Newspapers / The Waynesville Mountaineer (Waynesville, … / Oct. 20, 1942, edition 1 / Page 1
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0 fHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ht 31 Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park SSZZSSS jlGHfiT YEAR NO. 43 12 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. O, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1942 $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties MdDD layvood asses I lillion Sounds my T Lwoodhas gathered more than ,Ion pounds ol scrap since uc t according to Howard L county chairman, last night, $ listed tne tonnage n: vne ols of the county, ana amounts w nthur trrOllTlS. ietotiii for the schools amount to 587,174. . ' ." ;Bt frppk. Crabtree and the taction at the Armory here to d 85.640 pounds, while the in- trial group had sold or gath- 635.645 pounds, making a i! of 1,108,659. ' ' ........ 75,500 ....... .15,000 ............ 27,563 14,000 ............ 5,700 8,000 6,000 10,000 ............ 5,000 7,000 5,000 25,000 40,000 ............200,000 ........... 10,000 5,000 27,915 22,705 32,794 45,000 vnesville hiu'h ... t Waynesville .. ;ral Elementary John's ..; :...--...,. mesville colored look'.. In's Crock .. ...... Iwood ., ..... Junaluska .. ... OT .. ....... ithan's Creek .. it ., .; .... d a. C'inton .. Iverdam .. .. pylvania .. rh Canton .. .. Other Depots Cresk township ... fbtree township ., ... h.ry, Waynesville ' . listrial group ... 587,174 ....36,090 ....44,750 5,000 ...535,645 SiospBira laaifadss (Mkir (Up (M Yes Sir, Haywood Is All Ready To Gather Scrap Wednesday rand, total 1,108,659 Jie Mountaineer ' fined Other Japers In Drive F"e Mountaineer joined with F newspapers of the state in I "wring this scrap campaign October 1st tn 91 of p newspapers decided upon f rampaign at the annual sum- F meeting in Asheville in July. Itethat timo r,,. ! t ........ iiumciuug meci.iiiga 'been held, and the $3,300 in " prizes contributed by parti- newspapers. 11 addition to the cash awards, newspapers each agreed to 7 at their own expense, one 'Page advertisement, and three f Pa?es, besides news stories 'Pictures. . ; . Mountaineer is glad to have w &ctive part in the campaign. crap Information lZ in the rural area of aw, and have scrap, get in h the principal of your He will see that it is 71 Pfmptly, if you cannot " " ' the official scrap depot school. J in Waynesville or "H and have scrap you "H called 17 on Wednes- truck will come by. ' send it to any school you i tVake H to P'essley Broth " Waynesville Coal Company 'rL- for your scrP- G. C T. Lchairman f Waynes d Clyde Fisher is chair jjM Haielwood. !iTV S" Clyde, get fa ,,h F- B. Alexander, chair- teh'n Canton, get fa "h Harry Winner, Canton 09 to be hauled must be W main highway or Sil""ns' sure your il Vw0 offiel, "P de dealer not later than ,t,2ern00,U That is this is a;; Ll ) TIME. I'VE EVER REALLY TTTi I P M f lillllllllMiflll 111 ( BELIEVEO IN AvcsrrsL yl SCRAP DRIVE: TOO, DADDY i , ( 'VMy THAN ANY COUNTy l I ,N NATION IJf' Are You Too Busy To Read This? So, you're busy? Don't doubt it a bit. You live on a farm. Your hired man quit. You can't hire laDor in corapeuuun n.u. plants. The corn hasn't been cut. You're way behind on the 'fall work. . 1-1 coaitoroii nrnund the farm some inere s a ioi vi juua. - : down in that swale hole and some in the farm yard, and there's an old harrow in the fence row But you're just too busy 10 pick n uV. like 'to -help-: .." .''.''': . . a Or maybe you live in town- You're worKinfir six nays week-perhaps seven. You don't have a minute to your- " r . . . ,i .!. 4V. A rrirncra and basement self. No chance to nuni mrouS.. u. sr r: - and the attic and the back yard to see what you can pick in the way or scrap wcuu. O if that's the way you want it, Mr. Farmer and Mr. City Man. But, wait a minute? .. went flwav a while back and Remember wa '"""-- -,, maU irex b .s-N- Yrt CUr1 a up Sure, you remember that kid. Well, some of these days he'll be coming back . . . That boy who now is facing death, if he comes back, is going to know and if he doesn't come back, you're going to know that maybe just one more heavy tank or just one more howitzer or one more machine gun might have won the battle and let him come through sound and safe.'-:. You don't want him to discover that scrap iron if he comes back, do you? And you don't want to see it yourself, if he doesn't come back, do you? Let's collect it today and eet it ready for the pickup trucks which will send it on the way to reinforce that kid who's going to need all of the reinforcements he can get. Now. Wednesday is a declared holiday in Haywood. That means you can get out and get those pieces of scrap together and eet them into this phase of the war effort. Get the pieces spotted now and get them out Wednesday. You can sleep better, knowing you have done your part for that boy away out yonder who is under fire. Much Interest Ds Being Shown In All Sections Of County About Drive Reports from all sections of the county last night showed that Haywood was ready to observe Sunday hours Wednes day and make an all-day campaign in gathering every pound of available scrap for Uncle Sam's war machines. Howard Clapp, general county chairman, was in contact with rural leaders and chairmen of the four Haywood towns, and all reported much enthusiasm prevailing, and 'all set" to get out after scrap Wednesday. From down at Canton, came word from Harry Winner, chairman, that Canton expected to gather 500,000 pounds Wednesday, and that 16 trucks had already been volunteered. The bunks of the county will . also close as all other business ob-! penty 0f scrap. Under the saw serve Sunday hours. All offices dust piles, and old scrap lumber in the court house will bo closed ex-1 geraper9 ar6 finding cable, broken cept the sheriff's office and the clerk Bhafts, chains, rails and discarded ol court both proniimea oy law engine purts. It all helps. to Close. The Uotnry Club is sponsoring the drive in Wayni'svillo and Ha zolwootl, while scores of farmers have volunteered their trucks for hauling scrap from rural sections to the schools or other official scrap depots. "We ure still shooting at our goal of three and a half million pounds," Mr. Clapp said last night, as he announced that ; 1,108, 509 pounds had been col lected since October pest through yesterday. Da.ila the collect tions will be found in this news paper, . '.- Floods of several years ago ruined many an nutomobilo, and email engine. These pieces of machinery were left in the river bed, and forgotten. School chil dren have added hundreds of pounds to Bcrnp piles by digging out these metal things during the past few weeks. This is especially true up around Cru so, where several old cars were duj? out of the sand of the river. back in the mountains are finding lots of scrap around their places A meeting was held here last Many of tnem carried oia Deas, night to perfect 'ast minute de- "tovcB Rnd cots to the camP" when tails for gathering in the scrap they were first Later they Wednesday. Headquarters will be Put in better furnishings and dis ot !, iior.n, unm. nn!iin(T curded the old metal furniture. and Loan office, phone 17. A large number of volunteer and town trucks will haul the scrap from all parts of the community to the re spective schools. : A special crew of men, Working under the supervision of II. F. Donovan, vocational instructor at Canton high school, will traverse the Canton area Wednesday with special torches with Which they will cut up heavy materials so that it can be loaded onto trucks. The Canton Phalanx club, oper ating under the leadership of Bob pledged itself to help the Salvage movement Wednesday 100 per cent. It ha s already distributed "pep" scrap circulars throughout the area to remind citizens that "open house" collection will be ob served Wednesday. The second salvage shipmen In as many days left the yards of the Canton division of the Cham pion Paper and Fibre Company Saturday. It weighed more than 100,000 pounds. Scrap seekers are finding aban doned sawmill sites are yielding Now it is finding it way to the scrap heap. The growing scrap pile at the high school contains everything but a liquor still maybe they have one of those by now. The hoys went out and dug up tanks, took down stoves, disman tled motors, and have done all typos of chores where they was a reward of metal for scrap. One scrap hunter remembered seeing a highway contractor leave a cable weighing 500 pounds on a creek bank near his farm. When (Continued on back page) NOTICE The Mountaineer will be published again on Thursday of this week, and distributed on Friday. The edition will contain regular features and news. A PROCLAMATION Citizens of Waynesville, Hazelwood, Canton, Clyde and Haywood County: Whereas, it has now become apparent that unless millions of tons f scrap metal are added at once to the nation's scrap pile, the manufacturers of arms and ammunition in the United States in the immediate future may be seriously impaired through the slowing down of the output of the nation's steel mills, and Whereas, the newspapers of America have united in leading a campaign for scrap in which the newspapers of this state, including The Waynesville Mountaineer, which is taking; the lead in Haywood County, have joined enthusiastically; and Whereas, this campaign which began October 1, and will close on Wednesday, October 21, has received the support of thousands of citizens and groups throughout Waynesville and Haywood County, and Whereas this county has done a splendid Job so far, there la much more to be done ere the day closes on Wednesday, 21st. We, the undersigned do declare a holiday for Waynesville, Clyde, Canton and Hazelwood communities and Haywood County on Wednes day, 21st, at which time schools and places of business are to be closed in order that every citizen of the area may devote the entire day to collection of scrap. Witness our aignatures, J. H. WAY, JR. Mayor of Waynesville J. T. BAILEY Mayor of Canton CLYDE FISHER Mayor of Hazelwood WALTER SMATHERS Mayor of Clyde GEO. A. BROWN, JR. Chairman of the Haywood County Board of Commissioners Signed at Waynesville, October 19, 1942. iuffoGeorge-'irs Up To YOU To Get In YOUR Scrap-Do It Today!
The Waynesville Mountaineer (Waynesville, N.C.)
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Oct. 20, 1942, edition 1
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