Out "'e do not I,.., l. ., ! that IS ,n iw-J w .- Write . ucawiucu UJ UIC burl of Genesi. whether It was Pitch, lightning, or a vol eruption, which destroyed ir-i r!sidn- but the cies were '11 out completely, out - your sins w"l And you true u n0t an idle maxim. It U cyaluU.Ve What yOUr COn "1U wron? wav. vou tinu. t happy- and if you con- ,ike that- doing things i" reanv Z' you never end ,h f "J" "ie, and tn the . ln Sins AnA , ... troy vm, 7 "ppmess wm ri rvl u as yrely as Sodom Ti in rtT. were .destroyed. true n ..J."SL. mor Ulk": it la The Z lne "w of life. verses in Deuteronomv 32:31-33, are taken from the Song of Moses which he uttered shortly before his death, Warning the Israelites to be true to the living God, whom he designates as the Rock. "For their rock Is not as our Rock, Even our enemies them selves being judges," he says. The gods of other peoples was not as the Lord God of Israel, is his meaning, as even their enemies acknowledged on several occa sions. He compares Israel's privileges with those of the pagan people around them, saying that these people were of the same type as the wicked of the two destroyed Cities. Our lesson is entitled, "The Al cohol Problem : Past and Present." In the verses assigned to us from Amos, the writer pictures the lux. of the rich and thought less In that day. ' They Take Their Ease They "lie upon beds of ivory," he says, "and stretch themselves upon the couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves- out of the midst of the stall; ; "That sing idle songs to the viol; that invent for themselves instruments of music, like David; "That drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief oils; but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph." Stretching themselves out on luxurious couches inside of sitting to eat; drinking great bowls of intoxicating liquor, instead of the usual goblets; eating of the best food in the land,-while others went cold, tired and hungry, and they took no heed. These were the sins for which it is said, "Woe unto them," and they are told, "they now go captive with the first that go captive; and the revelry of them that stretched themselves shall pass away." In the whole history of the world, the alcohol problem has been with us. Following in it wake have come many other prob lems. Expenditures for Intoxicat ing liquors top those for educa tion; there are many more sa loons than there are churches, and billions of dollars are spent on al cohol. Arrests for drunkenness; accidents and deaths, as well as crimes, all are laid at the door of excessive drinking. It ruins people physically and morally. It Is In deed literally true as our Goldea Text says, that, "The way of Mm wicked shall perish." Distributed by Kiac Features SradieaU. b NOTICE SERVICE SUMMONS HY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. HA WOOD COUNTY -- VS. ". WILLIAM C. DAVIS, MURRAY DAVIS, LULA B. DAVIS, ISA BELLE DAVIS SMITH, BRY ANT SMITH, ROBERTA C. DAVIS, THOMAS J. DAVIS, JR., ADELAIDE DAVIS, CAR RIE ELLEN MATNEY, W. L. MATNEY, WILLIAM C. DAVIS, Guardian of Emma Henderson, WHIT HENDERSON, MABEL DAVIS MOOREFIELD, ALVIN MOOREFIELD, CLEO DAVIS ADAMS AND FREEDLANDER, BELNUTH & APPLEBAUM, INC. .- v The defendants, William C. Da vis, Murray Davis, Bryant Smith, William C. Davis, guardian of Emma Henderson, Whit Henderson, Mabel Davis Moorefield, Alvin Moorefield, : Geo Davis Adams, and Freedlander, Belnuth & Ap- plebaum, Inc., will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to foreclose hens for taxes due Haywood County; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the Courthouse In Waynesville, North Carolina, with in thirty (30) days after the 14th day of September, 1942, and answer or demur to the Com plaint of said action or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This the 12th day of August, 1942. : KATE WILLIAMSON, Asst. Clerk Superior Court of Haywood County. No. 1217 Aug. 13-20-27-Sept. 3 yiVomenrN. Here is a name f to remember V A 62 year record J V of 2-Way helpV 1. Um4 u a tonle Catdaf anal ly papa ap appatita, alda dl 9rUoa, and una kalpa build mnnrriottix"Umm" toooaa. Staitod 3 day fcalan yem Urn; and takaa aa diraetad, it ikould aalp tattara pais daa to parfcuKrttaaalaaaaaa, prise, the lesson-sermon will be the following from the Bible: ''And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of uod created he him ; male and fe male created he them," 1:26-27)- CLIPPINGS Coming Friday DONT SCRAP USEFUL GOODS ' YET I The Americans have made a good deal of unfavorable comment in the past on the alleged fact that Ger man and Italian women were ask-, ed to give up even their wedding j rings to the government for the gold which could be melted down and converted into money with ' which to buy ammunition of war. Which may be a pretty good warning to a lew people to go slow, who seem to be having some 'bright ideas about asking people to sacrifice practically new and unused articles to some of our urgent scrap drives. We are not asking people to make any such sacrifice. We do not need it; not yet, certainly. The government is not asking it. In fact, we are definitely instructed not to turn in articles of rubber, aluminum, or any other material, which is being used or is useful, If the time comes when material of that sort, even the tires off our automobiles and the aluminum pots in our kitchen, are needed for war production purposes, we will give them up, and we .won't "beef" about it. But up to yet we will try to ex ercise common sense in our giving, and pay little , attention to the few crackpots who would like to get us going on some wild ideas which would be more harmful than useful. Rock Hill Herald. The first thing a young Axis journalist is taught, no doubt, is to eat and sleep while wearing a muzzle. There are 12 different kinds of snow, says a magazine article None of them, however, is self-shoveling. Oil was struck in a well 15,000 feet beneath the surface of the (Genesis earth. That's digging plenty deep to find high profits. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev, Raymond E. MacBlain, Rector 9:45 Church School. 11:00 Holy Communion and sermon. LONG'S CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, Miles A. McLean Sunday School at 10:00. Church service at 11:00 with the pastor taking as his topic, "What Men Live By." There will be an anthem by the choir. The young people will meet at 7:30 p. m. with Ray Robinson as leader. The Young Adult Fellowship will meet Tuesday, Sept-8 at the home of Mrs, Curtis Seay. Sr. JOHN'S CHURCH Waynesville, St. John's Church every Sunday 8:00 and 11:00 a. m. Sylva Community House, every Sunday 11:00 a. m. , Cherokee Qualla Hall, every 3rd Sunday 8:00 a. m. Bryson City, St. Joseph's Church, every Sunday 8:00 a. m. Franklin, American Legion Hall, every 2nd and 4th Sunday 8:00 a. m. v - Highlands, School Auditorium, every Sunday 11:00 a. m. Murphy, Regal Hotel, every 1st and 5th Sunday (C. W. T.) 7:00 a, m. ,' . ,' , .:, . -1 MORE .CATS BUT FEWER TIRES In San Diego, Calif., Ronald Curran has a cat. Ronald's cat was about to have 'kittens. So Ronald decided to leave his garage door open that night for the convenience of mamma cat. When Ronald looked in his gar age the next day he discovered that the stork had paid the building a visit during the night. Mamma cat and her kittens were there. Somebody else besides the stork had paid the building a visit too. Five brand new tires and four tubes were missing. G. F. BALI., special representa tive of the Esso Marketers, will speak before the Rotary Club of Waynesville on Friday at Hotel Gordon on synthetic rubber and on how to prolong the life of present tires. Mr- Bull is holding a piece of synthetic rubber. About the only way to live hap py in the present is to live in the past. The boss says we have a static silhouette here in the oil'iee the shadow of that new office boy. Prudence is the knowledge of things to be sought und those to be shunned. Cicero. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN SUPERIOR COURT. REBA GIBSON vs. J. T. GIBSON. The defendant, J. T. Gibson, will take notice that an action enti tled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure judgment against the defendant for an absolute di vorce on the grounds of two years separation: That the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina, at the courthouse in Waynes ville,. N. C, on or before thirty days after the 17th day of Septem ber, 1942, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 18th day of August, 1942. KATE WILLIAMSON, Assistant Clerk Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina. :, No. 1222 Aug. 20-27-Sept. 8-10 NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. COLLIE CLARK vs.. - SELMA JEANETTE CLARK. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C, by the plaintiff against the defendant for an ab solute divorce on statutory grounds, and the defendant will tuke fur ther notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty, in Waynesville, N. C, on or before 30 days from the 17th day of September, 1942, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action. The defendant will further take notice that if he fails to answer or demur to the complaint within the time required by law, the plain, tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, namely, an absolute divorce. Given under my hand and seal this the 14th day of August, 1942. KATE WILLIAMSON, Asst. Clerk of Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C. No. 1220 Aug. 20-27-Sept. 8-10. SMOOiTi aea? . Pencil affia Kb-oU. The Mountaineer - Phone 137 1L Business Directory These Firms Will Help You Get Maximum Benefits From Regular Activities and Playtime Opportunities For Invisible Soleing Try Our Modern LAMAC WELD Newest Modern Stitcher Champion Shoe Shop RAW I FOR HEALTH DVHI. AND FUN! Ladies ................... ...... 10c Gents .....,....v.............. 15e Gents lie until 6:00 then 2 for 25c PISGAH BOWLING ALLEY HENDERSON'S Aero8$ from Post Office Specializes on Tourist Wants Quality Cigars Quality Cigarettes Quality Sodas Mountain Novelties Visit Us NOTARY PUBLIC Se rvices AT THE mountaineer We Are Going To Carry A Complete Line Of- CONSf RUCTION PAPER COMPASSES ART PAPERS RULERS INKS BINDERS PENS FILLERS GRAFT OR SCIENCE PAPER WHITE AND COLORED CARDBOARD PENCILS . . . BLACK AND COLORED LEADS GLUES AND PASTE The MOUNTAINEER Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted - CONSULT DR. R. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST 125 Main Street Wells Bldg. For Appointment Telephone 2488 Canton, N. C. CHARLIE'S CAFE Delicious Appetizing Regular Sizzling - Breakfast Plate Lunch Dinner Steaks SUNDAY DINNER FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Phone 19 Service Cleaners For Service First Satisfaction Always In the Basement of the Boyd Building Entrance through the Boyd Furniture ... Store Time to Cook with Gas the Perfect Fuel Economical Clean Quick Easotane Metered Service City oai convanlanca InttaUad anywhar Brading Gas Service Church Straat Phona 202 Green Tree Tea Room is now located at the Dining Room of the Hotel Gordon Bring the family down enjoy a meal of delicious food that has made Greea Tree Tea Room famous. Green Tree Tea Room "Your Meeting Place" Junaluska Supply Machine Shop FhoneSS Specialising In Weldlnr . - B raxing Geneial Repair Garage Work LATHE ft PLANES W03K
The Waynesville Mountaineer (Waynesville, N.C.)
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Sept. 3, 1942, edition 1
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