THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER to ini vV Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park fifiWTH YEAR NO. 3, 12 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Stern Warning Given onsumers Of Fuel Ml By Board Here Board Charges Consumers Have bused Liberal Reg ulations Of First Period. e nil rnnsumers of Scores oi lua - - . . I their district Siaim , ------ nd certincates cueu m oil rationing Doara dealers m tickets tober first riod during is kets the fue. i... thuv nav fue Oil puicim" v.,w. rnd Jjecemoer ia, hich registration f nn.Hna art1 POf. J issuance 01 " , Ltes were made. The fuel oil ard in session nere muuuajr the stern warning. Several dealers have turned in- the board long lists oi names persons owing them stamps. One burner owcu ""'i' Xk board warned that the abuse the liberal ruling made wnen i oil became a rationed item, Ut that no dealer could now any fuel oil out until ticsets re collected for the full amount. , ..r in.4-:.. ls a possiDimy ui a uih ie bord also warned that the nation was os acute that there rallonage quota for the dis- ct, unless consumers turned in kets they owe dealers at once. Each person who bought fuel between October first and De btor 15, and still owes the deal- tickets, is listed on the deun- M roll, and their future allot- bnt of stamps can be held up, id all present stamps recalled Jess settlement is promptly kde. LAIl dealers have been notified by 1 board of the conditions, and krned against continuing the pctice allowed in the fall while fc stamps and certificates were ng issued to consumers. Deal- i cannot replenish their stocks less they have adequate tickets cow the tn'.v pdrchaiS. : - jFuel oil uecanie a rationed item October first, and in order that azens continued to get oil, the tiers were allowed to sell oil all persons who pledged them- ives to turn in a ticket for every lion as soon as the tickets were ued. Tk- failure on tha nart many consumers to keep this wise has brought about the con ion termed by the board as arming." The board has mailed stamps to persons making aDDlicar.inn for Pi Oil, yet a numher hnvo runnri-- they have not received the raps, lhe board warned that P person with the same name, or any other reason, received Imps which were not intended for , that the stamps should be led over to the rationing of 1 t once, as there is a severe ""ijr ior persons convicted of "g stamps for which thev did "Me application, ny person making application stamps, and have not as yet lved them. shnnU ., v, :.. ?et the matter straightened ana not borrow stamps, llat is a dangerous practice. Re-elected Speaker ICS Speaker of the House Sam Ray burn, 61, of Texas, U ihown ai he appeared when he opened the Eons of Representative for the eventy-eightb Congress, after ha waa re-elected Speaker. Be re ceived 217 votes to 206 for Repre tentative Joieph W. Martin, Jr. (Central Prttt) '42 Postal Receipts Show 5 Thousand Increase Over 1941 The receipts of the local post office for 1942 were $5,123.25 more than the year before, it was learn ed from J. Harden Howell, post master. The receipts for 1942 were $37, 365.63, as compared to $32,242.38 for 1941. The last quarter of 1942, includ ing the months of October, No vember and December, amounted to $11,500.95 in 1942, while in 1941 they were $8,977.42. The reason for this is attributed to the fact that there is more money in the community and the people are using the mails more than in the past. is eece Back From Buying Trip J. Heece, owner of Massie's mm St"'. is back after d'nR nm,. timc in New York merchandise for his firm, SeS Dpnu.-t r.. Pm.;. win-in, store, wiy ni' u-o I-...- , . .. .. uch h; v Reece worked an(i covcrol f'e there A..'"t f the meran; T i- I tlei ( liefnrn T L 1 1. York buying of the largest firms aid. hemic N ews Of ATI0NED Recent rulinga of the il ward will k P.1) of this new. eek and every week. accunt is tAte IS BnA WI UlC fle rationing board, and benefit ' Seventy-Two Reservists Will Leave Tomorrow Seventy-two reservists of the January quota under the selective service system are scheduled to leave town tomorrow for Fort Jackson, after spending a week's furlough at home. The men are asked to report at 8 o'clock to the office of. the draft board iri the c jrt house for final instructions. They will be the guests of direst George at the W. W. N. C. Cafe for coffee. Doughnuts will also be served as the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pearce of the Way nesville Bakery. A committee from the Woman's Club will distribute cigarettes to the men as they board the busses. Carl PuMiff and Raymond R. Fi.nvlin will serve as acting cor porals on the trip to Fort Jack son. Those leaving include: Joseph D. Calhoun, James E. Inman, John T. Cagle, Wilee McGaha, Paul Hedrick, Frank . Head, Charlie A. McPeak, Mamuel L. Mills, I. C. Sutton, Jerry W. McElroy, Fel bert Revis, James W. Franklin, Euzelle Robinson, James R. Hicks, Amos Rich, James L. Rathbone, Wilburn P. Caldwell, David J. Faulkner. William W. Stephens, James B. Robinson, Joseph D. Hyatt, Rob ert E. Lee, Albert L. Phillips, Jack Ray, Ralph F. Hannah, Walter N. West, Charles B. Medford, Her bert W. Burnette, Jr., Clifford L. Presnell, Berlin C. Haynes, Clyde L. Stamey, Low Parton, Bonner F. Rabb, James E. Frady, Charles R. Davis, Wilson C. Medford. John L. Head, Jr., James E. Harrell, Hardin L. Price, Raymond L. Setzer, Lloyd H. Stevenson, Os car O. Moore, Dewey bnuth, lhur- man J. Sanford, Robert M. Hall. Jr., Ralph Dotson, Lee M. Han nah, Richard R. Shoaf, Charles A. S. Hartsell, William E. Crawford. Robert E. Norris, Robert D. Lowe, Howard J. Truitt, Oscar Howell, Ranson V. Ford, Tr., Mar vin H. Parton, Homer L. Brown, Harry W. Rabb, Phillip H. Queen, Hugh B. Smith, James H. Mit chell, William C. Davis. William Duekett. J. T. Rich. Charles L. Dotson, Lloyd T. Derrick, Stanley C. Henry, David F. Smith, Sam uel Q. Burnett, and Ernest B. Messer. First Aid Classes Organized This Week, Still Open A Red Cross first aid class being organized and taught by Joe Davis. This is the second class instructed by Mr. Davis. The class will meet on each Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the court room at the court house at 7:30 o'clock. The class had their first lesson on Tuesday night, but will be open to new members who wish to take the course through Thursday eve ning. Among those who attended the first class were the following: John L. Edwards, W. M. Gaddy, Fred Marcus, Dewey Stovall, Robert Lee Brown, Milton Brown, Chas. T. Painter, Ira Marcus, Floyd Mehaffey, David F. Underwood, Jr., and J. W. West. Quits Red Cross Classification Cards Must Be Carried By Men From 18-38 All men in the state of North Carolina between, the ages of 18 and 19 who have been subject to selective service regulations for as long as six months and who do not have their classification cards, are advised to communicate with their selective service board at once, it was announced this week by the local board. On and after February 1, any one in this age group who does not have in his personal possession his classification card as well as his certificate of registration card is liable to fine or imprisonment, or both. Registrants in the 46 to 65 year old group are not affected by this order. Nevertheless in the present emergency no man regardless of age will be alowed to avoid military responsibility merely because of failure to keep his local board ad vised of his whereabouts. Local Girl Takes NYA Training, With Signal Corps Fort Mommouth Miss Margaret Frances Shoaf, of Wanesville, who has recently completed a course in the radio shop of the Asheville NYA War Production Training Project, has been placed in a war industry. She is with the Signal Corps at Fort Mommouth, N. J. rf LJ j jLVwMi H. G. HAMMETT resigned yes terday as chairman of the Hay wood Chapter of the Red Cross, because of pressure of increased duties as pastor of the First Bap tist church. Hammett Resigns As Chairman Of Red Cross Here L. N. Davis Named Tempor ary Chairman; Lot Of Work Being Done By Or ganization Here. II. G. Hammett has resigned as chairman of the Haywood Chapter of the Red Cross, a post he has efficiently filled since May, 1941. L. N. Davis, chairman of the executive committee, will serve as temporary chairman, it hus been announced. In turning in his resignation, which became effective today, Mr. Hammett stated that the pressure of his work as pastor of the First Baptist church was demanding his entire time. . Mr. Hammett is devoting much of his time in keeping in touch, and advising with the 60 men of his congregation who arp now in the armed forces. The increase in church membership has also added to his work and necessitated more visitation. "I love Red Cross work. It is something that is very close to my heart, and I have enjoyed the work and the splendid cooperation given me and others during the past 20 months. I believe there is some one who can devote more time to it than I find is possible for me right now," he said. All department of the Red Cross have been active during the past year or so, and there is much interest in the various phases of work that are being undertaken. Tax Collections Are Best Ever Made In County "Haywood county folks are cer tainly paying their taxes this year. The collections so far have been the best ever made at any time in the history of the county," said Earl Ferguosn, county tax collector, yesterday. "They seem to want to get rid of them. One thing they want to pay them while they have the money. It is the same case in every township in the county. While there is plenty of money they want to get out of debt as much as they can," he continued. "At least 95 per cent of the 1941 taxes are all paid, which to tals around $300,000. This is the best record ever made in Hay wood," said Mr. Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson predicted that col lections during the months of Jan uary and February will reach a high mark. 63 Furs Shipped From Haywood Fur Farm Yesterday Ned Moody shipped 63 valuable furs to the New York fur auc tion market yesterday, for the first shipment of the season. Mr. Moody is a professional handler of fur bearing animals, and oper ates a farm and raises mink, foxes, beavers and fitch. In the shipment yesterday were 60 mink and three silver fox. The beaver pelts will be shipped later. Mr. Moody plans to keep 40 mink breeders for next year, and anticipated raising about 125 for the 1944 market. He has retained cijjpht silver foxes as breeders. In addition to the pelts shipped to New York, Mr. Moody sent one each to a western furrier to have a neck piece made. Furniture Men Attend Market In High Point N. W. Garrett and John W. Boyd attended the furniture market in High Point this week, returning Tuesday night. Both went as buy ers for their respective firms. RETURNING FRIDAY J. C. Jennings, general manager of Belk-Hudson Company, plans to return Friday, after spending seve ral days in Orangeburg on business for the firm. 7 Haywood Men Enrolled At Wake Forest Seven Haywood county students are enrolled this session at Wake Forest College. Names of the students and that of their parents, in parenthesis, follow by towns: Canton - Frances McClain By ers, Jr. ( F. M. Byerg), Walter C. Clark (T. A. (lark), Don Hipps (S. E. Hipps), Larry L. Williams (F. R. Williams), Charles Rhae Willis ( E. C. Willis). From other areas Bruce fiuiloy Grown (('. K. Brown) Clyde; and Eston R. Caldwell, of Waynes ville. The students are well represent ed in campus activities. Clark is an end on the varsity football team. Hipps is a blocking back on the varsity football team. Wil liams is a member of the Inter national Relations Club, a mem ber of the varsity debate squad, and was elected speaker of the House of Representatives in the North Carolina Student Legisla tive Assembly this year. Brown is a senior in law school and a member of the varsity debate squad. Caldwell is enrolled at the Bow man Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest College in Winston-Salem. 3 Soldiers Arrested For Assault On Taxi Driver, Car Returned Wins Flying Cross Ml. Gen. fames R. Doolittle, U. S. alrforee oommander on the Tuni sian front, pinned the Distinguished Flyin Cross en Lieut Col. Elliot Roosevelt (above), son of the Presi dent, "for heroism and extraordi tarjr achievement while participate ing in aerial flights." . (CntralPr4$$l Haywood Farmers Complete Plans For Increasing Food Production In 1943 Taxi Operators Increase Fares Outside City Limits The taxi operators of Waynes ville are making a change in their rates today, as will be seen in an advertisement elsewhere in the paper.. They will make an extra charge for service outside of Waynesville city limits which will be based on mileage. The rates are included in the advertisement. The rate of 35 cents will remain the same in town. - Mrs. Greek WaddelL pf Asheville, is spending the week here with Mr. and Mrs. L. C Waddell. 'Tliis work of education of the farmers 1" the need or increasing jfood production in 1943 rests on jthe shoulders of the AAA commit teemen, for tne past six years it has b;en their job to explain to the farmers in the communities the work of the AAA," said J. H. Enloe, district AAA field officer, at a meeting here Friday. , The purpose of the all-day meet ing was to complete plans ior me crop production goal for 1943, which will be 14 per cent higher than that of 1942. Howard Clapp, county farm agent, presided. A maiority of the AAA 121 committeemen, which included the county officers and community members, were present for both the morning and afternoon ses sions. Mr. Clapp outlined the object of the meeting, stressing the lact that during the year all men of mili tary age would be under the con trol of the government. "They will either have to work or fieht. Farm labor problems are national problems and 1 feel that the farmer will get his labor troubles adjusted," said Mr, Clapp. "The labor problem is not acute in Haywood county, but the time may come when we will have to exchange labor and farm machin ery. We will be faced with a prob- Former Resident Sends Home To Buy Government Bonds "Please put me down for $500 for a government bond. I will send you check as soon as I- can get it from the sav ings bank," wrote Dr. Eugene Gudger to Jonathan Woody, president of the First National Bank, last week. Dr. Gudger stated if "it would help Haywood's quota" he wanted to buy his bonds in his home town. Dr. Gudger, assistant cura tor of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City,-is one of the county's most distinguished sons, and has gained national and inter national recognition in the field of science. Ilem of inadequate equipment and we will to help each other. "Our goal starts with th- indi vidual in the home garden, for that home garden will have to produce sufficient food of its kind for that family. We must all feel that we belong to one big industry and that as a unit we must take on our responsibility." J. Yates Bailey, Haywood county rarm Security supervisor, explain ed how his office is nrenared to make loans to the farmers for in creasing their production. He also pointed out that labor might be brought from other sections if the time came when it was needed in Haywood county. Mrs. Edith P. Alley, manager of the local U. S. employment of fice, told how her office was work ing in cooperation with the various government agencies in recruiting and supplyig all types of farm la bor. She also pointed out that at present local labor was avail able to meet the necessary needs. She explained the present methods of filling labor orders locally and outside of this area. Mrs. Alley urged the farmers (Continued on page 12) Victory Book Drive For Army, Navy Gets Underway The Victory Book Campaign to collect, sort and send books to the armv and navy centers started in Western North Carolina on Mon thly and will last through Janu ary 30th, according to those in charge. Fred Doutt, of Canton, is serving as county chairman. Miss Mary Mock is serving as chairman for the Waynesville, Ha zelwood and Lake Junaluska areas. Miss Mock has serving on her committee the - following: Miss Mary Medford, .1. Clay Madison, Miss Nancy Killian, and Mrs. John Sinatlu'is, Jr. Plans are to make a house to house canvass of the communities. The committee will be assisted by the Girl Scout, the Dorcas Bell Lrfve Lnapier, and other civic groups are being contacted. The Waynesville public library will serve as a depository for the books. The Asheville Citizen-Times which is sponsoring the drive in Western North Carolina, will col lect the books from the various sections in the area and take them to the general campaign depot in the Citizen-Times building. The first contribution to the lo cal drive was made by Miss Marian Boggs, according to Miss Mock, local chairman. Quality as well as quantity is be ing stressed in the campaign. The emphasis is on quality. Books that owners would like to keep are the ones to be donated. Each donor is asked to take the same (are in the selection of the trift that they would give to an indi vidual personal gift. Books asked, include the best seller--, recent books of science, ex ploration in various fields, eco- I nomic trends, political activities, modern adventures, mystery thrill ers, timely light fiction and may be behind the scenes stories grow ing out of the war. Soldiers Who Are Said To Have Assaulted Buckner To Be Brought To Jail Today. Three soldiers who are alledged to have assaulted Leo Buckner, local taxi driver, and took his car a week ago, are scheduled to be brought to the Haywood jail by members of the sheriff's depart ment today from Shelby, where the trio were arrested yesterday. Haywood officers left late last night for Shelby to get the three men, and the Plymouth car, which officers said was the taxi Buckner was operating on the night of the assault. The sheriff's department last night named the soldiers that were being held in Shelby for them as: Ralph Jenkins, formerly of Iron Duff, Earl Scates, of Haselwood, and Horace Bridges, of Forest City. Sheriff R. V. Welch notified the sheriff of Cleveland County of the theft of the car and assault on Buckner. The sheriff there watch ed for the three men and nabbed the nien there, together with the car. Bridges' home was given as For est City. Bridges and Jenkins are from Camp Gordon, near Augusta, and Scates from Fort Jackson, offi cers learned. The alledged assault took place about 9:30 on the night of the 12th, when the three soldiers hired the taxi to take them to Jonathan Creek. Upon arrival near a point near the Rock Hill school, the men ordered the taxi stop so they could examine a name on a mail box. When Buckner stopped, he said one of the men in the back seat hit him over the head with an iron pipe. He was knocked unconscious. Then, he said, one of them tried to get his pockethook, but he came to him self and kicked the assailant away, The three drove away in the car. The car was traced the next day to Cosby, Tenn. Buckner was brought to town, and he told officers he knew the two Haywood men and named them that night. Buckner was able to return to work, although his wounds on the side of the head were painful. 22 Enrolled In Defense Classes At Bethel School Twenty-two men, women and boys have enrolled in the defense class in farm machinery repair which began at Bethel Monday night. The course is being held in the vocational shop and is being taugh tby George Stamey and su pervised by I. A. McLain. The class will meet four nights a week, Monday through Thurs day and will run for two three week periods. The expenses of the course are being paid by the Federal Government. Some of the boys who are eg. pecially interested in mechanics will devote most of their time to study and work on trucks, tractors. gas engines and other motors. The repair of motors and various farm machinery is under way. farmers of the community who re interested in eettinir their ma chinery in good repair for sum mer should contact Mr. Stamey or Mr. McLain. C. Of C. Board Will Name New Officers Friday The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet Friday at 5 o'clock at the Build ing and Loan office and elect of ficers for the coming year. The president, vice president and trea surer wil lbe elected Friday. The 1943 board is composed of: W. A. Bradley, Charlie Woodard, J. R. Morgan, Mrs. J. M. Long, Charlie Ray, Guy Massie, Clayton Walker, Bill Prevost. C. A. Georms. Howard Clapp, R. B. Davenport, ana raui uavls, who served as president last year. Lester Burgin, Jr., student at Mars Bill College, spent the week end here with his arents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burgin. Allen's Creek Baptists Pay Off Their Debt The congregation of the Allen's Creek Baptist church held a spe cial services last Sunday after noon, commemorating the paying of the debt on the parsonage and Sunday school rooms. The deed of trust and notes were burned during the service. The dedication program was in charge of Rev. C. L. Allen, and the sermon was preached by Rev. H. G. Hammett, pastor of the First Baptist church. WEATHER The following Is tha official weather report for Waynesrill. u recorded bv The Uontit.in7 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 max min 47 17 B0 v 85 69 48 69 59 64 S6 58 24 24 9 pep. .00 .20 J0Q .00 1.20 .74 i

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